Bikrost HPP: characteristics, roll weight. Bikrost HPP - what is it? Bikrost XPP: characteristics, weight of Bikrost roll and other roofing materials



TSK Diplomat LLC offers a new solution roofing works- Bikrost HPP.

This material is used for waterproofing roofs, and what distinguishes Bikrost from others of this type is the presence of fiberglass in the base. This material is an economy class because it has a bitumen binder made from oxidized bitumen and the service life of such material is up to 5 years. On both sides, the bitumen layer is covered with a special film that protects Bikrost HPP from sticking together during storage and transportation.

Firstly, this material can be used when laying the bottom layer of roofing carpet as a lining material. Bikrost HPP is also used in construction horizontal foundations, ceilings between floors, boiler rooms, bathrooms and swimming pools for waterproofing. The Bikrost HPP material is a lining material, so when laying the roof you also need Bikrost HPP for the top layer roofing.


Parameter name

Weight 1 m2, kg, (±0.25 kg)




Heat resistance, °C, not less

Type of protective coating

top side

film without logo

welded side

film without logo

Length/width, m

Parameter name

Weight 1 m2, kg, (±0.25 kg)

Breaking force in longitudinal/transverse direction, N, not less




Flexibility temperature on timber R=25mm, оС, not higher

Heat resistance, °C, not less

Type of protective coating

top side

film without logo

welded side

film without logo

Length/width, m

Recently, the construction industry has been offering developers a huge selection of different rolled roofing materials. If not so long ago only natural bitumen and cardboard-based roofing felt were used for these purposes, today not even all professional builders know by heart the existing names of rolled materials and their properties. This, on the one hand, significantly improves the quality of roofing coverings, and on the other hand, makes the choice much more difficult for inexperienced consumers. Moreover, not a single company indicates the shortcomings of its products; the emphasis is always placed only on the positive properties. In order to better understand what bikrost is, you need to know a little about general requirements and properties of all types of soft roofing coverings.

This type of coating is mainly used on flat roofs with a slope of up to 12°. But in villages you can find coating options and gable roofs, most often these are old country houses or various outbuildings.

Bikrost is manufactured by the very famous TechnoNIKOL corporation, and its specialists pay great attention to the quality of their products. This takes into account not only the current requirements for soft surfaces, but also developments for the future. The roof is manufactured using the most modern equipment using innovative technologies and materials. Each batch undergoes visual technical control, and laboratory tests are carried out using a random method.

The TechnoNIKOL company produces many types of rolled roof coverings

All types of bicrost meet basic operational requirements.

Due to the fact that bikrost can be used both for the inner lining layer and for the finishing coating, the structure of both types roofing material somewhat different.

  1. Base. For these purposes, fiberglass is used (a material that is very durable in terms of physical parameters), polyester fiber (performs somewhat worse) or fiberglass ( mechanical characteristics much lower). All bases are not afraid of moisture.

  2. Bitumen impregnation. It is available on both sides of the roll, and special innovative additives are added to increase resistance to UV rays, ductility at sub-zero temperatures and maintaining characteristics after heating to +80°C.

  3. Protective polyethylene film. Purpose – to prevent rolls from sticking together during transportation and storage. The bicrost lining has such a film on both sides, the finishing film is only on the reverse.

  4. Topping made of mineral or natural stone. Available only on rolls for finishing on the front side. Purpose – protection of bitumen from hard ultraviolet radiation and improvement of design characteristics.

Technical characteristics and types of material

Depending on the purpose, each type of material has its own marking.

Table. Bicrost brands

BrandDescription of technical and operational characteristics
Bikrost HPPThe base is fiberglass, the maximum tensile force is 290 N, the mass per square meter is 3 kg. In terms of strength parameters, it ranks last among all types of roofing coverings and is used as a lining layer. There is a protective film on both sides.
Bikrost EPPThe base is polyester, the physical strength is slightly higher than that of materials based on canvas and reaches 350 N. The bitumen coating does not melt when heated to +80°C, the weight per square meter is 3 kg. Bikrost EPP can only be used as a backing layer.
Bikrost Chamber of Commerce and IndustryThe manufacturing material is frame fiberglass, which has the highest physical characteristics and can withstand loads of up to 600 N.
Bikrost TCHMaterial for finishing roofing, strength 600 N, which is the highest. A square meter weighs 4 kg, the mass of bitumen on the bottom side is at least 1.5 kg/m2.
Bikrost EKPTensile strength 343 N, the top surface is covered with stone chips to protect the bitumen from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to use on unloaded roofs that do not have heavy utilities on their surface.
Bikrost HKPStrength is only 294 N, made on canvas. Can only be used on non-essential buildings as a temporary coating. Material weight 4 kg/m2.

Recommendations for use in regions, depending on operating temperature conditions, are prescribed in SNiP 23-01. In terms of flammability, bikrost belongs to group G4, in terms of the speed of fire spread to RP4, and in terms of ignition temperature - B3. These characteristics indicate that it is considered a fire hazardous material; work requires compliance with all safety precautions.

Prices for Bikrost roll materials

Step-by-step instructions for laying bicrost

First, let's look at interesting option using a car gas equipment to connect a gas burner. Currently, many motorists have begun to abandon gasoline engines due to the constant increase in fuel prices. LPG is not uncommon; car enthusiasts have switched their cars to this cheap and environmentally friendly fuel. Such equipment makes it possible to connect the burner directly to it, there is no need to borrow or buy a gas cylinder.

Burner connection method

How is the connection made?

Step 1. Park the car as close as possible to the garage or other building that you plan to cover with bicrost.

Step 2. Open the hood and remove the plug from the gas supply unit. It is located above the cylinder head, has a rectangular shape, most often blue. Important hallmark– rubber hoses extend from this device to each engine cylinder. The plug is located on the side and is made of plastic. It is removed from the technological socket with medium force after the retaining lock is released. Pull it towards you and release the hole.

Step 3. Place the adapter on the free pipe. This is an ordinary hose of suitable diameter. To ensure tightness, tighten it with a clamp.

Step 4. Insert a piece of metal tube into the other end of the rubber adapter and also tighten the connection with a clamp, attach the burner hose. Start the engine and you can start welding roll roofing.

Such actions take only a few minutes and save time. There is no need to lose it looking for a gas cylinder, check its serviceability and warranty period, or visit a special gas station. All that remains is to lift the materials and tools onto the roof and begin the work.

Prices for various types of gas burners and blowtorches

Gas burners and blowtorches

Laying bicrost

For high-quality installation of roll coverings, a flat, clean and durable base is required. If you have an old, worn-out coating with numerous damages, it is better to completely dismantle it or at least remove the most damaged areas.

If the building has been in use for a long time and is planned to major renovation structures, one layer of bicrost will be sufficient to temporarily protect the roof from precipitation. It is this example using cheap coating that we will consider. In all other cases, laying must be carried out in at least two layers with the obligatory overlap of the overlaps of the lower panels.

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the surface of the ceiling from various debris, vegetation and dirt. Trim the ridges. Fill deep cracks and holes with a cement-sand mixture. Take all measures to ensure that cheap bicrost with a weak base does not suffer mechanical damage.

Step 2. If there was an old one on the roof soft roof, then you need to inspect it for the presence of swelling and peeling. Such places are opened and separately melted; you can cut small pieces from the new roll and cover the surface. But in most cases, repairs are completed without patches, and leaks do not appear due to swelling. They must be straightened so that the new coating does not stretch or become damaged. These are preventive measures of the same type as leveling the concrete base.

Step 3. All vertical connections must be glued in at least two layers, regardless of their number on a horizontal roof. The fact is that in these places there are maximum displacements of architectural elements, which significantly increases the risk of leaks.

Step 4. Proceed with laying bicrost on a horizontal surface. If the installation is carried out not on the old coating, but on a screed, the surface is first primed with liquid bitumen. Roll out the rolls only towards yourself, try not to walk on the hot soft surface. We have already said that the cheapest bicrost with a fiberglass base is used. The word canvas itself does not mean that it is the durable tarpaulin fabric familiar to many consumers. In fact, it does not have threads; it is not made on looms, but by pressing thin fibers. This coating is characterized by minimal strength and requires very careful handling.

Practical advice. The burner should heat not only the bicrost, but also the roof. Due to this technology, the adhesion of the coating to the base significantly increases, it does not matter, it concrete slab or old bitumen.

You need to heat the back side of the roll; there is a special plastic film on it. It should not burn, and the bitumen should not boil or bubble. Do not allow overheating; if burns appear on the front side, then this is a defect; after the deposition of materials is completed, patches will have to be installed on them. At the optimal heating temperature, the film becomes transparent, it completely melts, and the bitumen softens greatly, but does not boil or burn.

To facilitate the process and increase the safety of the work, roll out the roll with any available device, you can bend ordinary wire. Work only in dry weather with positive air temperatures.

Step 5. The second roll must be rolled out so that its edge lies exactly on a special edge without stone chips. If the installation process is correct, then molten bitumen should protrude along the entire overlap line.

Step 6. Once the entire flat part of the roof is covered, carefully finish the junctions. It should be remembered that it is better to seal all the most dangerous places with two layers.

Important. Rolled bicrost has bitumen impregnation on both sides. The bottom one must melt; it performs two tasks: it tightly connects the coating to the base and does not allow water to pass through. The top impregnation only seals the roof.

Bicrost trimmings left after laying the roof should not be thrown away. If a defect was made during the work, and swelling, peeling or depressions appeared on the coating, using these pieces it will be possible to eliminate the defects by applying neat patches.

Prices for bitumen mastic

Bitumen mastic

And universal advice - never rush, built-up roofs react very negatively to any deviations from the recommended installation conditions.

Video - Bikrost: what is it

Did you find out technical parameters and performance characteristics of Bicrost. But this is not the only roofing material produced by TechnoNIKOL. It produces a wide range of coatings of excellent quality. For the right choice you need to know their capabilities, oh brief characteristics can be read at.

If you decide to use Bicrost HPP for work, you should definitely find out what it is. Bikrost HPP is a rolled bitumen-based product designed for waterproofing works, it has a reinforcing base in the form of fiberglass, as well as a bitumen binder, which is applied on both sides. This binder contains special technological additives that are designed to improve the performance qualities of the materials, as well as extend their lifespan. On all sides, bikrost HPP has a protective coating, which is a fused film based on polymers.

If you are interested in bikrost HPP, you should definitely find out what it is before purchasing. This material can be used in all climatic zones. It is produced within the walls of the TechnoNIKOL corporation plant.

Features of the material

The basis of Bikrost HPP contains fiberglass, which is a material that does not rot. Among other things, fiberglass does not tear and has a low cost when compared with other analogues. Bikrost HPP is of high quality, and it is based on a large amount of bitumen, as well as an increased volume of binder, which is located on the welded side. Increasingly, home craftsmen are asking the question of what bicrost HPP is used for; what it is is also important to find out. The special manufacturing technology and composition of the material provide it with excellent performance characteristics, which allows the use of this waterproofing even in difficult climatic conditions. TechnoNIKOL uses the most technologically advanced equipment, as well as the latest trends, to produce bicrost, which allows us to obtain excellent material that has an excellent price-quality ratio when compared with competitors.

Lifespan of the material

Bikrost HPP can serve for 10 years, this period is guaranteed by the manufacturer; during this time you will not have to replace the roof waterproofing.

Features of use

Before purchasing Bicrost HPP, you need to find out what it is. It is used as the bottom layer of a built-up roof; when arranging the system, a vapor barrier is used, which is laid in two layers; among other things, the vapor barrier can be laid in one layer. Bikrost HPP is used as the bottom layer, while the top layer is Bipol EKP.

Material Specifications

Bikrost HPP vapor barrier has excellent quality characteristics. The temperature at which the binder component becomes brittle is around -15 degrees. Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 25 millimeters is achieved at 0 degrees. The material can demonstrate heat resistance at temperatures up to +80 degrees. The tensile breaking force is 294 N. Protective coating material is a film that is used both on the bottom and on the top.

Bikrost HPP, the characteristics of which are described in the article, has a thickness of 2.6 mm. Water absorption of this waterproofing material is 1 percent by weight, which is true if the material is exposed to moisture for 24 hours. Bikrost HPP is absolutely waterproof. Before purchasing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the roll, so the width and length are 1 and 15 meters, respectively. The useful area of ​​the roll is 14 m2. The weight of bicrost HPP, or rather the weight of one roll, is 45 kilograms. Using Bicrost HPP, you will have to use mastic, an aerator, a primer, a funnel, and a burner.

Laying technology

Bikrost XPP, the weight of a roll of which must be known before purchasing, is a weldable material that should be laid using a gas-flame method using If a single-layer base coating is used, the surface should first be treated with the primer provided

Packaging and dimensions

When purchasing on a pallet, you will be delivered 23 rolls, which is 230 square meters; the weight of one such pallet filled with material will be 1035 kg. Rolls are supplied on pallets made of wood, the size of one roll is 1.12 x 1.20 meters. The material will be installed vertically and protected with a shrink bag. To avoid deformation during transportation and storage, the rolls are equipped with heart-shaped sleeves made of cardboard. On each pallet of materials you will find a label indicating some parameters, including: manufacturing plant, batch number, shift number, material grade, quantity square meters, production date, as well as the name of the material. Bikrost HPP is produced according to TU 5774-042-00288739-99 and complies with SNiP 23-01.

Area of ​​use

Bikrost HPP is used for arranging the bottom layer of the roof, which must be flat. Among other things, this material is used for waterproofing work in the area of ​​the foundation, and is also used for basements. It is used for vapor barrier of garage roofs, screeds, swimming pools, bathrooms, as well as pipe insulation.

Additional material features

The material can be used as underlay carpet, however, it cannot be used as a finishing coating for roofing, this is due to the fact that the material does not have a protective top layer. It can be compared to roofing felt. Despite the fact that the lifespan of the material is very short, this minus is compensated by its insignificant cost; we can say that the material belongs to economy class goods, and is very similar to this material in terms of the characteristics of bikrost HKP. Its only difference is that the top layer has a sprinkle in the form of crumbs. Thanks to this, it can be used as a roofing material on roofs, but the surface should not experience heavy loads.

Purpose of the material

Waterproofing of new roofs. Roof repair. Vapor barrier.

Description of material

Bikrost is a waterproofing sheet consisting of a durable base onto which a mixture of bitumen binder and fillers is applied. The material is intended for installation and repair of roofing carpet.

Bikrost K is used to install the top layer of roofing carpet. Coarse-grained topping on the front side protects the material from exposure to sunlight.

Bikrost P is used as a vapor barrier when installing a roofing carpet (the bottom layer of the system). Fine-grained powder or film can be used as a protective layer of material.

Bikrost material can be used in all climatic regions (according to SNiP 23-01-99*).

Scope of application:

Designed for waterproofing buildings, structures and building structures.


Bikrost is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen binder consisting of bitumen and filler to a fiberglass (fiberglass, perforated fiberglass, frame fiberglass) or polyester base, followed by application of protective layers to both sides of the fabric. Coarse-grained (shale, asbagal), fine-grained (sand) coatings and polymer film are used as protective layers.


Depending on the type of protective layers and area of ​​application, Bikrost is produced in two brands:

Bikrost K— with coarse-grained topping on the front side and polymer film on the underside of the canvas; used to install the top layer of waterproofing with sun protection;

Bikrost P— with fine-grained topping or polymer film on the front side and polymer film on the bottom side of the canvas or fine-grained topping on both sides of the canvas; used for the installation of lower layers of waterproofing.

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Table of Material Characteristics:

Parameter name EPPChamber of Commerce and IndustryHPPECPTCHHKP
Weight 1 m2, kg, (±0.25 kg) 3.0 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 4,0
Breaking force in longitudinal/transverse direction, N, not lesspolyester350/- - - 350/- - -
fiberglass- 600/600 - - 600/600 -
fiberglass- - 300/- - - 300/-
Flexibility temperature on timber R=25mm, оС, not higher 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heat resistance, °C, not less 80 80 80 80 80 80
Type of protective coatingtop sidefilm without logofilm without logofilm without logogranulate, slategranulate, slategranulate, slate
welded sidefilm without logofilm without logofilm without logofilm without logofilm without logofilm without logo
Length/width, m 15x115x115x110x110x110x1

Work execution:

According to the “Guidelines for the design and installation of roofs made of bituminous materials from the roofing company TechnoNIKOL”, it can be used in all climatic regions according to SNiP 23-01.

Bikrost is one of the TechnoNIKOL roll roofing options. It is a strip of base on which layers of bitumen are applied on both sides. The canvas has a protective coating on both sides.


Issued various types canvases that differ in base material and top layer coating. For TechnoNIKOL roll roofing, a three-letter marking is used.
The first letter of the type indicates the base of the roll:

  • “X” - base made of perforated or regular fiberglass;
  • “T” - frame fiberglass;
  • “C” - ordinary fiberglass;
  • "E" - polymer base(polyester);
  • “O” - special cardboard;

The second letter determines the top side coverage:

  • “K” - granulate (coarse chips) or flake topping with slate;
  • “M” - sand or dusty coating;
  • “P” - polymer film;

The third letter indicates the coating of the lower (surfaced) side:

  • “P” - polymer film;
  • “M” - sand (fine-grained powder);
  • “B” - ventilated;
  • "C" - self-adhesive.

The most common brands are HKP, TKP, KhPP, TPP.

Possible applications

Bikrost with a granular layer (marked “K” and “M”) is suitable for the top layer of roofing carpet, since this type of coating provides protection from exposure to sunlight, including ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, temperature changes and other aggressive factors.
However, caution should be exercised when using it in areas where high solar activity is expected.
Bikrost with a top film coating (marked “P”) can be used as the bottom layer of a roofing “pie”, as well as for the waterproofing layer of roofs, basements, floors, foundations, interfloor ceilings and to protect premises from steam.
It can also be used for insulation water pipes. It cannot be used as a top roofing covering, since it does not have a protective layer.

According to its technical characteristics, Bikrost is suitable for flat roofs or roofs with a low slope.


Main technical characteristics roofing materials that determine their possible applications are:

  • waterproof;
  • heat resistance (defined as the maximum temperature at which deformation does not exceed the permissible value);
  • tensile strength (defined as the force required to break a 50 mm wide strip);
  • flexibility (defined as the minimum temperature at which cracks do not occur when bent on a rod with a diameter of 25 mm).

Flexibility and tensile strength affect waterproofing characteristics, since the protective functions of the material appear only in the absence of breaks and cracks. The service life of the material also depends on the technical characteristics.
All brands of Bikrost "Technonikol" are 100% waterproof, which determines their use as roofing and waterproofing material.
The fabric based on frame fiberglass (types TKP, TPP) has the greatest strength - 700 N. This is 2–2.5 times higher than other brands.
Significantly inferior to frame fiberglass are brands based on polyester (EKP, EPP) - 343 N and fiberglass (HKP, KhPP) - 294 N.
The least durable brands are based on cardboard. Although the KhKP and KhPP grades have lower strength, due to their lower price, their use is beneficial in auxiliary buildings and structures.

All brands of Bikrost "Technonikol" do not lose flexibility at temperatures above 0º C and do not deform at temperatures up to +80 º C.

In terms of its technical characteristics, Bikrost is superior to roofing felt and similar materials. Its disadvantage is its short service life - from 5 years for fiberglass-based canvas to 7–10 years for fiberglass-based rolls.
Despite the existence of materials with higher technical characteristics, Bikrost TechnoNIKOL remains an attractive material due to its low price.

Dimensions and weight

The material is produced in rolls 1 m wide. The length of the roll is 10 m for rolls with a granular top layer (HKP, TKP) or 15 m for material with a top film layer (HPP, TPP).
When calculating required quantity It is important to consider that when laying the canvas, an overlap of up to 10 cm is required.
Fabric thickness:

Weight 1 sq. m is:

  • 4 kg - for grades with grain coating;
  • 3 kg - for film-coated canvas.

Accordingly, the weight of a roll of TKP, HKP, EKP brands is 60 kg, for TPP, KhPP, EPP brands - 45 kg.

Fire hazard

Bikrost is a fire hazardous material of the 5th fire hazard class:

  • highly flammable (group according to GOST 30244-94 - G4);
  • highly flammable (group according to GOST 30402-96 - B3);
  • with strong flame spread (group according to GOST R 51032-97 - RP3).

In this regard, when fusing, it is necessary to carefully observe the standards fire safety. You can learn how to properly fuse Bikrost from the following video.

Sergey Novozhilov - roofing materials expert with 9 years of experience practical work in the area engineering solutions in construction.