2 days delay of monthly signs of pregnancy. How to feel pregnancy before a delay: the first signs are doubtful and reliable. When can you take a pregnancy test?

After conception, many women feel the birth of a new life even before their period is missed. They claim that the birth of a child is felt due to certain signs. There are a number of common factors that indicate pregnancy. Organism in various ways signals that the woman became a mother even before her period was missed.

How to recognize pregnancy in the early stages

At the initial stage, the signs that a girl is expecting a child are somewhat similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. This is due to the fact that before menstruation, a woman’s body is potentially preparing for fertilization, and all signs are associated with this process.

Thanks to the active action of the hormone progesterone, characteristic symptoms PMS. The mammary glands swell and become more sensitive. A woman constantly feels a full bladder, irritability, apathy, etc. appear. If conception does not occur, then the symptoms disappear and menstruation begins. In the early stages of pregnancy, all signs intensify.

The first month of pregnancy is an important and very exciting period in the life of every expectant mother. In practice, it turns out that a woman spends most of this wonderful period of laying a new life either in ignorance or in doubt whether she succeeded in conceiving a child.

A test with two stripes and the absence of another menstruation are clear signs of pregnancy, but you really want to know literally from the first day that the long-awaited baby has already been conceived and is going through the most difficult path of becoming a full-fledged person.

The female body begins to signal the beginning of the development of pregnancy much earlier than the cessation of menstruation, which we will talk about in this article. The very first signs of pregnancy before menstruation cannot be called one hundred percent, and they are not always observed and not all, however, they occur and can be traced in the majority of expectant mothers.

Subjective feelings of a woman

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay, felt subjectively, can be noted by every expectant mother at the beginning of pregnancy, since incredible changes are already taking place inside the body, invisible to the eye, but revealing themselves through certain features of sensations. Many of the listed signs may be present in women suffering from PMS (see), however, after conception, similar symptoms and changes can be felt almost immediately. Moreover, if a woman does not suffer from PMS, then such changes can be mistaken for unusual ones.

Malaise Malaise in the first days of pregnancy can be mistaken for a mild cold, only without respiratory symptoms. There is rapid fatigue and tiredness
Emotional destabilization Tearfulness, replaced by euphoria, joy and tears at the same time are frequent companions of developing pregnancy, especially in emotional and impressionable women
Drowsiness and restless sleep Drowsiness and a feeling of lack of sleep are signs of pregnancy in the first days. There is a constant desire to sleep, but even a 12-hour sleep does not bring the feeling that the woman has had enough sleep. Characterized by sudden awakening early in the morning and inability to fall back to sleep
Change in libido A change in libido, either increasing or decreasing, can be observed throughout pregnancy and begins from 2-3 weeks
Heaviness in the pelvic area The feeling of fullness in the pelvic area due to increased blood flow to the pelvic structures is perceived by many women as the feeling of their own uterus
Tingling in the uterus There are periodic mild tingling sensations in the area of ​​the uterus
Lower back pain radiating to legs Periodically there is pain in the lower back, similar to lumbago, radiating to the legs
Headaches, migraines The headache may persist throughout the day and subside only at night
Increased or changed breast sensitivity Excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands, manifested as a reaction to the slightest touch, pain is observed in most pregnant women. In some cases, a woman practically cannot touch her breasts - these unpleasant sensations are so strong. Loss of sensitivity is observed in those pregnant women who previously experienced increased breast sensitivity before menstruation
Feeling hot and cold The feeling of suddenly feeling hot and then starting to shiver overwhelms a woman several times a day. Moreover, these sensations are internal and do not depend on external factors (weather, clothing, ambient temperature)
Increased appetite or strong cravings for certain foods Many women note a brutal appetite and literally cannot move away from the refrigerator, since what they eat does not give them a feeling of satiety. Cravings for certain foods and drinks begin already at the beginning of pregnancy, and it is impossible not to notice this, since the pregnant body often chooses as priority products those that were previously absent from the diet
Nausea Attacks of nausea, especially in the morning, which can lead to vomiting. Characterized by aversion to certain foods, memories of which automatically cause nausea
Increased sensitivity to odors and distortion of the olfactory senses Rejection and even aversion to previously familiar smells - perfumes, cooked food, the body of a spouse, etc. Against this background, a craving for chemical odors (gasoline, acetone) may appear. It is interesting that some women begin to smell an atypical odor from products, for example, the smell of oil from fruits. These first signs of pregnancy appear 3-5 days after conception, the woman immediately notices unusual olfactory sensations
Discomfort while sitting Literally from the first days of pregnancy, it is difficult for the expectant mother to find a comfortable position in a sitting position; the feeling that something is in the way does not leave the woman, which forces her to fidget in her chair and change her position

External changes

The body gives the first bells of nascent life by changing externally. Often a woman does not notice these changes, but others may notice some features of the expectant mother’s appearance.

Swelling of the face, arms, legs There is a slight puffiness of the face - all day long the face looks as if the woman just woke up. Swelling of the hands is noticeable if you try to clench them into fists. It’s difficult to put previously loose shoes on your feet in the evening
Acne A sharp hormonal change leads to the fact that women, even those who have never suffered from acne before, discover these skin phenomena.
Bloating From the first days of pregnancy, the intestines become “lazy” and perform their function more slowly, leading to constipation. In addition, increased production of hormones leads to swelling of the intestinal walls. All this is manifested by visible bloating.
Increased venous pattern on the chest There is a noticeable venous network protruding through the delicate skin of the breast
Breast augmentation Breasts become fuller and lush. In some women, already in the first month of pregnancy, their breasts increase by 1-2 sizes
Darkening of the skin around the nipples It can be barely noticeable, or it can be clear in the type of pigmentation
Redness of the facial skin A blooming blush appears on the skin due to increased blood circulation. This sign is especially clear in the evening.
Change in pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen The conventional line running from the navel down becomes pigmented and gradually darkens

Physiological and laboratory changes

Physiological changes sometimes frighten a woman and force her to see a doctor, but in fact, these may be signals that the first stages of pregnancy have begun, and the body is intensively changing to suit the interests of a new life.

Early pregnancy factor This is a special substance found in the blood of pregnant women or cervical mucus 28-48 hours after conception. According to international studies, this factor is found in 67% of pregnancy cases. Its growth is observed throughout the first trimester. This diagnostic has not yet found widespread practical application, although some doctors use it.
Growth of the hormone hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin Special tests or analyzes determine the increase in hCG levels, which indicates the presence of pregnancy and its normal course. It is important that this indicator increases even before a missed period:
  • 1-2 weeks - 25-156 mU/ml;
  • 2-3 weeks - 101-4870 mU/ml;
  • 3-4 weeks – 1110-31500 mU/ml;
  • 4-5 weeks – 2560-82300 mU/ml;
  • 5-6 weeks – 23100-151000 mU/ml;
Bloody vaginal discharge Normally, it is difficult to call them discharge; rather, it is smearing or small droplets of yellowish or pink color. Their onset occurs 7-12 days after conception and indicates the consolidation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. The cervix may also bleed if there is a history of erosion - increased blood circulation during pregnancy leads to increased bleeding
Exacerbation of hemorrhoids Since blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, hemorrhoids may worsen in the first weeks
Increased basal temperature The first weeks of pregnancy, before the placenta begins to function, are characterized by an increased basal temperature of more than 37 C (37.1-37.5) - before menstruation, in the case where conception has not occurred, the basal temperature drops from 37.2 - 37.3 to 36 ,6-36,8 and the next day menstruation occurs. And if on the days of your next menstruation the temperature remains above 37, this may be a consequence of either pregnancy or simply a delay due to late ovulation.
Calf muscle cramps This phenomenon occurs at night and forces the woman to wake up
Low blood pressure The decrease in pressure is especially obvious in hypotensive patients, since their numbers reach 90/60 mmHg. and lower, which leads to dizziness, weakness and even fainting. This phenomenon is provoked by standing for a long time, staying in a stuffy room and in transport.
Implantation drop in basal temperature Women who keep a basal temperature chart note a one-day decrease in temperature in the second phase
Reduced immunity A decrease in immunity manifests itself as a mild cold in the form of a runny nose and pharyngitis.
Increased drooling Often combined with nausea and aggravates the course of toxicosis
Increased vaginal discharge Blood filling of the pelvic organs leads to increased secretion of vaginal secretions
Thrush Since vaginal secretions contain a large number of hydrogen ions, it becomes an excellent breeding ground for Candida fungi. Typical curdled discharge with itching indicates thrush, which must be treated
Increased frequency of urination An increase in hormone levels, a rush of blood to the pelvis and increased kidney function lead to increased urination, both day and night.
Delayed menstruation The absence of regular menstruation is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. During this period, the self-diagnosis test already begins to show two cherished lines

Of course, all these signs are relative, and even a delay in menstruation with a positive pregnancy test, which may later turn out to be false positive, does not guarantee its occurrence. All the above symptoms do not have any significant age or ethnic characteristics.

The only thing that can be noted is that women with a heightened emotional background notice signs of pregnancy much more often than balanced and “cold” ladies. More obvious symptoms are also observed during the first pregnancy, but in subsequent ones the expectant mother may not realize her interesting situation for a long time, and it is also quite difficult to determine its onset based on symptoms for women with.

On the contrary, women with chronic gynecological diseases(adnexitis, salpingoophoritis) may feel the onset of conception more strongly than healthy women, since pain in the lower back and in the area of ​​the appendages may occur.

Symptoms of conception after delayed menstruation

Of course, every woman who has discovered a delay in menstruation is interested in the question of how long it will take for the first signs of pregnancy to become guaranteed evidence of its onset. This question forces expectant mothers to immediately run to the gynecologist and demand registration. However, doctors do not really welcome this behavior, and, most likely, will send the expectant mother to wait another 2-3 weeks. Conception, unfortunately, does not yet guarantee pregnancy, and the period of 4-6 weeks is the most dangerous, when the probability of spontaneous miscarriages is high.

The following first symptoms of pregnancy after a missed period can be called exact manifestations of the conception that has occurred, indicating that the fetus is growing and spreading:

  • A positive pregnancy test taken at least three times, several days apart. A highly sensitive diagnostic test begins to “strip” already on the first day of the delay, but it is better to wait about 7 days - then it will be more reliable.
  • Examination by a gynecologist on a chair. At 6 weeks, the cervix becomes softer and acquires a bluish tint due to increased blood circulation. The isthmus between the body and the uterus softens, and an increased size of the uterus is revealed.
  • An increased level of hCG found in a woman’s blood and urine not only indicates that pregnancy has occurred, but is also an indicator for the doctor of its progress. HCG initially grows very quickly, doubling every 2 days in the first month, then doubling the rate occurs after 3.5-4 days.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus at an early stage of approximately 5 weeks reveals an implanted fertilized egg (or several in a multiple pregnancy), which contains the embryo and yolk sac.

The very first signs of conceiving a boy

What are the first signs of pregnancy in favor of conceiving a boy? You can trace these manifestations already in the first days of conception; you just need to listen carefully to yourself. Naturally, these may not be 100% signs, but most mothers described their condition this way when they were carrying boys.

Appearance Visible improvement appearance a woman who literally blossoms, acquiring peachy, matte skin, thick and beautiful hair and nails
Extremity temperature Reduced skin temperature of the lower extremities against the background of a feeling of internal warmth (cold legs with a feeling of heat)
Appetite A noticeable increase in appetite from the first days of pregnancy. Meat and meat products are becoming a favorite food for expectant mothers
Nausea No nausea or minor symptoms of mild nausea
Mood Good mood, high performance and even a noticeable increase in activity in general
stomach Rounding of the lower abdomen in the form of a small bulge. It is difficult to notice this from the first weeks, but very attentive women can catch this slight difference of 1-2

Early signs of pregnancy with a girl

Pregnancy with a girl also has its own distinctive features, which can be traced already in the first weeks after conception, again with the caveat that this is the case for most women, but there are exceptions.

Appearance Change in appearance for the worse (around the 3rd week of pregnancy). The face seems to lose its attractive features. It is clear from the woman’s face that she is pregnant (her lips become swollen, her skin becomes pale and swollen, etc.)
Extremity temperature Increased skin temperature of the lower extremities against the background of chills (warm legs with a feeling of internal chills)
Appetite Decreased and even lack of appetite from the first days of pregnancy. Food preferences include a craving for sweets and citrus fruits
Nausea Morning nausea, which calms down somewhat in the evening, is typical for almost all pregnancies with girls.
Mood Unpredictability of actions, frequent mood swings, confusion of thoughts and actions indicate the possibility of conceiving a girl.
Stomach The abdomen does not visually enlarge, rather it even sinks slightly, which is associated with weak appetite due to nausea

The first signs of multiple pregnancy

Some consider the conception of two or more children to be a gift from above, and some call it a test. In any case, this news is always somewhat shocking for parents. You can suspect such a pregnancy based on the following signs:

Appearance A change in appearance for the worse, associated with colossal hormonal changes, as well as due to toxicosis. The peculiarity is the appearance of acne on the face.
Increased urination Increased urination already in the 3rd week of pregnancy due to the accelerated growth of the uterus
Appetite Appetite is most often increased, despite nausea. Even if appetite suffers due to toxicosis, weight is gained well and quickly.
Nausea Severe and painful nausea with periodic vomiting, which practically does not go away throughout the day, from the first days after conception.
Mood Decreased mood due to constant fatigue and drowsiness. Any habitual task is given with great difficulty.
Stomach Uniform slight rounding of the abdomen from the first weeks, occurring due to increased growth of the uterus. The symptom may not appear in everyone.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, and ultrasound specialist.

Pregnancy brings many changes to a woman’s body, starting from the first days. Therefore, for many, a positive is only a confirmation that they have already begun to feel these changes, that their body has already signaled the beginning of a new life, and the delay is only an expected logical consequence.

Comment from a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist :

All signs of pregnancy indicated in the article are probable or doubtful, except for the pregnancy test.

I note that yellowish, bloody or pink ichorous discharge is considered as symptoms of a threatened miscarriage or an early miscarriage (it is associated with the presence of genetic pathologies incompatible with the life of the embryo).

If the pregnancy is verified by this time, then we must strive to maintain it. But some experts believe that due to possible genetic defects, it is not advisable to continue such an early pregnancy until 6 weeks.

First signs of pregnancy before delay

    • Malaise.Very many women at the very beginning of pregnancy may experience malaise, which they mistake for a cold. This is due to an increase in body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy. A woman gets tired quickly, so a feeling of soreness may occur. Although at this time a woman may indeed become slightly ill due to the ongoing decrease in immunity. The main thing in such cases is not to treat yourself with antibiotics, which are contraindicated during pregnancy. It is best to turn to folk remedies.
    • Increased breast sensitivity. This symptom most often appears one to two weeks after conception. A woman’s breast reacts to literally every touch, swells, hurts, sometimes to such an extent that it is impossible to touch it. There are also opposite situations when women do not feel their breasts during pregnancy and are surprised that they do not hurt before the expected arrival of menstruation, as is usually the case. In any case, the cause may not only be pregnancy.
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Darkening of the nipple areolas may also indicate pregnancy.
  • Minor bleeding. This can range from slight bleeding to brown bloody droplets or a “yellowish mark” on toilet paper. Such discharge often makes a woman think about the beginning of menstruation. These discharges are associated with the implantation of the embryo on the uterine wall, which occurs 6-12 days after conception. The so-called is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Small discharge may appear again at a time when the fertilized egg is more actively implanted into the wall of the uterus. Most often, this discharge has a creamy consistency with a pinkish or yellowish tint. These discharges can also be provoked. Erosion usually intensifies with the onset of pregnancy due to increased blood circulation in the cervix. Therefore, it can bleed at the slightest contact.
  • Implantation retraction, increased basal temperature. Implantation depression is a sudden change in basal temperature for one day in the second phase. Recession most often occurs for two reasons: firstly, the production of progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, and secondly, with the onset of pregnancy, estrogen is released, which in turn is responsible for lowering the temperature. The combination of these two hormonal changes leads to implantation retraction.
  • Another sign of pregnancy is above 37 degrees, which most often lasts during the first weeks of pregnancy until the placenta begins to function.
  • Fatigue, constant drowsiness. Apathy or a constant feeling of fatigue is another sign of pregnancy. This is due to greater production of progesterone and the body’s transition to pregnancy mode. Progesterone depresses the psyche, the woman becomes depressed, drowsy and irritable. But with increasing pregnancy, in addition to progesterone, the body actively secretes estrogens, which have a stimulating effect on the psyche and both depression and drowsiness disappear.

  • Restless sleep.
    Many women who do not yet know about their pregnancy note that their sleep becomes more restless. They often go to bed earlier or simply zone out. They wake up early and cannot continue to fall asleep. Even after a full sleep, you often feel “broken” and lack of sleep.
  • It's hot, it's cold. In the first trimester of pregnancy, women's body temperature increases and blood pressure decreases. This leads to the fact that they often get hot in just a T-shirt when it’s +15 outside or they can’t keep warm even after wearing all the warm clothes they had in the closet.
  • Aversion to smells, nausea. A classic sign of pregnancy, which occurs in half of pregnant women, it occurs during 2-8 weeks of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting are associated with a disorder of the neuroendocrine regulation of body functions, the main role in which is a violation of the functional state of the central nervous system.
  • Along with vomiting in early pregnancy occurs irritation of the salivary center. Pregnant women experience frequent drooling, which can subsequently lead to significant weight loss (up to 2-3 kg), which is very undesirable for a pregnant woman. If copiously secreted saliva is swallowed and enters the stomach, this leads to a change in the acidity of gastric juice and disruption of digestive function.
  • Headaches, migraines. A sharp increase in hormone levels at the beginning of pregnancy can lead to frequent headaches. But by the end of the first trimester, when the hormonal balance stabilizes, the pain subsides.
  • Slight swelling of the arms and legs. Progesterone promotes the retention of salts and fluid in the body, which can manifest itself as swelling of the hands. By clenching your fingers into a fist, you can notice that they have increased in volume. During pregnancy, there is an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area and a constant enlargement of the uterus. Therefore, some pregnant women “feel” their uterus from the first days of implantation.
  • Pain in the lower back, a feeling that the stomach is twisting, like at the beginning of menstruation. Minor pain in the sacral area may also indicate the beginning of pregnancy. Such minor pain may continue to appear throughout pregnancy.
  • Bloating, intestinal upset. A fairly common sign of pregnancy is an increase in abdominal circumference at an early stage, when the uterus has only slightly enlarged, this is due to bloating of the intestines. During pregnancy, the rate of intestinal contents decreases, which causes bloating and can cause constipation. Hormonal changes in the body lead to an increase in blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity and this can cause swelling of the intestinal walls.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. An increase in hormone levels in a woman at the beginning of pregnancy contributes to a significant flow of blood to the pelvic organs. The bladder, kidneys, and ureters change their functioning. A woman begins to need to go to the toilet more often, both during the day and at night. As a rule, the urge is not accompanied by painful sensations, as with. However, sometimes a weakened immune system leads to the occurrence of thrush.
  • Increased vaginal discharge, thrush. An increase in vaginal secretion is also associated with blood supply to the pelvic organs. During pregnancy, the level of hydrogen in vaginal secretions increases. This is a kind of mechanism for protecting the expectant mother’s vagina from harmful microorganisms. But in such an environment, yeast develops very well, which can lead to the appearance of thrush, which must be cured so as not to infect the child. Read on our website how you can
  • Low blood pressure, fainting, darkening of the eyes. Demotion blood pressure is a universal phenomenon for pregnant women, which can result in dizziness, weakness, headache, and fainting. The condition may worsen if a woman stands for a long time, if she is in a stuffy room, after taking hot bath, on an empty stomach.
  • Increased appetite. It is one of the clearest signs of pregnancy and appears in the early stages. Women develop cravings for certain foods, for example, they may increase cravings for strawberries, grapes, or certain specific-tasting foods. But at the same time, an aversion to certain dishes, even your favorite ones, may arise.
  • And the main symptom delay of menstruation. Delayed menstruation is the most famous and most obvious sign of pregnancy. Delay can sometimes occur for other reasons, most often they are certain stressful conditions of the body. See. But if you are sexually active and are experiencing delays and may be showing some of the above signs of pregnancy, you should take a pregnancy test to confirm any doubts.

As a rule, many already pregnant girls say that they felt almost the same as during PMS (premenstrual state) - a reaction to odors, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, irritability, chest pain. Then all these signs disappeared abruptly, but menstruation did not come.

If your period has not arrived, measure your basal temperature in the morning (without getting out of bed) - if it is above 37.0, run to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG.

There is a period in a woman’s life when she is waiting and worrying about the future. This is pregnancy. But in order for the upcoming 40 weeks to bring joy, it is important not to miss the very first signs of pregnancy. For doctors, the primary evidence of pregnancy is a missed period. But is this true? Experienced women note that some manifestations can be noticed much earlier.

First of all, a few words about conception. The female cycle is usually 28 days. It is divided into three phases: menstruation, follicular, luteal. The duration of the 1st-2nd stage is 12-14 days. During this period, the female hormone estrogen dominates; the birth of a new life during its action is impossible. But progesterone functions in parallel with it. Its peculiarity is that the quantity changes cyclically.

The apogee of the process, the beginning of the luteal phase, is shortly before the 14th day of the cycle. In the ovaries, out of four prepared, mature follicles, three stop growing. The remaining one continues its development. When the required size is reached, the follicular membrane bursts and the egg is released. This is how ovulation occurs: the woman’s body is ready for conception. The cell is sent into the fallopian tube for intercourse with the sperm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days

They occur just during the period of egg implantation. The burst follicle transforms into a “corpus luteum”, sprouting blood vessels, releasing progesterone. Its function during this period is twofold:

  • stop menstrual bleeding for the next 40 weeks;
  • prepare the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized cell.

If fertilization does not occur, the “corpus luteum” stops working. The muscles of the uterus reject the endometrium through contractions, and after a few days new bleeding occurs. As a result of calculations, it was determined that conception occurs approximately on the 14-16th day of the cycle. The period of gestation and childbirth is traditionally calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the very first signs of pregnancy may appear 3 weeks after the start of the cycle or 7-10 days after conception.

It is advisable for the expectant mother to take a closer look and listen to her body. During this period, it is actively reconstructed for the birth of a child. This is not always convenient and sometimes leads to discomfort. But it's worth it!

On the other hand, nature gives a signal to a young woman: reconsider your life principles and rules. Everything should be subordinated to him, the emergence of a new person: a reason to quit smoking, an addiction to beer, stronger drinks. This applies to the woman herself and family members. After all unborn child from the first days of conception she feels the harmony of the world or its hostility. Walking in the fresh air, moderate physical activity, and swimming contribute to the smooth flow of the process.

Symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception

Mom still doesn’t know whether the great mystery of conception has taken place. The future baby, still in the form of one cell, has already begun its growth, a grandiose “journey”. The cell is divided into two, then there are 4 of them, then 8, 16, in geometric progression. But pregnancy has not yet occurred.

7-10 days after conception, a small lump with liquid inside is obtained, covered with a shell and villi on top. With their help, it moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where, under favorable circumstances, it attaches to it. Only now can we say that the woman is pregnant. The cervix becomes thicker and softer. Its lumen is closed by a mucus plug, protecting the fetus from infection.

The implantation process may be accompanied by pregnancy symptoms 1 week after conception. Let's name the most common ones that are diagnosed independently:

Minor short-term yellowish-brown discharge that appears suddenly. The young woman is perplexed - after all, it’s not time for menstruation yet. The reason is simple: the embryo is actively implanted into the mucous membrane of the uterus, which is penetrated by blood vessels. Its introduction provokes insignificant discharge. Therefore, there is no reason to panic yet.

The onset of pregnancy may manifest itself as malaise, a feeling of nasal congestion, a slight sore throat, or cough. An increase in body temperature to 37°C adds to the discomfort. Chills and slight fever may be felt. With such signs, it is better for the expectant mother to take a few days off, without aggravating the condition of pain, to protect the unborn baby. Vitamin tea, fresh fruit, home comfort will help you recover. With more high temperature You should seek help from a doctor. Tablets are taken “with an eye” on a possible special condition.

During this period, some women acutely feel the stuffiness of the room, lack of fresh air, and decreased blood pressure. As a result, fatigue appears, performance decreases, and dizziness and fainting occur. This can be explained by the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm caused by the production of progesterone.

Symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception - a sudden change in taste preferences. “You want something sour or salty” is not uncommon. Some people experience increased appetite, cravings for sweets and certain foods. At first, one can completely give in to such desires, even gluttony.

How to find out about pregnancy before delay: research methods

Sometimes the state of uncertainty for a woman planning a long-awaited pregnancy is unbearable. Tests have not yet shown a “second line,” but anxiety contributes to the release of adrenaline, which prevents normal implantation. Therefore, methods on how to find out about pregnancy before missed periods are important. In such a situation, medicine suggests:

  • analysis of changes in basal temperature;
  • laboratory analysis.

Conception can manifest itself with a basal temperature of 37-37.4 degrees. The increase is caused by the release of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. For the reliability of the study, a number of conditions must be met. The woman takes measurements in the rectum mercury thermometer. Every day, at the same time, in the same position, without getting out of bed. Previous sleep is at least 6 hours. If the BT chart shows relatively flat readings of 37 degrees and above for several days, we can assume that there is conception.

Systematic measurements make it possible to determine the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. During this period, estrogen is released: temperature values ​​for 1 day will sharply drop to 36.4-36.6 °C, then restore to the previous level. Implantation depression on the basal temperature chart shows what has happened: pregnancy has occurred.

Laboratory tests will also help. With their help, an increase in the level of the hormone hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is determined. It is constantly present in the female body in small doses. Diagnosis is carried out by analyzing urine and blood. The task of the hormone during pregnancy is to “control” the harmonious combination of progesterone and estrogen in the female body, maintaining favorable conditions for the development of the child. An active increase in readings is observed after implantation of the embryo, since the substance is produced by the chorion membrane of the fetus. Lack of hCG causes rejection of the fertilized egg.

An increase in hormone levels indicates a normal pregnancy. There are special tables depending on the weekly period and concentrations. For the first week after conception (3rd from the beginning of the menstrual cycle), the level of the substance is 25-50 mIU/ml. Maximum values achieved by 8-11 weeks. Then they decrease somewhat and remain that way until childbirth. Doctors pay attention: it is not the digital indicators that are important, but the general trend of change. An insufficient increase in concentration may indicate anomalies: threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the value of laboratory research is high.

Exploring new sensations in our body

We have outlined research methods for confirming the origin of new life. The BT method has certain disadvantages. Temperature readings can be affected by many factors: insomnia, drinking alcohol even in small doses, active evening activities. The potential for error is significant.

Laboratory analysis gives a high degree of confidence in the result. But analysis of hCG dynamics is recommended to be carried out in the same center. Since there may be different approaches to calculating the concentration of the hormone. It is carried out, most often, in private clinics, laboratories, for a fee. For many women, the laboratory method is not available due to price and living in the outback.

Somatic methods remain the most accessible for analyzing the very first signs of pregnancy before delay. Let us note a number of indirect factors. The onset of pregnancy can manifest itself with sudden nausea, vomiting, and loss of interest in food. At first, this does not cause much harm. But frequent vomiting is a reason to consult a doctor. On the one hand, the body in this state does not receive enough nutrients and loses fluid. On the other hand, during the process the walls of the abdomen become tense, leading to rejection of the embryo.

The first signs of an interesting condition are associated with another new sensation: a reaction to smells. This is a mild version of toxicosis: there is no vomiting, but some aromas cause disgust. This could be cooking meat, food; sometimes cosmetics, perfume.

Fertilization, growth, and implantation of the fetus are possible at a certain concentration of progesterone in the female body. This hormone can depress the female psyche. The result is absent-mindedness and drowsiness. It is more difficult for a woman to concentrate on work. There's no need to get upset. Usually, by the 10th week everything goes away. By this time, the formed placenta begins to produce estrogen. The expectant mother again finds a good mood, which is important for the growing baby.

We have dealt with the new “sensations”. But what happens to the female body during the period of the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay? After implantation ovum There may be a slight enlargement or “swelling” of the breast. For some, it becomes sensitive and painful. The skin around the nipples darkens and lumps appear. A clear liquid is released from the nipples. A woman's body is preparing to feed her unborn baby.

The implanted embryo stimulates a number of other processes. First of all, new life requires space, the uterus begins to grow. The expectant mother may feel some enlargement of the abdomen, although it is not yet noticeable. Pressure from the uterus on nearby organs may cause minor discomfort while sitting. The solution is simple: move a little, find a body position on a chair that does not cause discomfort.

A growing embryo requires a constant supply of nutrients. Therefore, the blood supply to the reproductive organs and pelvic organs is more intense. As a result, the load on the kidneys increases. Therefore, the beginning of pregnancy may be “marked” by frequent urination. But you shouldn’t be upset, after a while everything returns to normal. It is necessary to take into account: the uterus is located close to the bladder; As the fetus grows, pressure on surrounding organs will increase.

Symptoms of pregnancy 2 weeks after conception

Meanwhile, your baby is growing! Still called an embryo, it is a collection of living cells covered with a membrane. But he has already given his mother many new sensations, signaling: I am here with you, take care of me.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 2 weeks after conception are similar to those described earlier. The fact is that we can talk about pregnancy only after implantation of the egg into the endometrium. For some women, this process occurs on days 5-7, i.e. 1st week, for others in the range of 7-10 days, this is already the second week after conception. Take a closer look at yourself, analyze your feelings.

Sudden changes in mood, insomnia, causeless tears, anxiety, and fear may indicate the impending arrival of a child. Progesterone, actively produced by the “corpus luteum,” is to blame. Despite this negative influence on the female psyche; without it, bearing a healthy baby is impossible. The spouse and family members should treat the mood of the expectant mother with understanding and not upset her over trifles. It won't be long before everything falls into place.

Many people note that while waiting, a woman loses interest in making love. The reason for this is changed hormonal levels. If there are no medical contraindications due to miscarriage, both should not give up little joys. But we should be wary:

  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

Symptoms in week 2 are most often associated with new eating habits, aversion to food and certain foods. If the mother has no diseases or special contraindications, the desires of the first weeks can be satisfied. Pickles, tomatoes, fish are traditional food preferences of pregnant women. But everything needs to be done in moderation. Eating salty foods requires drinking plenty of fluids, increasing the load on the excretory system. Salt retains moisture in the cells of the body, which results in swelling of the hands and feet.

Systematic urge to vomit should cause anxiety for the expectant mother and the family environment. Some people have them after every meal. We have already talked about the loss of fluid and nutrients. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently seek medical care. Since the body is exhausted and is constantly in a tense state, the threat of egg rejection is high. There are various methods for overcoming early toxicosis recommended by doctors.

Once again, it’s worth focusing on low-alcohol, alcoholic drinks. In the second week after conception, the fetus still does not have a placental barrier that can filter out everything that causes harm. A woman who decides to have a child should give up any unhealthy habits. Because nicotine and alcohol entering the baby’s body through the bloodstream poison him.

A laboratory analysis of a woman’s urine and blood in the second week after conception shows a 7-8-fold increase in hCG content, indicating normal processes.

Can you feel sick before your period: distinguishing PMS from pregnancy

Many people experience premenstrual syndrome. The reasons lie in changes in hormonal levels and combinations of hormones. Estrogen always dominates in the female body. The amount of progesterone is cyclical. At the moment of ovulation, fertilization, its concentration is maximum, remains at this level for implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, and remains until the 11th week of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies and the hormone level drops.

As a result, the epithelial layer is rejected, accompanied by menstrual bleeding. The external manifestation of hormonal changes in a woman’s body is PMS. Its symptoms are varied and similar to the first signs of pregnancy. Nausea is one of them. Can you feel sick before your period? - many women ask themselves. The answer will be in the affirmative if the female body is systematically susceptible to such manifestations of the last phase of the cycle as weakness, dizziness, vomiting, skin rash, and emotional imbalance.

But it happens that the beginning of the menstrual cycle does not cause any particular inconvenience. And then suddenly, shortly before menstruation, nausea appears. In such a situation, the manifestation of the disease, the body’s reaction to poor-quality food, is excluded. There are two ways to confirm early pregnancy:

  • passing a laboratory test for hCG;
  • using a special test.

Since the first method is not available to everyone, we will focus on the second. The pharmacy chain offers a range of tests that identify pregnancy. From all the variety, choose one that responds to the minimum content of hCG in a woman’s urine. This test is called highly sensitive; it can be used even 10 days from the expected conception. With a high degree of probability, he will “answer” the question of whether he can vomit before menstruation.

Do pregnancy tests lie? - Interesting video

Tingling in the uterus: fiction or truth?

Pregnant women are almost always accompanied by uncharacteristic sensations. The reason for this is the same progesterone, which somewhat depresses the psyche, creating women’s fears and suspiciousness. But the tingling in the uterus is more a truth than a whim. Conception requires good blood supply to the pelvic organs and preparation of the uterus for implantation. It is literally riddled with blood vessels. Increased blood flow causes a barely noticeable tingling sensation.

After the implantation of the embryo, the uterus increases in volume, “winning” a more comfortable place from the neighboring abdominal organs, which is associated with some pain. Tingling in the uterus is accompanied by another symptom. At the time of menstruation, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. That is why doctors advise pregnant women to protect themselves in every possible way on such days: do not be nervous, reduce physical activity, and refrain from intimacy with your loved one.

Along with pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back and lumbago may appear. You can fight them by changing body positions. If pain occurs while walking, you should lie down with a pillow under your back for comfort. If you get a lumbago while sitting, you need to get up and walk around. Useful for mother and baby.

Discharge before late pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological process associated with some inconveniences for a woman. One of them is vaginal discharge. The natural question is, can there be discharge before a delay in pregnancy?

We have already talked about some. This may be a consequence of implantation of a fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. The discharge has a specific color and appears for a short time.

But there is also vaginal discharge. Their appearance is quite understandable - they are caused by a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. The purpose of vaginal secretion is to protect the internal genital organs from the penetration of microorganisms. But his condition must be monitored. Since the influence of pathogenic microflora can be significant. A woman should be alerted to the changed color of the discharge and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Another problem associated with discharge before a delay in pregnancy is thrush. Yeast formations (candida family, Candida) are always present in the vagina, but healthy microflora suppresses their activity. Hypothermia, colds, impaired immunity can lead to the proliferation of fungus. As a result, unpleasant sensations appear, itching of the external genitalia, burning, and pain when urinating. Thrush during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment. Since there is a possibility of fetal infection and rupture during childbirth.

The very first signs of pregnancy are not always pleasant. But it is important for a young woman to pay attention to them. This will help maintain the health of the unborn baby and mother.

The first, most likely signs of pregnancy before the onset of a missed period

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period appear a few days after the fertilization of the egg, but they are so inconspicuous and so similar to the symptoms of other conditions that they are often ignored by those who have not yet planned to become parents. However, the sooner you find out about your interesting situation, the better.

Let's first look at why it is so important to know the first signs of pregnancy before and after a delay, and what these symptoms are.

The role of early diagnosis

These were the three most reliable first signs of pregnancy before the delay, but there are a number of relative ones. Let's look at them too.

1. Pain in the mammary glands. Some women notice how their mammary glands become dense and even painful, others begin to secrete colostrum from their nipples, and some even experience an increase in breast size. This often happens in the early stages, but can also be a symptom of dangerous diseases of the mammary glands. So, if menstruation does come, the interesting situation is not confirmed, and pain or discomfort remains, then you need to consult a gynecologist, or even better, a mammologist and at least do an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography (depending on the age).

2. Toxicosis. Usually, at very early stages of gestation, if there is nausea, it is very mild. It can easily be written off as mild food poisoning. On the other hand, you can confuse the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period with real poisoning. Toxicosis also includes a periodically occurring rather strong and groundless feeling of extreme fatigue, as well as a noticeable increase in appetite.

3. Pain in the lower abdomen. This is often observed in the first time after conception, but it can also be a symptom of an impending miscarriage or approaching menstruation. During pregnancy, pain, in the absence of pathology, appears quite rarely, not regularly and quickly passes without taking antispasmodics.

4. Implantation bleeding. Although, it’s hard to call it bleeding... The fact is that during the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus, some women may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen and find a few drops of blood on their underwear. This first sign of pregnancy before a missed period occurs in only a few; more often this phenomenon is confused with intermenstrual bleeding, the causes of which are completely different, or with the beginning of menstruation. However, everything ends with these few drops, and the real bleeding does not begin.