Types of roofing materials for different types of roofs. How to inexpensively cover the roof of a country house? The cheapest option for a house roof

How to cover a roof at a dacha - this question arises for all lovers of country life in the summer who are planning to build a house or have decided to replace the old roof. If previously there simply wasn’t a large selection of materials, today you can find a wide variety on sale. types roofing coverings, which suitable for suburban conditions, for a house that is actively used only in the summer or, with periodic visits, all year round.

It is quite natural that every prudent owner strives to save as much as possible, taking into account the fact that once country house ik is mostly used only in the summer, and is not the main place of residence of the family, then not at all necessary purchase an expensive coating for its roof. Perhaps this is true. However, when planning repair or construction work, it is necessary to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular coating, take into account the specific location of the house, as well as some operational nuances.

Criteria for choosing a roofing covering

To choose the right roofing material, it is necessary to consider the following points, which will directly affect the performance of the roof:

In addition, this factor is also taken into account due to the fact that if the house is in the shade almost constantly, then the surface of some coatings becomes a favorable place for the formation of colonies of moss and lichen. These forms of vegetation can completely colonize the roof covering, which will interfere with the normal drainage of rain and melt water, and therefore increase the likelihood of leaks in the roof.

If the building, on the contrary, is located in an open area, under the hot sun, then you should choose a material that minimally conducts heat into the house through the attic. This is especially important to provide for in cases where the roof has a slight slope and there is no attic space. Heating strongly from the sun's rays, some types of roofing are capable of accumulating heat or quickly transferring heat into the house - the rooms will be hot not only during the day, but also at night.

  • Strength of roofing material. Even if the dacha is used for living exclusively in the summer, it is still necessary to think about the winter half of the year. And especially if in the region where you live, winters are usually snowy - a large amount of snow will accumulate on the slopes, which will create a high load not only on the rafter system, but also on the covering itself. In the spring, as it begins to thaw, the snow layer will become even heavier. In addition, ice will form, which can also cause damage to the roof.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. It is very important that during operation the coating does not release toxic or other substances harmful to human health into the premises of the cottage or into the environment.
  • Ease of installation - this factor is especially recommended to be taken into account if the roof installation will be done on your own.

  • The aesthetic qualities of the material are important if the country house and the area around it are decorated in a certain style.
  • The cost of the roofing itself, accompanying materials and components is within the limits available to a particular owner. This is also a very important factor, so it has to be separately calculated and taken into account, especially if a strictly defined amount is allocated for repairs or construction, the limits of which cannot be exceeded.

Now, having figured out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a roofing material country house, you can move on to a more detailed consideration of coatings.

When looking at any house, the first thing that catches your eye is roofing covering. And this is not surprising, because the overall perception of a modern cottage largely depends on the spectacular appearance of the roof. However, first of all it must be reliable and durable.

We have prepared an article from which you will learn:

  • How to choose the right roof and not make a mistake during its further operation;
  • Why is an integrated approach required when choosing?
  • What types of roofing are there?
  • How to reduce costs when installing roofing without compromising its strength;
  • Why is it sometimes more profitable to buy more expensive material rather than try to save money?

Roofing for the roof: how to choose

You have decided to build a house and are thinking about choosing a roof. In this case, you should remember that whatever material you choose, it must first of all meet the following parameters:

  • Have a suitable design;
  • Be affordable for you;
  • Be durable;
  • Do not create difficulties with installation.

It is necessary to start choosing a roof at the design stage of the structure, since all loads on the truss structure must be taken into account and then a calculation must be made necessary materials and roof assemblies.

  • It is also necessary to take into account climatic features.

Consultant of our forum Sergey Namestnikov(nickname on the forum Pil18 ):

– By doing
"correct" choice of roofing material for our climatic conditions, it is worth remembering that due to the size of our country we are dealing with several climatic zones. Namely:

  • In southern regions with high solar activity, it is worth choosing a coating based on its color fastness parameters (ultraviolet stability) and operating temperature range, since roofing in areas where plus thirty degrees is not uncommon gets very hot;
  • In coastal areas, it is worth choosing a coating taking into account the aggressive environment of salty sea air;
  • In the northern regions, it is necessary to take into account not only the winter temperature of minus forty, but the weight of the coating, since snow loads are of decisive importance.

When designing a roof, wind and snow loads must be taken into account, regardless of materials!

Consultant's opinion Elena Gorbunova, Moscow (forum nickname Matilda):

It is better to start choosing roofing material even before installing the rafter system, since there are small but important differences in design roofing pie for different types of roofing coverings.

Wanting to save on construction, many choose roofing based only on the price for square meter and turning a blind eye to some shortcomings. But don't forget about the little things! The real price also consists of the necessary components, additional structural elements, elements passing through the roof and the possibility of installing them on a given roof covering.

Any roofing covering will last a long time if it is installed efficiently and in full accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations!

Roof selection algorithm

Despite the fact that there may be several selection criteria, first of all any developer pays attention to the design of the roofing. After all, it should not only be combined with the house and outbuildings: bathhouse, garage, etc., but also ideally be in harmony with the landscape of the entire site. That is why an integrated approach is required when choosing.

Sergey Namestnikov :

Roof covering and general appearance finished roof must be combined with the design of the building, and therefore delight the owners with its appearance. You can also highlight a number of secondary criteria that you should focus on:

  • Price;
  • Easy installation;
  • Availability on the market;
  • Durability.

But before you finally decide on the choice of roofing covering, you need to carefully study its technical characteristics and inquire about the history of use of the material.

There is no universal good advice, which coating should be used and which should not be used. There are so many people, so many opinions. Some like corrugated sheets, others like tiles, and in each case you need to choose individually, according to the location.

Sergey Namestnikov :

– When choosing a roofing covering, I always recommend following this algorithm: choose a design, select a brand (manufacturer) from the desired group of coatings, select a specific product based on its technical characteristics and prices, we look for the best (optimal) offer on the market, we buy.

This step-by-step approach to choosing will prevent you from getting confused.

It is impossible to say which roofing material is the best. The experience of our forum users suggests that there is no clear answer.

Sergey Namestnikov :

In my opinion, your roof should have a coating that, first of all, will please you! And to the question “which roofing material is better to refuse”, I would answer “poor quality”.

Even the highest quality material will not last long if used incorrectly! But you only need to save up to a certain level. We should also not forget that the roofing system depends not so much on the quality of the material, but on the correct installation of the roofing system.

Sergey Namestnikov

– When choosing a roofing covering, you should also take into account the shape of the roof.

If the shape of the roof is complex, with slopes, slopes, angles of different shapes, many valleys, trapezoidal and triangular slopes, then use it on it. sheet materials, metal tiles, etc., leads to waste exceeding 30% of the total amount of material, which is very uneconomical.

Therefore, on this type of roof it is more advisable to use soft tiles and materials, during the installation of which waste will not be so high.

Types of roofing

To understand which roofing is best suited for your home, you need to understand the parameters of roofing coatings on the market.

Elena Gorbunova:

The main types of materials are:

  • Metal tiles;
  • Soft bitumen shingles;
  • Sand-cement;
  • Ceramic;
  • Composite.

Metal tiles
rightly It is one of the most popular roofing coverings at the moment. It is a galvanized sheet with a coating applied to it (or without coating) of various shapes (rolling forms). The price range is approximately 200-500 RUR/m2.

Elena Gorbunova:

Metal tiles vary in coating, steel thickness and profile. The thickness of steel varies generally from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. The thicker the better. Steel 0.4 is too thin, and this makes installation difficult, because... large sheets bend and crumple like foil.

Sergey Namestnikov :

– The durability of this material directly depends on the quality of the coating and the quality of galvanization of the steel sheet. There is an opportunity to buy sheets standard sizes, and order sheets of the size you need.

Despite the fact that the choice of colors for metal tiles is quite extensive, there are not many forms of rolling, and this imposes certain restrictions on the design of the roof of a house. Also, when choosing and purchasing, you should take into account not only the cost of the “canvas” per square meter, but also the cost of additional elements, since the inflated price of additional elements leads to an increase in cost.

Sergey Namestnikov :

– Don’t forget that when it rains, metal tiles make noise, which, in principle, can be eliminated by conventional insulation and high-quality sound insulation.

The service life of high-quality metal tiles, provided they are installed correctly, is about 50 years.

Choice soft roof for home

Soft tiles- a very popular material on the Russian market. This is due to the widest design possibilities of this roofing and a large number of colors, shades and shapes. The price range for soft roofing is also very wide - from 200 rubles for the simplest quality material to several thousand for roofing from exclusive collections.

This material is excellent for use on complex roofs, since there is practically no waste during installation. Flexible tiles perfectly soundproof noise from rain. But this type of coating requires installation on a solid base (most often it is made of OSB - plywood), which increases the cost of the roofing system.

Elena Gorbunova:

Under soft tiles you definitely need a continuous sheathing. It is most practical to first fill a thin sheathing, and nail an OSB board (or moisture resistant plywood). In this case, the pitch of the sheathing can be adjusted to the dimensions of the OSB slab and there is no need to cut the slab.

And the plate itself can be taken thinner.

The standard slab width is 1220 mm. The sheathing is inch boards with a pitch of 244 mm, and a 9 mm OSB board is attached along the axes. This thickness is quite sufficient for any climatic zone of Russia. And the edge of the slab will always be in the middle of the sheathing board.

Another feature of bituminous shingles is that they do not need additional waterproofing along the slope of the rafters. The lining layer is laid over the continuous sheathing and the roofing tiles go over it. In this case, there will be no mini-leaks or condensation dripping from the inside of the material onto the insulation.

Exit through such roof covering chimney, fan pipe or a ventilation pipe is cheaper and easier than through any other.

Elena Gorbunova:

It should be remembered that the places underAll these exits must be provided in the roof in advance!

And in order for such a roof to last for a long time, when purchasing it, you can use the following advice.

Elena Gorbunova:

It is important that the bitumen in the roofing tiles does not become brittle over time. A fairly simple way to check its quality when purchasing is to sniff the tile. There should be no sharp bitumen smell, which means that the bitumen has been artificially aged and the necessary modifiers for elasticity have been added to it.

Corrugated bitumen sheets is a material based on organic fibers (cellulose) impregnated with bitumen. This material is easy to install and lightweight.

However, it limits the developer's design options.

It is popular, first of all, due to the fact that the installation of corrugated bitumen sheets is easy to do independently, and the material itself is easy to transport.

Sergey Namestnikov :

Steel roofing (seam roofing)- This is the most reliable and durable steel roofing, which is produced using double standing seam technology. Such a roof has no holes, the surface is monolithic and sealed. Seam roofing is exactly the case when the material for making the roof is not expensive, but the main problem with this type of covering is high-quality installation. There are not many craftsmen who can perform this type of work, which affects the price of installation work.

Sergey Namestnikov :

– This material should be used when it is necessary to obtain a durable roof, and the issue of price fades into the background.

Roof tiles– this is a material with a deep history, used in ancient times. This roofing covering is durable and beautiful, but has a lot of weight, which imposes increased demands on the rafter system and the structure of the entire building.

Sergey Namestnikov

– I would classify this material as a premium segment, because... cost of quality ceramic tiles can hardly be called low.

There are several technologies for making tiles.

There are cement-sand, polymer-sand and ceramic tiles. The classic version is ceramic tiles.

Elena Gorbunova:

  • Sand-cement tiles. Here you need to pay attention to such an indicator as “cyclicality”. Such a roof collects moisture, which, when the temperature passes through “zero”, expands inside and leads to the destruction of the roof covering. Over the course of a year, there are several dozen zero crossings in the Moscow region.
  • Composite tiles. It looks very impressive, because... combines both profile volume and stone topping. But it is quite difficult to install, and its installation should not be left to roofers without experience working with this type of roofing.

If you decide to get a roof made of natural tiles, you shouldn’t count on low cost!

Slate and painted slate- This is an inexpensive material. And it can be recommended for use as a roofing covering only if the price of the material is the main selection criterion.

It should be remembered that slate is already quite an outdated material. It is also very fragile, which imposes certain restrictions on its installation.

Also, do not forget that if you save too much on roofing material, there may be significant losses in quality and cost. installation work, insulation, wood, remains unchanged. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to purchase a roofing covering of higher quality, it is always worth taking advantage of it, because, like a house, a roof is installed for more than one decade!

Users of the site can find out all the information on; understand. Participants in our forum will tell you everything about. You can also find a detailed and clear description of the installation technology here. There is a heated discussion in our forum thread about how much more expensive it is than metal tiles. We are discussing and. Our video clearly explains how to correctly approach the choice of economy class roofing. The roof is made up of roofing small items, and you will learn which ones exactly from the second video. And if you want to install a seam roof with your own hands, but don’t know how to do it, watch the video where our forum member talks in detail about all the intricacies and secrets of working with this coating!

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof, because... the service life of the entire constructed building will depend on its strength and durability of the chosen one. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a coating. For some, the most important question will be which roof is cheaper, while for others the aesthetic side of the roof or the price-quality ratio will be more important.

In order to decide on the choice of roof you need to know the features and properties different types roofing coverings. The roof must have thermal insulation properties, provide protection from weather conditions and moisture, and maintain fire safety standards.

Roofs are divided into two types - pitched and flat.

Pitched roofs can be cold or warm, have an attic or not. In private construction they are usually used pitched roofs attic type, because This type of roof is easiest to convert to create additional living rooms or storage areas. Flat roofs are used for sheds, garages or other outbuildings. You can also make a roof in a residential building, on top of which you can arrange a comfortable terrace.

How to choose a roof

To choose the right type of roof for your home, you need to consider not only which roof is cheaper, but also the weather conditions in the area where the house is located.

Please note that for areas where there is heavy snowfall great solution it will be normal gable roof, because it removes sediment best. Flat roofs need to be installed in windy areas; they have little windage.

Mostly people prefer pitched roofs because... they allow the house to look more solid, proportional, and most importantly, it is possible to make attic floor. To perform such a roof, it is better to involve specialists, since this work is quite complex and requires a certain precision to ensure reliability. This type of roof will exert minimal pressure on the floors.

If the price-quality ratio is more important to you, then it is better to make a flat or pitched roof, because they are simpler and cheaper to install.

How to choose material

How the material will be used will depend on the roof design. However, it is worth saying that to perform a gable and pitched roof approximately the same amount of materials will be required, so it will be more difficult to say which roof is cheaper.

To begin choosing roofing materials, you should know the roof structure. Its main components are:

1. The basis of the structure is beams, trusses and rafters;

2. Base – lathing or solid;

3. Insulation or insulator;

4. Roof covering.

Rafters and trusses are the main frame for the roof. They should be chosen carefully; this is best done by professionals. The rafters will take on the entire load and distribute it across the structures below: supports and walls. If you make a more massive and heavier rafter structure, then the entire frame will be more expensive than if it is made for a soft covering. The base for the roof is always made depending on the coating used. If soft or roll coating is used, it is best to make a solid base.

If you use metal tiles or just tiles, you can also make a mesh base. Which coating is better, everyone will choose according to their needs: aesthetic appearance, durability and strength, waterproofness and thermal insulation, and most importantly - financial capabilities.

In light of financial possibilities, it is worth considering budget options. From this side, quality will be relegated to second place after cost.

When aesthetics are not a priority, you can use rolled polymer materials (for example), they are excellent for flat roofs. Similar material It is also possible to cover pitched roofs, but only if a plank is secured on top. The basis for such a coating will be fiberglass to insulate sounds, moisture and heat.

Another budget option is to cover the roof slope with ondulin. Although it is susceptible to warping due to weather, it is still quite common.

After the previous options, it is worth mentioning corrugated sheets and metal tiles. The color options are huge. The accessories include everything needed to install the roof. The disadvantage of the material will be low noise insulation, for example, during rain. But this can be corrected if the backing is made of polyethylene foam.

It is also important to provide excellent thermal insulation of the roof to protect the entire building from temperature changes. In most cases, glass wool is used for insulation. The cheapest material today is polystyrene foam. However, it is very fragile and has low noise insulation. In this case, glass wool has several advantages, because it is not subject to combustion, the influence of temperatures, does not shrink or stretch.

Roof waterproofing can be easily done using vapor barrier film and non-woven polypropylene.

It is worth noting that it is better not to use too cheap materials for roofs, because... most often they are not the most environmentally friendly, and this will affect the health of the residents. But here it’s up to you: either choose which roof is cheaper or more environmentally friendly.

The roof must be reliable and solid. Otherwise, the entire structure will have a minimum service life.

Video. Which roof is cheaper?

The video shows a calculation of the cost of constructing a roof.

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof - its quality determines the warmth and comfort, noise level and frequency of repairs of the building.

Naturally, when planning a development, the question arises, what type of roof to choose, or which roof is better - cheaper, more expensive, broken or gable, or maybe hipped?

It is not enough for a roof to be simply durable and attractive. It must also have a number of important properties: provide good protection from rain and snow, protect from heat and cold, and be fireproof. Let's look at the main types of roofs and their characteristic features, because the choice of roofing material depends on the type of roof.

Main types of roofs

  1. Flat roofs. They are usually erected above outbuildings and utility buildings, garages, bathhouses, sheds, as well as houses with a terrace on the roof.
  2. Pitched roofs. This type of roof is more widespread, and there are several classifications of pitched roofs, one of which we will give below. Among other things, pitched roofs can be divided into warm and cold, with an attic and without an attic.

Let us list the main structural types of pitched roofs.

  • Shed roofs
    Their surface is a plane resting on opposite walls of different heights, i.e. is at an angle to the horizontal.

  • Gable roofs
    They consist of two planes located at an angle and rest on opposite walls of the same height. This is perhaps the most common type of pitched roof.

  • broken roofs
    A type of gable roof in which each slope consists of two rectangles located at an obtuse angle.

  • Cross-shaped roofs
    They are a combination of several ordinary gable roofs, as if cut into each other at right angles.

  • Hip roofs
    This hipped roofs with two long trapezoidal slopes and two short triangular ones.

  • Half hip roofs
    A type of hip roof, sometimes called a Dutch roof, in which the end slopes do not reach the eaves. Thanks to this design, the house is better able to withstand the wind, and its gables are less exposed to precipitation.

  • Hip roofs
    A type of 4-slope roof, consisting of four equal slopes of a triangular shape.

When choosing a roof type, you should take into account not only its intended operational properties, but also its decorative qualities. In low-rise buildings, the roof has a large relative volume and its appearance largely determines the architectural solution.

In private houses, mainly the roofs of high structures are erected. This allows you to build an attic, and the house takes on a more presentable appearance. Also, steep slopes do not allow water and snow to linger on the roof. In areas with strong winds It is preferable to build low roofs or high ones, with additionally reinforced rafter systems.

You should also consider which roof the developer can afford. Naturally, the roofs are more simple designs cheaper, and the most economical options are flat and pitched roofing. An additional convenience of a pitched roof is that it allows you to increase the internal volume of the building, and in outbuildings at the same time serve as a ceiling.

If the attic space will be used for household needs, it is better to build gable roof. In areas with strong winds best choice There will be a type of hip roof, but its construction will not be cheap. In addition, the construction hip roofs requires high professionalism, and should only be trusted by experienced craftsmen.

In houses with complex shapes, cross-shaped roofs are usually used. This is a rather complex structure, consisting of many intersecting slopes. The difficulty of installing a cross-shaped roof is to ensure the tightness of the internal corners of the roof. Such roofs are expensive, they must be built experienced craftsmen and always made from quality materials.

Roof structural elements

After choosing the type of roof, you can begin selecting materials. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the main structural elements of roofs:

  • Basic structure. Its type depends on the type of roof. It is usually constructed from wooden beams and rafters.
  • Roof base. It can be constructed in the form of a lattice or be continuous.
  • Hydro- and heat-insulating layers.
  • Roofing material.

Rafters and their types

Rafters perform an important function in the roof structure. This is a support for the sheathing, taking on not only the weight of the roof, but also the wind load, as well as snow pressure.

  • hanging, used for long spans;
  • inclined, used for span lengths up to 6.5 m. With additional support, the span length can increase to 12 m.

Design and construction rafter systems– jobs that require high qualifications. Its quality determines the load-bearing capacity and, therefore, the strength of the roof.

Roof bases

The type of base for the roof is selected depending on the intended roofing material.

There are two main types of roofing base:

  • sheathing(used for roofing made of metal tiles, slate or metal profiles)
  • solid flooring(when using rolled materials)

Continuous flooring is constructed from two layers of boards. The first layer is called working, and the second is protective. The latter is located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the worker and is constructed from narrow boards. Between these layers a windproof material is placed, usually roofing felt RRP-300 or 350.

When installing the sheathing, a number of rules are observed:

  • all sheathing elements are securely fastened to the rafters;
  • their joints are located staggered on the rafters;
  • the distances between them must be maintained over the entire surface of the roof being constructed.

Roofing materials and works

The top part of the roof is called the roof. She is in direct contact with external environment, taking on the full power of wind and precipitation. Therefore, the main qualities that it must have are strength and water resistance.

There are many roofing materials, and when choosing one of them, you should take into account its performance characteristics, as well as a number of other factors:

  • climate;
  • functional purpose of the building;
  • durability of the material;
  • material cost;
  • its noise-insulating and heat-saving properties;
  • labor intensity and cost of roof maintenance;
  • external attractiveness of the material.

It is difficult to give unambiguous and comprehensive advice on choosing which roofing material will be best, since it is influenced by all the listed factors, and ideal building materials, as we know, do not exist. In addition, the determining criteria may differ, for example, if there is insufficient funding, the price becomes the main thing, and all other factors are considered less meticulously. On the contrary, if consumer properties come to the fore, then price, as a rule, is not of decisive importance. For some, perhaps the main factor will be beauty or color, since according to the owners’ plans, the house should not be similar to the others.

The choice of material should be made at the stage of creating a house project, since the type of roof structure depends on it, and changes should be made to finished project it will be difficult and expensive.


Selecting a roof structure and roofing material is an important stage in building a house. Find best solution is possible only by taking into account a number of factors:

  • purpose of the building;
  • noise insulation and heat saving characteristics of the roof;
  • construction budget;
  • climate features;
  • aesthetic impression.

Only by taking into account the listed factors and weighing each of them can you choose the optimal roof option and type of roofing material.

When planning the construction or replacement of a roof in a house or country house, the deciding factor in choosing a coating is often its cost. However, one should also consider the right choice material. In some cases cheap material may become not so profitable due to expensive installation and maintenance. Thanks to the wide offer modern options we can choose optimal solution.

The cheaper it is to cover the roof of a house - with metal tiles or corrugated sheets, flexible tiles or metal tiles? The most popular materials are tiles, roofing sheets or roofing felt. They differ in installation method, quality, and prices. Some of the benefits of these materials may be key to your choice.

Popular inexpensive roofing materials are as follows:

  • metal tiles or sheet metal, corrugated sheets (galvanized steel, copper);
  • roofing felt (used for flat roofs and surfaces with a slight slope);
  • cement tiles;
  • roofing bitumen of various forms.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Metal tiles, corrugated sheets

If you need to significantly reduce construction costs, you should abandon ceramic tiles in favor of steel or corrugated sheets. This is an ideal choice for those who do not want to spend all their savings on a roof. Despite many disadvantages, corrugated sheets and metal tiles have many advantages.

Metal tiles and corrugated sheets are made of profiled steel sheets, treated polymer coated. Materials are installed on pitched roofs. The corrugated sheet is thicker, produced by cold rolling, more durable, easier to install, and costs less. Metal tiles are thinner, produce more waste, look more decorative, and cost more.

Metal tiles and corrugated sheets, photo

Advantages of steel tiles over ceramic tiles:

  • price– concerns the cost of materials, installation, including the truss structure;
  • better, aesthetic appearance– available options for sheets treated with appropriate fungicides, resins, and preventing the formation of algae and moss;
  • weight– roof covering made of steel tiles weighs little and does not require so much robust construction roofs, as for ceramic tiles; 1 square meter of tile weighs 2-6 kg - almost 10 times less than ceramic tiles;
  • roof slope required for installing a roofing sheet must be higher than 9-12 °, while it is possible to install metal tiles at a lower angle, but this requires rigid sheathing;
  • amount of waste– when installing simple, large roof surfaces, a small amount of waste remains, however, in the case of roofs with complex shapes, this advantage is lost;
  • weather– metal tiles do not change shape and weight under the influence of moisture.

Due to the change in the size of metal tiles under the influence of temperature, it should be taken into account that the most important thing in this type of roofing is correct installation. The service life of steel coating depends on:

  • sheet metal cutting quality;
  • installation method.

The warranty for this type of material is 10-12 years.

It is important to choose the right company that installs roofing sheets. Improper cutting of sheet metal can damage the protective layers located on the shingles.

The substrate under the roof should be the same as in the case of ceramic tiles. You will need strips and armor. They are fixed with spacing adapted to the length of one module. The spacing is determined individually by the manufacturer. Some offer self-supporting shingles that have built-in load-bearing battens. This coating does not require the installation of lathing. When repairing a roof, lightweight metal tiles can be laid over the existing roofing felt roofing.

Disadvantages of metal tiles:

  • not as durable as ceramic corrugated sheeting;
  • poor acoustic insulation compared to ceramic; corrugated sheeting also has poor sound insulation - you can hear raindrops falling on a metal sheet;
  • poor air permeability, unlike ceramic;
  • operational difficulties associated with snow accumulation - excess snow can lead to surface deformation.

For metal tiles, corrosion resistance, durability of the coating, and color are important. For this purpose, metal tiles are often made from galvanized sheet steel, protected with a special coating of polymer material. In some cases, the second side is painted.

Note! Metal tiles and corrugated sheets require proper cleaning and maintenance. Periodically it is necessary to carry out repairs and paint with a primer.

Euroroofing felt, roofing felt

Euroruberoid is a popular roofing material. Its advantages:

  • a light weight;
  • relatively low price;
  • works well in all weather conditions;
  • easy installation;
  • well-laid euroroofing felt retains its waterproof qualities for more than 30 years.

Different types Roofing felt is laid in different ways:

  • some types are attached with glue;
  • others are liquid;
  • still others require heat styling.

It is important that the coating is completely sealed.

Before laying roofing felt, the base should be primed, even if it is old roofing felt. The primer is made with a special asphalt mixture for priming.

Old roofing felt - good base for the new one. Keep this in mind, because getting rid of the old layer is an expensive, very troublesome undertaking.

Roofing felt should be laid at temperatures above + 50 °C; it is necessary to choose a day without precipitation. The following may have a negative effect on styling:

  • wet surface;
  • strong wind.

Although roofing felt is slowly going out of fashion, it has many supporters as the best option for an inexpensive roofing material. Roofing felt roofing material is relatively inexpensive and durable.

Bituminous shingles

Bituminous shingles- This inexpensive option soft roof. The cost of coverage depends on:

  • forms of bitumen shingles;
  • layers;
  • primer quality.

Soft bitumen roofing- a popular alternative to ceramic roofing and sheet metal roofing.

Bitumen shingles consist of:

  1. several layers of fiberglass;
  2. bitumen;
  3. mineral or ceramic granules, sometimes with copper.

Roofing made of bitumen shingles has a number of advantages:

  • relatively low price;
  • ease of installation;
  • versatility;
  • light, thin – thickness up to 5 mm;
  • easy to transport;
  • resistant to damage;
  • lightweight design makes it suitable for roofs with almost any angle (except flat);
  • flexible bitumen shingles are used on roofs of complex shapes, suitable for finishing complex architectural roofs and parapets;
  • bitumen shingle covering is easy to restore, easy to install skylights in already covered roofs;
  • bitumen shingles are quiet and do not reflect raindrops even during heavy rainfalls, so they are used in the attic.

Colored coating on the bitumen coating gives it a decorative appearance. The material is available in many colors, the most popular:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • grey.

There are “shaded” tiles that create the impression of being thicker than they are in reality, imitating ceramic coating, concrete.

In the case of single-color options, when laying, you should not take elements from different batches; individual tiles may differ in shade.

Bituminous shingles come in different shapes, which is important for the aesthetics and cost of the roof:

  • hexagonal tiles are the cheapest due to the fact that they are cut without waste;
  • cutting tiles into the popular “fish scale” shape produces more waste and costs more;
  • Classic tile shapes emphasize the traditional character of the building.


Feature bitumen - under the influence of the sun, the elements glue themselves together, so each successive rows of tiles are glued and it is impossible for snow, rain, or wind to get under them. Due to this self-vulcanization of the bitumen pavement, installation work should be carried out under favorable weather conditions, preferably from May to September. The process can be accelerated by reheating, for example with a torch.

When choosing the type of roof, you should consider the cost preparatory work, material, installation, subsequent maintenance. Not all options are available for every building due to the characteristics (shape, slope) of the roof, climatic conditions, and aesthetic preferences.