Split stretching exercises for children. How to teach a child to do the splits? We all need to understand that regular stretching training will be required. Girls find it easier to do the splits

Split is one of the difficult elements in gymnastics, which is characterized by stretching both legs in different directions or forward and backward. You can learn how to do the splits yourself at home. The main thing in this matter is patience and desire.

Preparing the stretch for the splits

If it so happens that your child is eager to do the splits, then you must do everything to help him with this. You may have a future gymnastics champion on your hands. Therefore, in no case should you be lazy or dissuade your child from this idea. So, before you start doing physical activity, you need to warm up your muscles, then stretch them. Getting a child to do the splits, as it turns out, is not an easy task, and it takes a lot of time.

Help your child stretch his entire body with massage movements. When he feels a slight warmth, you can start stretching.

Longitudinal twine, unlike transverse twine, has practically no contraindications. Therefore, stretching muscle mass should begin with it. Over time, the muscles will become more elastic and pliable. We place the child in a kneeling position, take his legs one at a time and stretch them forward in front of him. At this time, the pelvis should be lowered to the floor as much as possible. This exercise is perfect as a splits stretch for beginners. The leg that extends forward should be completely straight.

Cross twine

The split, in which the legs need to be spread across, is considered more difficult, and it takes a long time to prepare for it. This kind of twine helps the child develop hip joints and improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity. Of course, it is possible to do the splits for both children and adults. But this task is much easier for children. Their body is more pliable and obedient.

Cross splits can also strengthen the abdominal and leg muscles. When stretching before this type of split, the child needs to spread his legs as wide as possible, gradually moving them further apart. When spreading the legs, you need to help the young athlete lean on his hands on the floor. They must be gradually bent at the elbows until they are completely on the floor.

Basic exercises for stretching muscles

To properly prepare your body for the splits, you need to learn how to perform basic exercises. Eg:

The question “How to put a child into the splits” will gradually be resolved after such stretching. Over time, your child will begin to perform all the techniques more independently, and it will be much easier for him to do the half-split, and then the split.

The child's preparation should take place in a room where the air temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. At first, you need to stretch every other day. Then you can increase the strength of the loads and perform them daily.

The child's clothing should be loose and light. It is very important to give your baby plenty of water to drink during physical activity. This is necessary to prevent dehydration of the small organism.

When bending forward, you need to watch the baby's back; it should be perfectly straight. To ensure that the blood is maximally saturated with oxygen, children are advised to breathe correctly when stretching: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth at the strongest load. For example, when tilting to the side. This breathing rhythm can also make exercise easier.

Before a child fully masters the splits, it is necessary to consult a professional who will assess his physical abilities. An experienced person will be able to give practical advice on the correct training and performance of the necessary exercises. This will help in the future to put the child on the splits. As a rule, this takes from 4 to 6 months. Also, expert advice can prevent unwanted injuries that often occur when exercising at home.

We hope you found our tips for beginners on stretching for the splits helpful.

There are many benefits to doing the splits, for example, the body becomes more flexible and strong, and the child’s posture also improves. There is a misconception that at any age a child stretches like plasticine and can simply stretch into the splits and stand on a bridge , this is not entirely true. A craving for physical activity must be instilled from infancy, if this is your goal. It is important to know exactly how to stretch the muscles correctly so as not to harm your child.

The primary question that arises for parents is when is the best time for their child to start gymnastic exercises. Experts are of the opinion that the most suitable age ranges from five to seven years, when the muscles are most elastic and lend themselves well to developing flexibility. At a later age, of course, you can do the splits, but there will be more difficulties. Regularity of classes, namely daily ones, is important. If you practice periodically, you will not achieve the desired effect soon.

Where to start stretching a child into the splits. How to do the splits for a child

It is very important to warm up, so to speak, to prepare for the tension. Let's start with the basics:
Swings. Place the child on the side of the chair, holding the back of the chair with one hand, and begin swinging his legs forward, then back and to the side, placing the other hand on his belt. With energetic movements, you need to make ten swings in each direction and change sides. While watching this exercise, make sure your toes are pointed, your legs are straight at the knees, and, of course, your posture is straight.
Having completed a good warm-up, we begin stretching. We bend forward, reaching our palms to the floor and fixate in this position for a few seconds. We return to the original, repeat ten times. When controlling the execution of the exercise, do not force the child, let him do as much as he can, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and time.
A child in a position standing on one leg, takes right hand, with the right leg bent at the knees, pulls the heel towards the gluteal muscles. Direct your pelvis slightly forward, and the left leg continues to not bend at the knees, thereby creating a stretch in the muscles of the right, bent leg. Repeat five times, switch legs.
In a more heated state, the leg is placed, for example, on the same chair, at waist level, the other leg remains straight. Bend down towards the floor, let him stretch as far as he can. The adult controlling the process needs to be close to support the child. It is enough to perform five actions with each leg.
After all the listed exercises, we proceed to the splits. Let the child try the longitudinal or transverse split himself, whichever is easier for him. Everyone’s muscles are different, just control the process by holding your shoulders.

Do not put pressure on the child, let him stretch until the first pain sensations, nothing more.

Do not forget that any exercises with your child should be done playfully, help him, but under no circumstances overexert him. Being harsh in this situation can kill all interest in exercise along with you.

Before you begin physical activity, it is important not only to warm up your muscles, but also to stretch them afterwards. Remember, under no circumstances start training the splits until your baby has warmed up well and completed the exercises listed above. Change the order and number of times you do them so that your child doesn’t get too tired of them. After warming up, you can begin the stretching itself.
Longitudinal twine has virtually no contraindications. For many, it is easier to start stretching with it. Gradually, the muscles become more elastic, strengthened, and endurance and patience strengthen character from an early age.
To get the result in the form of a longitudinal split, place the child in a kneeling position, straightening the legs forward in turn, bringing the pelvis as low as possible to the floor. Pay attention to the position of your legs; when stretched, you need to be straight at the knees.
Cross splits develop mobility hip joints, improve blood circulation in the pelvic and abdominal areas, strengthens the legs and abs. To stretch it, the child should spread his legs as far apart as possible, gradually spreading them, resting his hands on the floor. When expanding the distance of your legs, your arms must be bent at the elbows. You can play in association, ask the child to imagine himself as a pendulum, or that he is being swayed by waves, from side to side, forward, backward, and finally, just fixate on stretching the muscles as much as your child can. You need to try to relax; muscles stretch most when they are not tense.

Before you move on to targeted stretching activities, refer to professional teacher To help assess your child's physical characteristics, tips on deeper stretching may be given. If your baby is tired and ready for a break, it is important not to make sudden movements; at first, you can help him collect his legs. Carefully bring your legs together, first sit on the floor, stretching them out and stretching forward towards your toes, then return to the sitting position and bend towards your toes again. Help the child get up, legs also brought together, and do a similar exercise, only in a standing position. This helps to calmly return ligaments and joints to their normal state.

Carry out physical activity in a warm room so that during exercise the muscles warm up easily. At first, take one day off, this is necessary for muscle recovery, gradually moving on to daily training. Dress your baby appropriately - a T-shirt, sportswear and socks. Remember to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. When bending forward, watch the child’s back, it should always be straight, and try to reach the perineum with the tummy, not with the head. Air should be inhaled through the mouth, filling the chest as much as possible, this improves the supply of oxygen.

You need to breathe rhythmically, exhale while tilting down or to the side.
For daily training, you will need approximately thirty minutes of time. In just a couple of weeks, the child will be able to do the splits on his own.

Remember, to maintain and improve results, continue to exercise regularly in the future.

Try to participate in training as much as possible, talk, explain, acute pain should not be allowed, the baby should talk about his feelings. As soon as the child reports discomfort, move on to other exercises. It is important that the child becomes interested in training and is not afraid of changes in his physical form.

While working on the physical development of their child, some parents think about how to teach their child to do the splits. This, of course, is not necessary, but it will help the baby’s body become more flexible, stronger, and the preschooler himself will gain self-confidence, because he will be able to do what not all children from his group can do. kindergarten. Experts note that if the baby is healthy, has no medical contraindications and wants to learn a new skill, then you can safely start classes.


Why teach a child such a difficult exercise? Splits not only help make the body resilient and flexible, but also improve joint mobility, strengthen the back muscles and achieve royal posture.

In addition, stretching exercises help to work out several muscle groups at once, improve coordination of movements, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of injury from a fall.

Exercise will also be useful for intestinal function. When performing stretching and splits, blood circulation in the pelvic area improves, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the genitourinary system.

Stretching exercises

You can start preparatory stretching classes at the age of 4, and the splits themselves are best done at the age of 5-7 years - it is at this time that the baby’s muscles and tendons are as flexible as possible, so the exercise will be painless. However, everyone understands that it is impossible to complete it in one day; significant preliminary preparation is required.

Stretching exercises should be performed daily - they will prepare the muscles.

  • First of all, it is swinging your legs to the sides from a standing position. For stability, one hand should hold onto a support - a wall or the back of a chair, and the swing itself should be made with maximum amplitude.
  • Forward bends are another very effective preparatory exercise. The child stands up with his feet shoulder-width apart (after a few successful trainings it will be possible to put them together), then bends forward without bending his knees and trying to reach the floor first with his fingertips, and then with his entire palm. In the final position, the position should be fixed for 5-10 seconds, in this case the benefits of the tilt will increase.
  • Bends towards the leg. To perform this split stretch exercise, you will need a chair. The straight leg is placed on the seat, then the baby should bend so that his fingertips can reach the floor. You need to perform the movement at least 5 times, and then repeat with the other leg.
  • Exercise on your knees. Having taken the starting position, you need to stretch your straight legs to the sides one at a time, trying, without bending your back, to lower your pelvis as low as possible.

Without these preliminary exercises, you cannot force your baby to do the splits. Training should last approximately 30 minutes throughout the month. However, we note that each child is individual - some will be able to achieve what they want without much difficulty in a couple of weeks, while others may need several months.

Important Terms

Let's consider what a child should be able to do before starting classes, and what requirements he must meet. There are several of them:

  • no medical contraindications;
  • age 5-7 years;
  • desire to engage;
  • good stretching;
  • the ability to do bends and swings, linger at the end point for 5-10 seconds.

Only when these conditions are met can you begin further training.

Organization of classes

First, kids learn to perform longitudinal splits, then they begin to perform transverse splits. It is very important to avoid painful sensations and not to force the child to do it by force, literally clenching his teeth - this approach does more harm than good. Of course, the parent will achieve his goal, but the baby will not experience the joy of success.

We also note the importance of warming up, which should be done both before stretching exercises and before performing the splits itself. It includes several simple exercises:

  1. running in place;
  2. jumping;
  3. vigorous bending to the sides;
  4. squats.

After the warm-up, a set of stretching exercises is performed. It is very important to exercise regularly in such a way that there is progress, that is, gradually increase the number of repetitions and improve the result. If today the baby managed to bend over and reach the floor with his hands, then it is very desirable that tomorrow he does it a little better or is able to fix the position a second longer.

How to do the splits?

You can start doing the splits only if the stretching exercises are completed without problems and do not cause pain.

Parents should not artificially stretch the child; the process should be absolutely natural. Minor pain is acceptable, but severe pain should not be tolerated.

Now let's look at how to make longitudinal twine correctly:

  1. Get on your knees.
  2. Stretch your legs forward one at a time, trying to lower your pelvis to the floor as much as possible.
  3. The back remains straight.

Of course, it won’t work out the first time, but after regular training, parents and the baby himself will notice that the result is getting better and better.

Cross twine is done like this:

  1. Standing, spread your legs as wide as possible.
  2. The arms are extended forward.
  3. Gradually, the distance to the floor should be reduced.

After some time, success will be sure. At first, it is permissible to lightly support the baby by the shoulders and help him, but you cannot forcibly stretch him.

It is very important that the child enjoys the activities, so you should turn on his favorite rhythmic music, to which it is much more pleasant to perform the movements. Parents should praise their child for the slightest progress, as well as for effort - this will become a powerful motivator for further success. It is absolutely forbidden to scold a child or compare him with other children, since all babies are different. Comparison is only valid with the baby himself a few weeks earlier.

Experts advise: if a child, despite all his efforts, cannot do the splits, you need to abandon this idea and simply perform a set of stretching exercises with him - they are no less useful, but will not make the child feel like a failure. You shouldn’t chase quick results and believe tempting headlines like “How to do the splits in 3 days.” Only regular training will help you achieve the desired success and not harm the baby.

Proper split stretching is a guarantee of safe physical exercise at home or in the gym. Both beginners and experienced athletes can perform it. Warming up gymnastics will help you easily sit on the longitudinal or transverse splits. It will also help you maintain a slim figure. Our workouts with instructions in photos and videos are also suitable for children 3-5, 7-10 years old. Useful activities will help children grow healthy and strong.

Effective split stretching for beginners at home - step-by-step video

For beginners, learning how to make a beautiful transverse or longitudinal split is quite easy. To do this, you just need to constantly train and select simple sets of classes. Light loads will eliminate muscle pain. Therefore, they should be given gradually and without zeal. At the same time, you do not need to visit the gym to conduct training. With the help of the videos we have selected, beginning gymnasts can do split stretches at home.

Step-by-step video lessons on doing split stretches at home for beginners

After carefully watching video lessons from experienced trainers, you can immediately start training. Step-by-step implementation of the complexes will help you do the longitudinal or transverse splits really quickly. The speed of learning depends only on the desire of the person performing the classes and his physical fitness.

Correct stretching for splits for children 3-5 years old, 7-10 years old - examples with photos and videos

Children's gymnastics is important for every child at any age. It allows you to develop flexibility, strengthen and build muscles, and form a beautiful figure. With frequent stretching, children 3-5 or 7-10 years old will be able to easily do the splits.

How to properly stretch for splits with children 3-5 years old?

For kids, you need to select exercises that will be more like an entertaining game. Simple exercises will not cause discomfort in children. At the same time, the increased flexibility of children under 5 years old will allow each of them to do the splits in just a week. The following video lesson will help coaches and mothers choose simple exercises to practice with children. It contains many useful instructions.

Photo examples of split stretching exercises for children 7-10 years old

Children over 7 years old need to do more gymnastics than children. This is due to the requirement to develop the habit of doing physical exercise and achieve the desired results. But heavy loads should be immediately excluded. Children should complete tasks without feeling discomfort. To do this, the guys need to warm up their muscles well before the main loads. You should start your workout by jumping and bending from side to side for 30 seconds. Then follow the swings of the legs and arms. Rolling from one leg to the other will help you prepare for the main activities. After completing them, the guys must complete the following exercises:

The complex we have prepared will definitely appeal to children aged 7-10 years. At the same time, it will help them grow healthy. Parents and coaches just need to instill in their children a love for such activities. Constant training will help significantly strengthen the muscles of your legs and abs.

Simple cross-split stretching at home - step-by-step exercises with a chair

You can conduct physical exercises for stretching the cross splits at home in a non-standard way - with a chair. This method will help to quickly warm up the muscles and prevent pain in the legs. The video we prepared will help you carry out this exercise correctly.

Video example of step-by-step exercises with a chair for stretching cross splits

If you strictly follow the trainers' recommendations, doing home exercises with a chair will be as easy as shelling pears. An interesting complex for home can be considered an excellent replacement for training in the gym. It does not require any special skills and is suitable even for beginners.

How to do splits stretching at home - video and photo exercises

The videos and photos we have selected will help you learn how to do split stretches at home without much difficulty. Simple training can be done by both experienced gymnasts and beginners.

A selection of exercises with photos for stretching the splits at home

Our complex will help girls achieve proper muscle stretching without pain. It must be repeated daily (or at least 3-4 times a week). The lesson should be carried out without much effort. You are allowed to take 30-second breaks between tasks.

Following these instructions will help you achieve a chiseled figure. This workout will help highlight your waist and make your legs slender.

Video example of preparatory exercises for splits at home

You can work at home with another complex. At the same time, blocks of exercises can be either universal or suitable only for beginners or experienced gymnasts. For example, novice athletes will like this video lesson:

Regular exercise will help you quickly get your body into ideal shape. At the same time, you can perform the exercises even at home. Simple gymnastics and fitness routines will make your legs slender and your hips rounded. And most in a simple way To achieve such results, stretching to a twine (longitudinal or transverse) is considered. It takes little time and is suitable for beginner athletes, children 3-5, 7-10 years old. Light exercises will help you quickly and easily strengthen your leg muscles.

Is stretching beneficial for children? This question is asked by many caring parents, especially mothers and fathers of girls. Here, as with most dilemmas, there is no clear answer. If you don't overdo it, baby stretching is very useful.

The benefits and harms of children's stretching

It's no secret that most professional athletes suffer from a host of diseases caused by their type of activity. Almost all professional gymnasts have various musculoskeletal disorders. And systematic stretching to the limit of your capabilities plays an important role in this. Excessive stretching of the ligamentous apparatus leads to joint laxity, which creates favorable conditions for the development of osteochondrosis and deforming osteoarthritis.

Gymnastics and choreography, which children do only for their own pleasure, as a hobby, only bring benefits. Stretching exercises for children are useful because they help normalize and optimize the tone of almost all muscle groups, strengthen the back and straighten posture. By relieving tonic tension, they activate the corresponding brain structures. The child’s mental state improves, also because any exercise relieves accumulated physical and mental fatigue, which is very typical for children, especially school-age children.

Therefore, the answer to the question “do children need stretching” is more likely yes than no. But whether to carry it out with fanaticism or not is up to you, dear parents.

Children cannot stretch on their own, and stretching is especially difficult for beginner children. The task of adults is to help the child perform stretching exercises correctly, without jerking or breaking technique.

  • Stretching exercises for children should not be accompanied by pain.
  • Before stretching, a warm-up warm-up is necessary.
  • Training should be regular.
  • Any stretching exercise should consist of four phases: taking the desired position, stretching, smooth release from the position, pause.
  • Ideally, before starting a stretching course, you need to consult with a physical therapy instructor to create a program that the child will perform under the strict guidance of the parents. In a couple of months a new program will be drawn up.
  • Stretching can be performed by children from three to four years old.

The simplest set of stretching exercises for children

  • Exercise "Cat"

Starting position: standing on all fours with your head down.

As you inhale, raise your head up and bend your back (stretch your stomach down). As you exhale, arch your back, lifting and drawing in your stomach. Repeat 10 times.

  • Exercise for stretching the muscles of the shoulder and triceps

Starting position: standing or sitting.

With the fingers of one hand, we touch the back between the shoulder blades over the top, with the other hand we grab the first one by the elbow and pull it back until a slight tension appears in the muscles. We repeat the exercise for the second hand.

  • Upper body stretching exercise

Starting position: standing straight with your hands clasped behind your back.

Slowly turn your elbows inward, trying to feel the tension in your shoulders and between your shoulder blades.

  • Exercise to stretch the thigh muscles

Starting position: standing straight.

We put one leg forward and slowly bend it, thereby lowering ourselves down. The back is straight. We repeat the same with the other leg.

  • Stretching exercise for the gluteal and thigh muscles

Take a towel, elastic band or scarf, throw it over the foot of one leg and slowly lift your straight leg, pulling it towards you. We repeat the same for the other leg.

  • Hip stretching exercise

Starting position: sitting on your knee.

Slowly lower your pelvis down. We repeat while sitting on the other knee.

  • Full body stretching

Starting position: lying on your back.

We stretch our arms and legs to the sides as far as possible, tensing the abdominal muscles.


The given set of exercises is basic. It helps prepare the body for more serious stretching. When the child is ready physically and psychologically, you can begin exercises. As practice shows, when stretching for splits is performed, children show great interest in it. These exercises are similar to those performed by adults, however, stretching for the legs of children should be performed with greater caution, if only because the child is not able to fully assess his capabilities.

Video: stretching children into splits