Traditional pizza oven. Electric pizza ovens ITPIZZA (Italy). Classification of wood stoves

Ø Today, the pizza oven segment is quite widely represented on the market of professional equipment for bars and restaurants. For small establishments, the use of mini-ovens, which are elongated rectangular devices with one or several chambers, is extremely important.

Pizza ovens

Pizza ovens They do an excellent job of preparing various dough dishes, which include pies and bread. A feature of this type of equipment is constant uniform heating throughout the entire working chamber space. Pizza deck ovens- the most popular and most widely represented type of professional equipment in this category. They, in turn, are divided into single-chamber and multi-chamber. A special feature of such furnaces is the presence of special ceramic plates, which are called hearths. Electric hearth pizza ovens differ not only in the size of the baking chambers themselves, but also in the thickness and specific structure of the hearths. When choosing a pizza oven of this type, you should also pay attention to the number and length of heating elements: the more there are, the more efficient and even the roasting of the product.

Traditional aromatic pizza is cooked in a special oven. Professional equipment is indispensable both in large restaurants and in tiny cafeterias. The range of stoves is wide; it is important to choose the one that matches the concept of the establishment and satisfies the needs of customers. Equipment differs in energy sources, capacity, method and time of pizza preparation.

Wood-burning pizza ovens

Since time immemorial, a common attribute of an Italian pizzeria has been a wood-fired oven. Developers modern models have applied the latest scientific achievements to time-tested technologies, as a result, today you have the opportunity to purchase copies of authentic samples, adapted to the needs of consumers. Adherents of strict adherence to the canons recognize the only method of preparing real pizza - over the hearth brick oven. Modernized technology uses different kinds fuel, including firewood.

Purpose. Traditional ovens are the best option for a pizzeria whose owner wants to get real pizzas and prefers classic baking methods.

Heat. In models of this type, three heating methods work in parallel: contact heat transfer, convection and the effect of heat reflection from the walls of the hearth. The shape of the inner part of the dome creates conditions for the movement of hot air currents, the dough and filling are baked evenly from below and from above. The dome and hearth are made of fire-resistant materials.

Baking conditions. The required temperature ranges from 370ºC to 540ºC.

Energy Type: wood, coal or gas. As an option, the devices can be equipped with an additional gas heating system.

Preheating duration – from ¾ hour to several hours. You can be sure the temperature is high enough when you see the dome turn white. Professional models for the most part do not need visual cues for the cook, because... equipped with thermometers, in addition to measuring temperature in work area It is allowed to use an infrared pocket thermometer.

Baking duration in a sufficiently heated oven is from one and a half to 5 minutes. The volume of the flatbread and filling plays a role, as well as the number of pizzas prepared at the same time.

Time to return to operating temperature. Each pizza requires some heat from the stone hearth to cook, but as long as the fire is maintained, the lost heat is returned very quickly. It only takes a few minutes after removal and the next batch is ready to bake.

Wood-burning pizza ovens in the catalog

Stone Hearth Pizza Ovens

Hearth ovens are second in popularity after wood-burning ovens; they are more economical and easier to maintain. Their distinctive feature is the presence of stone or ceramic hearths on which dough products are baked.

Purpose. Electric deck ovens are suitable for pizzerias whose owners want to produce high-quality baked goods without investing a lot of money in the purchase and maintenance of equipment.

Heating method. Heating elements supply heat to the baking sheets while simultaneously warming the chambers. Thus, the dough is baked on a sheet, while the filling and cheese are cooked until ready. A viewing window made of heat-resistant glass and internal lighting allow the chef to monitor the process from the outside.

Baking temperature 200-350ºС, for some models maximum – 500 ºС.

Energy type. Gas can also be used to heat stone hearths, but in the field Catering electric pizza ovens are more popular.

about 1 hour.

Baking time. At 260ºC, baking one pizza will take ~7 minutes, a little more or less, depending on the filling and the thickness of the dough.

Duration of restoration of operating temperature. Baking uses up the heat of the oven, so it takes some time for the oven to return to readiness. To avoid operational downtime, make sure the model you choose fully meets your production capacity requirements.

Pizza ovens with hearth in the catalog

Convection Pizza Ovens

Rising prices for electricity lead restaurateurs to the need to use it sparingly. This oven reduces energy consumption, baking time and labor costs.

Purpose. The equipment is optimal for enterprises planning to produce high-quality pizza at minimal cost, as well as for small kitchens.

Heating method. From the name it is clear that these devices are equipped with convectors, thanks to which heated air circulates through the chambers.

Baking temperature and time. Convection significantly reduces energy costs due to the fact that at a temperature of 237ºС you can cook several pizzas at once in 5 minutes.

Energy Type: gas and electricity.

Preheat duration is a maximum of 20 minutes.

Time to restore operating temperature: not required. Perforated stainless steel shelves retain heat and increase the operating efficiency of the device.

Conveyor pizza ovens

A relatively slow and at the same time highly productive baking method. The semi-finished product passes through the chamber, being on the conveyor belt, and the finished dish comes out from the other side. This method allows you to cook more than just pizza.

Purpose. Conveyor ovens are good for medium-sized pizzerias, as well as for organizing a delivery service for ready-made pizza. You can also use universal equipment to toast sandwiches, bake fish, and vegetables.

Heating method: movement of heated air masses.

Baking temperature... The temperature range used is from 200ºС to 300 ºС.

Pizza ovens are used to equip cafes and restaurants various types, But the best option is a hearth model. It provides quick heating and cooking in just 1-8 minutes, while the baked goods remain fluffy and juicy, maintaining their taste.

Deck ovens for cooking pizza are classified depending on power, heat source, productivity, and the number of working tiers. But they all have the following features:

  • main scope of application – cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, bakeries;
  • energy source – electricity (some models can run on gas);
  • maximum heating up to +450 °C (the working chamber can remain warm for up to 50 minutes);
  • various modifications: pizza ovens can be designed for small, medium and large diameters, simultaneous cooking of two dishes.

An oven with an electric heat source is equipped with heating elements to heat the chamber. Uniform and fast baking is ensured by a special mesh on which the product is laid out. Adjusting the heating intensity in the deck oven chamber allows you to keep the baked goods fluffy and soft, and the topping juicy. The smallest models allow you to bake 1-2 pizzas per working cycle. For restaurants and pizzerias, we recommend a multifunctional oven with two tiers, which bakes up to 6 pizzas per cycle and has increased productivity.

How to choose the right pizza oven

Professional baking equipment is designed not only for pizza, but also for such dishes as flatbreads with various fillings, pies, and bruschetta. Thanks to its functionality and simple controls, the pizza oven ensures uniform baking of the dough, the topping remains juicy and soft, preserving the aroma and taste characteristics.

In our catalog you can choose and buy different models deck ovens for pizza, when choosing which it is recommended to take into account the following criteria:

  • dimensions of the furnace design;
  • power;
  • the number of tiers and the diameter of the pizza (to increase productivity, you can choose two-tier ovens for simultaneous cooking of two dishes);
  • handle type (removable or non-removable);
  • the presence and number of pallets for collecting crumbs;
  • type of control, features of temperature and cooking time adjustment;
  • the presence of an observation window to visually determine the degree of pizza readiness;
  • illumination of the working chamber and type of oven bottom (ceramics ensures more uniform heat distribution);
  • presence of a hole for smoke emission.

In our catalog you can buy various pizza ovens for the world's leading manufacturers, represented by a wide range. This is professional equipment affordable price, which allows you to optimize the cooking process, reduce the time and financial costs of the cafe. To order a stove or clarify its technical and operational characteristics, you can call us at the indicated numbers or leave a request on the online store website.

The RestoModa online store sells more than 200 models of this type of equipment.
  • They operate on a 220 Volt network and are economical in terms of energy consumption;
  • Compact dimensions make it possible to install equipment where it is needed;
  • The number (1 or 2) and sizes of cameras depend on the specific model you choose;
  • Prices range from 6,000 to 19,000 rubles. Depends on the number of oven options and the manufacturer’s brand.
  • The door and front panel are made of stainless steel, the viewing window is made of heat-resistant glass;
  • Heating: independent upper and lower;
  • The diameter of the baked product is 30 - 40 centimeters;
  • Baking temperature (up to 350 degrees) provides quick cooking, most models are equipped with a timer.
A pizza oven is definitely worth buying if you are the owner of a cafe, pizzeria, or a large network for the delivery of ready-made baked goods. She will quickly prepare a dish according to the recipe, and will do a great job if you need to bake pies, bread, and baked goods.

A large selection of pizza ovens Convito, Apach, Itpizza, Gastrorag, Kocateq, and other brands are presented on the website, Moscow. There are gas, conveyor, electric, hearth models designed for, pizzas, powered by the network, V. The catalog also contains other equipment for fast food establishments and public catering. From us you can buy an electric knife for shawarma, a slicer for slicing sausage and cheese, and professional juicers. We offer the best floor and tabletop thermal display units. Check out the range and be sure to order.

Real pizza, juicy and aromatic, on the finest dough with a crispy crust can be prepared based on the best traditions and recipes of Italy, using a branded pizza oven. The choice of heating equipment for the kitchen is quite wide. What type of oven in terms of productivity and cooking methods will allow you to achieve the perfect taste of the famous product?

Types of furnaces

With all the variety of recipes and methods of preparing pizza, two more famous types are conventionally distinguished - Italian and American. When preparing each of them, a certain number of rules must be observed. This applies not only to the manufacturing method and ingredients, but also to the ovens in which the pizza is baked.

Among professional kitchen equipment, to increase efficiency and automate processes in the kitchen, mainly in restaurant and cafe chains, the main types of ovens are offered: wood-burning, so-called Pompeii, electric and gas. Furnaces are also classified according to the principle of their operation into hearth and conveyor.

Before making a purchase, experts strongly advise you to think through all the details, since right choice The type of oven will affect the quality of prepared dishes and the organization of staff work.

Wood stoves

Classic and also the best option The wood-burning pizza oven, also called Pompeian, is rightfully considered. Its design was developed on the Apennine Peninsula and was a semi-open hearth that was used exclusively for cooking. The stove is somewhat similar to a fireplace and consists of a hearth, which is usually made of either natural stone, and a dome or vault, created in the form of a hemisphere from tapering rows of bricks. Such a wood-burning pizza oven can withstand high temperature loads; inside it, heated air masses circulate from bottom to top, which ensures fast and high-quality cooking. This process of preparing pizza takes about 3 minutes, the oven temperature is 350-400 °C.

Charcoal and deciduous wood are used as fuel. It takes 40 to 60 minutes to heat up the oven, during which time the temperature in it reaches 500 °C. Then the burning fuel is moved to one of the walls of the furnace to ensure uniform movement of thermal masses. The finished layer of pizza is placed directly under the oven and during the cooking process it is turned with a specially designed shovel for the most uniform baking.

Classification of wood stoves

Wood-fired pizza ovens have been used since ancient times. It is considered an invention of the Italians, but similar Appliances were in use among both the ancient Egyptians and the Turkic peoples. This is the most classic way to prepare the prototype of pizza - flatbread with filling, as well as homemade aromatic bread and other dishes. And today it is believed that real pizza can only be cooked in a wood-burning oven. Only now it has several variations and is classified according to the method of delivery, installation and capacity.

The pizza oven can be supplied assembled or disassembled. The latter option is convenient for installing it in a specific room. It is mounted and sheathed on site by professional craftsmen.

According to the type of installation, ovens can be ready-made and have a finished appearance, mobile, installed on special trailers and used at outdoor parties and other events, as well as built-in, usually made to order in a specific room of a pizzeria, restaurant or other establishment. The capacity of this kitchen equipment may vary and depends on the type of establishment and its capabilities. Small cafes order dishes that are designed to prepare four pizzas with a diameter of 35 centimeters at the same time. To increase the efficiency of processes in the kitchen, medium-sized ovens are used, allowing you to cook up to 10 pizzas, and large ones - from 12 or more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps no stove can achieve such a quick effect as a wood stove. In just a couple of minutes you get a ready-made pizza, shrouded in a special aromatic smoke, giving its taste a unique piquancy. Yes, and according to experts, real pizza comes out only in a wood-burning oven, where it is baked over an open fire.

Beautiful appearance equipment allows you to display the oven directly in the hall with visitors who can watch the rather spectacular process of preparing their favorite dish. Such a furnace does not require electricity or gas and has an affordable price range.

However, the type of fuel used cannot be called cheap, especially considering the time required to heat up the stove. Its dimensions are also not always convenient. For a long time, open fire was also considered the main disadvantage, but thanks to the use of a hydrofilter above the stove, today this is no longer a problem.

When choosing a wood-burning stove, experts advise paying attention to its model, installation method, and combustion product emissions. The price issue largely depends on the choice of equipment. This can be either an economical option or a stove with a rather expensive decorative design tiles or mosaics.

Hearth ovens

If a stove is purchased not for an expensive restaurant, but for a more modest establishment, experts advise purchasing a kind of analogue of a wood-burning stove, in which gas and electricity serve as fuel. This is a deck oven for pizza. According to professionals, this is a more economical option, allowing you to vary the ingredients and baking time.

The name "hearth" is due to ceramic hearth inside the equipment. The cooking principle is based on heating elements installed inside the working chamber, in the form of tubes. They heat up the bottom and top of the chamber. This is a kind of analogue of a wood-burning stove, only gas or electricity is used as fuel.

Up to 250 °C is set using a thermostat. Pizza takes about 8 minutes to cook. Such ovens can have one or several tiers, which significantly affects productivity. Multi-tier ovens save space in the room and increase efficiency in the cooking process.

Classification of deck ovens

Hearth ovens are classified according to capacity in the same way as wood-burning ovens. Depending on the number of levels, they can be one-, two- and three-level. Based on the type of power supply, they are divided into electric and gas types.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of such industrial devices are their small size and low power consumption. Hearth ovens differ in the internal volume of the chambers, which also serves as their advantage. You can select a model for a specific pizza size, calculate the oven’s performance depending on the seating in the pizzeria, etc.

The only thing, based on reviews and advice from experts on equipping pizzerias technological equipment, it is important to pay attention when purchasing a hearth oven to the inner lining of the chamber and the quality of the hearth. If its thickness is insufficient, which is often found in inexpensive models, the ceramic sector plates do not fit tightly. This significantly degrades the quality of baked goods. The pizza turns out flaky and often burns.

Experts recommend more expensive models of deck ovens, in particular Cuppone ovens. This Italian company produces equipment with a chamber made of material that imitates stone, which allows you to bake excellent pizza. Experts unanimously advise not to skimp on the stove, since the future success of the establishment depends on it. They also recommend paying attention to groups of heating elements (heating elements) and separately adjusting their temperatures.

An undeniable advantage of multi-tier ovens is the ability to continue working if one of the tiers fails before arrival service department or until the required spare part is replaced. Expert reviews claim that this is an important advantage and, despite the sufficient performance of even one chamber of a deck oven, they advise immediately purchasing two-chamber equipment.

The ovens are specially equipped with heat-resistant glass, which is very convenient for monitoring the baking process. Ovens can have either an upper or a lower floor; a fairly convenient solution for the front wall and control is provided.

These advantages make this pizza oven quite popular. The price of such equipment is also one of the advantages, since it differs significantly from wood stoves. Depending on the model, the availability of levels, and the country of manufacture, it varies from 20,000 to 260,000 rubles.

Among the disadvantages of the oven, there is low heat protection and the likelihood of pizza burning when placed directly on the oven floor.

Conveyor ovens

In large pizzerias or in pizzeria chains, conveyor ovens have become quite popular. For pizza, it has a container into which it is launched on one side and the finished one is received on the other. On average, the chamber uses a temperature range of 220 °C. Heat flows are distributed in the system automatically, preventing the pizza from burning. It cooks in about 8 minutes.

Unlike wood-burning and deck ovens, conveyor ovens use convection heating rather than direct infrared heating.

According to expert reviews, conveyor ovens are indispensable equipment for a chain of pizzerias, especially those located in busy areas. With a constant flow of visitors, it is simply necessary to comply with such a basic requirement as obtaining products that are unified by type, type, size, and quantity of filling. Conveyor ovens, which only need to be programmed for each specific type of product, are excellent for this purpose.

Classification of conveyor ovens

Conveyor ovens are characterized by high productivity. Small equipment can produce 12 ready-made pizzas per hour, medium equipment can produce up to 20 pizzas. Large ovens, accordingly, produce from 20 dishes during the same time.

Based on the type of power supply, like deck ovens, they can be gas or electric. And according to the method of their installation - floor and tabletop.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of conveyor ovens are uniform heating and baking, and high productivity. Among the disadvantages of the equipment, it should be noted its large dimensions, high cost and high power consumption.

Of all the known types of ovens, working on conveyor equipment from a pizzaiolo does not require special professionalism. This is the simplest pizza oven. Its electric model is considered more practical and does not require a gas supply. However, they are considered more economical.

How not to make a mistake in choosing?

When choosing a kit necessary equipment experts advise paying special attention to the stove. It is quite difficult to choose the right power, so it is so important to think about the planned flow of visitors, the size of the pizza and its type, the type of sales - whether the pizza will be prepared to order or served directly in the hall.

The main thing, according to experts, when choosing a pizza oven is to start first of all from the concept of the establishment. For economy class, fast food there is no reason to worry too much. If we are talking about a good restaurant, then it is necessary to select equipment that corresponds to its class.

Next you need to decide on equipment with low temperatures. For American and Canadian pizzas, equipment with low temperature conditions. For classic Italian pizza, equipment is selected with high modes, which are provided, for example, by wood-burning ovens. But do not forget that they require considerable skill as a pizzaiolo. The baking process in such ovens is short, but requires special attention, dexterity, the ability to maintain fire and knowledge of other nuances of pizza production.

A more individual approach to choosing the country of origin. Pizza ovens are made almost all over the world. Many restaurateurs traditionally give preference Italian producers, among which the most popular are Morello Formi, GAM, Frosty, Pizza Group, GGF, Apach, OEM, Sirman, Fimar, Pavesi and others.