Spicy sauce - recipe for making spicy sauce. Spicy sauce recipe with photo Spicy sauce for rolls

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Today we're dealing with Tobiko. What is this fish caviar is no secret, and it is also known that it is a frequent attribute of rolls. But tobiko is often confused with masago, and there are many subtleties of using caviar in rolls. In addition, in the supermarket it is easy to run into a low-quality product, so you need to know how to choose the right caviar. So we have a lot to talk about.

Tobiko - the gift of the flying fish

IN warm waters The subtropical and tropical seas are home to amazing flying fish. Its “wings” are large pectoral fins, thanks to which it jumps out of the water to a height of 5 meters and glides above the surface. The “length” of a continuous flight sometimes reaches 500 meters at a speed of 80 km/h. But the average is 60-80 meters at a speed of 35-45 km/h.

Flying fish has great commercial value in Japan, where its catch accounts for almost half of the total industrial fishing volume. Japanese chefs value tender meat and, of course, tobiko caviar.

Nutritional value of flying fish roe

Like many seafood, tobiko provides the body with valuable iodine. But in almost all regions of our vastness there is a deficiency of this microelement. Tobiko also contains:

  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • complete proteins and essential amino acids;
  • complex complex of macro and microelements. Here you have selenium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, zinc, and much more;
  • balanced composition of vitamins B, D;
  • antioxidant group of vitamins C, A, E.

The composition of one egg is so unique that it’s impossible to list everything. And many beneficial properties It just can't be explained yet. Let's just add, Whatsushi with tobiko is natural dietary supplement. Flying fish caviar is useful for pregnant women, the elderly and children, sick and weakened people. It is recommended for those who are engaged in mental activity or physical labor. Classic and baked tobiko rolls are included in the diet of professional athletes.

Natural caviar – modest “Cinderella”

Talking about tobiko, rolls with bright red, green or black eggs immediately come to mind. Actually natural flying fish roe no difference in variety:

  • it has a pale red-orange hue;
  • dryish crispy consistency;
  • egg size – 0.5-0.8 mm;
  • salty taste.

Tobiko eggs are larger than masago (capelin roe), but smaller than salmon roe (ikuru). The natural product is inconspicuous, so what is red tobika? culinary trick. A spectacular color palette is achieved by tinting natural raw materials.

Industrial tobiko for sushi

Manufacturers offer four types of flying fish caviar: red, orange, green and black. The transformation is achieved with natural additives:

  • Wasabi juice is used to obtain the color of spring greens;
  • ginger extract gives a yellowish-orange tint;
  • beet juice is red;
  • Cuttlefish ink colors the product black.

But here the caviar acquires an additional flavor, which is a disadvantage for any recipe. So more often desired color- thanks to high-quality food colors.

Frozen and canned caviar is available on sale. In the first case, you will have to independently treat the product with a special marinade, while the canned product is ready for use. By the way, flying fish caviar is one of the few that tolerates freezing well and retains its valuable properties.

Japanese sushi chefs say What quality caviar tobiko is salty taste with a smoky aftertaste. To do this, natural raw materials are soaked in a special solution and processed in sauce.

How to choose in a supermarket

In general, Tobiko is very unpretentious in storage. Still, it is worth paying special attention to certain points. Refuse to purchase if:

  • there is a white snow coating on the surface of the frozen caviar mass;
  • there are ice crumbs and frozen water inside the product;
  • noticeable windiness;
  • the integrity of the packaging has been compromised.

These signs indicate that the storage regime has not been maintained. The product may have been defrosted and re-frozen more than once.

What to cook with tobiko

Tobik in rolls is universal component, What can be seen in many recipes with photos. Caviar is good as a decorative topping. When added to fillings, it adds a piquant taste. Although the consistency of flying fish caviar is drier than masago, you can swap them “for each other” in any recipe.

Well, now let's cook something special with an exotic ingredient.

Spicy sauce

With this sauce you can prepare “top” recipes for rolls and sushi. For example, baked Imperial, baked with crabs and shrimp, gunkans and, of course, a variety of spice rolls.


  • Japanese mayonnaise – 35 gr.;
  • soy sauce – 35 ml;
  • olive oil – 15 gr.;
  • chili pepper – 1-3 pcs.;
  • red tobiko –50 gr.

Cooking spice with red tobiko - step-by-step recipe:

  • Place baking paper on a baking sheet, place the peppers and place in the oven over medium heat (150-180) for 15 minutes;
  • Peel the baked pepper, remove the seeds, and grind in a blender;
  • In a deep bowl, combine mayonnaise with soy sauce, then add butter. Gradually add the pepper mixture and mix everything thoroughly;
  • Gradually add the flying fish roe and whisk the sauce well.

Adjust the amount of chili in the spicy sauce according to your taste. Hot spicy spice is served with meat dishes, but the rolls “love” the subtle flavor combination.

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Along with meat, fish is present in the diet of most people. Recently, a Japanese dish called sushi has become popular. It is consumed with various sauces. Most often, traditional soy sauce is offered with fish dishes. But the classic spicy sauce is no less famous. It has gained significant popularity not only in the East, but also in the West.

What is spicy sauce used with?

Spicy sauce can be used not only with fish, but also with any other dishes, for example, meat or vegetables. Very often it is used as a dressing for vegetable salads. In Japan, spice is consumed not only with sushi, but also with cold and hot rolls. It gives dishes a spicy, spicy taste and exquisite aroma. Rolls baked with spicy sauce are very tasty. In addition, spice is a filling for gunkans, for example, gunkans with tobiko - flying fish caviar.

A distinctive feature of spicy sauce is its spiciness. The hot chili pepper adds it to the dish. Its presence in dishes enhances the taste of other ingredients. Actually, the name of the sauce translates as “spicy”. Sauces with a sharp, piquant taste are popular among many gourmets.

Spicy sauces are prepared by professional chefs in restaurants. For this they use special products. But you can make this sauce at home. True, the ingredients for it cannot be bought in a regular store; you will have to go to a specialized market or place an order on the Internet.

Classic spicy sauce

Spicy sauces are prepared according to various recipes– there are no uniform rules. In fact, this is a whole group of hot sauces made from various products. Each chef prepares spice in his own way. But traditional japanese recipe The spicy sauce contains only two ingredients: rich kuli mayonnaise and spicy kimchi sauce made from vegetables. Sometimes tobiko is added to the spice, giving the sauce an original color.

In the process of preparing the classic spicy sauce, the cook puts five teaspoons of ready-made kuli mayonnaise and one teaspoon of ready-made kimchi sauce into a small container. Such a small dose is due to the fact that kimchi sauce contains a lot of salt, and you should not overdo it with it. Then the master adds half a teaspoon of tobiko caviar, thanks to which the sauce will acquire orange. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and spicy sauce ready to serve!

Making spicy sauce at home is not easy, because it will require a certain set of products, which, as mentioned above, cannot be bought in any store. For example, it is quite problematic to buy ready-made Worcestershire sauce and cumin in an ordinary store. However, if you are a fan of Japanese cuisine and love to cook, it is worth a try. Below is a recipe for making spicy sauce at home.

  • Place 6-8 pieces of hot chili peppers on a baking sheet, pour in olive oil, salt and bake for 10-20 minutes in the oven at +210 degrees. This will make the peppers soft and the skin will come off. Then you need to clear them of seeds and chop them.
  • Finely chop 55 g of white onion and sauté in a saucepan with olive oil. Grind 20 garlic cloves into a puree and add them along with the chili pulp to the sautéed onions. Mix 240 ml of water with 800 ml of vinegar and pour this solution into a saucepan.
  • Then pour in 120 ml of lime juice and 25 ml of ready-made Worcestershire sauce, salt and season with 4 g of ground cumin. Let sit for 5 minutes, then pour the mixture into a blender and mix thoroughly. At the last stage, put the mixture back on the stove and boil for another 7-10 minutes. The spicy sauce is ready!

Stores also sell ready-made spicy sauces. But you should keep in mind that they are quite high in calories: 500 kilocalories per 100 g of product. Therefore, if you often use this sauce, you need to limit yourself to other foods or start actively playing sports.

My spicy sauce recipe

For the spicy sauce we need mayonnaise with a fat content of 80%
Pour mayonnaise into the container.

Add flying fish caviar, orange.
Sprinkle in a pinch of paprika and ground black pepper.

Add Kimchi sauce.

Mix everything thoroughly.

For ease of application to the roll.

Wrap the spice in film as in the photo.

The contents of the film must be tightly wrapped.

A distinctive feature of Japanese cuisine is that each dish is eaten with a special seasoning. One of these flavoring additions is Spicy sauce.

Scope of application

Recently, Japanese cuisine has firmly entered our lives. Nowadays, seafood salads and meat with oranges no longer surprise anyone. And rolls and sushi are a pleasure lunch break students eat and housewives prepare for dinner. But any of these dishes will be only a semi-finished product without a special aromatic additive. The Japanese often use various sauces to not only add piquancy finished product, but also to reveal all its taste qualities in a new light. There are thousands of recipes for such additives in oriental cooking. One of the most popular is the “Spicy” sauce. Its name translates as “spicy”, and it’s really true. In addition, the sauce, due to its original components, has a rather unusual and original taste. This is exactly what you need for fairly bland rice and fish. With it, ordinary products are perceived in a new way. This is probably why Spicy sauce has become a must-have addition to almost any Japanese dish.

Product composition

In cooking, as a rule, there are several variations of the same dish. Spicy sauce has been prepared for a very long time, and therefore, in principle, there is no unique recipe. Usually this is the result of the imagination of a particular chef. Depending on the main product, the composition of the sauce may vary. With the help of additional ingredients, the master creates a new flavor, which, in his opinion, is most suitable for a particular dish. Everything is used: dry seasonings, vegetables and ready-made products. Initially, the famous sauce was a simple mixture of two components. The base used was Kyupie mayonnaise, which has a rather greasy consistency. Then it was simply combined in a certain ratio with kimchi sauce. The second ingredient is a rather spicy mixture of vegetables. It is this that gives the finished product that notorious piquant aroma. As a result of prolonged mixing, the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency and can be evenly distributed throughout the main dish.

The simplest option

Some people try to make “Spicy” (sauce) at home. In this case, the recipe can be slightly adjusted. Here we must take into account the fact that the main component classic version, kimchi sauce, is not only spicy, but also salty. Under normal conditions, it is easy to replace it with soy, adding a little hot red pepper to it. The second component can be left unchanged. There is another option, for which you just need to combine chili sauce, regular mayonnaise and any hard cheese. The consistency of this mixture is more similar to Spicy, but the taste is much softer and more delicate. Yes, and you need to cook it under heating conditions so that the cheese can melt slightly. You can’t add this sauce to soup, but it can work very well with rolls or salad. Even without a wide variety of products on hand, you can make a good “Spicy” (sauce). The recipe in this case comes down to the simplest mixture from the famous Japanese plant wasabi and ready-made soy sauce.

Flavorful dressing

The most commonly used sauce is “Spicy” for rolls. The recipe for the aromatic mixture can be anything. The main task of the dressing is to add flavor to the bland and slightly empty rice. You can prepare it at home and without much effort. To work, you will only need a few products: for 2 tablespoons of Japanese mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon each of soy sauce and Tobiko caviar, 2 cloves of garlic and ½ teaspoon of dried chili pepper.

The cooking process consists of gradually combining the products:

  1. Grind the peeled garlic using a grater or press.
  2. Place mayonnaise in a clean plate, add chili to it and stir well.
  3. Add grated garlic.
  4. Pour in soy sauce and stir again.
  5. Add caviar.

After final mixing, the product acquires a delicate orange hue, a pleasant aroma and an original, slightly sour taste. This makes an excellent “Spicy” sauce for rolls. You can change the recipe a little by taking, for example, Masago caviar instead of Tobiko and adding a little lemon juice.

A worthy alternative

A skilled cook can even make a good “Spicy” sauce for rolls from garden greens. You just need to show a little imagination. As initial ingredients, you will need to take 7 grams of garlic, 1 gram of Shichimi Togarashi seasoning and 30 grams of regular onions for 200 grams of any mayonnaise.

Preparation should proceed step by step:

  1. Grind the onion and garlic thoroughly in a blender.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise with seasoning.
  3. Add the chopped green mass and stir everything well.

The sauce will be ready in just an hour. This time will be required for the mass to infuse. The ingredients will be able to combine their individual flavors, and the result will be a delicate, homogeneous mass that will be the perfect addition to freshly prepared rolls. By the way, such an interesting sauce can add sophistication to almost any dish. It should be noted that recently residents of European countries are increasingly turning to the art of Japanese culinary masters.

Product value

Today you can easily find Spicy sauce on store shelves. The composition of the product indicates its high nutritional value. The percentages of the main components are as follows:

100 grams of this product contains more than 500 kilocalories. This value is slightly less than that of mayonnaise, but three times more than that of sour cream or cream. A significant amount of calories makes those who suffer from problems of overweight and obesity wonder whether such a product is worth eating at all. But nothing is impossible in life. There are only problems that no one is trying to solve. For example, excess calories can be easily removed by running or working out in the gym. If you don’t have the desire for this, you can arrange some good physical activity for yourself in the form of simple housework (like cleaning).

And those who are not in danger of becoming overweight can enjoy the exquisite taste of the sauce with a real Japanese character.

Today we will prepare the most popular Japanese sushi sauce among Europeans - spicy. The Japanese prepare their sauce mainly for salads as a dressing.

In Russia, spicy sauce is especially popular among sushi lovers. The aromatic spicy sauce is an ideal addition for preparing regular and hot rolls.

In its classic form, spicy sauce is Japanese mayonnaise combined with chili pepper and soy sauce. A variation of spicy sauce with flying fish roe or capelin roe (European version) is most suitable for cooking or sushi.

To prepare spicy sauce for rolls at home, we will take thick mayonnaise, soy sauce, sesame oil, tomato hot sauce, capelin caviar and garlic.

Add mayonnaise to the mixing bowl and tomato sauce Chile. Use hot sauce to taste. Mix the mixture using a silicone spatula.

Add sesame oil to defuse the heat of the chili and soy sauce. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a silicone spatula.

Grate the garlic on a fine grater. Add to the composition along with capelin caviar or red flying fish caviar.

Mix the spicy sauce thoroughly with a silicone spatula. By the way, we use the spatula intentionally. This is the only device that can collect all the sauce from the walls of the kneading container.

If you did everything correctly, then in the end we have an unusually aromatic, spicy Japanese sauce for sushi.

Look how lush and thick it is. Lies on the shoulder blade and does not flow down. Ideal for making baked rolls.

Homemade spicy sauce is ready! Japanese sauce, European style. Use as an addition to sushi.

An important component of a particular dish is gravy or sauce. It is able to saturate the dish with bright and new taste qualities, gives them aroma and juiciness. Many different gravies for dishes are used in Japanese, Korean and the highlight of the cuisine of these countries is the traditional gravy. Therefore, sauces must be served with every hot or cold dish. They are sour, spicy and sweet.

One of the most popular products of oriental cuisine and an indispensable component in the preparation of rolls or sushi is for rolls. It is thanks to this that the dish acquires a special taste, and the presence of glutamic acid derivatives will clearly emphasize the taste. It looks dark in color and has a special pungent odor.

Sauce for sushi and rolls comes in several forms:

For rolls. Pairs perfectly with fish dishes. Made from plums, pineapples, ketchup and soy sauce.

- “Teriyaki”. This is a delicious dressing for rice rolls and sushi. Made from soy sauce, sake, spices and honey. Can also be used as a marinade.

Okonomiyaki sauce for rolls and sushi. It is a soy product with the addition of spices, powdered sugar and starch.

- “Tsuyu.” This roll sauce is made from herring, tuna, traditional soy sauce, and mirin is also included. Also used in cooking meat dishes. It can radically change the taste of rolls or sushi.

- “Unagi.” It is used in dishes filled with smoked eel.

Kiwi roll sauce. Prepared from kiwi, mayonnaise, honey, sugar and lemon juice. The preparation method is as follows: peel the kiwi, grind in a blender, combine with the rest of the ingredients. Mix all this well in a deep bowl.

- “Spices”. You need to mix kimchi and red pepper in different proportions.

Ginger. Ingredients: sour cream, mayonnaise, ginger. Finely chop the ginger and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Soy sauce is a product of weak fermentation of soybeans and is produced according to an unchanged old recipe. Its preparation is very similar to the preparation of wine, because in both cases it is based on the process of natural fermentation. Method of preparation: add evaporated wheat grains to the roasted and ground wheat grains and mix everything. The resulting mixture is salted and filled with water. Afterwards it is placed in special bags in the sun. They do this for natural fermentation. The bags are environmentally friendly and made of special material. The whole process is quite long and can take about a year. Slowly draining, the liquid is collected in appropriate containers. It is then filtered and bottled into specially designed bottles. Today this method is practically not used, as it is very long and labor-intensive. Thanks to modern technologies Fermentation can be accelerated by adding aspergillus bacteria to the still dry mixture. They will speed up the fermentation process by 10-15 times. This method allows you to reduce 1 year to 1 month. Enzymes that break down soy protein during the fermentation of wheat starch produce sugar. It gives a sweet taste to the finished product, which adds the piquancy that is so loved in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Despite the fact that there are many methods for its production in the world, the method of natural fermentation always underlies the preparation of a natural product. Soy sauce is not only tasty, but also very healthy; it contains many different vitamins, dozens of mineral elements and amino acids. It significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, increases immunity and improves blood circulation.