Hardening complex. A set of breathing exercises during hardening. Brief history

(according to A.P. Laptev)

Procedure Execution conditions Season
Summer Autumn winter
Air baths Air temperature, °C +16...+22 14-20
Duration, min From 30 10-45
Sun-air baths Air temperature, °C +16...+22 -
Duration, min 5-40 -
Rubdown Air temperature, °C +18...+20 +18...+20
Water temperature, °C +16...+32 +14...+32
Duration, min 1-1,5 1-1.5
Shower shower Air temperature, °C +18...+20 +18...+20
Water temperature, °C +16...+33 +16...+34
Duration, min 1-1,5 1-1,5
Swimming in open water Air temperature, °C Not lower than +18 -
Water temperature, °C Not lower than +18 -
Duration, min 3-15 -
Walks and outdoor games Duration, h No limits 2-3,5
Sleeping in the air Duration, h No limits

With systematic outdoor sports, the need for special sunbathing, as well as air bathing, is significantly reduced.

Particular caution in sun hardening should be exercised during the competitive period, when the athlete experiences very heavy physical exertion. In this situation, the choice of hardening dosage is strictly individual; it depends on the level of physical development and health of the athlete, the length of stay in the open air, the nature of the weather, etc. Taking into account all this data, you can set up shorter sunbathing sessions, assigning them mainly in the early morning hours or in the afternoon (depending on the time of training). You should not sunbathe immediately before training or competing. At least 3 hours should pass between the end of the bath and the start of training.

Test questions and assignments

1. What is hardening?

2. Indicate the physiological basis of hardening.

3. How is air hardening regulated?

4. How is water hardening regulated?

5. What is the essence of solar hardening?

6. How is hardening by sunlight regulated?


Nutrition is one of the main hygienic environmental factors that continuously influence the body. It is through nutrition that a person comes into closest contact with all chemical substances of plant and animal origin that enter the biosphere globe. Through nutrition, the continuity of the two mutually opposite and mutually related processes of assimilation and dissimilation is ensured.

Nutrition -a complex process of intake, digestion, absorption and assimilation in the body of nutrients necessary to cover its energy expenditure, build and renew cells and tissues of the body, and regulate the physiological functions of the body.

Nutrition serves as one of the means of active, targeted influence on the body, preserving, forming and strengthening human health.

With the help of nutrition, it is possible to achieve changes in the basic vital functions of the human body that were previously explained solely by differences in constitution and hereditary characteristics. The completeness of the diet largely determines the health status of the population, influencing growth and physical development, ability to work, adaptive capabilities, morbidity and life expectancy.

In hygiene, the term “rational nutrition” has been adopted, meaning nutrition based on scientific principles, capable of fully meeting the need for food in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The basic hygienic requirements for food are that it should:

Completely compensate for the body’s energy expenditure;

Be diverse (consist of various products of animal and plant origin);

Have a pleasant taste, smell and appearance;

Be easily digestible;

Be benign.

Basic hygienic means of optimizing nutrition:

rationing the energy “cost” of food to restore energy expenditure;

rationing of nutrition based on the content of basic food ingredients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, trace elements, minerals, vitamins) to ensure the basic physiological functions of the body and to ensure plastic processes.

The concept of sufficient and balanced nutrition

The basis of the life activity of any biological system is the exchange of substances between it and the external environment. Everyday food should contain in sufficient quantities and in optimal proportions all the substances necessary for the body. To build, restore cells and tissues, metabolism and energy, the human body requires about 70 chemical compounds. Human food must be chemically diverse and contain all the necessary nutrients in a certain ratio. Due to chemically monotonous, unbalanced food, metabolism in the body is disrupted.

Theoretical basis modern science about nutrition is the concept of balanced nutrition, formulated by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences A. A. Pokrovsky. According to this concept, ensuring normal life activity is possible provided that the body is supplied required quantity energy, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water in the ratios necessary for the body.

A balanced diet is a diet that provides the body with all the nutrients it needs in strictly defined proportions; there is a correlation between the absorption of food and the degree of balance of its chemical composition. Based on the concept of a balanced diet, a scheme for determining the nutritional value of individual food products has been constructed, and standards for human nutritional needs have been developed. In the diet of a healthy person with an average level of energy expenditure, the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:4(5), which allows you to maximally satisfy the energy and plastic needs of the body. With increased energy expenditure, the protein content in food must be reduced, increasing the amount of fats and carbohydrates: proteins should make up 12-13% of the total calorie intake; fats - 30-50%. During heavy physical work, the protein content in the diet can be reduced to 11%, fat - to 33% (for the southern regions - 27-28, northern - 38-40%).

According to the concept of A. A. Pokrovsky, ensuring normal human life is possible not only if it is supplied with adequate amounts of energy and protein, but also if strict ratios of essential nutritional factors are observed, each of which has a specific role in metabolism.

Nutrition is considered normal when food covers the needs of an adult. As a result, body weight is constant and the body functions normally. A child’s nutritious diet should ensure a progressive increase in body weight and length and the age-appropriate development of all its systems and organs. This is sufficient, or better said, good nutrition can be contrasted with inadequate or insufficient nutrition. The World Health Organization recommends distinguishing between the following four main forms of pathological conditions caused by a hygienically unsatisfactory diet: malnutrition - consumption of food that is insufficient in caloric content for a more or less long time; specific form of deficiency - a condition caused by a relative or absolute deficiency in the diet of one or more nutrients; overeating - consuming excess amounts of food; Imbalance is an incorrect ratio of essential nutrients in the diet.

When giving a hygienic assessment of the population’s nutrition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the content of those nutrients whose chemical structures are not synthesized by the body’s enzyme systems. These substances, called essential nutritional factors, are necessary for normal metabolism, and these include some amino and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Along with the concept of balanced nutrition, A.A. Pokrovsky established the law of correspondence of the body’s enzyme sets to the chemical structure of the diet.

Basic hygienic principles for constructing any diet. Food should:

in terms of caloric content, satisfy human energy needs;

be balanced in the content of various nutrients, the amount of which must be in certain proportions;

correspond to the enzyme status of the body;

be harmless (do not contain toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria).

Physiological role and hygienic importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins are the main nutrients in the human diet. Nutrients are those chemical compounds or individual elements that the body needs for its biological development and for the normal functioning of all vital processes.

Squirrels- These are high-molecular nitrogen compounds, the main and essential part of all organisms. Protein substances are involved in all vital important processes. For example, metabolism is ensured by enzymes, which by their nature are proteins. Proteins are also contractile structures necessary to perform the contractile function of muscles - actomyosin; supporting tissues of the body - collagen of bones, cartilage, tendons; integumentary tissues of the body - skin, nails, hair.

Among the many nutrients, proteins play the most important role. They serve as a source of essential amino acids and so-called nonspecific nitrogen necessary for protein synthesis. The level of protein supply largely determines the state of health, physical development, physical performance, and in young children, mental development. The sufficiency of protein in the diet and its high quality make it possible to create optimal conditions the internal environment of the body, necessary for growth, development, normal human functioning and performance. Under the influence of protein deficiency, pathological conditions such as edema and fatty liver can develop; disruption of the functional state of the internal secretion organs, especially the gonads, adrenal glands and pituitary gland; violation of conditioned reflex activity and internal inhibition processes; decreased immunity; nutritional dystrophy. Proteins consist of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, which are part of amino acids - the main structural components squirrel. Proteins differ in the level of amino acid content and the sequence of their connection. There are animal and plant proteins.

Unlike fats and carbohydrates, proteins contain, in addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen - 16%. Therefore, they are called nitrogen-containing nutrients. The animal body needs proteins in finished form, since it cannot synthesize them, like plants, from inorganic substances in the soil and air. The source of protein for humans is food substances of animal and plant origin. Proteins are necessary primarily as plastic material; this is their main function: they make up a total of 45% of the dense remainder of the body.

Proteins are also part of hormones, red blood cells, and some antibodies, and are highly reactive.

In the process of life, constant aging and death of individual cellular structures occurs, and food proteins serve building material for their restoration. Oxidation of 1 g of protein in the body provides 4.1 kcal of energy. This is its energy function. Protein is of great importance for human higher nervous activity. A normal protein content in food improves the regulatory function of the cerebral cortex and increases the tone of the central nervous system.

With a lack of protein in the diet, a number of pathological changes occur: the growth and development of the body slows down, weight decreases; the formation of hormones is disrupted; the body's reactivity and resistance to infections and intoxications decreases.

The nutritional value of food proteins depends primarily on their amino acid composition and completeness of utilization in the body. There are 22 known amino acids, each with a special meaning. The absence or deficiency of any of them leads to disruption of certain body functions (growth, hematopoiesis, weight, protein synthesis, etc.). The following amino acids are especially valuable: lysine, histidine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, valine. For young children, histidine is of great importance.

Some amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body and replaced by others. They are called irreplaceable. Depending on the content of nonessential and essential amino acids, food proteins are divided into complete, the amino acid composition of which is close to the amino acid composition of proteins in the human body and contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities, and into incomplete, which lack one or more essential amino acids. Animal proteins are the most complete, especially yolk proteins. chicken egg, meat and fish. Among plant proteins, soybean proteins and, to a somewhat lesser extent, beans, potatoes and rice have high biological value. Incomplete proteins are found in peas, bread, corn and some other plant foods.

Physiological and hygienic standards of protein requirements. These standards are based on the minimum amount of protein that can maintain the nitrogen balance of the human body, i.e. the amount of nitrogen introduced into the body with food proteins is equal to the amount of nitrogen excreted from it in the urine per day.

The daily intake of dietary protein should fully ensure the body's nitrogen balance while fully satisfying the body's energy needs, ensure the integrity of body proteins, maintain high performance of the body and its resistance to adverse factors. external environment. Proteins, unlike fats and carbohydrates, are not stored in the body in reserve and must be introduced daily with food in sufficient quantities.

Hardening procedures in preschool age.

Barefoot technique, sets of exercises: breathing exercises, breathing exercises, acupressure, massage of the magic points of the ears.

Educator Laricheva N.D.

Basic principles of hardening procedures

Systematic implementation in all seasons of the year,

Gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect,

Taking into account the individual characteristics and emotional state of the child,

Hardening should be carried out only when children are in full health.

Main hardening factors

Hardening with air, water, sun.

Hardening children is one of the main directions in the health program of our kindergarten. We carry out an extensive range of hardening activities that help harden our students. This:

  • Compliance temperature regime during the day.
  • Proper organization of the walk and its duration.
  • Maintaining seasonal clothing during walks, taking into account the individual health status of children and seasonality;
  • Lightweight clothing for children in kindergarten.
  • Breathing exercises after sleep.
  • Wash your hands up to the elbows, neck, and upper chest with cool water (individually).
  • Rinse your mouth with water room temperature.
  • Complex of contrast hardening procedures:

Methods of healing:

  • Walking on damp sand (in summer), on a rug (in the off-season).
  • Contrast dousing of legs (in summer).
  • Dosed health-improving running in the air (during the year), including along obstacle courses.
  • Stepping from a basin with cold water to a basin with warm water (in summer).
  • Walking barefoot sports ground(in summer).
  • Relaxation exercises using a background music (music therapy).

Using elements of psycho-gymnastics in physical education classes.


Age groups

1 younger

2 younger




Elements of everyday hardening

When airing, a short-term decrease in air in the room by 2-4 is allowed. 0

Air-temp. mode

From +22 0 to +18 0

From +22 0 to +18 0

From +21 0 to +18 0

From +21 0 to +18 0

From +21 0 to +18 0

Provides a rational combination of air temperature and clothing

Through ventilation (in the absence of children)

Carry out at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours

In the morning before the children arrive

By the time the children arrive, the temperature is restored to normal

Before the children return from a walk

19 0

19 0

18 0

18 0

18 0

During nap time

In the warm season, it is carried out during the entire daytime sleep.

Morning reception of children on the street

During the warm period

Morning exercises

In the warm season it is spent outside,

in the cold season - in the hall, in a group

Physical education classes in the hall, group

Physical activity for a walk.

Air baths

In the warm season, they are carried out daily at a temperature of + 20 0 - +22 0


Shoes and clothing comply with meteorological conditions

Up to - 15 0

Up to - 15 0

Up to - 15 0

Up to - 20 0

Up to - 20 0

Daytime nap

In warm weather, with the windows open, without T-shirts (avoiding drafts).

Physical exercise, p/n on the street


Breathing exercise, play self-massage finger games, exercises for the prevention of flat feet, poor posture.

Every day (in gymnastics, physical breaks, physical classes, in everyday activities)

In the warm season, they are held outdoors.

Exercises to prevent fatigue

Relaxation, elements of psycho-gymnastics, physical exercises

Hygiene procedures

Every day throughout the entire day.

II. Special hardening effects

Mouth rinse boiled water room


Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot on a health path, on a carpet, on the ground, on grass, on asphalt (see appendix)

Extensive washing with water at room temperature.

After napping, washing (face, hands) with the help of caregivers.

After a nap. (face, arms, neck, chest)

After a nap, physical exercise.

After a nap, exercise.

Gymnastics after sleep

In all groups

Washing feet, hygienic shower with warm water

After a walk, in the warm season

After a walk, in the warm season

After a walk, in the warm season

After a walk, in the warm season

Dosed sunbathing

Warm period

During the period from 9.00-11.00 (from 3 min. – 20 min.)

“BALEFOOT” technique

This technique increases the child’s body’s resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations and hypothermia. Held at any time of the day. The dosage is determined by age. It is advisable to start in the warm season.


Types of walking and dosage

Warm period


Cold period


early age

walking and running on a blanket and wooden flooring

5-20 minutes

walking and running on carpet in socks

5-15 minutes

junior group

walking and running on warm sand and grass

5-30 minutes

walking on carpet barefoot

5-15 minutes

middle group

walking and running on wet sand, grass, asphalt.

5-45 minutes

walking barefoot on the carpet and wearing socks on the floor. Running barefoot on the floor.

5-20 minutes

senior group

Walking and running on land, water, asphalt.

5-60 minutes

walking and running barefoot on the floor in a group.

5-20 minutes



walking and running various types soil, ground coverings.

from 5 minutes and unlimited.

free running and walking in a group.

5-30 minutes

Solar (air) baths

Under the influence of ultraviolet light on the skin, the body produces vitamin D, which strengthens the skeletal system. Sunbathing also enhances the protective functions of the skin and metabolism. However, exposure to the sun also needs to be dosed, because... The body may overheat, and the best effect of air baths is obtained when the skin is not tanned.

It is better to start such hardening in calm and cool weather in the summer, for about 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the stay by 30-35 minutes.

Walks in the open air

Ideal for preschool children. In kindergarten you need to walk with them 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The child is active during walks, moves a lot and enjoys it.

Hardening the throat

It is especially useful for children with frequent respiratory diseases. It is advisable to carry out it in the first half of the day for the purpose of hygienic effect and hardening of the throat. You should gargle with water at a temperature of 33-36˚, and then, after getting used to it, reduce it by 1˚, reaching 16-18˚ every 5 days.

But if the child is sick, then reduce the temperature after 7 days.


To carry it out, use a mitten made of soft terry cloth. She gets soaked in warm water, then lightly squeezing, wipe the child’s hands, starting from the fingertips to the shoulders, then wipe the chest, then the stomach, back, legs to the groin. The optimal time for this procedure is before bedtime. The water temperature should be approximately 27˚, that is, close to the temperature of bare skin.

Tempering breath

This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in performing a set of game exercises with the nose.

"Let's play with the nose"

1. Organizational moment

“Find and show your nose”

Children sit comfortably and show their nose to an adult

2. Main part

Game exercises with a spout.

“Help your nose get ready for a walk”

Each child takes a handkerchief or napkin and thoroughly cleans his nose on his own or with the help of an adult.

"The nose is walking"

The adult invites the children to tightly close their mouths so that they do not interfere with walking and breathing well through their noses.

Older children can be asked to stop breathing through their mouth by pressing the tip of their tongue to the hard palate. In both cases, inhalation and exhalation are performed through the nose.

"Nose is playing around"

While inhaling, the child resists the air by pressing the thumb and forefinger of one hand on the wings of the nose.

“The nose smells a pleasant smell”

The child performs 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils, alternately closing them with the index finger.

"The nose sings a song"

As you exhale, the baby taps the wings of his nose with his index finger and sings: “Ba - bo - boo.”

"Let's play with our nose"

The child places his index fingers on the bridge of his nose and moves them towards the wings of the nose, then up and back.

In this way, a kind of rubbing is done.

3. Final stage.

« Nose returns home"

Children put away scarves and napkins. Show an adult that their nose is back.

Note: Game exercises can be accompanied by poetry:

Come to me my friend
And quickly sit down in a circle.
Find your nose quickly
Auntie... show me.
I need to clean my nose
Pack for a walk.
Shut your mouth
Just walk with your nose.
What a spoiled nose!
He's used to playing pranks with us.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Breathe in the aroma.
It's good to walk in the garden
And the nose sings: “Ba-bo-boo.”
We need to warm our nose,
Rub it a little.
My nose has worked up,
Returns home

Massage of the magic points of the ears

This type of hardening is based on stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

Is accessible to children of all ages. It is recommended to do it in a playful way 2-3 times a day.

"Let's play with the ears"

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher attracts children to the game and gathers them around.

2. Main part.

Exercises with ears.

“Let’s find and show the ears”

Children find their ears and show them to an adult

"Let's clap our ears"

The child puts his palms behind his ears and bends them forward, first with the little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the ears to the head, he sharply lowers them. In this case, the child should feel the cotton.

"Let's pull our ears"

The baby grabs both earlobes with the tips of his thumb and forefinger, forcefully pulls them down, and then lowers them.

"Let's warm our ears"

The child puts his palms to his ears and carefully rubs the entire shell with them.

3. Final point

Children relax and listen to silence.

Note. The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on the age of the children. On average, this is 7-8 times; for kids, 5-6 times are enough. Actions can be accompanied by verses:

Come to me, my friend,
And quickly sit down in a circle.
Find your ears
And show them quickly.
And then, and then
They twisted the trestle.
My ear seems frozen
You can warm it up this way.
We play cleverly with them,
This is how we flapping our ears.
And now we are pulling everything down.
Ear, don't fall off!
One, two! One, two!
So the game is over.
And once the game is over,
Ti-shi-na has come!

Breathing exercises

1. "WATCH"
Standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat 10-12 times.

Sitting, the hands are clenched into a tube and raised up. Exhaling slowly, loudly pronounce “p-f-f-f”. Repeat 4-5 times.

Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides and then slap them on your thighs. As you exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” Repeat 5-6 times.

4. “PORRIDGE IS BOILING” Sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach - inhale, sticking out your stomach - exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. “STEAM LOT” Walk around the room, making alternating movements with your hands and saying “choo-choo-choo.” Repeat for 20-30 seconds.

6. “ON THE TURNING BAR” Standing with your feet together, hold the gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back onto your shoulder blades - long exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f.” Repeat 3-4 times.

7. “STEP MARCH!” Standing, gymnastic stick in hands. Walk with your knees high. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 6-8 steps. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.” Repeat for 1.5 minutes.

8. "PUMP"
Stand straight, feet together, arms down. Inhale, then tilt the body to the side, exhale, hands slide along the body, while loudly pronouncing “s-s-s-s-s”, “s-s-s-s”. Repeat 6-8 bends in each direction.

9. “REGULATOR” Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands and, during an extended exhalation, say “r-r-r-r-r.” Repeat 5-6 times.

10. “BALLS ARE FLYING” Standing, hands with the ball raised up. Throw the ball forward from your chest. Say, while exhaling, a long “uh-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 5-6 times.

11. “GROW BIG”
Stand straight, legs together, raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 4-5 times.

12. "SKIER"

Simulation of skiing for 1.5-2 minutes. As you exhale, say “mm-mm-mm.”

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your back at the level of the lower corners of your shoulder blades. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale and say “t-u-u-u-h-h.”
Repeat 3-4 bends in each direction.

14. “GEESE ARE FLYING” Slow walking for 1-2 minutes. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, arms down - exhale, say “g-oo-oo-oo”.

Sitting, legs moved together. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, slowly lower them down - long exhale, say “s-s-s-s-s”. Repeat 3-4 times.

The child should perform these exercises in the morning and during the day. IN summer time The second lesson is best done outdoors while walking.


To increase the body's resistance to colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract It is recommended to carry out acupressure massage of special areas of the chest and face, which are important regulators of the activity of the upper organs. Acupressure increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce “medicines” on its own, which are much more effective and safer than pills. You can do acupressure yourself, or you can teach it to children.

Points that should be massaged during acute respiratory infections.

Point 1. Associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves blood formation (15 times in one direction and 15 times in the other).

Point 2. Regulates the body’s immune functions, increases resistance to infectious diseases (15 times in one direction and 15 times in the other direction)

Point 3. Region of the molar glomeruli of the lower jaw. Controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx (15 times in one direction only).

Point 4. The cervical node should be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with regulators of the activity of blood vessels in the head, neck, and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized (15 times).

Point 5. It is located in the area of ​​the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. Pays great attention to curing diseases such as flu and colds.

Point 6. Improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away (15 times in each direction).

Point 7. Improves blood supply to the eyeball and frontal regions of the brain (15 times in each direction).

Point 8. Massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus (15 times in each direction).

Point 9. Human hands are connected to all organs. With massage they normalize

Many body functions. Place your thumb in the center of your palm, and use your index finger to massage the back of your hand between your index and thumb.

Massage should be done 3 times a day.

1. Wake-up gymnastics

Hey guys, wake up! It's time for you to get up.

Stretch. Smile. Roll over onto your stomach.

And now again on your back, We stretched again.

Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Let's repeat it again.

Raise your legs together, lower them onto the bed.

Place your arms to the sides. Stop sleeping! It's time to get up!

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

2. Walking along health paths with various stimuli

We try, we try, we do physical education!

Let your arms be strong, Let your legs be strong.

We will all be healthy, cheerful, athletic.

3. General developmental exercises

1. "Swimmers"

I.P. basic stance, spread your arms forward “swim” (repeat 6-7 times)

2. "Footballers"

I.P. feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back.

Raise your right (left) leg, bent at the knee (repeat 6-7 times)

3. "Weightlifters"

I.P. basic stance Squats, hands clenched into fists (repeat 6-7 times)

4. “Runners” - running in place, raising your knees high

4. Breathing exercises “Good in the forest”

I.P. main post

1- arms to the sides, deep breath through the nose

2-5 - while exhaling, say “ho-ro-sho in le-su”

6-return to I.P. (5 times)

5. Self-massage

  • For the nose

(pointing fingers, press the wings of the nose, turn right to left)

The locomotive's nose drives

I took all the guys to visit.

He's in a magical land


(inhale, exhale repeat 4 times)

  • For the ears

So that your ears don't hurt

Let's crush them quickly.

Here we bend it, let it go

And we repeat everything again.

  • Rolling the pine cones between your palms (backs of hands, fingers)

The squirrel brought pine cones

And I gave it to the guys.

We sort out all the bumps

And let's roll our hands.

6. Umyvayka (water procedures)

Clean water in the tap

Come on kids, wash up quickly.

Wash your neck, wash your hands, ears

We wipe ourselves dry.

7. Self-massage: stroking, kneading, stroking again. Stroking is performed from the nails to the wrist joint.

(Children sit on the bed performing a “Fingers woke up” finger massage).

Our fingers have woken up, and now we will do our ears (stroking the edges of the ears, perform from top to bottom, pinching and stroking again).

Now let’s stroke the nose and cheeks (start from the bridge of the nose to the cheeks, with three fingers - middle, index, thumb, knead and stroke). Let's stroke the forehead from the middle of the forehead, knead it.

How good we are, now let’s pat ourselves on the head (from the top of the head down, doing it with our right hand and then with our left hand).

12. They quickly took off their shirts and ran behind the mittens ; Along the way, children walk along the “Health Path”, walk on ribbed boards, rugs with “spikes”, jump into flowers, and follow footprints.

Children put mittens on their hands and line up one after another. They begin to stroke the breasts, rub them and stroke them again. Massage the arm (from the hand to the forearm, move on to massage the legs, pinching and stroking (from the foot to the thigh).

Children will exchange mittens with a friend and massage each other’s backs (REPEAT WALKING ON THE “HEALTH PATH”, put the mittens in their pockets.

Now put on your T-shirts and shoes. Proceed to water procedures: gargling and washing the face, hands up to the elbows. Rubbing hands with a towel.

Speech accompaniment: - “Let them fly to our room,

All snowflakes are white.

We are not afraid of the cold,

We've done our exercises! "

10.Breathing exercises:
Very reliable means strengthening the body's defenses and protecting against colds - hardening breathing exercises, which are performed in the morning before breakfast or in the evening after dinner:
10.1. Breeze
The adult pronounces the text and shows the movements, and the baby remembers them and repeats:
I am a strong wind, I am flying,
I fly wherever I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose). I want to whistle to the left (turns his head to the left, makes a pipe with his lips and blows),
I can blow to the right (head straight - inhale through the nose, head to the right - exhale through the lips with a straw),
I can go up (head straight - inhale through the nose, then exhale through the lips with a straw and inhale again),
And into the clouds (lowers his head, touches his chin to his chest and exhales calmly through his mouth)
In the meantime, I’m dispersing the clouds (performs circular movements with his hands).

11. Herbal medicine.
For the prevention of colds, decoctions of medicinal herbs are very useful, because vitamins of plant origin are absorbed better than those isolated synthetically.
Herbal medicine is carried out in the form of courses: 2-3 courses per year lasting from 3 weeks to 2.5 months and a break between them of at least 2 weeks. The minimum number of daily procedures in one course is 15.

For children, it is recommended to prepare infusions and decoctions in the following daily dose of dry medicinal raw materials per 1 glass:
1-3 years – 1 teaspoon
3-6 years – 1 dessert spoon
over 6 years old – 1 tablespoon
When properly prepared, teas from the following plants are safe for preschoolers: oregano (flowers), viburnum, cranberry, rowan, mint, lemon balm. Especially useful is the daily use of rosehip infusion 10-15 minutes before meals. Lemon juice and/or honey can be an excellent addition to the infusion.

1C. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), then simultaneously with your arms and legs, stretching the spine.

2C. Game "Cold and Warm"(muscle tension and relaxation). IP: lying on your back. At the “cold” sign, children curl up into a ball, shaking all over, pretending to be cold. Children open up when they see the “warmth” sign, showing that they are warm. Repeat 3 times.

3C. Self-massage of palms. IP: too. Quickly rub your palms until warm, then “wash” your face with warm palms. Repeat 3 times.

4C. Chair gymnastics:

“Drumsticks” - tapping your toes.

“We made peace and quarreled” - clenching and unclenching the toes.

“Let’s warm up” - stretch your legs forward, then pull your toes, then your heels.

5C. Outdoor switchgear complex: I.p: legs on sh.st., arms below. 1-2-raise your arms up through your sides, stretch on your toes; 3-4-return to IP (6 times).IP: legs together, hands on the belt. 1-hands forward, 2-up, 3-to the sides, 4-on the belt (6p)I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands on the belt. 1-2 turns of the body to the right, 3-4 turns to the left (repeat 5 times).I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands below. 1-sit down, 2-knock your palms on the floor, 3-stand up, 4-hands up, twist your hands (repeat 6 times).

6C. Breathing exercises:

IP: standing, legs apart, arms up, clasped. Inhale-ip; exhale - tilt to the side. Repeat 6 times.

IP: standing, arms down, hands to the sides. Inhale, rise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides; exhale, turn your body to the side, half-squat. Rep. 4 times.

7C. Differentiated work with frequently ill children

Game “Blow on a leaf” I.p: standing, leaves on the palm of your hand. On command, the children begin to blow on the leaves.

Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for October

4O. Corrective walking:

5O. Outdoor switchgear complex:

IP: legs together, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1-3 smooth jerks with bent arms, 4-raising straight arms to the sides (5 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands up. 1-body tilt to the right, 2-ip; 3-tilt to the left, 4-item (5 times).

IP: legs together, hands on the belt. 1-2 - squats (6 times).

6O. Breathing exercises:

"Let's warm ourselves up." IP: standing, legs together, arms to the sides. Inhale, exhale, quickly cross your arms in front of your chest (6 times).

"Watch". I.p.: standing, feet on the shoulder, hands on the belt. Inhale - tilt to the right (left) - “tick”; exhale-ip. “so” (6 times).

7O. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of flat feet:

Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for November

1H. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, raise your hand up, stretch and put it behind your head, also with the other hand. Alternately pull your right and left legs away from you (either with your toe or your heel), then simultaneously with your arms and legs, stretching your spine.

2N. Game "Winter and Summer""(muscle tension and relaxation). IP: lying on your back. At the “winter” sign, children curl up into a ball, shaking all over, pretending to be cold. Children open up when they see the “summer” sign, showing that they are warm. Rep. 3 times.

3N. Finger gymnastics.IP: too. Alternately move your fingers, connecting them with your thumb straight and reverse order. Connect your fingertips and press firmly with the fingers of your right hand on the fingers of your left hand (6 times each).

4H. Chair gymnastics:

“Caterpillar” - flexion and extension of the toes, pushing the foot forward until the knees straighten.

Stretch your legs forward and connect, “draw” a circle in the air with your left and right legs, then with both legs.

5 N. Outdoor switchgear complex:

I.p.: feet on sh.st., hands below. 1-2-raise your arms up through your sides, stretch on your toes, clap your hands; 3-4-return to IP (6 times).

IP: legs together, hands behind the back, clasped. 1-turn to the right, 2-inc., 3-turn left, 4-inc. (5 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands up. 1-body tilt to the right, 2-ip; 3-tilt to the left, 4-items (repeat 5 times).

IP: legs together, hands on the belt. squats (2 times 5 times).

6N. Breathing exercises:

6H 1) “Big-smally". IP: standing, hands down. Inhale - rise on your toes, pull your arms up; exhale, squat, clasping your knees and pressing your head to your knees. Rep. 4 times.

6N 2) “Lumberjack” . IP: feet on sh.pl. Inhale-fold your arms like a hatchet and lift them up. Exhale - sharply lower your arms, bend over, cutting through the space between your legs. Repeat 6 times.

7N. Differentiated work with frequently ill children

Game “Blow on a snowflake. IP: standing, snowflakes in the palm of your hand. On command, children begin to blow on snowflakes.

Contrast hardening of legs

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for December

1D. Gymnastics in bed:

1D 1) Stretching.

1D 2) “We are resting.” IP: lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2D. Self-massage of the head.IP: sitting on the bed. Imitation of movements: wash your hair, dry it with a towel, comb it.

3D. Corrective walking:

I.p: on the toes, on the heels, on the outside of the foot (bear), with a high rise of the knee, alternating with normal walking.

Walking along corrective paths.

4D. Outdoor switchgear complex:

IP: legs on sh.st., hands on the belt. 1-pull your shoulders back and down, rise on your toes, inhale; 2-lower your head, relax your shoulders, exhale (6 times).

IP: legs apart. 1-bending your arms to your shoulders, turn your torso to the right; 2-ip.; 3-turn left; 4-p. (5 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands on the belt. 1-take the right outstretched leg to the side; 2-ip.; 3-take your left leg to the side; 4-p. (5 times).

IP: legs apart. 1-bend forward, moving outstretched arms to the sides; 2-p. (6 times)

5D. Breathing exercises:

"Steamboat". I.p.: Inhale, noisily draw in air through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds; exhale with a noise through the lips, folded in a tube “ooh-ooh” (6 times).

"Engine starting".IP: standing, feet on the ground, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale-ip; exhale - rotate your bent arms in front of your chest “r-r-r” (6 times).

6D. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of flat feet:

grasping, lifting and carrying small toys from hoop to hoop with your toes.

Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for January

1Ya. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) arm, stretch, lower, then your right and left legs (either with your toe or your heel); then arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

2I.Hand massage. IP: sitting on the bed. Actively rub your palms until you feel warm; stretch out each finger, pressing on it; rub your arm up to your shoulder.

3I. Game "Bird".IP: sitting on the bed. Imitation of wing movements: arms crossed in front of the chest, with effort, move them left and right; then slowly raise and lower them.

4I. Chair gymnastics:

Alternately raising your legs on your toes and heels without lifting them off the floor

Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes.

Stretch your legs forward and connect, “draw” a square in the air with your left and right legs, then with both legs.

5I. Outdoor switchgear complex:

I.p: o.s. 1-raise your hands forward and up, clasping them above your head; 2-rise on your toes, bend your back, 3-p. (6 times).

I.p: o.s. 1-pull your arms straight to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together (inhale); 2-ip (exhale) 6

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands on the belt. 1-tilt to the right leg, 2-ip; 3-tilt to the left leg, 4-ip (6 times).

IP: the same. 1-raise the right leg back and up, 2-p. Also with the left foot (6 times)

6I. Breathing exercises:

6I 1) “Clapperboard.” IP: standing, hands down. Inhale, spread your arms to the sides; exhale, lower down, clap your hands (6 times).

6I 2) “Drummer.” IP: standing, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale-ip; exhale - strike down with your fist, saying “TA” (6 times).

7I. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of postural disorders:

"Icicle" - hang with outstretched arms on the rail of the gymnastic wall with your back to it, keep your torso straight, legs together. The rest of the children walk on the carpet with a bag on their head.

Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for February

1F. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) arm, stretch, lower, then your right and left legs (either with your toe or your heel); then arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

"Cat". IP: standing on your knees with support on your palms. Alternately bend and round your back.

2F. Self-massage of the face.IP: sitting cross-legged on the bed. Stroke the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose from the center to the temples, gently tap on the skin. Press your fingers on the bridge of your nose, on the middle of each eyebrow, making rotational movements, then use pliers to sculpt thick eyebrows (from the bridge of your nose to your temples). Press on the wings of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the sinuses, tug on your nose.

3F. Corrective walking:

IP: on the toes, on the heels, on the outside of the foot (bear), with an additional step on a gymnastic stick, alternating with normal walking.

Walking along corrective paths.

4F. Outdoor switchgear complex:

I.p: o.s. 1- raise your left hand up, right hand to the side, rise on your toes, 2-p. Also, changing the position of the hands (6 times).

IP: legs apart. 1-extend your arms forward, clenching your fingers into a fist; 2-bend your arms, moving your elbows and shoulders back, unclenching your fingers (6 times)

IP: legs apart, arms up, fingers clasped. 1-tilt to the right, 2-back; 3-tilt to the left; 4-forward. Legs straight (6 times).

I.p: o.s. 1-bend your right leg, raising your knee up, 2-clap under the knee. Also with the left foot (6 times).

5F. Breathing exercises:

5F 1 )"Blowing out the candle."I.p: o.s. Inhale - draw air noisily through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds; exhale noisily through pursed lips (6 times).

5F 2) “Trumpeter”. IP: standing, feet on the ground, arms bent in front of you (as if holding a pipe). Inhale-ip; exhale - make small movements with your fingers, imitating pressing the keys, saying “tu-tu” (6 times).

6F. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of flat feet:

exercises with a handkerchief, take it with your toes, fold it “corner to corner.” Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for March

1M. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) arm, stretch, lower, then your right and left legs (either with your toe or your heel); then arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

Rolling. IP: lying on your back, arms bent and pressed to your chest. Rotations of the body from right to left.

2M. Hand massage. IP: sitting on the bed. Actively rub your palms until you feel warm; stretch out each finger, pressing on it. Rub your arm up to your shoulder, pressing hard on the muscles, “wash off the soap with water”: move one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.”

3M. Gymnastics on a chair:

"Caterpillar"- flexion and extension of the toes, extension of the foot forward.

Alternately raising your legs on your toes and heels without lifting them off the floor

Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes.

Alternately pull the knee to the chest.

4M. Outdoor switchgear complex:

I.p: o.s. 1-tilt the head to the right, 2nd p.; 3-tilt the head to the left, 4th p. (6 times).

I.p: o.s. 1-raise the right shoulder up, 2-inc.; 3-raise the left shoulder up, 4-inc. (6 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands on the belt. 1-turn the body to the right, abduct right hand to the side; 2-p.; 3-turn the body to the left, move the left arm to the side; 4-p. (6 times).

5M. Breathing exercises:

"The birds are flying." IP: standing, hands down. Inhale - raise your arms up through your sides; exhale - lower down (6 times).

"In the forest". I.p.: o.s.. Inhale-ip.; exhale - palms to face, shout “Ay!” with turning right and left (6 times).

6M. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of postural disorders:

"Icicle"- hang with outstretched arms on the rail of the gymnastic wall with your back to it, keep your torso straight, legs together. The rest of the children walk on the carpet with a bag on their head. Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for April

1A. Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) arm, stretch, lower, then your right and left legs (either with your toe or your heel); then arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

"Egg". IP: sitting on the bed. Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp them with your arms, and hide your head in your knees. Rock from side to side.

2A. Self-massage of the face.IP: sitting on the bed cross-legged. Massage the ears: stroke along the edges, then inside, behind the ears; gently pull up, down, to the sides; press on your earlobes.

3A. Corrective walking:

IP: on toes, on heels, squatting at a signal, back forward, stepping over blocks, side step on a bench, alternating with normal walking.

4A. Walking along corrective paths.

5A. Outdoor switchgear complex:

IP: feet on sh.pl. 1-raise your arms forward, 2-clap your hands; 3- spread your arms to the sides, 4-p. (6 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands on the belt. 1-turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides; 2-p. Also to the left (6 times)

IP: hands behind your head. 1-bend the right leg, raising the knee up, 2-p. Also with the left foot (6 times).

I.p: o.s. 1-bend your right leg, raising your knee up, try to touch the elbow of your left hand; 2-p. The same with the left leg (6 times).

6A. Breathing exercises:

"Pump". IP: standing, one palm on the other below. Inhale through your nose, noisily draw in air, palms up, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds; exhale noisily, through the mouth, palms down with force (6 times).

"Tubular tongue."I.p: o.s. Inhale - draw air noisily through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds; exhale slowly through the tongue folded into a tube (6 times).

7A. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of flat feet:

grasping, lifting and carrying small toys from hoop to hoop with your toes.

Contrast hardening of legs.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for May

1.Gymnastics in bed:

Sipping. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) arm, stretch, lower, then your right and left legs (either with your toe or your heel); then arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

2 . Gymnastics in bed"Embryo". IP: lying on your back. Bend your right leg at the knee and press it to your stomach with your hands. Hold the pose for 3-4 seconds. and return to IP Repeat the movement with your left leg, then with both legs. Pressing your knees to your stomach, pull your head towards your knees and stay in this position, then lower your head, straighten your legs and relax.

3.Hand massage. IP: sitting on the bed. Actively rub your palms until you feel warm; stretch out each finger, pressing on it. Rub the phalanges of the fingers of one hand over the nails of the other, as if on a washboard. Rub your arm up to your shoulder, pressing hard on the muscles, “wash off the soap with water”: move one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.”

4. Chair gymnastics:

“Caterpillar” - flexion and extension of the toes, moving the foot forward.

Alternately raising your legs on your toes and heels, without lifting them off the floor.

Rotational movements of the foot.

Rocking the foot: press it to the chest, rock it, pat the foot with your palm, lift it above your head

5. Outdoor switchgear complex:

I.p: o.s. 1-2-3-circular movements of the neck to the right side, 4-ip. Also to the left (6 r)

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands to shoulders. 1-2-3-4-circular movements with shoulders forward. Also back (6 times).

I.p.: feet on sh.pl., hands in the lock below. 1-raise your arms, 2-lean forward while lowering your arms; 3-4-p. (6 times).

I.p: o.s. 1-squat with your knees wide, arms forward; 2-p. (6 times).

6. Breathing exercises:

6.1) “Big-small.” IP: standing, hands down. Inhale, rise on your toes, stretch your arms up; exhale, squat, clasping your knees and pressing your head to your knees. Rep. 4 times.

6.2) “Woodcutter.” IP: feet on sh.pl. Inhale, fold your arms like a hatchet and lift them up. Exhale - sharply lower your arms, bend over, cutting the space between your legs. Repeat 6 times.

7. Differentiated work with children on the prevention of postural disorders:

“Icicle” - hang with outstretched arms on the rail of the gymnastic wall with your back to it, keep your torso straight, legs together. The rest of the children walk on the carpet with a bag on their head.

Morning exercises

6-8 minutes

6-8 minutes

8-10 minutes

10-12 min

Round dance game or medium mobility game

2-3 min

2-3 min

3-5 min

3-5 min

Physical exercise during class

2-3 min

2-3 min

2-3 min

2-3 min

Dynamic pause between classes (if not
physical or muso)

5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

Outdoor game while walking

6-10 min

10-15 min

15-20 min

15-20 min

Individual. work on developing movements while walking

8-10 min

10-12 min

10-15 min

10-15 min

Dynamic hour on a walk

15-20 min

20-25 min

25-30 min

30-35 min

Physical education classes

15-20 min

20-25 min

25-30 min

30-35 min

Music classes

15-20 min

20-25 min

25-30 min

30-35 min

Exercising after a nap

5-10 min

5-10 min

5-10 min

5-10 min

Sports entertainment

20 minutes
1 time/month

30 min
1 time/month

30 min
1 time/month

40-50 min
1 time/month

Sports holidays

20 minutes
2 times/year

40 min

60-90 min

60-90 min

Health Week



Svetlana Sarandaeva
A set of hardening procedures after a nap in the senior group

A set of hardening procedures after a nap

in the older group.

1. Educator: - “Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's time to get up!

Hurry up to charge,

We won’t wait for you!”

Guys! Wake up. Everyone woke up and stretched!

2. Children wake up to quiet, calm music - music for relaxation.

Perform a number of exercises while lying in bed:

Everyone woke up and smiled, (I. p. arms along the body,

They turned from side to side. turns right, left side)

They reached out sweetly. (sipping)

How good we are, (raise your hands up - massage movements,

How beautiful we are. stroking hands, feet)

The sun has come to us (feet together, raise your arms and

It became fun and light. spread to the sides)

Bend your leg at the knee,

straighten, lower. (Bending, extension of legs).

3. Sitting cross-legged, we perform the “Catch a Butterfly” exercise.

Goal: neuromuscular relaxation through alternating strong tension and rapid relaxation.

Procedure. The presenter shows a flying butterfly, tries to catch it - performs grasping movements above the head with one hand, then the other, with both hands at the same time. Children repeat the movements shown. Then they slowly unclench their fists and see whether they caught the butterfly or not. Then they put their open palms together, imagining that they are holding it. We put it on a flower, we touched the flower and blew on it.

4. Then, at the teacher’s command, the children get out of bed and go to the group room, where they do exercises:

1. We are standing on the mat,

We look in all directions,

Right, left, up and down,

Look and smile. (Turn your head right, left, up, down)

2. Raise your arms higher

Swing right, left.

That's it, one more time,

It works for us! (Image how the breeze shakes the trees)

3. Turn right, left,

And smile at your neighbor.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Rotate the body to the right, left)

4. Lean right, left,

Lean over, don't be lazy,

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Tilts to the right, left)

5. Now let’s go squat,

We are funny guys

That's it, one more time,

It works for us! (Perform half squats)

6. Now we’ll all jump,

Like a cheerful ringing ball.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Jumping)

7. Raise your hands higher,

Just breathe through your nose.

That's it, one more time,

And we'll finish now. (Breathing exercises)

5. Walking along the “Health Path”: ribbed board, “pebbles” rug, rugs with buttons:

The legs started walking, top, top, top!

Come on, more fun, stomp, stomp, stomp!

That's how we do it, top-top-top!

Feet stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!

Straight along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp!

6. Now we’ve put on our shoes, let’s move on to water procedures: washing the face, hands up to the elbows. Rubbing hands with a towel.

Voice accompaniment:

"Water, water."

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites

Publications on the topic:

Exercising after a nap. Cards for middle and senior groups Card No. 1 Gymnastics after a nap. physical education instructor Pereverzeva I.S. September 4-5 years. 1-15 Cockerel 1. “The Cockerel is sleeping” I. p.

Card index “Recreational gymnastics after nap in the second junior group” SEPTEMBER (1-2 weeks) I complex I. 1. “Stretching” I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body. As you inhale, stretch your two arms up, with your heels.

Gymnastics complex after nap for the middle group Gymnastics complex after nap for the middle group Goal: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children. Tasks: 1. With the help of physical ones.

A set of exercises for waking up after a nap for the first junior group A set of exercises for waking up after a nap for 1 junior group. Goals: Awaken the body after sleep, normalize blood circulation.

A set of hardening activities after a nap A set of hardening activities after a nap. (2nd half of the academic year) Prepared by: Kasyanova V.I. Pobudka. Children wake up:.

A set of hardening procedures after sleep for older preschoolers A set of hardening procedures after sleep for older preschoolers. Educational field "Physical development". Goal: Prevention.

A set of hardening procedures after sleep in the senior group (January - May) January Gymnastics after sleep 1st complex 1. I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. Look up, without raising your head, and follow the flying finger with your finger.

Physical exercises to harden the body are designed to improve a person’s immunity, make him healthier and more resilient. They need to be carried out correctly to get only a positive effect.

Properly selected and systematically performed physical exercises will help improve immunity and increase body tone. Hardening the body using various methods will also help you easily cope with adverse environmental influences and resist viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of hardening

Our ancestors already knew about the positive effects of hardening procedures on humans. If you follow the correct regimen and a number of measures, physical exercises for hardening bring enormous benefits, including:

  • increase the body's endurance;
  • improve immunity;
  • put the body's hidden resources into action;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase strength as well as muscle abilities;
  • stabilizes arterial pressure;
  • helps improve blood supply and vascular condition.

In addition, such physical exercises have a positive effect on nervous system, help reduce the impact of stress, eliminate neuroses and depression. Scientists have proven that hardening also affects a person’s life expectancy.

Hardening with air baths

You can start air hardening at any age, but you need to do it correctly. At the initial stages, it is worth doing this in a room without drafts, normal humidity, and an air temperature of at least 15-16 ° C, but preferably 20-22 ° C. Only after several sessions can you transfer classes to the open air.

The duration of the exercise at first is 2-3 minutes. Then you can go one of two ways:

  • gradually reduce the temperature;
  • Gradually make your stay longer.

Cold air baths (below 15°C) are only suitable for people who are accustomed to the cold and are absolutely healthy. They have a strict regime. The duration should not exceed 2-3 minutes at first, and after training you can stay in the cold for no more than 8-9 minutes.

Air baths and exercises in the air have a positive effect on the body’s thermoregulation, mental health and emotional background, the appearance of the skin, the heart, blood vessels, breathing, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With their help, metabolism and blood supply, endurance, and human performance are improved.

Hardening with the sun

The effect of sunlight on the human body is not only pleasant, but also very useful:

But only the right regimen of sunbathing and exercise can be beneficial. The characteristics of a person, his skin, as well as meteorological conditions, including wind, humidity, and temperature, are of great importance.

Uncontrolled use of sunlight and exercise can lead to burns, fainting, overheating of the entire body, headaches, inflammation of the skin, and in especially severe cases, even death.

Experts recommend introducing sunbathing into a person’s life gradually, starting with small doses. It is advisable to do this when the sun is not yet hot, that is, in the morning from 8 to 11 am and between 16-18 hours. The mode of conduct is also important. The duration of the first procedure should be only a few minutes. Increase this time by 1.5-2 minutes daily to achieve 30-40 minutes of sunbathing. Moreover, it is better to take a break every 4-5 days. The maximum duration of a sunbath for a healthy person accustomed to this method should not exceed 1.5-2 hours.

Particular caution should be exercised by fair-haired and red-haired people. Don't forget to wear a hat that will protect you from sunstroke. There is no need to resort to sunbathing on a full stomach. After eating, at least 1.5-2 hours should pass. The effect of the procedure will be better, and the session itself will be safer if you alternate between being in the shade and in the sun every 2-3 minutes.

After warming up in the sun, sit under an umbrella or tree, and then wipe yourself off with water at a comfortable temperature (25-30 °C), take a shower or swim. Do not assume that sunbathing can only be done in southern resorts. This procedure is possible even in the north, but it has its own characteristics and mode of implementation.

Sunbathing is contraindicated for diseases and conditions such as:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy, menstruation period;
  • frequent headaches of various etiologies;
  • problems of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • inflammation, infections in the body;
  • tendency to bleed.

It is also worth remembering that the older the person, the shorter the sunbathing sessions should be.

Water treatments

Hardening using water procedures includes:

  • taking a contrast shower;
  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna;
  • dousing and wiping with cold water;
  • swimming in an ice hole, snow;
  • local water procedures.

Hot water for hardening

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna activates metabolism at the cellular level, improves the functioning of all systems in the body, and helps with reduced immunity.

Also for hardening, a contrast shower is used, during which hot and cold water are used alternately, which very well strengthens blood vessels and serves as a prevention of varicose veins. At the initial stage, the difference between temperatures should not be large. Over time, it can be increased to 10 °C or more.

Rubbing and dousing with hot water also bring results. But all these methods have contraindications. For example, they cannot be used by people with certain cardiovascular diseases, during pregnancy, or menstruation.

Hardening the body with cool and ice water

Cold water - the best remedy for hardening. It can be used in different ways:

  • local application, including wiping the feet and washing the face;
  • rubbing the whole body;
  • dousing;
  • cold shower;
  • swimming in open waters.

In all cases, except the last one, you need to start with a comfortable water temperature, that is, from 28-30 °C. This indicator should be reduced by a degree every 3-4 days, bringing it to 10-15 °C. Swimming outdoors is best when the temperature in the pond is 18-20° C.

Such water procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, improve metabolism, and help improve mood and performance. But remember, if during the process of hardening with cold water you develop chills and goose bumps, then immediately stop the procedure and rub your body with a dry towel.

Snow baths and swimming in ice holes are only suitable for healthy people who are accustomed to the cold after long training sessions. The effect of such procedures is magnificent. Winter swimming, for example, copes with many chronic diseases. But you should never start it without lengthy preparation and consultation with a specialist, as the result may be disastrous.

Walking barefoot

It has long been known that there are a huge number of points on the human feet, the impact of which improves the immune system, the functioning of almost all organs and systems, and the mental and physical state of a person. Walking barefoot is one of the best exercises to stimulate these points.

You can practice the procedure in warm time years on the street. At first, try short sessions of a few minutes on a lawn or grass that is clear of debris and rocks. Then you can move on to harder surfaces: sand or small pebbles. Increase your sessions gradually as well. It is ideal to carry out such hardening procedures on the seashore. In addition to improving immunity, in this case you will get soft skin on your feet, improved appearance and healthy nails.

Remember that any of the methods of hardening the body, including physical exercise, can only be used when you are completely healthy. If you feel unwell, weak, have a fever or other alarming symptoms appear, the procedures should be canceled until complete recovery.

It is very important to be able to control yourself, do not forget to monitor such parameters as blood pressure, body weight, pulse, quality of sleep, changes in appetite and well-being. It is best to first consult with your doctor before starting any hardening physical exercises. A specialist will help you choose a schedule of procedures, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body and existing diseases.

Hardening factors Dosage and temperature School age
Air baths Air temperature Duration from 20-18 °C to 16-14 °C 10-45 min
Walks and outdoor games Duration 3-3.5 hours
Sleeping outdoors (on the veranda) Duration from 1 hour to 2.5 hours
Rubbing with water Water temperature Ambient air temperature Duration from 32-30 °C to 16-14 °C 18-22 °C from 30 s to 80 s
Pouring Water temperature Ambient air temperature Duration from 28-26 °C to 16-14 °C 18-22 °C 15-20 s
Pouring feet Water temperature Duration from 28 °C to 12 °C from 5 s to 15 s

For acute diseases and exacerbations chronic diseases It is impossible to carry out hardening procedures!

Winter swimming is dangerous for children and teenagers. It leads to serious diseases (pyelonephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, prostatitis).

Hardening has a general strengthening, healing effect on the body, helps increase physical and mental performance, improves health, reduces the number of colds by 2-5 times, and in some cases completely eliminates their occurrence and exacerbation.

Hardening is a complex of the following activities:

1. Regulating room temperature at home and school. Intermittent temperature shown. For schoolchildren of junior and middle age, the optimal amplitude of fluctuations will be (5-17) °C, for older schoolchildren - (8-10) °C.

2. Using the heat-protective properties of clothing. Schoolchildren must dress in accordance with the ambient temperature. The body's thermoregulation ensures the maintenance of thermal equilibrium only within relatively small limits. During active movements (games), muscles produce a large amount of heat, which, when accumulated, leads to overheating of the body. In a state of rest (rest), cooling occurs (hypothermia may occur), which can lead to a cold. If games are played outdoors, especially in windy weather, then excessively warm clothing does not allow the body to cope with temperature changes, which negatively affects health.

3. Conducting large school breaks in the open air, on the move.

4. Staying outdoors (walking, playing, etc.). Active outdoor recreation is a powerful healing factor. The hardening effect occurs if the clothing matches the weather conditions. Duration of stay in the air is 3-3.5 hours for primary school students; 2.5-3 hours for grades 6-8 and 2-2.5 hours for high school students. Walking relieves fatigue, psycho-emotional overload, the blood is better enriched with oxygen, brain function improves, the child sleeps better...

Specialists have developed special methods for carrying out hardening procedures. Here are some of them.

Sunbathing, ultraviolet irradiation(Ural Federal District). Sun rays are a potent remedy that should not be abused; it must be strictly dosed:

Sunbathing should be taken no later than 1 hour before meals and no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals. They should not be taken on an empty stomach.

When sunbathing, you need to protect your head from direct sunlight.

It is better to take sunbathing while moving - while walking, playing, rowing, etc.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child and constantly monitor his well-being (severe redness of the skin, profuse sweating require immediate cessation of sunbathing).

An indicator of the effectiveness of sunbathing is the child’s well-being.

The optimal time for sunbathing is the morning: in the southern regions - from 7 a.m. to 10-11 a.m. middle lane- from 8 hours to 12 hours, in the northern regions - from 9 hours to 13 hours. To adapt the body to the sun's rays, it is advisable to be naked in the shade for the first 2-3 days. After this you can take sunbathing.

Duration of sunbathing: first bath - 5 minutes, second - 10, third - 15 minutes, etc. The total duration of a sunbath is no more than 1 hour. For weakened children, this time is reduced.

Compliance with these rules is important because abuse of sunbathing can cause serious disorders in the body - sunstroke and heatstroke, burns, central nervous system disorders (sleep disturbances, increased excitability, etc.).

Contraindications for sunbathing: increased body temperature, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, acute pneumonia, exacerbation of kidney disease, heart defects, etc.

In the autumn-winter season, it is possible to use ultraviolet irradiation in solariums or at home from quartz lamps. Children prone to colds benefit from quartzing the feet and taking ascorbic acid.

Contraindications to sunbathing (or ultraviolet irradiation) for adults: mastopathy, uterine fibroids, stage II-III hypertension, previous myocardial infarction and various oncological diseases.

Air baths take for 8-10 minutes at an air temperature not lower than (16-18) °C, then by the 25th minute bring it to 12 °C. Air hardening must be combined with exercise, games, etc. When using air baths, certain rules must be followed:

air baths are taken an hour before lunch or 1.5 hours after;

air baths can be taken at almost any time;

The bathing area should be protected from strong winds;

take no more than one air bath per day;

During the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of schoolchildren.

Water treatments- more intense hardening agents. The main hardening factor here is the water temperature. Hardening should begin in summer or autumn. It is better to carry out hardening in the morning, after sleep and morning exercises (gymnastics) or cross-country. The air temperature should be 17°-20 °C, and the water temperature should be 33°-34 °C. Then the water temperature is reduced every 3-4 days by 1 degree. There should be no discomfort or chills during the procedures. Below are the most accessible and common water hardening methods.

Hardening of the nasopharynx- gargling with cool and then cold water. In cold weather, you should breathe through your nose, this prevents the tonsils and throat from cooling. The air passing through the nasopharynx warms up.

Pouring feet made from a watering can or jug. The water temperature is 28°-27°, every 10 days it is reduced by 1-2 degrees, but not less than 10 °C. Then the feet are wiped dry. This procedure is usually carried out in the evening before bedtime.

Foot baths. The feet are immersed in a bucket or basin of water. Initial temperature - 30°-28°, final temperature - 15°-13 °C. Every 10 days it is reduced by 1-2 degrees. The duration of the first foot baths is no more than 1 minute, and at the end - up to 5 minutes. After the bath, the feet are wiped dry and rubbed.

Contrast foot baths. Take two buckets or basins. Hot water (temperature 380-42 °C) is poured into one bucket (basin), and cold (30°-32 °C) water is poured into the other. First, the feet are immersed in hot water for 1.5-2 minutes, then in cold water for 5-10 seconds. This change is made 4-5 times. Every 10 days, the temperature of the cold water is reduced by 1-2 degrees and by the end of the course it is brought to 15°-12°C.

Walking barefoot- one of the oldest hardening techniques. Recommended in summer and autumn. The duration of the walk depends on the temperature of the ground (you can walk on dew, along the bank of a river or sea). At home, they walk on a mat previously moistened with cold water. It is also useful to walk barefoot in the snow after visiting a sauna (bath), followed by a visit to the steam room and warming up your feet (pour hot water into a basin and soak your feet in it for 1-2 minutes).

Rubdown - First stage hardening with water. To do this, use a soft mitten or terry towel soaked in cold water. The sequence of rubbing is: arms, legs, chest, stomach, back. The direction of movement is from the periphery to the center, along the neurovascular bundle. The water temperature decreases every 10 days by 1-2 degrees. For younger schoolchildren, the initial temperature in winter is 32°-30 °C, in summer - 28°-26 °C, the final temperature, respectively, is 22°-20 °C and 18°-16 °C. For middle and older schoolchildren, in winter it should be 30°-28 °C, in summer - 26°-24 °C, the final temperature, respectively, is 18°-16 °C and 16°-14 °C. Rubbing is recommended to be done in the morning after charging, followed by rubbing the entire body with a dry terry towel. Air temperature - 15°-16 °C.

Pouring the torso- the next stage of hardening. Start with water at room temperature, gradually reducing it to 20°-18°C. Pouring is done from a jug or watering can. It is not recommended to pour your head. The initial water temperature for primary schoolchildren in winter should not be lower than 30 °C, in summer - not lower than 28 °C, and the final temperature, respectively, - 20 °C and 18 °C. The reduction should occur gradually every 10 days. For middle and high school students, the water temperature in winter is 28 °C, in summer - 24 °C, and the final temperature, respectively, is 18 °C and 16 °C.

After dousing, wipe the body dry with a terry towel.

Swimming in open water- one of the best and most powerful methods of hardening (sea, river, lake, pond). When carrying out the hardening procedure, it is necessary to ensure the safety of children and follow a number of rules:

You need to swim no later than 1 hour before meals or 1-1.5 hours after it;

you need to move actively in the water (swim, do some exercises);

do not enter the water sweaty, hot or in an unhealthy state;

The water temperature should be 20°-22 °C and the air temperature should not be lower than 24 °C.

After bathing, the body is wiped dry with a terry towel; if “goose bumps” appear, then the body should be rubbed with a towel and put on dry, warm underwear.

The duration of bathing is determined by the temperature of the water and air. The lower the water temperature, the less time you should stay in it.

Rubbing with snow or swimming in cold water (winter swimming). Walking in the snow and rubbing with snow when visiting a bathhouse (sauna) is only possible for hardened children. Winter swimming for children and adolescents is an undesirable procedure, since their thermoregulation system is still imperfect and exposure to low (winter swimming) or high (sauna) temperatures leads to various diseases (kidneys, lungs, endocrine glands, etc.).

Bath. The bath procedure in combination with water has a beneficial hardening effect. But with an overdose, negative phenomena occur in the body. Preschoolers should not use the sauna with high temperature(above 90 °C). The dosage of the bath procedure is based on the time spent in the bath and the height of the shelf. After visiting the bathhouse, you can take a shower or bath, swim, and then wipe dry. The child can be wrapped in a sheet and given the opportunity to rest.

Date added: 2015-02-06 | Views: 1083 | Copyright infringement

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