Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Udgu. Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology. Our good partners are

Head of the department: Fedoseeva Elena Sergeevna

Deputy: Bondarenko Tatyana Andreevna

Address: Educational building No. 1, 416

Phone(s): +7 8442 60 28 68
Working hours: Mon-Thu, 8:30-17:15. Fri, 8:30-16:00. Break from 12:30 to 13:00.

General information

The opening of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at VGSPU is directly related to the names of Vladimir Ivanovich Lubovsky, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Mikhailovna Nazarova. In 1992, N.M. Nazarova contributed to the creation of new defectology departments in pedagogical universities in Russia, coordination of their work, development of the first generations of state educational standards higher education in special pedagogy and psychology. In 1995, a correspondence speech therapy department was opened at the Voronezh State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education and Preschool Education.
In September 2000, the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology was opened, headed by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Veniaminovich Kargin. The creation of the department made it possible to expand the training of specialists in various areas of defectology due to the growing need for them in Volgograd and the region. The following specialties are being opened: special preschool pedagogy and psychology in the inpatient department, pedagogy for the deaf and oligophrenopedagogy in the correspondence department, which mainly accepts teachers who already work with children with developmental problems, but do not have special education.
Since September 2002, after the tragic death of Professor S.V. Kargin, Professor S.G. Yarikova became the head of the department. The department continues to cooperate with the defectology faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Thanks in no small part to the support of Dean Puzanov B.P. and professors Rechitskaya E.G. and Konyaeva N.P. Students are being successfully trained in the specialties of oligophrenopedagogy and deaf pedagogy. Currently, the department also trains bachelors in the direction of "Special (defectological) education" profiles: "Speech therapy", "Deaf pedagogy", "Special psychology" and masters in the direction of "Special (defectological) education" master's program "Pedagogical support of socialization of persons with disabilities" disabilities health."
The Department of SPP has two specialized rooms “Speech Therapy” and “Special Pedagogy and Psychology”.
To improve the quality of training of defectologists, an educational, scientific and methodological complex (ESMC) was created in 2003, which became a structural unit of the university, uniting teachers of the department of special pedagogy and psychology of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University and employees of the Nadezhda rehabilitation center for disabled children » Volzhsky / The main purpose of the complex is to expand and deepen the scientific and methodological support of the system of continuous special education. The scientific and methodological decisions and actions of the complex are based on a holistic approach to the organization of the educational process, developed by teams of teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, and speech therapists of the Department of Special Education of the VGSPU and the Nadezhda Central Children's Educational Institution. UNMK was created as an experimental platform for training defectologists, to develop a mechanism that would create mutual interest and encourage creative cooperation between scientists and practitioners in the field of social protection. In accordance with this, the complex is designed to model its own microenvironment in all its facets and manifestations: the choice of system-forming activities, the creation of conditions for personal development future specialists and integration of disabled children into the normal community, establishing connections with the environment, etc.
Activities of the department:

  • the department carries out advanced training of teaching staff;
  • scientific and practical conferences are organized;
  • textbooks are reviewed;
  • textbooks and recommendations are being developed;
  • Scientific consulting is provided during experimental work in special institutions.

Our good partners are:

  • State government special (correctional) educational institutions for students with disabilities of the VIII type No. 1,2,4;
  • "Volzhskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type";
  • State educational institution "Volgograd special (correctional) boarding school of the first type No. 7";
  • State educational institution "Volzhsky Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled Children" Nadezhda ";
  • municipal preschool educational institutions for children with visual, hearing, speech, and musculoskeletal impairments;
  • social shelters for children and adolescents.

Teachers of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology carry out extensive research activities. The results of experimental studies of teachers and students are published in collections of international, all-Russian, regional conferences on the problems of special education; V periodicals in pedagogy, psychology and defectology. Numerous teaching aids and practical recommendations are devoted to solving the problems of education of children with disabilities.

In 1997, the Academic Council of the University decided to license and open two defectology specialties. In 1997, at the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, the first intake of students was carried out in the specialty “Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology (Preschool)”, and in 1999 - in the specialty “Speech Therapy”.

In December 2002, the university rector issued an order to open the department of special preschool pedagogy and psychology. To organize the educational process, curricula for defectology specialties were created and improved, educational and methodological and scientific-methodological equipment of disciplines, and a graduate model were developed. Faculty teachers have completed advanced training courses, internships, and continued their studies in postgraduate courses at leading scientific schools in Russia. The opening of new defectology specialties and a graduating department at the faculty became a socially significant event in the development of special education in the region.

Today the department is a stably functioning and actively developing department of the faculty. The department is headed by Olga Rukhovna Voroshnina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

The objectives of the department are related to the training of highly professional specialists in the field of special education. The department conducts scientific research, the results of which are actively implemented in practice. Important for the activities of the department is the implementation of the principle of the relationship between science and practice in solving the problems of teaching and raising children with disabilities.

The department implements a number of areas, including:
  • organization of the educational and educational process for the training of specialists, bachelors and masters in the field of special education;
  • organization of research and innovation activities at the faculty and in the region; management and participation in grants and projects;
  • broadcasting the results of scientific research through the organization of conferences, seminars, forums dedicated to current issues of education, training, support for children with disabilities, participation of teachers and students in conferences various levels Russia and neighboring countries, publication of research results in leading journals, collections of scientific papers, publication of monographs, etc.;
  • scientific management of innovative educational institutions (pedagogical laboratories, experimental sites);
  • professional retraining and advanced training of workers in the preschool and special education system through participation in advanced training courses;
  • participation in councils (scientific and pedagogical council of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory, scientific and methodological council on physical culture and health, educational and methodological council in the direction of “Special (defectological) education” of educational educational institutions of pedagogical specialties (Moscow)), interaction with higher educational institutions institutions in Russia and foreign countries;
  • participation in accreditation and licensing activities of preschool educational institutions cities and regions, licensing and accreditation of higher and secondary educational institutions Russian Federation, participation in the work of expert groups on certification for the highest qualification category of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory, participation in regional competitions“Teacher of the Year” (as part of the jury); work of teachers in certification commissions, reviewing teaching experience, author's programs, opposing dissertation research.

" Education and comprehensive habilitation of children of early and infant age." Direction "Psychological and pedagogical education", profile "Inclusive education and comprehensive support for persons with disabilities").

The research work of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology is built in accordance with the most pressing problems of special education in the Russian Federation, Europe, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region:

  • creation of a system of early correctional and pedagogical assistance to children of the first year of life with disabilities;
  • inclusive education of children with disabilities in a general education school;
  • specialized education as a means of socialization and inclusion of children with disabilities in secondary schools;
  • a universal model of socialization of graduates of special orphanages in the Leningrad region;
  • socio-pedagogical conditions for ensuring the socialization of children in the “special child” classes;
  • improving the training of specialists in the field of defectology during university and postgraduate studies;
  • system of continuous professional education of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities.

Employees of the department are engaged in scientific research in the following areas:

  • problems of teaching deaf and hard of hearing children preschool age;
  • habilitation work with deaf young children;
  • creation of a regional system for diagnosing and correcting sensorimotor and intellectual disorders in young children (first and second years of life);
  • problems of family education of children with special educational needs;
  • studying the features of the content and methodological side of the educational process in correctional educational institutions various types;
  • a system of inclusive education for rural school students with special educational needs;
  • ensuring the socialization of children with complex multiple developmental disorders;
  • personal characteristics of students with communication difficulties;
  • distance learning for disabled children and children with limited health capabilities;
  • Features of professional and personal development of students of the Faculty of Defectology and Social Work.

The department's scientific research is aimed at developing and creating a concept for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities by creating favorable conditions for their comprehensive development and life activities, which is the most important aspect of the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy of the Russian Federation.

Works at the department postgraduate and doctoral studies by specialty:

  1. 13.00.03 Correctional pedagogy, deaf pedagogy, typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy;
  2. 19.00.10 Correctional psychology;
  3. 19.00.13 Developmental psychology.

Every year, on the initiative of the department, an international conference “Special Education” is held, which is attended by more than 200 participants from 20 regions of the country and six foreign countries, including scientists, practitioners, representatives of public organizations, parents, graduate students, and undergraduates.

The department carries out research activities in the framework of cooperation with the following leading Russian universities, institutes and academies:

  • Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Department of Special Education);
  • Leningrad Regional Institute for Educational Development;
  • Southern Federal University (Rostov State University), Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology;
  • Cherepovets State University (department of defectological education);
  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Academy (Faculty clinical psychology, Department of Special Psychology and Psychiatry);
  • Perm State University (Department of Preschool Defectology);
  • Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen (faculty of correctional pedagogy, department of oligophrenopedagogy, deaf pedagogy);
  • Moscow Pedagogical State University (defectology department);
  • Moscow City Pedagogical University (Faculty of Special Pedagogy);
  • Stavropol State University (Faculty of Psychology);
  • Pomeranian State University (Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy);
  • Vologda Institute for Educational Development.

The Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology has been collaborating for many years with the following leading foreign universities:

  • University of Gdansk and Higher Pedagogical Academy, Kielce, Poland;
  • Świętokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland;
  • Rzhezhov University, Rzhezhov, Poland;
  • Lugansk national university them. T. Shevchenko, Ukraine;
  • Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. Maxim Tank;
  • University of Berlin Humboldt, Germany;

The department's employees are scientific directors of schools and preschool institutions in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

The Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Special Education was created on September 1, 1999 in accordance with the order of the Moscow City Pedagogical University No. 107 general. dated June 23, 1999. The department of psychological and pedagogical foundations of special education is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalia Mikhailovna Nazarova. Since 2000, taking into account the need for personnel and implementing an experimental project of vocational education for people with hearing disabilities, the department began training specialists for educational institutions Moscow, specialty “Pedagogy of the Deaf”. Currently, the department also trains bachelors in the program “Typhlopedagogy and Deaf Pedagogy” and masters in the program: “Psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities.” The department has developed traditions in working with graduates. They work on a permanent basis in the best correctional institutions in Moscow and leading scientific and practical centers of Russia, many of them are awarded Moscow grants, and participate in the professional competition of the Moscow Department “Teacher of the Year” in the category “Heart given to children.”

Associate Professor, Academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences awarded by the Tambov Dissertation Council state university them. G.R. Derzhavin dated April 30, 2002 (protocol No. 15) for the defense of the dissertation “Organization of a variable-modular system for advanced training of defectology teachers” and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation on September 20, 2002. The academic title of associate professor in the department of pedagogy and psychology of the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers assigned by decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 18, 2004.

Professor, The scientific degree of Doctor of Psychology was awarded by the dissertation council D 212.164.02 on pedagogy and correctional psychology at the Nizhny Novgorod State pedagogical university 10.18.2007, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation on 05.30.2008 on the topic of the dissertation: “Sociocultural formation of the personality of a child with mental development problems through the means of art in the educational space.” The academic title of professor in the department of special psychology and correctional pedagogy was awarded to Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science 05/19/2010