Sahak Karapetyan General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. A native of the Rostov region, Sahak Karapetyan was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. And everything is fine with him

Sahak Karapetyan was “rewarded” with the position of deputy prosecutor general. Yuri Chaika thanked his subordinate for the “Swiss negotiations”?

The Federation Council today decided to appoint Karapetyan to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia.

It is expected that in his position Sahak Karapetyan will oversee issues of international cooperation. He is well aware of this area, since before his appointment to the new position he headed the Main Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation.

And he led, apparently, successfully. Considering, in connection with the Navalny investigation, the reputation of the Prosecutor General’s Office, as well as numerous publications about the “Chaika family,” Sahak Karapetyan may even be seen as the successor to the current Prosecutor General. Moreover, Vladimir Putin himself recommended Karapetyan for a high position.

However, there have been discussions about the appointment since the beginning of 2015. Why did he receive his position only now? And what had to be done for this? There are always a lot of people looking for such positions. And, usually, the winner is the one who can especially distinguish himself in the eyes of his boss. Or provides him with an invaluable service.

Life at your fingertips

The official biography of Sahak Karapetyan is rather meager. A lawyer by training. He began his career as an intern at the Rostov Prosecutor's Office in 1983. He reached the rank of head of the department for particularly important investigations. He served in the Duma for 5 years, including as deputy chairman of the security committee.

Since 2000 he has been working in the Prosecutor General's Office.

The most interesting thing is that no special merits were noticed for Sahak Karapetyan. He did not conduct any high-profile cases at the prosecutor's office. But these were the dashing 90s. And Sahak Karapetyan was the head of the department, and even of important investigations. Or was there nothing important to investigate in Rostov then?

In the State Duma, he participated in the development of two relevant laws. Isn't that enough in 4 years? It is clear that as deputy chairman of the committee he had to participate in the development of laws relating to security issues.

But in the Prosecutor General’s Office, over 17 years of work, it didn’t show up at all. But he must have been doing something all these years. Like 12 years in the Rostov prosecutor's office.

Pictures from the past of Rostov-papa

But the old-timers of Rostov well remember the time during which Sahak Karapetyan served as head of the department. And people from that past are also remembered. Moreover, from time to time they remind themselves of themselves.

Three years ago, in Rostov, the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous criminal “authorities” of the city, Rafael Samurgashev, was celebrated with pomp.

Knowledgeable people said that they remember how more than 20 years ago his group “held” almost half the city. And it was called “wrestling”. They also say that even then she was protected by someone from the security forces and representatives of local authorities. Moreover, the “wrestlers” were not touched, but other groups were purged. Although she acted quite in the spirit of that time.

Did the head of the prosecutor’s office, Sahak Karapetyan, know about the “wrestlers” at that time? If the group held half the city, then he probably knew.

Of course, not everything is limited to the head of the investigation department; there are ranks higher. And there is also integrity that can be demonstrated. If there is one.

Maybe Sahak Karapetyan and Rafael Samurgashev knew each other at that time. Who will remember now?

One thing is for sure. Life was good for both of them. One recently celebrated an anniversary, another received a new position.

By the way, one of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that “authorities” of the rank of Rafael Samurgashev often managed to stay afloat because they supported their representative of the law enforcement agencies, promoted him and “grew” with him. This ensured security in the future. Otherwise, we wouldn’t live to see the anniversary.

Another picture from the past of Rostov-papa is a shootout in 1994. between the Russian and Dagestan groups. The shooting was terrible, old-timers remember. They also came to the hospitals to finish off the wounded.

They also say that there was a certain “negotiator” in the security forces, a specialist in resolving issues between them and the bandits. They just couldn’t remember who it was. Or were you afraid?

Seagull at gunpoint

Nowadays, issues are resolved differently. Recently, the entire country was rocked by the FBK investigation of Alexei Navalny. And it is not surprising, because it concerned not just anyone, but the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation himself and his sons.

In particular, Artem Chaika was accused of laundering money through Switzerland, where his luxury real estate is located.

It is interesting that in the investigation of the “Chaika case” the name of Sahak Karapetyan suddenly appeared.

Probably, in accordance with his position and the importance of the accusation, he was assigned to check the facts. Some media even reported that Karapetyan’s appointment to a new position depended on the resolution of this issue.

As we managed to find out, Sahak Karapetyan actually visited Switzerland. It is not known what he agreed on there, but only immediately after his arrival, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation invited its Swiss colleagues to Russia.

Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and Swiss Prosecutor General Michael Lauber planned a meeting for the May holidays, which was supposed to emphasize its informal nature.

Apparently, at the meeting, already at the level of top officials, it was necessary to confirm some personal agreements. Or consolidate what has already been achieved in Switzerland by Sahak Karapetyan and the Swiss side.

This assumption is confirmed by the fact that Sahak Karapetyan was appointed as the organizer of the meeting. Apparently, for his “eastern” hospitality and ability to negotiate. And strangers have nothing to do at informal meetings.

We consolidated agreements and established relationships at the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant on Rublyovka.

As it turned out later, the Swiss colleagues did not find confirmation of the accusations against Artem Chaika.

And everything is fine with him

Sahak Karapetyan received a new position because, in the opinion of his management, he fully corresponds to it. Excellent in matters of international cooperation. And he is modest and has not been involved in any scandals.

True, his wife is the richest of the prosecutor’s wives. In 2015 she declared an income of 43 million rubles, she owns houses and land. And how does a former philologist manage all this stuff? And how does a philologist get so many houses and land plots? Purchased on a teacher's modest salary?

Probably, this can only be known to the modest Sahak Karapetyan, whose income in 2015 was . amounted to only 3.5 million rubles. But for now he is keeping silent about it.

Such an inconspicuous and modest person, but at the same time able to resolve issues, came to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. And soon, perhaps, he will become general.

Do Russia and its residents need such a prosecutor general?

Sahak Albertovich Karapetyan

Deputy Prosecutor General Russian Federation


Sahak Albertovich Karapetyan was born in 1960 in the Sovetsky farm of the Balko-Gruzsky village council of the Egorlyk district of the Rostov region.

At the end of the 20s of the last century, the grandparents of Sahak Albertovich settled on the Sovetsky farm. His parents also lived there.

In 1974, my father took the family and moved to Rostov-on-Don. Sahak Albertovich went to the eighth grade in Rostov-on-Don (to school No. 12).

Around the beginning of the tenth grade, a conscious desire to obtain a legal education was formed. This choice surprised and puzzled my father. None of the relatives had a legal education or worked in law enforcement agencies. Sahak Albertovich was persistent.

In 1978, he entered the law faculty of Rostov State University.

For good studies, graduate Karapetyan received the right to choose any law enforcement agency as his place of future work. Sahak Albertovich chooses the prosecutor's office and in 1983 begins working in the special prosecutor's office of the Rostov region (in the prosecutor's office for supervision of places of deprivation of liberty). It was incredibly difficult. But this work was a good start for gaining experience and growing professionalism.

Three years later S.A. Karapetyan was invited to work in the regional prosecutor's office.

He worked at the investigative station for about twelve years. All large, voluminous cases were engraved in his memory for the rest of his life. It happened that serious threats were made during the investigation, especially during the period of work in the special prosecutor's office. It was necessary to investigate cases against employees of internal affairs bodies, mainly officers of the penitentiary system. The case of the head of the medical unit of one of the colonies was very difficult. The prosecutor's office had materials against him for four years. The case was considered unpromising. S.A. Karapetyan was able to prove the opposite. A criminal case was opened against the officer who violated the law, and he was convicted. The angry accused, both during the investigation and right at the trial, seriously threatened to kill Sahak Albertovich.

One day, prosecutor S.A. Karapetyan had to act as a negotiator.

His classmate, an investigator for particularly important cases at the regional prosecutor's office, lost his nerves. He started drinking and did not show up for work for a week, threatening anyone who approached his apartment with a weapon.

Sahak Albertovich came to him alone, without weapons. After about an hour of difficult persuasion, he agreed to give up the weapon. In gratitude, the leadership of the prosecutor's office complied with Sahak Albertovich's request - that investigator was given the opportunity to quietly resign from the prosecutor's office.

In December 1995, S.A. Karapetyan was elected deputy State Duma Russian Federation from the Yabloko party. His main parliamentary activity as deputy chairman of the security committee was focused on the field of lawmaking. He led about sixteen legislative initiatives. These were new draft laws, such as the draft Law on the Prosecutor's Office, and amendments to existing laws - on the police, on executive bodies in the penal system, on security, internal troops, etc.

In 2000, Sahak Albertovich was appointed head of the Legal Support Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. I worked in this position for about a year. Then he is appointed senior assistant to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - the plenipotentiary representative of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In the fall of 2004, due to incompatible views with the Prosecutor General, he left the prosecutor's office. After some time, Yuri Yakovlevich Chaika, then Minister of Justice, invited him to head the department for legislative activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2005 S.A. Karapetyan was appointed director of the department of international law of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

In 2006, together with the Prosecutor General, newly appointed on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation, he moved to the General Prosecutor's Office as head of the Main Directorate of International Legal Cooperation.

For strengthening law and order, he was repeatedly encouraged and awarded state and departmental awards.

State Counselor of Justice, 2nd class.

He has the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.”

Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika earned about 8.8 million rubles in 2015, as follows from information about the income and property of senior employees published on Friday on the department’s website.

The declared annual income of the Prosecutor General in 2015 was 8,793,625 rubles. Yuri Chaika does not own any real estate, but he does have a GAZ-13 (“Chaika”) car.

The Prosecutor General's wife earned 7,590,000 rubles in 2015. She owns half of the apartment with an area of ​​203.6 square meters. m and non-residential premises with an area of ​​175.3 sq. m.

The declared income of Yuri Chaika in 2014 amounted to 8.506 million rubles. The income of the Prosecutor General's wife the year before last was 8.280 million rubles. [...]

Ilya Rozhdestvensky

Sahak Karapetyan
The wife of the head of the international legal cooperation department of the prosecutor's office, Sahak Karapetyan, declared the largest income in the department. In second place is the successor Alexey Staroverov as head of department management.

The richest in the prosecutor's office

The leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office (Prosecutor General's Office) reported on its income for 2015. As follows from the declaration posted on the website of the supervisory agency, the wife of Sahak Karapetyan, who holds the post of head of the department of international legal cooperation, earned the most among the employees of the State Enterprise and members of their families. She indicated income of almost 43 million rubles.

Compared to 2014, her earnings decreased by 2.9 million rubles. She owns two land plots with a total area of ​​1189 square meters. m, two residential buildings (213.5 sq. m. and 38 sq. m.) and a garage, as well as shares of one third in three more plots (total area 11,926 sq. m.) and in three non-residential premises (11,729. 5 sq. m. She drives a Mercedes-Benz G 280.

Her husband, who was appointed to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General in December 2015, earned about 3.5 million rubles last year. He owns an apartment with an area of ​​118.4 square meters. m.

In second place in terms of income in the Prosecutor General's Office is the head of the department's department, Sergei Sergeev. He indicated income of 19.2 million rubles. He only owns an apartment with an area of ​​105.4 square meters. m. Compared to 2014, Sergeev’s earnings increased six times. At the same time, they disappeared from the declaration land plot(1500 sq. m), a residential building (212.1 sq. m) and a garage.

Sergey Sergeev
Sergeev headed the affairs department of the Prosecutor General's Office in January 2015. In this post, he replaced Alexey Staroverov, who left his position in connection with the investigation into the “GTA gang” case. Staroverov, as well as Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Lopatin, who declared an income of 4.1 million rubles in 2015, were mentioned in the investigation of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. According to FBK, Gennady Lopatin’s ex-wife Olga Lopatina and Alexey Staroverov’s wife Nadezhda Staroverova, together with the wives of members of the “Tsapkov gang”, owned the company “Sugar Kubani”.

On March 19, 2016, it became known that the police of the Krasnodar Territory had completed the investigation of the case initiated based on Lopatina’s statement about the forgery of Sahara Kuban documents. The Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the conclusion that the ex-wife of the deputy prosecutor general had no relation to the “Tsapkov gang.” Tsepovyaz's wife Natalya Tsepovyaz also denied any connection with the wives of prosecutors.

Prosecutor General and his deputies

[...] Deputy Chaika Alexander Buksman declared 4.9 million rubles. His colleagues also indicated similar income: Nikolay Vinnichenko - 4.1 million rubles, Viktor Grin - 4.2 million rubles, Yuri Gulyagin - 6.2 million rubles, Sergey Zaitsev - 4.3 million rubles, Victor Malinovsky​- 4.2 million rubles, Ivan Sydoruk - 5.5 million rubles, Sergey Fridinsky- 5.5 million rubles.

Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kehlerov, who recently retired, earned 4.2 million rubles, he still owns three plots with a total area of ​​6570 square meters. m, residential building (212 sq. m) and country house(215.5 sq. m.) and a parking space. Another deputy of Chaika, Yuri Ponomarev, declared 6.8 million rubles, which is almost 2 million rubles. more compared to 2014. An apartment with an area of ​​32.6 square meters disappeared from his declaration. m and an apartment with an area of ​​167.5 sq. m appeared. m. His wife’s apartment with an area of ​​116 square meters disappeared from her declaration. m.

Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Gutsan - 7.4 million rubles. (3.1 million rubles more compared to 2014). Together with his wife, Gutsan still owns a plot (1591 sq. m.), a house (220.5 sq. m.) and an apartment (159.3 sq. m.). His colleague Sergei Vorobyov earned 4.2 million rubles, which is 2.3 million rubles more. less than in 2014. Chaika’s deputy Ivan Semchishin declared 7.1 million rubles. Semchishin's wife indicated a residential building (225.8 sq. m), which was not in the previous declaration.

In total, employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and members of their families indicated in the declaration for 2015 an income of 775.3 million rubles.

Replenishment in the Prosecutor General's Office

M.S. Kekhlerov moved to the Prosecutor General’s Office to the position of deputy head of the department. He declared income of 2.3 million rubles. He owns a plot (2200 sq. m) and an apartment (109.7 sq. m). The son of Deputy Prosecutor General Murad Sabirovich Kekhlerov, who has served as deputy prosecutor of the Tver region since April 2013, has the same initials.

Also mentioned in the declaration is M.P. Sargsyan, who holds the position of Advisor to the Prosecutor General. He earned 1.5 million rubles in 2015. His wife owns an apartment (83.6 sq. m.) and a garage, which are located in Armenia. Mnatsakan Sargsyan, who was fired from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of Armenia in 2013, has the same initials.

They will protect, but still did not expect that they would be so actively promoted through the ranks:

Senators will consider Krasnodar Territory prosecutor Leonid Korzhinek, a person involved in the FBK investigation, for the post of Yuri Chaika’s deputy. The wife of the second future deputy - Sahak Karapetyan - earned the most in the prosecutor's office

Prosecutor from Kushchevka

Yuri Chaika will have two new deputies. They will be the head of the main department of international legal cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office Sahak Karapetyan and Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory Leonid Korzhinek, a high-ranking interlocutor in the supervisory department told RBC and confirmed two sources in the Federation Council. Representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Alexander Kurennoy neither confirmed nor denied this information. It is unknown what Chaika’s new deputies will do.

Let me remind you that Korzhinek is the same prosecutor who literally made the massacre in Kushchevka possible. He not only directly provided protection for the Tsapok gang on behalf of the Chaika family, but also personally stopped the criminal prosecution of Tsapok, who hit a policeman.

The case was dropped, Tsapok remained free, after which he received a feeling of permissiveness, which led him to a mountain of corpses.

After our investigation, Korzhinek provided a lot of services to Chaika: he helped fabricate results that showed that allegedly the wives of Tsapkov’s bandits gave shares in their companies to the wives of deputy prosecutors general without their knowledge (ha-ha-ha). I am sure that, on behalf of Chaika, he had something to do with. A criminal case was never initiated there, although it was taken under control at the level of the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - and this is also a clear merit of Korzhinek.

Well, now this literal bandit in a prosecutor’s uniform will become a deputy prosecutor general.

It is interesting that the second valuable personnel who will be appointed as Deputy Prosecutor General is Sahak Karapetyan. It was he who personally went to Switzerland after we wrote complaints about Artyom Chaika there and fought with the Swiss prosecutor’s office so that they would hush up the investigation.

Our oversight of legality will be great:

Prosecutor General - Chaika. A swindler, a thief, a corrupt official. The owner of hotels around the world and the father of sons who receive, established a monopoly on salt in Russia and receive residence permits in Switzerland.

Deputy Prosecutor General - Lopatin. Co-founder (through his wife). Owner for an amount many times greater than income. Over the course of 5 years, he bought apartments, houses and hotels for more than a billion (!) rubles. His eight-year-old grandson around the world on a private jet.

Deputy Prosecutor General - Korzhinek. Personally helped the gang leader Tsapka evade criminal liability. Christmas services together with Artem Chaika and covers half the district for this.

Deputy Prosecutor General - Karapetyan. I resolved the issue with the Swiss prosecutor's office so that they would not conduct an investigation against Artyom Chaika. Officially the richest official in the Prosecutor General's Office, his wife earns 45 million rubles a year.

Class. Kushchevka moved to Moscow.

A native of the Rostov region, State Counselor of Justice 2nd class Sahak Karapetyan became Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. The resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the appointment was issued on December 14.

In this position, Sahak Albertovich replaced Alexander Zvyagintsev, who resigned due to reaching retirement age. Now a native of the Don region will deal with issues of international cooperation.

Sahak Albertovich was born on March 28, 1960 in the Sovetsky farm, located in the Yegorlygsky district. In 1983 he graduated from Rostov State University majoring in "Jurisprudence".

Sahak Karapetyan has served in the prosecutor’s office since 1983, that is, more than 30 years, of which over 20 were in leadership positions, the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation said. - He was the head of the department for supervision of the investigation of particularly important cases and operational investigative activities of the prosecutor's office of the Rostov region, the head of the legal support department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, senior assistant to the prosecutor general of the country, the head of the Main Directorate for International Legal Cooperation of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

In the mid-90s, a native of the Don region went to conquer Moscow. From 1995 to 1999, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation.

After that, he continued his career in the supervisory department. Since 2000, he worked as a senior assistant to the country's Prosecutor General and plenipotentiary representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Federal Assembly.

For his services in strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and many years of fruitful work, Sahak Karapetyan was awarded the Order of Honor and Friendship, and the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation. He has the honorary titles “Honored Worker of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.”