Vasily Nemchin - predictions about Russia and the world as a whole. Vasily Nemchin and other predictions about rulers Foresight about the distant future
A mysterious ancient astrologer may eclipse the glory of Nostradamus. "KP" is trying to find who was hiding behind this name

Svetlana KUZINA, Photo by Vladimir VELENGURIN, Anatoly ZHDANOV, Ivan TIMOSHIN. - 05/24/2007

In “KP” of May 3, in the article “Yeltsin was protected by a “night watch” of psychics in the Kremlin,” we mentioned an ancient Russian astrologer who, according to numerous testimonies, predicted the power of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. And he very accurately described subsequent rulers. Who is this mysterious seer? Did he really exist? We tried to find answers to these questions with the help of historians.

The Invisible Man

Astrologer Vasily Nemchin is a figure as famous as he is mysterious. An invisible man whose existence can be doubted. A man-myth about whom legends are made. A chameleon man who may be hiding under different names. It is even possible that these are several people. Like Kozma Prutkov.

Almost all Russian astrologers quote Vasily Nemchin - his forecasts are striking in their extraordinary accuracy compared to the vague “centuries” of Nostradamus. Let us recall, “...after the marked Bear the Giant will come” - how can one not see a direct allusion to Gorbachev and Yeltsin? This and his other predictions have spread across Internet sites and continue to amaze with the fact that they come true year after year. There are, however, suspicions that Nemchin’s prophecies in the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries someone added and rewrote. Among the “editors,” according to researchers, there could be the famous monk Abel (born Vasily Vasiliev), Saint Basil the Blessed and even Nostradamus himself. Although it is possible that Nemchin also used the works of ancient seers, such as, for example, John the Theologian, as well as the heritage of the ancient knowledge of pagan Rus', dating back to the “blasphemies” - the prophetic books of the Slavs. IN modern history they remembered him about 20 years ago, at the dawn of perestroika; in Soviet times, as you know, prophets were not recognized. And then a lot of questions arose
owls Do all the prophecies attributed to Nemchin really belong to him? Who is he and are there any mentions of Nemchin in ancient historical works and archives?

Several centuries ago, the prophet predicted the appearance on the political arena of Russia of the “Marked Bear” - Mikhail Gorbachev.

Who is who?

We found only Nemchin, but Nikolai. The famous Russian historian, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Nikolai Kostomarov (1817 - 1885) wrote about him in the book “Russian history in the biographies of its main figures”: “In 1519, Pope Leo X began negotiations with Grand Duke Vasily about a union (unification of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. - Ed.) through his agent Nikolai Schomberg, who had some success in Moscow among the boyars. In addition to him, the doctor Nikolai Bulev or Lyuev, known under the name Nikolai Nemchin, also acted in favor of union with Rome at that time; By the way, he taught astrology to the Russians.”

Some researchers believe that Nikolai Nemchin and Nikolai Schomberg are the same person, the papal legate (representative of the Roman Catholic Church in other countries - Ed.). At that time, non-Russians were given nicknames: Nemchin, for example, from the word “German.” Then it became a surname and took root in Rus'.

However, the historian Vladimir Ikonnikov (1841 - 1923), in his study about Maxim the Greek (1475 - 1555), a Greek Orthodox monk and philosopher, argues that “by this name (Nemchin) one should still mean Lyuev or Bulev, a foreign doctor and favorite of Grand Duke Vasily." This is confirmed by an ancient postscript on the manuscript of Maxim the Greek, which explains that Nikolai Nemchin is none other than Nikolai Bulev, who “received great honor from the sovereign for medical purposes for the sake of cunning.” The Greek doubted Nemchin's medical skills, accusing him of charlatanism and bullying him for his demonic occupation - his passion for astrology.

“In the astrological ravings of Nikolai Nemchin, the familiar expectation of the imminent death of the world found an echo, which did not disappear even after 1492,” the historian wrote. - The opinion has spread, which is expressed in the chronicles... that Moscow is the last apocalyptic kingdom, the third Rome, and there will no longer be a fourth. And Nikolai Nemchin wrote to clerk Munekhin that in 1524 there will be an undoubted change for countries and kingdoms... and for all earthly beings.” But the end of the world did not happen at the appointed time. We find mentions of Nemchin, but also of Nicholas, and in the historical chronicles of Archpriest Avvakum (1620 - 1682), who “loved and understood his writings.”

The clairvoyant called Boris Yeltsin “Titan” in his prophecies.

Most of the facts agree: surname, passion for astrology, medical practice, service with Tsar Vasily II. But the name and even the years of his life do not match. According to some sources, the prophet lived at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. But the manuscripts written by him date back to the 17th - 18th centuries.

So did the legendary astrologer exist? We asked this question to specialists from the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Russian Civilization and the Department of History of Russia before the beginning of the 19th century at Moscow State University. Historians believe that this is most likely a fictional figure.

There is no mention of just such a person - Vasily Nemchin - in the documents known to me, - assured Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris FLORYA.

And yet there is a historian who seems to have seen Nemchin’s book - Alexander Ivanovich Kolpakidi. In his book “Russian Occult Forces: “Russian Special Services.” S.-Pb.: “North-West”, 1999, he refers to the clairvoyant’s prophecies as real. It is known that the scientist taught at universities in St. Petersburg - at the Polytechnic University, at the Electrotechnical University. He gained fame as a historian and political scientist for his publications on radical political movements. So far we have not been able to contact Kolpakidi.

Closed archives

Where did this mysterious Nemchin come from? It turned out that the famous astrologer Pavel Globa announced it. I opened it by accident and not even myself. An archivist friend of his in 1989, in the Polotsk monastery archive, among the books of the Old Believers, unexpectedly came across the manuscript of the prophet.

He calls me: come, they say, I found this here! - says Pavel Pavlovich. - I arrived and took this manuscript from the archive against a signature for three days. And I was simply stunned by the prophecies - so many coincidences!

The book dates back to the 17th century. But the style of the letter was reminiscent of the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century, but only interspersed. Since the manuscript was copied in the 17th and 18th centuries, the style became a little “modernized” (Pavel Pavlovich is a historian by training - Ed.).

The manuscript, Globa swears, was in in-quarto format (the format of a glossy magazine - Ed.). Bound in leather, many of the pages have decayed. I saw it myself, held it in my hands. The text is almost rhymed prose. The predictions contained mathematical formulas, descriptions different countries and stories about “miraculous” or, as we would now say, “anomalous” phenomena.

On the pages of the manuscript, Nemchin discussed the future of Russia and the world as a whole and outlined a number of philosophical arguments in his work. Nostradamus' quatrains would make up one tenth of this book. And unlike his French colleague, Nemchin accurately indicated the dates. He foresaw all the main events in the history of Russia starting from the 16th century, and predicted them, as a rule, in unencrypted form, except for the events of the late 20th - early 21st centuries.

Today, of course, I don’t have the book itself,” continues Pavel Pavlovich. - I only made extracts from it. I don’t know where you can watch it now. As soon as I began to talk about it at my lectures and write in newspapers in 1989, the manuscript immediately became inaccessible. It was as if she had disappeared without a trace.

By the way, Nemchin’s book has been banned since the time of Ivan the Terrible. I suspect that even today it has been transferred to the “top secret” category.

According to Globa, in addition to the Polotsk archive, copies of the manuscript could be stored in Novgorod, Kostroma and Tomsk.

Pavel Globa is one of the few who held in his hands a book with Nemchin’s predictions.

We need to find this manuscript, he says, and create a scientific commission to study it. If this work is published, then Vasily Nemchin can be safely placed on a par with the greatest philosophers of mankind...

We requested the book from the archives of the cities indicated by Globa. We received assurances from Novgorod, Kostroma and Tomsk that they did not know about it there. Appeal to the archives of the Russian state library and the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts also did not produce results: not only Nemchin’s books, but even mentions of him by his contemporaries could not be found. From Polotsk we were told that Globa had contacted the archives, but on a different issue, and they didn’t have Nemchin’s book - we had to look in the archives of St. Petersburg and Moscow, where they transferred a significant part of the funds. The circle is closed.

If what I held in my hands is a fake,” Globa answers, “then its author or authors are brilliant inventors of the 17th century!” And also prophets. By the way, Old Believers know about this book, because it condemns Nikon (1605 - 1681), Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Nemchin called him “a cat overgrown with hair and fur” who doesn’t listen to anyone” (the patriarch once exceeded his authority, had a fight with the tsar, and was removed from office. - Ed.).

Pavel Pavlovich, how did you determine that the author of the book you saw was Nemchin?

So it was written there in black and white: “I, Vasily Nemchin, say...” And he gave information about himself.

Maybe a clairvoyant real life hiding under a different name? As Ikonnikov and Kostomarov assumed?


We asked Pavel GLOBA and Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Historical Geology of the South Russian State Technical University Mikhail CHERNENKO to comment on the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin.

Predictions from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century.



“In the 16th century there will be a ghoul sovereign, a bloodsucker, whose beginning will be like that of a great warrior, and whose ending will be deplorable - like that of a demon-possessed child killer.”

Reign of Ivan the Terrible.

“And there will be great turmoil, and impostors will appear, one of whom will have the sovereign’s blood on him.”

During the great turmoil of the 17th century, false Dmitrys appeared, there was a false Peter and other little-known impostors.

“And a new dynasty of kings will emerge, which will reign for about three centuries.” “She will give birth to many great sovereigns, but also many evil deeds.”

The Romanov dynasty emerged.

“The fourth sovereign of this dynasty will have a face like a cat, and in him God will fight with the devil. He will ask his descendants a great riddle.”

You can definitely recognize Peter I in this “cat”.

“Starting with the cat king, faith in Rus' will be shaken and devilry will enter the churches.”

Church schism.

“After him, the Indian kingdom will come for a hundred years.”

Indeed, after Peter I, it was mainly women who ruled. If there were men, they were completely faceless and passive: Peter II, Peter III, Ivan Antonovich, just a baby, and the empresses became famous: Catherine I, Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth I, Catherine II.

“There will be a terrible war with the Frankish sovereign, and the capital city will have to be surrendered,” but then “severe frosts will drive the Frankish sovereign out of here, and he will take refuge on a small island unrecognized.”

Napoleon failed to take Moscow, and he died unknown on the island of Elba.

“There will be a terrible work of demons, and the kingdom will be shaken. The 18th sovereign will be sacrificed."

A small discrepancy: Nicholas II was 17th. Mikhail Romanov was “scheduled” for the 18th.

“Under the red banners a terrible demonic force will arise, and the country will be led by a terrible man with his head uncovered.” This person “will lie for a long time in a crystal coffin between heaven and earth, replacing prayers and icons.”

Lenin lies in the Mausoleum. Bare-headed means bald.

Deadly book

Rumors about a certain book of predictions written by Nemchin have indeed been circulating for a long time. But for some reason historians know nothing about it. Information mainly comes from astrologers. And from them I heard a strange, almost detective story. Allegedly, one of the Moscow astrologers several years ago accidentally stumbled upon the traces of a mysterious book. In fact, he discovered prophecies about the future of Russia, Europe and, quite surprisingly, America. It was reported that its inhabitants would choose their own ruler. And that there will be 44 of these rulers in total (the current US President is the 43rd in a row). It turns out that Nemchin predicted the collapse of the United States or some kind of catastrophe under the 44th president: “He will be the last.” Moreover, it will plunge the country into a terrible adventure.

This astrologer died under mysterious circumstances, and his notes disappeared. I am currently collecting information about this story and intend to write a book about it.

Read the astrologer's prophecies for the 20th - 21st centuries - up to the presidential elections in 2008 with comments from scientists - in the next weekly magazine.

1. Prophecies of Abel.

Abel's texts or books with prophecies are not available in print. They were securely hidden back during the 1917 revolution by Jewish security officers. Today they are kept in the secret archives of the FSB. But nevertheless, during the period of reorganization of the KGB into the FSB, these texts of Abel leaked to the press and the Internet. The original texts came to Pavel Globe, who wrote his predictions based on them, and they began to come true with stunning accuracy after the change of power from Yeltsin to Putin. Realizing that the Russian special services would definitely get to the bottom of where an ordinary astrologer got such knowledge of the future, P. Globa hid in Germany.

We are most interested in the second part of the predictions of the monk Abel, so in the article we will omit the life and years spent by Abel in prisons and exile, as well as the predictions to the kings, which were kept in a certain box from Paul to Nicholas II and which also disappeared after the abdication of power by the last heir to the throne. There was a box with fortunes, Nicholas II knew his and his family’s fate, walking freely along the parapet of the trenches, when they pulled him by his overcoat to hide him in a trench from whistling bullets and shells, he said: “They won’t kill me here.”

It is important to note that the texts of the predictions of Vasily Nemchin and Grigory Rasputin have a single person in their writing style and this person is the monk Abel.

So, the second part of Abel’s predictions.

After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons

will flee Rus' (demons are, of course, Jews. In the early 90s, they fled en masse to Israel and the USA. Now many, already with dual citizenship, are returning to the Russian Federation.).

Those who remain will change into "sheep clothes"

masks" while remaining "predatory wolves. Demons will rule

Russia, but under different banners. A second Boris will appear in Rus',

giant titan. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and

under the guise of a revival of its former greatness, it will be destroyed

the last thing left. After the last three years of abomination and

desolation, when dog children will torment Russia. The giant will leave

so that no one will expect it, leaving behind

many unsolvable mysteries. The giant will wander around

labyrinth, and on his shoulders a small man will sit

tall with a black face.

The little man with the black face will be half bald and half

hairy He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to perform

the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change twice

appearance. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be a war in

Promethean Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third

Tauride War - a crescent moon and torn Tauris will appear there

will bleed. And then they will put a foolish young man on the throne,

but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven away

Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly crash against a bear

head and paws into which the spirit of Russian ancestors will be embodied.

Let's look at this part of the predictions. It will be interesting for us to “wander through the labyrinth.” After unexpectedly leaving the post of President of Russia, Yeltsin constantly lived at the state dacha in Borvikha, and this is the habitat of all the general secretaries of the USSR and members of the Politburo, where at that time a real city with labyrinths was built underground, in which the alcoholic pensioner Yeltsin wandered.

“A short man will sit on the shoulders of a giant titan and will play the role of a servant, half bald, half hairy, of southern descent, with a black face.” Available in print and on the Internet, no matter how V.V. Putin hides it. his pedigree, the mention that his mother previously lived in Georgia before St. Petersburg, therefore, in the predictions of Abel and the “southern family”. “With a black face, who will change his appearance twice” Abel associates the black face of a small man sitting on the shoulders of a giant titan with a soul that is black from the thoughts of this dwarf. During his presidential term, he committed many crimes against humanity, becoming a war criminal. Today, a petition to the UN appeared on the Internet to recognize V.V. Putin is a war criminal. It is spreading all over the world and most of the signatures under it are Russians, that’s Putin’s whole inflated rating of 90%. Changes appearance twice. Since this has already happened, because scandals about his appearance do not subside to this day, his ears are not the same and his face has acquired Mongoloid features and does not age in appearance. The second time, apparently, he will finally change his appearance when he has to move on the throne, because the time has come for the “foolish young man.” And “the night of Svarog” has changed to “the day of Svarog.” The beginning of the “day of Svarog” is the beginning of the transition from destruction to creation.

Promethean Mountains (Caucasus), the war will last there for 15 years. Considering that an entire ISIS corps has taken refuge in the Pankisi Gorge and is recruiting citizens to participate in hostilities against Russia, the war in the Caucasus will continue for a long time.

Tavrida is Crimea, which is “ours” today. In conditions of sanctions and isolation from the whole world, did Russia really need it? All the states of the world, seizing territories, always returned to their former penates, the same will happen with Taurida, which, apparently, will be divided into two parts, one part will go to Turkey, the second to Ukraine.

"He will act as a servant." Who does this little man serve faithfully? Hebrews. The beginning of the military operation in Syria, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to visit us with the general staff, who developed this operation in Syria for our armed forces. Who are the oligarchs in Russia? And these are 200 rich families, all Jews, who are not subject to our legislation. We were convinced of this by the example of Serdyukov and Vsileva.

The duration of the tandem of V.V. Putin's dwarfs in power. and Manachem Medvedev are only 20 years old according to Abel. The length of public service as President of Russia according to Abel’s predictions for V.V. Putin. expired because a “foolish young man” and 10 kings per hour should remain in this post for a couple more years. Those who read Abel's predictions to the kings know what the monk gave in his predictions exact dates their reign and death, which means that he made no mistakes in these predictions and precisely in the timing.

"the man with the helmet and visor is not

revealing his face/faceless swordsman, shackled in

chain mail man, man shedding blood/; Man from the swamp.

His eyes are green. He will be in power when he is

two fives will meet. He had a mortal wound, but she

healed. He fell, but again rose to unattainable heights and became

take revenge on everyone for your humiliation. And there will be blood Great blood through

three, through seven and through the fall of the green-eyed one. They won't be able to do it for a long time

calculate. Then he will be cast into the abyss; There will be another

long-nosed Everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally around

yourself with great strength; A person sitting on two tables (i.e.

thrones Ed.) will seduce five more like him, but at

they will fall ingloriously on the fourth rung of the ladder; Man with

unclean skin. He will be half bald and half hairy;

The Marked One will flash like a meteor and will be replaced by the Lame One

/crippled/, who will terribly cling to power; After

The Great Lady with golden hair will lead three golden chariots.

In the very south of the black Arab kingdom a leader in blue will arise

turban. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into

ash. There will be a great exhausting war of the cross and the crescent, in

which the Moors will intervene for 15 years. Will collapse

Carthage, which will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the third

a pillar of the unification of the crescent armies. There will be three waves in this war

- back and forth.

When terrible death threatens everyone, the Swift One will come

Sovereign/Great Horseman, short-ruling great sovereign,

Great Potter/. He will be pure in soul and thoughts and bring down his sword

on robbers and thieves. Not a single thief escapes punishment or

shame. Five boyars close to the Tsar will be put on trial. First

boyar - judge. The second boyar is fleeing abroad and will be caught there.

The third will be the governor. The fourth one will be red. The fifth boyar will be found

dead in his bed. The Great Renewal will begin. In Rus'

there will be great joy - the return of the crown and acceptance under the crown

the whole big tree. The three branches of the tree will merge together after

the flight of demons and there will be one tree.

After the “foolish young man.” And that will be Menachem Medvedev. His post as president, V.V. Putin will leave long before the elections, Medvedev will perform his duties.

The next to come to power, according to Abel's predictions, will be a swordsman, clad in chain mail, who will have a mortal wound, but it will be healed, who has fallen low, but has risen, and who will take revenge on everyone. They are more suitable for the role of this power-hungry; Luzhkov, the first and last vice president of Russia Rutskoi... Maybe someone from the Bolotnaya community, from Nemtsov’s circle, Nemtsov (a man from the swamp) was most suitable for this role, maybe that’s why he was killed.

The next king for an hour is a long-nosed man sitting on two tables. Such a person can only be someone from the CIS, a person sitting on two thrones, WHO? Lukoshenko is suitable for this role of the tsar for an hour.

Next, a man with unclean skin, half bald, half hairy, is the power-hungry Zyuganov, who, even if he does not want to become president of Russia again, as was the case in 1996, will be forced to take power by his mistress Ostanina. The elderly Gorbachev, marked by a meteor, will flash by, with whom he became close during the years of perestroika, then a lame, crippled man will come, who will cling to power with all his might, until he is visible in the political beau monde of Russia. After Zyuganov and the disabled person, the president of Russia will be a great lady with golden hair; Tymoshenko is most suitable for this role, and then wars in three waves with a certain prince from the Middle East in a blue turban. The country with the prince in the blue turban is the owner of nuclear weapons, due to which he will turn many countries into ashes. Three trees will merge into one, which means Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will be one state.

Next, the great horseman GONCHAR will come to power and the renewal of Rus' will begin, five boyars close to the tsar will be put on trial; the judge, and this is apparently Prosecutor General Chaika, the second boyar will flee abroad, but will be caught there. Mr. Volodin will have to flee abroad; there is incriminating evidence against him from the Saratov region, where he became a deputy of the city council, which began to be rocked by scandals related to pedophilia. These scandals featured a young 52-year-old deputy of the city council, Volodin V.V., the third red-haired one, we all know and hate him, the great privatizer Chubais, the fourth voivode, i.e. governor, he should only be from the capital, the fifth will die of fear in his bed . WHO?

2.Tisulskaya princess.

In 2002, the republican newspaper “Khakabiya”, published in the city of Abakan, published an article by journalist Oleg Kulishkin “The Lady Who is 800 Million Years Old”, the article talked about a unique find. The author met a man on the train who turned out to be a retired colonel of the KGB of the USSR. He said that at the beginning of September 1969, in the village of Rzhavchik, Tisulsky district, Kemerovo region, in a coal mine, in the core of a twenty-meter coal seam lying at a depth of 70 meters, miner Karnaukhov discovered a two-meter marble sarcophagus. At the command of the site manager, Alexander Masalygin, all work was immediately stopped. The sarcophagus was raised to the surface. The workers decided that there were probably some treasures inside it, and decided to open the find themselves, without waiting for the arrival of high authorities. They began to hammer away at the petrified putty, but soon it was under the influence

the heat of the sun turned into a transparent liquid and flowed. One thrill-seeker tried the liquid on his tongue - and after a week he showed signs of mental illness.

Imagine the disappointment of the miners when they opened the lid! The treasure chest turned out to be filled to the brim with pink-blue crystalline liquid. In it rested a tall (about 180 centimeters), slender, unusually beautiful woman of about thirty with delicate European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Thick, dark-brown, waist-length curls with a reddish tint lightly covered the delicate white hands with neatly trimmed nails resting along the body. The woman was dressed in a snow-white lace transparent dress just below the knees with short sleeves embroidered with multi-colored flowers.

High authorities arrived and a brick-colored helicopter flew in, onto which they loaded the marble coffin; from that moment on, the artifact was hidden from the public in the bowels of the all-powerful FSB. Six workers who opened the marble sarcophagus died tragically; the residents of the village of Rzhavchik, where this artifact was found, took a non-disclosure agreement. The newspapers containing the news about the discovery were confiscated. But nevertheless, publications about the Tisul beauty appear on the Internet.

The publications contain a description of both a beautiful woman and her transparent dress, even the taste and even the smell of the liquid in which she lay, besides the most important thing, there was a metal box By appearance resembled our cell phone.

This means the only thing we can assume is that the woman was alive and was in an altered state of consciousness and physicality, and the cell phone that lay at the head of this woman was a device that was supposed to wake her up when her time came. This was also a beacon by which they were supposed to find her and dig her up. Who? Those who will be freed from captivity first.

800 million years? Allegedly, this is how many years the woman lay in the marble sarcophagus. A professor from Novosibirsk reported this figure to the villagers of the village of Rzhavchik after giving a lecture on ancient civilizations at the club.

But the artifact dates back to the period of the past Vedic civilization and is no more than 30 thousand years old, or to the period of the great migration of the peoples of the north as a result of climatic intervention, namely the Ice Age, when, as a result of the somersault of the planet, cosmic cold poured onto the northern and southern continents of the planet, turning them to the eternal abodes of cold, ice and snow. That’s when the Vedic civilization of the Aryans made bookmarks, knowing the future of the planet. Priestesses and priests, who will have to awaken at a certain time, and this is the time of transition of our planet into a new era, the era of a new Vedic civilization, in which we find ourselves today.

I love all sorts of prophecies and predictions; in general, I love mysticism. Of course, there is plenty of mysticism in everyday life, for example, Evgeny Chichvarkin began to hallucinate in Foggy Albion, an oatmeal diet contributed to this, but maybe not. Unknown to us.) So the future can be anything, I’ll retell what it will actually be like according to Vasily Nemchin.

"Ten kings for an hour!"

“After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons will flee from Rus'. Those who remain will dress up in “sheep’s disguises” while remaining “predatory wolves”... Demons will rule Russia, but under different banners... Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and under the guise of a revival of its former greatness, the last that remains will be destroyed "
- This is the USSR and perestroika and everything that came after it, yeah.

After this, a certain “Titan Boris” will appear, who, according to Vasily Nemchin, “will leave in such a way that no one will expect it, leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries.” Then after the so-called "flight of demons" and the arrival of the so-called. "Titan Boris" Russia will be ruled by a certain "small man with a black face, sitting on the shoulders of a giant" (in the Middle Ages in Rus', spies were called "black-faced"). During these years, great troubles will befall Russia, but his reign will be short-lived.
- This is also understandable. A little man sitting on the shoulders of a giant, yeah.)

The worst for Russia will come "ten kings for an hour" :
- A man with a helmet and visor (the governor “fell but rose.” Once in the Kremlin, this governor will immediately begin to destroy his “fallen” enemies), not revealing his face, his eyes are green and swampy. He will be in power when his two A's come together (May 7, 2000 and May 7, 2004). He had a mortal wound, but it was healed, he fell, but got up again and began to take revenge on everyone for his humiliation. And there will be blood associated with the fall of the green-eyed helmet-bearer, then he will be cast into the abyss....

The other one will be long-nosed, everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally great power around himself. (Navalny?)
- A man sitting on two tables will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously.
- Bald with unclean skin (Mayor?)
- Golden-haired wife of great stature (Vasilieva?)

Five boyars close to the king, will be put on trial :
- The first one is the judge
- The second boyar is fleeing abroad and will be caught there
- The third will be the governor
- The fourth one will be red
- The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed

At this time, when, according to Vasily Nemchin, “a terrible death will threaten everyone,” someone will appear, whom he calls the “Swift Sovereign,” “Great Horseman,” and “Short-ruling Great Sovereign.”

However, Vasily Nemchin says that this Last Orthodox Tsar will not reign for long, only two years. So, when will our King appear? Judging by the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin, this will be closer to 2005. However, it’s 2010, and still no tsar. How to understand this? I would like to believe that Nemchin was only mistaken in the timing, since otherwise the picture of events outlined by him is consistent with the predictions of other prophets.

Details can be smoked,

I came across the revelations of someone who lived in the 16th century Russian monk Vasily Nemchin. With comments by Pavel Globa. In general, the reading is very interesting. Especially in light of how accurately the ancient Russian prophet writes, and the modern astrologer interprets it.

INXX century there will be “a terrible work of demons, the kingdom will be shaken.” “A terrible demonic force arose under the red banners.” The leader of the devilry will be a man “with his head uncovered” (i.e., bald), who will then “lie for a long time in a crystal coffin between heaven and earth [i.e. i.e. unburied], replacing prayers and icons. Terrible and senseless slaughter and bloodshed will come.”

“A terrible demonic force aroseno under the red banners"- October Revolution of 1917, Bolshevism.
The devil will leada person "with bare head" (i.e. bald), who then“he will lie for a long time in a crystal coffin between heaven and earth-lei [i.e. e. unburied], replacing prayers and icons- deified V.I. Lenin lying in the mausoleum.
Terrible and senseless massacre and bloodshed will come- Civil war, repressions.

then the demons will flee from Rus'. Although they will dress up in sheep's clothing skins, remaining predatory wolves.” This flight will last three years, then Russia will recover from the shock for the same amount of time. Seniy. Then there will be a “great sovereign.” (The deadline is just beforewalk the “sixth king” from the “Revelation” of John the Theologian and“reviving and renewing the Church of Christ” from “Cen-turius" (i.e. "Centuries") of Nostradamus.) Then there will be "dwarfwith a black face" (although it is unlikely that Russia will be ruled by AfricaCanadian, and short at that; here, obviously, they've already gone for-encrypted predictions).

After “seven decades of abomination and desolation”the demons will flee from Rus'. - 1917 + 70 years = 1987
Predatory wolves - non-humans, foreigners.
This flight will last three years- 1987 + 3 = 1990
Then Russia will recover from the shock just as longSeniy- 1990 + 3 = 1993
Then there will be a “great sovereign”- October 1993 - the beginning of the uncontested rule of B.N. Yeltsin
Then there will be a "dwarf"with a black face"- V.V.’s rise to power Putin in January 2000, a short man, a representative of the special services.

Sovereign" (aka "great horseman"). Along with him will appear a “tall wife,” whom Nemchin also calls “evil.” thick-haired wife." It is hardly possible for a horseman to appear in the Kremlin. Nika on a horse with a tall blonde is already an undoubted allegory. But a rider on a white horse, commanding menacing phenomena associated with the damaging factors of nuclear weapons, is also found in Apocalypse. The reign of the “great horseman” and according to Nemchin means a nuclear war, which will be stopped by the “angel of the abyss” - a comet (this is already according to Nostradamus). Comet Hale-Bopp has a special feature - the presence of spiral arms in the form of curved tails. Are they really the golden curly hair of the “big wife”?

After the “dwarf,” Russia will be ruled by a “swiftsovereign" (aka "great horseman")- a determined person, “new” for the country, the introduction of extreme measures in the economy, government structure, deterioration in the standard of living of the population, possible military conflicts, participation in military showdowns abroad. I believe that we are talking about Medvedev and his “goldilocks”.
Along with him will appear a “tall wife,” whom Nemchin also calls “evil.”thick-haired wife" - The “impetuous sovereign” will be supported by “European capital” - massive purchase of real estate and land under the guise of investment, popular discontent, the beginning of processes of self-organization of the population, riots are possible.
“The war that will be stopped by the “angel of the abyss” -comet (this is already according to Nostradamus). Comet Hale-Bopp has a special feature - the presence of spiral arms in the form of curved tails"- a comet with spiral arms (rotation) is present in the ideology of the people, based on the ideological standards of paganism, and the ideology of “Cosmicity of Orthodox Christianity” is also based on this. An ideological war accompanied by military conflicts will be won by the emergence of a new ideology or religion. Perhaps this is the forecast for the emergence of the so-called “Russian idea”.

The "Swift Rider" is killed, the "Goldilocks" leaves,the war ends, the comet continues on its way. And inXXI century there will be a “Great Potter”. He is destined for a “long and blissful reign”, and the “golden age” of Russia is associated with him. Judging by the prediction, Russia will not only be reborn, but will also be, as it were, sculpted anew. “The three branches of the tree will merge into one 15 years after the flight of the demonic.” Obviously, here one can see a prophetic indication that Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will unite again. However, you don’t have to be a prophet to predict with confidence: History continues, the Future is coming.

At all times, people wanted to look into the future of their country and recognize its rulers. Monk Abel, Nostradamus, Vasily Nemchin, Maria Duval, Vanga agreed in their prophecies that after a period of unrest in Russia, prosperity will begin again and this is connected with the fate of the new ruler who will come after Tsar Boris (he will go to the Labyrinth), Dwarf with a dark face and his stupid protégé...

ABEL monk (1757-1841) - Russian predictor. Peasant origin. For his predictions (the days and even hours of the death of Empress Catherine II and Emperor Paul I, the invasion of the French and the burning of Moscow), he was repeatedly sent to fortresses and prisons, and in total he spent about 20 years in prison. By order of Emperor Nicholas I, A. was imprisoned in the Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery, where he died. In "Russian Antiquity" for 1875, excerpts from A.'s letters, from his "Life" and "very terrible books" were published.

After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons will flee from Rus'. Those who remain will dress up in “sheep disguises” while remaining “predatory wolves.” Demons will rule Russia, but under different banners. A second Boris, a giant titan, will appear in Rus'. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and under the guise of a revival of its former greatness, the last that remains will be destroyed. After the last three years of abomination and desolation, when dog children will torment Russia, the Giant will leave in such a way that no one will expect it, leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries. The giant will wander through the labyrinth, and a short man with a black face will sit on his shoulders. The little man with the black face will be half bald and half hairy. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change his appearance twice. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be a war in the Promethean Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third Tauride War - a crescent moon will appear there and torn Taurida will bleed. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly break against the bear's head and paws, into which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.

And the most terrible for Rus' ten kings per hour / thirty tyrants per hour / will come:

a man with a helmet and visor who does not reveal his face / faceless swordsman, a man clad in chain mail, a man shedding blood /;

Man from the swamp. His eyes are green. He will be in power when his two A's come together. He had a mortal wound, but it was healed. He fell, but again rose to unattainable heights and began to take revenge on everyone for his humiliation. And there will be blood, Great blood, in three, in seven, and through the fall of the green-eyed one. They won't be able to figure him out for a long time. Then he will be cast into the abyss;

The other one will be long-nosed. Everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally great power around himself;

A man sitting on two tables (thrones) will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously;

A man with unclean skin. He will be half bald and half hairy;

Marked will flash like a meteor and will be replaced by

The lame / crippled / who will terribly cling to power;

Then the Great Lady with golden hair will lead three golden chariots.

In the very south of the black Arab kingdom a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. There will be a big, exhausting war of the cross and the crescent, in which the Moors will intervene, lasting 15 years. Carthage will be destroyed, which will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the third pillar of the unification of the armies of the Crescent. There will be three waves in this war - back and forth.

When a terrible death threatens everyone, the Swift Sovereign will come (the Great Horseman, the short-lived great sovereign, the Great Potter). If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame.

Five boyars close to the Tsar will be put on trial.

The first boyar is a judge.

The second boyar is fleeing abroad and will be caught there.

The third will be the governor.

The fourth one will be red.

The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed.

The Great Renewal will begin. There will be great joy in Rus' - the return of the crown and the acceptance of the entire large tree under the crown. The three branches of the tree will merge together after the flight of the demons and there will be a single tree.

There are many prophecies about the future of Russia. One of the most detailed and unusual belongs to the Russian astrologer and soothsayer Vasily Nemchin.

Anticipating his words about what awaits us in the coming years, it makes sense to mention those of his predictions that related to the recent past. Describing the last century in his manuscript, Vasily Nemchin says:

"In the first 15th year there will be a great war." 1915 is the height of the First World War. “When the years are three times 15, there will be great joy in Rus'.” 1945 is the year of victory in the Great Patriotic War. All his predictions are based on 15 year cycles. He also speaks of the time “four times 15,” describing the great desecration of the sky. It (the sky) “will be plowed open, and the wicked will dare to argue with the very angels of heaven, for which they will receive great punishment.” “Four times 15” is the year 1960. This practically coincides with the year of the first human flight into space. “5 times 15,” that is, in 1975, he says, “great peace will be established throughout Europe and Asia.” Indeed, the Helsinki Agreement was concluded in 1975.

About the “tyrant” Vasily Nemchin writes that he “will come out of the ground like an unholy grave spirit” and will be “twice buried.” Stalin was indeed buried twice - once in a mausoleum, and once in the ground. But, the prophet writes, even when he is buried, his spirit will “excite and stir” people, and “his spirit will be guarded by three elders associated with the forces of darkness, and on the last of them will be the seal of the Antichrist, that is” three sixes will be incarnated.”

The prophet considered the events of 1990 to be a turning point. According to him, this is “the time of the flight of the demonic.” And, indeed, it all started in 1989, and the collapse of the USSR occurred in 1991. 1990 really turned out to be the climax.

Further, Vasily Nemchin writes that there is “the last”, the seventh 15th anniversary, when “demons will rule Russia, but under different banners.” It is this, this seventh 15th anniversary, that, according to the prophet, will turn out to be the most terrible for Rus', especially “the first 3 years of the nightmare.” Both in the 3rd and in the 7th 15th anniversary, he says, THERE WILL BE A DECISIVE BATTLE WITH SATAN ON THE TERRITORY OF Rus'. Rus', in his opinion, will be on the eve of complete collapse and destruction, and under the guise of restoring ancient greatness it will be destroyed the last thing left.

However, everyone who strives for power will “hopelessly fall to pieces on the bear’s head and paws,” in which “the spirit of the Russian ancestors” will be embodied.

In Nemchin’s predictions about the recent past there is a mention of the “second titan” (apparently this is Boris Yeltsin), for whom he predicted a very strange and unexpected departure. “HE WILL LEAVE IN A WAY THAT NO ONE WILL EXPECT IT, he will leave leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries.”

In addition, it is written that “he will go through the labyrinth and the search for descendants who will hope to solve the mystery will be hopeless.” The Russian seer compares the second “titan” with someone else, “of the same name as him,” who also ruled Russia in time of troubles and indicates that “one was small, and the other was large.” Here we are talking about Boris Godunov, who really was short in stature. But if about Boris Godunov he states for sure that he will die from poison, then about our modern titan he just as categorically says that this one will “go through the labyrinth.” What a strange symbolic image! And this will happen “after three years of abomination and desolation, disbelief and searching,” after the time when “children of dogs will torment Russia.”

The seventh 15 years are a persistent attempt by the satanic forces to regain full priority. He also talks about some “long-nosed” who “will be hated by everyone” and who will be able to “rally great power around himself.” “A man sitting on two tables,” the seer writes, will seduce five more like him into 4 They will fall ingloriously on the th rung of the ladder.” The “table” in this case is the “throne”, that is, we are talking about someone who combines two positions, two “thrones”. There is also a mention of some “lame”, “crippled” person who will also cling very tightly to power; the 5th year after 1991, according to Vasily Nemchin, will be a sharp turning point. “Many people will flock to the old city to welcome the new man, THERE WILL BE GREAT JOY, WHICH WILL END IN SORRY.”

Then he writes about “a crocodile devouring people,” about some kind of monsters emerging from jars, test tubes and retorts. These monsters will “replace people.” He writes that “SOULLESS MONKEYS WILL TAKE OVER MANY CITIES... The sea will overflow its banks and be stained with blood. This will happen at the turn of the century.” But near 2005, Nemchin writes, there will be “great joy - the return of the crown,” and then “the acceptance under the crown” of everything “ big tree”, in which there will be three “escapes”. In time, this will approximately coincide with the restoration of the monarchy among the Franks - “the Frankish dynasty will return again.” This also corresponds to the words of Nostardamus about the return of the Bourbons. Ragno Nero also writes about the restoration of many monarchies in Europe. Vasily Nemchin says that first the Frankish king will regain his position, and then the Russian one, and they will be connected by some kind of ties. The election of the Russian Tsar will be popular and will take place in three cities.