Project activities in pre-school, first junior group. Long-term project in the junior group "Theater in a child's life" project on fiction (junior group) on the topic. Topic: “Our merry little beam”

Project activities in the first junior group on environmental education.

Short-term project “Let’s conquer the birds”

Implementation period: short-term (two weeks).
Project type: informational and creative.
Project type: game.
List of participants: teachers, children 2-3 years old, their parents

Relevance: children’s lack of systematic knowledge about the world around them, about birds, and about the need to take care of birds in winter.

Methodological basis: G. I. Vinnikova “Classes with children 2-3 years old”, “Complex lessons according to the program in the 1st junior group” edited by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova.

Objective of the project: the formation of ideas about birds as living beings in nature.

1. Introduce children to birds.
2. Learn to listen carefully, develop the ability for dialogical speech, learn to answer questions in a word and a sentence consisting of 3-4 words.
3. Practice onomatopoeia.
4. Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
5. Fix the method of tearing a piece of plasticine from a whole piece.
6. Foster a caring attitude towards birds.

Implementation stages:

1. Preparatory stage:
Studying methodological literature,
Selection of fiction,
Preparation of art materials for productive activities.

2. Project implementation

Children's activities:
Joint writing of the story “How we fed the birds.”
Outdoor game: “Sparrows and a car.
Bird watching.
Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Bird”.
Examination of illustrations: “Birds”.
Modeling “Berries for Birds”.
Reading: nursery rhymes "Magpie".
Didactic game: “Who lives in the house? »
Didactic game: “Who eats what? »
Outdoor game: “Birds”.
Working with parents:
Movable folder " Winter fun»,
Making feeders.
3. Summary:

Project activities in the first junior group.
Educational and research project “We can’t live without water”

Age: first junior group.

Relevance of the development and implementation of the project: 2013 has been declared the year of ecological culture and environmental protection in the Republic of Tatarstan. It is necessary to cultivate an environmental culture from early childhood. Of the natural resources for children, the closest and most accessible is water. There is less water on earth, so we chose water as the object of study. In addition, March 22 is World Water Day.

Objective of the project: enriching children's knowledge about water as a natural object, developing an understanding of the need to save water.

Achieving this goal is possible by solving the following tasks:
1. Give children a basic understanding of water and its impact on the world around them.
2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting observations and research.
3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
4. Develop emotional responsiveness to musical and literary works and vivid natural phenomena.

Project type: cognitive and research.

Participants: teachers, children of the first junior group, parents, junior teacher, music director.

Implementation period: two weeks.

Planned result: expanding children's knowledge about water, its properties and its role in the world around them; enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through the words: “water, water, transparent, colorless, tasteless, odorless, pours, gurgles, runs, drips, wash, wipe, pour, water, swim, wet, dry, etc.” d. "; development of cognitive interest and observation in children; taking active part in productive activities; manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

The project consists of three stages.
The first stage is preparatory.

Preparatory stage:
1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project.
2. Conversations with children to identify knowledge about water.
3. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, chants, riddles, games, illustrative material, using water.
4. Preparation of the necessary equipment.
5. Determination of the content, methods, forms of work with children and parents on the project.

The second stage is the main one, at which various types of children's activities were organized:
This is motor activity:
1. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”, “Bubble”, “Round Dance”.
2. Complex of morning exercises “Come out, water, we came to wash.”
3. Physical exercise “At the forest spring.”

Cognitive and communicative
1. Situational conversation “How to save water”, “Friends of Moidodyr” and conversations during special moments about water.
2. Conducting educational activities on educational, research, and communication activities “Properties of Water.”
3. Conducting educational activities to form a holistic picture of the world “We cannot live without water.”
4. Reading and learning poems, nursery rhymes, and calls about water with children.
5. Examination of illustrations depicting rain, various bodies of water, and swimming in them.
6. Didactic game “Bathing a doll”, “Song of water”.

Productive activities:
1. Modeling “Aquarium”.
2. Drawing with paints with elements of the application “Rain”, “Spring drops”
3. Construction of the “Boat”.

Musical activities:
1. Learning and singing the songs “Rain, rain - drip, drip, drip”, “Rain, rain is more fun.”
2. Musical game in motion “Rain on the path”, “Sun and rain”.
3. Tapping drops on a metallophone.
4. Listening to “Sounds of Nature” - the sound of rain, waterfall, drops, sea.

Independent activity:
1. Story games“Captains”, “Sailing on a steamboat”, “Let’s make soup (compote, porridge)”, “Let’s treat the dolls to tea.”
2. Didactic games “Fishing”, “Puzzles”, “Where can I pour water? "
3. Didactic manual “Entertaining figures”.
4. Games with building material– construction of a ship, bridge.

Research activities:
1. Watching the rain from the window and catching a drop while walking.
2. Children’s games in the “Sand - Water” center - search activities “Cold, warm, hot”, “Sinking - floating”.
3. Observation of aquarium fish.

Labor activity:
1. Observing the work of the teacher and carrying out work assignments: washing toys, washing doll clothes.
2. Observing the work of the teacher in caring for indoor plants and carrying out work assignments: watering flowers.
3. Observation of the work of the assistant teacher: how Nadezhda Dmitrievna washes the dishes, the floor.

Working with parents:
1. Consultation for parents. Fairy tale “How people offended the river.”
2. Show children at home what to cook, wash clothes, clean the apartment, water indoor plants, bathing people need water.
3. Recommend taking your children to a zoo exhibition of exotic fish.

4. “Save water” poster.

At the final stage:
1. Summing up the project.
2. Exhibition of children's works.
3. Organization of entertainment “Funny Soap Bubbles”.

Long term project

in the younger group

"Theater in a child's life"

The fairy tale teaches us to understand goodness,

If he is bad, then condemn him,

Well, the weak need to protect him!

Children learn to think, dream,

Get answers to your questions.

Prepared by: Kuznetsova O.Yu.

Relevance of the project

Theater- a fertile and irreplaceable source of a child’s upbringing, these are the spiritual riches of culture, which, by learning, a child learns with his heart. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, and wonderful. If a fairy tale is well chosen, if it is naturally and at the same time expressively shown and told, you can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the little person.

Type: cognitive - speech.

Implementation deadlines: long-term project. (01/11/2018 – 03/13/2018)

Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Age of project participants: junior group.

Resource support:

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”

Subject pictures

Objective of the project: Creation necessary conditions to introduce children to the theater. Fostering children's love for theater through the theatricalization of fairy tales.


1. Give students a basic understanding of the theater (about those people who perform performances, about their clothes, about the dolls that take part in the performance).

2. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the fairy tales based on which the theater shows.

3. Introduce the features of the theater display.

4.Develop the speech of early preschool children through theatrical activities.

Implementation plan.

Organizational and preparatory stage.

Prepare for the project:

Tabletop theaters: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

Plot pictures based on fairy tales.

Didactic games: lotto “Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Fairy Tales”, coloring pages based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

Main stage.

Educational areas. Activity. Forms and methods of work.

Game: 1. Plot-role-playing games: “On the roads of the city”, “Traffic rules”. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about behavior on the roads. Develop the ability to be polite and attentive to each other.

“Fox”, “Bear Cubs”, “Cat”, “Horse”, “Hedgehog”. Goal: To develop in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

2. Didactic games:

"Loud quiet". Goal: To teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak loudly, sometimes quietly.

"Bear cubs eat honey."

Goal: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

"The Frog and the Little Frogs."

Goal: To develop speech attention.

"Work" 1. Assignments: “Washing toys”, “Washing doll clothes” Purpose: To develop the skills, together with an adult and under the supervision of adults, to properly care for toys.

2. Observation: Purpose: To attract children's attention to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage a desire to help adults.

"Safety" life safety 1. Conversations with children “When I went with my mother then...”. Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the rules of road safety. Form the foundations healthy image life.

2. Didactic exercises “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Show me how to do it correctly” Purpose. Develop the ability to comply with safety rules in public places.

3. Regime moments. Goal: Continue to teach children how to dress themselves correct sequence. Dry your hands and face with your towel. Form the habit of doing exercises daily.

"Cognitive Development" Cognitive-research and productive (constructive). Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons (joint activity of adults and children in free activities, in restricted moments).

1. Looking at pictures from various children's fairy tales. Target. Learn to look at pictures of animals in various types activities.

2. Design of a collage based on the fairy tale “Teremok” with images of various animals:

Mouse-norushka, frog-croak, bunny-runner, little fox-sister, top-gray-barrel, bear-toed.

1. Construction of a house for animals (fairy tales “Teremok”)

2. Modeling - egg, turnip, bun, etc. (fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”).

3. Drawing - trees, a Christmas tree, falling snow, footprints in the snow (fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”)

Theater. Goal: To form ideas about various types of theater. Involvement in participation in theatrical activities.

1. Listening to music.

2. Singing children's songs.

3. Learning musical movements.

4. Musical works “Lullaby of the Bear”, “Song about Summer”, “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, “Song of the Little Engine from Romashkovo”, “Song about Cheburashka”, etc.

"Speech development". Joint activity of adults and children in free activities and routine moments.

1. Dramatization of fairy tales together with the teacher “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

2. Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”.

“Reading fiction” Joint activity of an adult and children.

1. Children telling fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Three Bears”.

2. Reading poems and nursery rhymes.

"Physical development". Motor. Ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using active, sports, folk games and exercise.

Round dance games: “Ball”, “Carousel”, “Bubble”. Goal: Improve basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop a desire to play with the teacher. Breathing exercises: “How do mice squeak? ", "Pipe", "Cockerel".

Working with parents:

1. Involving parents in participating in the design of the theater corner, making materials for decorating the theater corner (drawing fairy-tale characters).

2. Preparation of a consultation for parents: folder - moving “How a puppet theater helps in working with children who lack self-confidence”, “How to watch a play”, “A fairy tale in a child’s life”, “Theater activities in kindergarten», « Finger games", "Puppet therapy in working with young children."

3. Conduct a parent meeting on the topic “Development of speech in early preschool children through theatrical activities.”

The final stage

The result of the project.

The children got acquainted with Russian folk tales.

Children of the first junior group learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

The children took part in puppet shows.

Children learned to create creative works reading images.

Children began to more often resort to active speech as an expression of their feelings and emotions.

Parents took an active part in theatrical activities.

Project product.

Exhibition of collages based on the fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Exhibition of works “My favorite fairy tale”. Parents + Children.



Long term project

in the younger group

theatrical activity

"Theater in a child's life"

The fairy tale teaches us to understand goodness,

To talk about people's actions

If he is bad, then condemn him,

Well, the weak need to protect him!

Children learn to think, dream,

Get answers to your questions.

Prepared by: Kuznetsova O.Yu.

Relevance of the project

Theater - a fertile and irreplaceable source of a child’s upbringing, these are the spiritual riches of culture, which, by learning, a child learns with his heart. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, and wonderful. If a fairy tale is well chosen, if it is naturally and at the same time expressively shown and told, you can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the little person.

Type : cognitive - speech.

Implementation deadlines: long-term project. (01/11/2018 – 03/13/2018)

Project participants:children, teachers, parents.

Age of project participants: junior group.

Resource support:

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”

Subject pictures

Objective of the project: creating the necessary conditions for introducing children to the theater. Fostering children's love for theater through the theatricalization of fairy tales.


1. Give students a basic understanding of the theater (about those people who perform performances, about their clothes, about the dolls that take part in the performance).

2. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the fairy tales based on which the theater shows.

3. Introduce the features of the theater display.

4.Develop the speech of early preschool children through theatrical activities.

Implementation plan.

Organizational and preparatory stage.

Prepare for the project:

Tabletop theaters: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

Plot pictures based on fairy tales.

Didactic games: lotto “Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Fairy Tales”, coloring pages based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

Main stage.

Educational areas. Activity. Forms and methods of work.

"Social - communicative."

Game: 1. Plot-role-playing games: “On the roads of the city”, “Traffic rules”. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about behavior on the roads. Develop the ability to be polite and attentive to each other.

“Fox”, “Bear Cubs”, “Cat”, “Horse”, “Hedgehog”. Goal: To develop in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

2. Didactic games:

"Loud quiet". Goal: To teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak loudly, then quietly.

"Bear cubs eat honey."

Goal: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

"The Frog and the Little Frogs."

Goal: To develop speech attention.

"Work" 1. Assignments: “Washing toys”, “Washing doll clothes” Purpose: To develop the skills, together with an adult and under the supervision of adults, to properly care for toys.

2. Observation: Purpose: To attract children's attention to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage a desire to help adults.

"Safety" life safety1. Conversations with children “When I went with my mother then...”. Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the rules of road safety. Form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Didactic exercises “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Show me how to do it correctly” Purpose. Develop the ability to comply with safety rules in public places.

3. Regime moments. Goal: Continue to teach children to dress themselves in the correct sequence. Dry your hands and face with your towel. Form the habit of doing exercises daily.

"Cognitive Development"Cognitive-research and productive (constructive). Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons (joint activity of adults and children in free activities, in restricted moments).

  1. Looking at pictures from various children's fairy tales. Target. Learn to look at pictures with images of animals in various activities.
  2. Design of a collage based on the fairy tale “Teremok” with images of various animals:

Mouse-norushka, frog-croak, bunny-runner, little fox-sister, top-gray-barrel, bear-toed.

« Artistic and aesthetic development"

1. Construction of a house for animals (fairy tales “Teremok”)

2. Modeling - egg, turnip, bun, etc. (fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”).

3. Drawing - trees, a Christmas tree, falling snow, footprints in the snow (fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”)

Theater. Goal: To form ideas about various types of theater. Involvement in participation in theatrical activities.

1. Listening to music.

2. Singing children's songs.

3. Learning musical movements.

4. Musical works “Lullaby of the Bear”, “Song about Summer”, “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, “Song of the Little Engine from Romashkovo”, “Song about Cheburashka”, etc.

"Speech development".Joint activity of adults and children in free activities and routine moments.

1. Dramatization of fairy tales together with the teacher “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

2. Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”.

“Reading fiction” Joint activity of an adult and children.

1. Children telling fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Three Bears”.

2. Reading poems and nursery rhymes.

"Physical development".Motor. Ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using outdoor, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Round dance games: “Ball”, “Carousel”, “Bubble”. Goal: Improve basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop a desire to play with the teacher. Breathing exercises: “How do mice squeak? ", "Pipe", "Cockerel".

Working with parents:

1. Involving parents in participating in the design of the theater corner, making materials for decorating the theater corner (drawing fairy-tale characters).

2. Preparation of a consultation for parents: folder - moving “How a puppet theater helps in working with children who lack self-confidence”, “How to watch a play”, “A fairy tale in a child’s life”, “Theater activities in kindergarten”, “Finger games”, "Puppet therapy in working with young children."

3. Conduct a parent meeting on the topic “Development of speech in early preschool children through theatrical activities.”

The final stage

The result of the project.

The children got acquainted with Russian folk tales.

Children of the first junior group learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

The children took part in puppet shows.

Children learned to create images of what they read in creative works.

Children began to more often resort to active speech as an expression of their feelings and emotions.

Parents took an active part in theatrical activities.

Project product.

Exhibition of collages based on the fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Exhibition of works “My favorite fairy tale”. Parents + Children.

Showing publications 41041-41050 of 53854.
All sections | Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

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The relevance of the development and implementation of a pedagogical project

The topic was chosen in the last month of winter. And it was designed for implementation closer to spring. Since at the end of February - beginning of March the sun begins to shine brighter and warmer. The children noticed this, of course. Moreover, in conversations with children, some of them found it difficult to name what color and shape the sun was. Verbs and definitions associated with the sun were also used little. I wanted to enrich children’s knowledge about a natural object - the sun, to show the influence of the sun on nature. In this regard, the following topics were identified.

Objective of the project: formation of an active vocabulary in children through organization different types activities: gaming (primarily); cognitive (observations, experiment, artistic word); musical-aesthetic, productive.

The tasks are as follows:

1. Give children basic ideas about a natural object - the sun, and its influence on the world around them.

2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting experiments and observations.

3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.

4. Reinforce the concepts of “yellow”, “round”, “similar”, “not similar”.

Project type: information and research.

Participants: Teachers - group teacher, children of the first junior group, parents.

Duration: 2 weeks (short term)

Expected Result:

Enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc.

Cognitive interest in experiments;

Development of observation skills in children.

Preparatory stage:

1. Conversations with children to identify children’s knowledge about the sun.

2. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games, using the “sun”, illustrative material.

3. Preparation of attributes for games and activities.

Main stage:

1. Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes “Sun”, “Sunny Bunny”, “Koyash Chyk!”, physical education lessons - songs “I’m lying in the sun”.

2. Outdoor game “Sunny Bunny”.

3. Didactic game “What does it look like?” (by shape, color, feeling).

4. Observation of changes in nature associated with the sun.

6. Learning the song “Yaz Zhite”

7. Using the “Sun” attribute as a surprise moment at a matinee dedicated to March 8th.

9. Observing the sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group, using illustrations, with the help of parents at home).

10. Experiment “Cold - Warm”

11. Sedentary game “Build a sun”.

The final stage:

Summing up the project.

Preparing a presentation using photographs.

Design of a wall newspaper for parents based on the results of the project.

In perspective -

1. Experiment with plants “Plants and the Sun”

2. Experiment “Ice - water”

3. Observations seasonal changes nature associated with the sun.


1. Burganova, R. A. Education and training program in kindergarten / R. A. Burganova, K. V. Zakirova. – Kazan, 2000.

2. Koldina, D.N. Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Lesson notes/D. N. Koldina. – M., 2009.

3. Yanushko, E. A. Modeling with young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2005.

4. Yanushko, E. A. Speech development in young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2010.

Nikolenko Anastasia Valerievna


Subject: « Good deeds»

Kind it's not easy to be

Does not depend kindness from growth.

Does not depend kindness from color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

(N. Tulupova)

Type project:

social-personal, socially useful, practice-oriented.



teachers, music director, children first junior group, parents.


Young children are characterized by a low level of communication with peers, as well as poorly expressed skills of rules of behavior in society. For successful adaptation, it is necessary to teach children to play together, forming interest groups. Therefore, the work of preschool teachers, the main goal of which is the formation initial ideas about moral feelings and emotions seem very relevant today.

In this project, we decided to enrich children’s ideas about communicating with peers and adults, playing with peers, and polite words.

Children's participation in project« Good deeds» will speed up the adaptation process; will give children ideas about joint games, about such concepts as "friendship", "empathy".

Explanatory note

Project« Good deeds» designed to work with children during the school year from October 2015 to April 2016, being long-term project. It is aimed at developing the social and communication skills of children 2-3 years old.

The value of this the project is that it becomes easier for children to endure the adaptation process.

Novelty project in using various forms of working with children using ICT.

Situational small games and creative tasks are held with children, where children learn to work with various materials. Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere is the main condition for working with children in this area.

Expected result: know and use polite words; share toys with other children; play in a team together, help each other; be able to empathize with peers and adults.


Formation initial ideas about moral feelings and emotions. Involving children in good deeds, polite words and a friendly environment in kindergarten and at home.


cultivate friendly relations between children;

enrich children's vocabulary on this topic;

develop free communication with adults and children;

develop the ability to show interest in the gaming activities of peers;

help to play nearby without interfering with each other;

help family and friends;

encourage the child's desire to do good deeds.

Main directions of implementation project:

Directly educational activities on the topic « Good deeds» ;

Joint activity of parents and children - reading and looking at illustrations in books on the topic "play together", "helpers";

Conversation with children topic: "Polite words", “Why you can’t offend”, "What's happened good deeds» .


Stage 1. Preliminary Job:

Selection of material according to topic: « Of good» ;

didactic games:

Parent meeting "Children's aggression".

Selection of visual didactic aids, demonstration material, literature on this topic for reading and conversation;

2. Main stage

Examination of the plot picture "On the Playground": Learn to identify the emotions of characters by facial expressions, explain why doing so is bad or good; try to compose text from a picture

Music game “Who did the sun wake up?”: Under the guidance of the music director, educate Kind attitude towards our smaller brothers, saying the word "Hello"

Didactic game "Magic Words": Teach polite words: "Hello", "Hello", "Goodbye", "Thank you", "Please". Understand when and where they can be used.

Modeling "Vitamins in a jar": Learn to attach plasticine balls to the base; teach to take care of "sick animals"; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills

Drawing "Grains for chickens": teach children to draw dots with their fingers. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Game situation "Let's feed the cat": Vaccinate Kind and caring attitude towards our smaller brothers, teach to apply the skills acquired in the classroom

Modeling “We decorate the Christmas tree for toys”: Learn to attach plasticine balls to the base, be able to enjoy the result together.

Application "House of Friends": Learn to glue stickers to the base; teach empathy to cartoon characters

Drawing "Apples for the Hedgehog": Teach children to draw small circles. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Book exhibition design "The Tale of good» : Teach to show interest in new books, fairy tales, heroes.

Game situation "Let's treat the bear": Learn to play together together, creating one story, sharing toys

Modeling "Pies for Little Red Riding Hood": Teach children to roll plasticine balls in their hands, find a solution to a problem situation

Application “We’ll help cure the cubs”: Cultivate interest in the application; bring up kindness and responsiveness

Game situation "Baby Elephant's Birthday": Demonstrate knowledge acquired in class, play together without quarreling, give up toys to each other.

Conversation "Pet Parents" Strengthen children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. To give the idea that everyone has their own mom and dad.

Looking at paintings "Kids are playing": Learn to identify the emotions of characters by facial expressions, explain why doing so is bad or good; try to compose text from a picture

Drawing "Balloons for Friends": Teach children to paint with a brush; Give the idea that sharing is good.

Modeling "Beads for Mom": Teach children to press plasticine balls into the base, learn to congratulate their mother, a gift for their mother.

Game situations “Let’s put the doll to sleep”: Demonstrate the knowledge acquired in class, handle the doll carefully, play together without quarreling, give up toys to each other.

Conversation "I and my family" Fix the names of your relatives, conduct "a thread" garden, this is the same family

Didactic game "Call Your Mom" Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation expressiveness.

Application Tiny for a bird": Teach children to tear paper into small pieces and glue them to cardboard; bring up kindness and responsiveness

Drawing "Mouse in a hole": Learn to paint with a brush; draw round objects; teach empathy for small animals

didactic games "Our good deeds» : Reinforce the concepts of what deeds can be called good and why are they called that

Practical workshop: “Give a flower to the teachers”: Learn to glue flower parts together, give, pronounce the gift; lift the spirits of children and educators of others groups.

Application "Bouquet for Mom": Create a gift for mom with your own hands, introduce aesthetic skills

"Pair dance": (German folk dance) Under the direction of the musical director

Reading and learning poems: Discussion of the content of the poem, summing up the concept kindness.

3. Final stage:

Summarizing project« Good deeds» .

Creation "Sunny's Rule Books".

Making a presentation on project.

Making collages with photographs good deeds for children at home

Product project activities:

Creating a baby book « Good deeds»

Making collages "Helpers"

Creation of a wall newspaper "Khabarovsk suns"