New Year holidays in China. Blog about China. Decoration of streets and houses - red brings good luck

Lately we've gotten used to every New Year associate with any animal from the Chinese calendar. But many people do not know when the next totem comes into its possession and what date the New Year begins according to the eastern calendar 2018.

How does the Chinese calendar differ from the ordinary one?

The entire path of life in the Celestial Empire is divided into twelve cycles. Each of them corresponds to a specific animal. In turn, each period corresponds to one of the five elements. Thus, 2018 corresponds to the Dog and the earth element. According to Chinese mythology, a person born in a certain year takes on the traits of the dominant animal.

The Eastern calendar differs from our chronology in that it is based on lunar calendar. The beginning of each month does not coincide with the same period in the Gregorian calendar. The month in the Chinese calendar begins with the next new moon. Naturally, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar does not correspond to our first January. It falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. It is clear that this date is not constant and changes every year. So in 2018, the spring festival - “Chun Jie” in China falls on February 16th. To find out what time Chinese New Year starts in your area, just find out the time of the second new moon in your area:

In Moscow 6 p.m. 13 minutes m.v.
In Pekin 23 hours 13 minutes m.v.
In Buryatia 23 hours 13 minutes m.v.

What is characteristic of the Year of the Dog?

Since next year the Yellow Earth Dog will become the mistress of the year, it can be said that 2018 will not be clear-cut. Despite the fact that this animal is characterized by such features as:

  • loyalty;
  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • friendliness.

At the same time, the Dog is characterized by unpredictability and laziness. Nevertheless, Chinese astrologers are confident that due to the fact that this animal is yellow and strengthened by the earthly elements, it will be able to make our lives stable and calm. The coming year will be characterized by harmony and tranquility. There is a possibility that economic problems in many countries will disappear, and confrontation in many regions will decline. The lives of many people will improve qualitatively. Also, next year is good for marriage and replenishment of offspring. And yet, the Chinese are sure that if you feed all the dogs that come your way on New Year’s Day, then 2018 will definitely be lucky. The Mistress of the Year will certainly reward you with excellent health and give you true love.

history of the holiday

The history of celebrating spring day goes back more than one millennium. According to Confucius, the holiday appeared in the twenty-third century BC. There are many versions of the origin of "Chun Jie" in China. One of them explains its appearance as follows. A long time ago, the inhabitants of modern China suffered from the sea monster Nian, which once a year crawled onto land and destroyed everything in its path. During this period, the local population went high into the mountains, and food and livestock went to the terrible animal. But then one day, during such turbulent days, a monk appeared who promised to save the people from this scourge. He hung red lanterns in the house, wrote certain phrases on paper and began making incredible noise. The monster did not expect such resistance and left these places forever. After this, the Chinese repeat the traditions of their ancestors once a year. An incredible number of red lanterns are launched into the sky, and the roar of firecrackers and fireworks shakes the earth.

Celebration traditions

In fact, a lot of traditions have accumulated over the years to celebrate the New Year in China. Each region has its own characteristics. We will describe the most basic ones, which are typical for most regions.

Like all other peoples, the Chinese empty their homes of trash and unnecessary things before the holiday. There are reasons for this. According to Feng Shui experts, this procedure clears the way for the Chi energy. The difference between cleaning in China is that the garbage in the house is swept not like in our country - to the threshold, but on the contrary - from the entrance to the center. This allows you to keep useful energy from leaving the house. Another tradition that is different from us is complete ban for cleaning after the New Year. According to the Chinese, by cleaning the house you can sweep away good luck. China has traditions that are similar to our customs. For example, as in Russia, New Year is a family holiday in China. Wherever a person is, on New Year's holidays he strives to go to his father's house. It is no coincidence that on the eve of the Spring Festival, all of China boards cars, trains, planes, etc. to celebrate the New Year together. Like us, the Chinese New Year table is bursting with delicious food. The Chinese are skilled cooks, and it is no coincidence that their cuisine is so popular all over the world. According to Chinese customs, cooking should be completed before lunch. Otherwise, you can hurt your luck. Strange as it may seem, dumplings, an everyday dish for us, are a must on the holiday table. Another must-have is Soy Tofu.

When it comes to gifts, the Chinese are great symbolists. For example, a very popular New Year's gift is a pair of tangerines. They are considered worth their weight in gold. After all, they mean that the donor wishes you a strong marriage. The peculiarity of gift giving is that the gift is not given directly. It is usually hidden in a secluded place when leaving the house. It is customary for children to give a “lucky amount” - money that is placed in a red envelope. This means that you wish the applicant prosperity so that there is always money in his house. The ritual of burning “money” is interesting. True, the zealous Chinese do not destroy real banknotes, but good counterfeits.

The most common gifts for the New Year are:

  • various amulets, talismans, amulets;
  • all kinds of sweets;
  • figurines symbolizing the approaching year;
  • colorful cards with best wishes.

What not to do

Not accepted in China:

  1. give expensive gifts;
  2. pack gifts in white or blue paper. These colors mean mourning;
  3. The number “4” should not be present in any way. It means death.;
  4. give a gift in the presence of others.

Offerings should only be in pairs: two cards, two figurines, etc. In the family circle, gifts are given with both hands and first to the eldest.

In our country, New Year tops the list of most favorite holidays. No wonder some even celebrate it twice: January 1 and January 14. When the New Year holidays are over, you can sadly put away the tree and other holiday paraphernalia until next December. Or you can not remove anything and celebrate the New Year again - according to Eastern traditions. The start date of the holiday is determined by the lunar-solar calendar. According to it, the Chinese New Year in 2018 starts on February 16.

A little history

The history of New Year's celebrations in the Middle Kingdom is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the holiday is associated with a terrible monster named Chun (Nan). This monster attacked a small village once a year, whose inhabitants were forced to hide from it in the mountains. One day, an old beggar came to the village and asked permission from one of the residents to stay in her house during the attack of the monster. The woman tried to dissuade the old man, but in the end she allowed him to stay. The next day, returning to their village, instead of destruction, local residents saw undamaged houses and that same old man in red clothes. The old man laughed, and lights shone around him and firecrackers rattled.

It turned out that Nan is afraid of bright red and cannot stand loud sounds. Now the villagers no longer hid in the mountains, but once a year they held noisy, cheerful celebrations so that the evil monster would never come to their land again.

When does New Year start in China?

It is not for nothing that New Year is considered the largest holiday in China. Preparation for it lasts several weeks. It is considered very important during this period to finish all business, pay off debts and throw away unnecessary things in order to start the year with a new clean page. Before the celebration begins, the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Instead of Christmas tree The Chinese decorate the Tree of Light, hanging numerous decorations, garlands and lanterns on it.

The day when the new year begins is also known as the Spring Festival. According to local beliefs, this day marks the end of old year, and with it winter. The awakening of nature is noisily welcomed by numerous fireworks, festivities and fairs. The celebration lasts for 15 days.

The Chinese spend the eve of the year's holiday with close people. The family table is set with a variety of treats, fish, chicken, seafood, and sweets. Traditional dish For the New Year's table in China there are dumplings. It is believed that the richer and tastier the New Year's table is, the more satisfying life will be in the coming year. At midnight, all doors and windows in the house are opened, clearing the way for the outgoing old year.

In the first days of the year, the Chinese meet with friends and family, visit each other to congratulate each other and celebrate the beginning of the new year together.

The date of the Spring Festival is set after the winter solstice on the first new moon, therefore, the New Year according to the Chinese calendar occurs between January 21 and February 21 each year.

Symbols of the coming year

The cycle of the eastern calendar includes 12 animals that are the patrons of each coming year. In addition to animals, the calendar includes five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood), which also alternate. Thus, each year in China is symbolized by a combination that is repeated only once every 60 years.

Eastern symbols have firmly entered into the traditions of celebrating our country, setting the mood for New Year's decorations and gift souvenirs.

Chinese New Year 2018 will be symbolized by the animal Dog and the element Earth. The main color of the year is yellow. By the way, the calendar in China is different from ours. The coming Year of the Dog will be 4716 according to the Eastern calendar.

In China, it is not customary to give expensive gifts. However, congratulations are rarely complete without a gift. Traditional New Year's gifts in China are:

  1. Banknotes. In China, it is customary to give money to children. They are packaged in red envelopes and given to every child who arrives at their doorstep in the first 15 days of the new year. This tradition is believed to bring good luck for the coming year.
  2. Symbols of the year. A popular gift are souvenirs with images of the animal that is the patron saint of the year. In the coming year these are figurines of dogs and various items with their image.
  3. Couple gifts. In China, there is a custom to give small gifts consisting of two items for the New Year. These can be glasses, paired figurines and other things. Two parts of one whole symbolize harmony and well-being in the family.

It is customary to give gifts (except for envelopes with money for children) before leaving. Guests often do this secretly, almost unnoticed by the hosts.

Also in China there is an ancient tradition of presenting two tangerines to the hosts upon entry. When guests leave, they receive two other tangerines in return. This gesture is a wish for each other good luck and wealth, as tangerines symbolize gold.

How to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

To make the coming year prosperous and successful, you can use some tips from Chinese traditions in your New Year celebrations:

  1. Celebrating the coming year should begin with preparation. According to Eastern customs, it would be a good idea to get rid of all the excess rubbish that has accumulated in the house. It is worth reconsidering your grievances, dealing with debts and unresolved issues. If in 2018 the New Year in your family begins in a friendly and warm atmosphere, rest assured that the Yellow Dog will help support it throughout the year.
  2. It is better to decorate your home in yellow, gold, light brown and pale greenish tones. They correspond to the color of the element of Earth, which patronizes the coming year.
  3. You shouldn't celebrate alone. Chinese in New Year's Eve Be sure to surround yourself with close people. In addition, the dog, symbolizing the coming year, is a herd animal, so it is better not to contradict it and celebrate the holiday in pleasant company.
  4. The festive table must include meat or poultry dishes. The dog prefers meat food, and in celebrating the coming year it is better to try to please it.
  5. Clothing and accessories are also worth choosing from color range yellowish tint. The dog is a conservative, so you should not overdo it with extremely short dresses and bright shiny accessories.

New Year's celebrations can be extended over two months. They can begin, according to the traditions of our country, on the night of January 1 and continue until the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, which starts on February 16 and is celebrated for another 2 weeks. For those who consider the New Year's holiday to be their favorite, this is a wonderful opportunity to extend the New Year's mood and recharge with a positive attitude for the entire coming year.

It just so happens that China celebrates not just one New Year, but two - the traditional one (January 1) and, accordingly, the Chinese one, the date of which changes annually. This country is so interesting for its unusual views on many things that are familiar to us, that it would be useful to familiarize yourself with some of them in order to get to know this eastern culture better.

When does Chinese New Year 2018 begin and end?

First of all, it is worth noting that the New Year, celebrated by the Chinese, in 2018 it starts on February 16th. Holidays are almost two whole weeks: from February 16 to March 2. It is on these days that on the streets of China you can meet a large number of joyful and well-dressed people, hurrying to visit or go home to their relatives and friends to celebrate the change of not just the year, but also its patron, of which there are 12 in the Chinese calendar.

Thus, starting from February 16, the reins of power will pass from the fiery Rooster to the yellow one, which will set the mood for the entire next year. Wherein Chinese New Year 2018 ends on March 2, the traditional Lantern Festival.

Traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the Chinese calendar

In honor of the coming of the Chinese New Year of the Dog, Chinese people traditionally dress in new red clothes and give each other gifts, mostly red envelopes. This gift is especially common among parents to their children. Money is placed in red envelopes. It is believed that money should attract other money, especially those donated by loved ones with the best wishes.

Several centuries ago, the advent of the New Year during this period was determined by the beginning of sowing work. That is why the Chinese used to congratulate each other not just on the change of periods, but also on the beginning of the most important and long-awaited season of the year, on which the future of their families depended. It was customary to wish good harvest and well-being. Now the Chinese are trying to celebrate the New Year holidays as a family. Often on New Year's Eve they watch congratulatory programs on the country's leading channels.

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Russia

In our country, the celebration of this date is not as widespread as in China. At the same time, it is celebrated, perhaps, only by lovers of oriental culture and visiting Chinese. As a rule, traditional folk dishes are displayed on the table, and houses are decorated with paper lanterns and images of the symbol of the coming year.

Traditional New Year in China in 2018

The Chinese, like us and many other inhabitants of our planet, celebrate the traditional New Year: January 1st, and the holiday lasts for 3 whole days. This New Year has largely adopted the traditions of the European and American way of life, but some traditions of this holiday have been originally Chinese. For example, during the New Year (both traditional and Chinese) it is customary to wear all red – the color of prosperity. Red attracts good luck and scares away a terrible creature, which, according to legend, appears every year around the New Year. Therefore, all Chinese try to celebrate the holiday as noisily as possible in order to scare away evil spirits, who are afraid of loud sounds, bright flashes (fireworks) and the color red.

China traditionally celebrates two New Years: traditional (January 1st) and Chinese. The date of Chinese New Year changes every year, as it depends on the location of the stars and planets. The Chinese have long had many unusual views and customs that differ from European ones. For this reason, understanding the eastern system of counting the year allows you not only to celebrate the year of the dog 2018, but also to attract positive energy to achieve any goals.

  • First legend
  • Second legend
  • Third legend

When will the Eastern New Year be celebrated in 2018?

The New Year according to the Eastern calendar will begin on February 16, 2018. It is at this time that the Yellow Earth Dog will come into its own fully, after which changes in the energy cycle will manifest themselves to the greatest extent. Throughout this period, on the streets of China you will see a large number of joyful and elegant Chinese people rushing to visit their family and friends. The main task is the desire to please loved ones and good friends with pleasant congratulations.

It should be noted that the entry into the rights of the patron of the Yellow Earth Dog will be celebrated right up to March 2nd. As always, the celebrations will end with the classic Lantern Festival.

Despite the fact that Europeans do not celebrate eastern year so large-scale, many people who believe in the importance of energetic influence will be able to bring new bright colors into their lives and arrange an additional holiday.

History of Chinese New Year

The history of the New Year in China is one of the most interesting and rich. At the same time, there are several legends that can explain the appearance of this unusual holiday.

First legend

A long time ago there lived a lonely married couple, but they were unable to conceive a baby. The woman dreamed of becoming a mother and was upset by the lack of opportunity to perform such a miracle. However, everything changed after my husband’s dream. The man dreamed that he received rice and ate it from the Phoenix bird. The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a boy.

The guy's fate was quite difficult. The mother died during childbirth. The father found a second wife. However, the stepmother had an evil and bad character. The stepmother wanted to drive the guy away from the world and she even persuaded her husband to kill her son. However, the idea was not realized, since the guy was lucky enough to learn about such plans and escape from home in time.

The young man began to serve with the emperor, who appreciated his wisdom and kindness. As a result, the guy received two daughters of the Chinese emperor as his wife and even the throne. The imperial crown was found on the first day of the new moon, after which 10 “suns” were noticed in the sky. This sign indicated that the young man was destined to live in China. After the guy grew old and had to hand over his reign, he handed over the crown to an outsider, whose coronation was also held on the first day of the new moon.

It is believed that the New Year is celebrated in memory of Chinese emperors who showed a wise approach to fulfilling their duties and transferring rule. This type of reign made it possible to improve China's position and achieve a strong, stable economy.

Eastern New Year always represents sincere hope for victories that can happen in China and in the life of every individual.

Second legend

Previously, Chinese residents were confident that after the first new moon in February, a new cycle of nature began on planet Earth. For this reason, the New Year was traditionally associated with rebirth and renewal, and a special holiday was timed to coincide with the resumption of life in nature.

Third legend

This option is also particularly popular among many Chinese residents. However, the legend is considered the most mythical among all others.

It is believed that at the very bottom of the sea there lives a monster that can only come to land on the new moon. If a creature emerges from the sea, it begins to eat all living creatures, trees and bushes. One day, a monster came to a residential building, but the door was opened by a boy dressed in bright red pajamas.

The boy's mother saw the sea monster and began to act loudly. After such actions by the mother, the monster did not show its bloodthirsty character and disappeared. People realized that the monster could still be scared. After this, the Chinese always wait for the New Year to come according to their horoscope and a new patron to take over.

Traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year

New Year according to the Chinese calendar is always celebrated in compliance with well-known traditions:

The Chinese love to dress in red clothes;
people try to give each other New Year's gifts, and often give money in red envelopes;
For a long time, the Chinese have celebrated the relationship between the New Year and the beginning of sowing activities, so Chinese residents are accustomed to congratulating on the beginning of a special time, on which the future of many people largely depends, to wish for harvest and prosperity.

Recently, the Chinese give preference to home New Year holidays, so they just want to visit each other, congratulate and give gifts, and watch funny talk shows.

Features of the celebration of the Eastern New Year in Russia

Russians are not used to celebrating the Eastern New Year, but visiting Chinese still connect Chinese and Russian cultures. For this reason, many residents of Russia know that the year of the dog is 2018. Many people are trying to understand how best to celebrate the New Year in order to appease the patron and use every chance to gain prosperity.

The Chinese undoubtedly celebrate the traditional New Year, which falls on January 1st. In addition, New Year's entertainment lasts 3 days. For this reason, Chinese people are also gradually accepting and better understanding European and American traditions. However, even European astrologers are already advising on how best to celebrate the New Year in 2018 for further success. For example, it is customary to wear outfits of colors oriented towards the patron of the 12-month cycle, to cook in a special way festive table and choose outfits, plan the long-awaited holiday.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year

Knowing what date the New Year begins according to the Chinese calendar, you can take care to properly prepare for the long-awaited holiday.

One of the main differences is that ceremonial events in China are held over 2 weeks. So, in 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will be met on February 16th. Festive events will be held until March 3rd inclusive. Despite the fact that many holidays promise to be working days, people can follow existing traditions.

New Year is the perfect time and best opportunity in order not only to give gifts to each other and say beautiful congratulatory words, but also to gather for holiday dishes. In addition, the Yellow Earth Dog has a special disposition and knows how to appreciate traditions. The patron of 2018 will teach respect for traditions and maintaining home comfort, perseverance and activity to achieve any goals. It is not surprising that the New Year is best celebrated at home, united with near and dear people.

If classic version Celebrating the New Year involves holding special events; on February 16th, it is still advisable to organize a family holiday with special comfort.

You need to understand that the Eastern year is always associated with family relationships and the possibility of reuniting all loved ones. If you manage to celebrate the Year of the Dog with your loved ones, you can be sure that the tradition has been maintained and subsequently the happy moments will turn out to be truly pleasant and memorable.

On February 16th, it is not advisable to organize a long feast with active celebration, singing and dancing until you drop. The best option There will be a festive dinner with your closest people, an exchange of pleasant wishes and the presentation of small gifts. It is the New Year that will allow you to show true relationships with all loved ones who deserve attention and understanding.

Features of preparing for the New Year's Eve

Enough time is allocated to prepare for the long-awaited special events. At the same time, you need to understand how best to celebrate the New Year.

1. Required condition– this is putting things in order in every home and office, on city streets. You need to understand that any trash burdens vital energy, so you need to give up old and unnecessary things. Only by this principle can the correct energy flows be launched, thanks to which every person can find the desired happiness.

2. New Year is impossible without a Christmas tree or pine tree. At the same time, the Chinese use Light Wood, which also helps attract positive energy. It is believed that spruce, pine or Light wood can not only decorate a home, but also help improve vital energy. To decorate the house, souvenirs, images of the patrons of the upcoming 12-month cycle and unusual garlands are often used. In addition, it is customary to hang five multi-colored ribbons, symbolizing success in all areas of life and helping to attract good luck.

3. Traditionally, a rich table with festive dishes is set. At the same time, the Chinese choose sweets, rice with spices and unique Chinese dumplings. It is believed that such a festive table will help improve financial situation, abundance and well-being. If you serve delicious sweets, you can guarantee a pleasant life in the next year for all the people who gathered for big table. It should be noted that the festive table for the Chinese New Year is usually prepared with a mandatory allocation for family members who cannot take part in the joint meal. As a result, even the New Year's feast turns out to be very important.

Chinese New Year is best celebrated according to tradition and only with your closest people. After a series of festive events began and people were able to meet the patron of the 12-month cycle in a close family circle, they can spend time with good friends.

Features of choosing New Year's gifts

On Chinese New Year, it is not customary to choose large and expensive New Year gifts. A traditional gift is money presented in a red envelope.

If you wish, you can choose other New Year’s gifts, which turn out to be closely related to New Year’s customs:

Original souvenir products associated with the New Year and the patron saint of the 12-month cycle;
amulets, amulets and talismans that help improve life in every area;
traditional sets of sweets that can be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults;
figurines of the patron of the year (in 2018 it is advisable to give souvenir figurines of Dogs and puppies);
New Year greeting cards with pleasant wishes.
When presenting any New Year's gifts, it is advisable to remember a few additional nuances:
It is not advisable to give gifts in blue or blue paper or a box. white, since they symbolize mourning;
it is advisable to avoid the number “4” because it represents death and sorrow;
it is undesirable to present a gift in the presence of other people, since the delivery of any gift turns out to be a very personal and intimate process;
It is advisable to choose gifts in the form of paired items to achieve harmony;
It is advisable to give any New Year's gifts according to seniority, since the Chinese have long treated such traditions with special reverence.

If you know when the annual cycle begins and ends, and who the next patron will be, you can prepare for a special holiday. Chinese New Year is another chance to have a good time with loved ones, exchange gifts and wishes, and gain faith in a happy and harmonious future.