Instructions for watering plants using a water washer. Do-it-yourself automatic watering system: from drawing up a diagram to installing equipment. We check the water intake for throughput

The watering machine is used to clean the road surface from dirt and dust, and is also partially used for watering certain local areas, in particular for the purpose of cleaning concrete at a construction site and other places. The equipment is an ordinary truck, which is equipped with a pump system, a tank for transporting water and special watering devices. The watering system can even be installed on a chassis.

Application of watering machine

A special watering machine is used in various areas of the national economy, in construction and production. With their help, city streets, sidewalks are washed, dirt accumulations are cleared, as well as other cleaning work. These machines are in service in many parts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and can be used to clean hard surfaces from a certain level of chemical or radiation contamination. IN major cities the technique is simply vital, since on many intercity or central city routes, due to excess transport, a lot of sandy waste gradually accumulates in the form of sand, which not only spoils the overall appearance, but also poses a hidden danger to road users. The fact is that the wheels of a car moving at a certain speed, when they hit sand (which lies on a hard surface), begin to slip, which can result in unpleasant consequences. This type of special machine is used for such purposes.

Main types of special equipment

Today they are working on the streets different types watering machines, in particular, are used with brush equipment, watering nozzles, a water knife, a blade, etc., depending on the scope of application and the type of work performed. Watering machines can be used not only for washing, but also for watering flower beds, roadside flower gardens, trees and other vegetation.

Main types of attachments:

  • metal blade with rubber lip;
  • cylindrical brushes with drive;
  • water ramp;
  • watering nozzles;
  • washing attachments;
  • water nozzles high pressure;

The vehicle configuration can be changed right before a certain type of work is performed. High pressure nozzles are used directly for cleaning road trays and various holes and irregularities. When carrying out road repairs, specialists use watering machines to remove dirt and dust from potholes and other damage to the road surface.

KamAZ 4325 chassis as a basis

A highly efficient watering machine based on KamAZ 43253 is considered relatively popular and is used mainly in large cities.

The advantage of this chassis is that the KamAZ frame allows you to accommodate a slightly larger tank volume than, for example, a ZIL-131 vehicle.

Based on 43253, the watering system works the same way. Initially, the manufacturer did not reinforce the frame of the KamAZ vehicle in any way and had, for the most part, standard equipment, but later special metal reinforcements appeared in those places where the water tank was installed. Also, to secure the tank, anchors are used, rigidly tying the tank to the main structure. The wheelbase can consist of either 2 axles or 3 (in extended versions).

Features of special equipment based on ZIL

A universal watering machine based on ZIL is a familiar design for all types of equipment, in particular, a water tank of a certain volume is placed on the frame of the machine, a special attachments and the pumps are connected. Like KamAZ, ZIL is equipped with a similar type of device. The ZIL vehicle has one drive axle, which greatly simplifies its further operation and also helps to save fuel. The carrying capacity of the ZIL is an order of magnitude less than that of the KamAZ, so these vehicles have greater maneuverability in small and medium-sized cities. These vehicles are used much more often than KamAZ, the fact is that gasoline engines are installed on ZIL, and unlike diesel KAMAZ engines, they do not create increased level noise and air pollution, so the use of ZIL in urban conditions is more acceptable than KamAZ.

Design features of the watering machine KO-713

Watering installation ko 713 technical specifications, which allows you to perform a wide range of work, is used on many domestic trucks. The main feature of this model is its ease of installation and configuration. The capacity of one tank is 6000 liters, in addition, the installation provides for the installation of additional cleaning systems. For example, in winter time year, a special grinder is connected to it, which sprinkles the road surface with a reagent.

Main technical characteristics:

  1. power unit - diesel or gasoline (depending on the type of car);
  2. the capacity of the metal tank is about 6,000 liters;
  3. maximum refueling weight – 6150 kg;
  4. width of the work area – for washing – 2.5 m, for snow – 2.5 m, for sweeping – 2.3 m, spraying materials (reagents) from 3 to 9 m;
  5. system pressure – 2 MPa;
  6. reagent sprinkling density – adjustable, from 100 to 400 g/m2;
  7. total weight – no more than 14,000 kg.

Most water washers use high-pressure water pumps to provide the best cleaning performance for road surfaces.

Tank capacity

All 6000 l watering machines type KO-713 have an all-metal tank for transporting liquids. This volume is enough for highly productive work for several hours, after which another refueling will be required. The capacity of the tank for installing KO-713 does not change; in some cases, individual enterprises independently change the configuration of the vehicle by installing tanks of increased volume (about 8000 liters).

Additional design devices

Modern watering machines on KamAZ and ZIL chassis can use additional special equipment for operation. Additional devices include:

  • dumps;
  • cylindrical gratings;
  • water knives;
  • various watering equipment;
  • equipment for extinguishing minor fires;

The installation of additional equipment is already provided by the manufacturer, so there is no need to change the overall design of the vehicle. When installing additional systems, the volume of the tank for transporting water does not change.

Advantages of buying a sprinkler

A domestic watering machine, which can be purchased from special dealers who sell factory products, can provide a manufacturing enterprise with the best quality of road cleaning, as well as washing of all types of surfaces. This equipment is necessary for large and small enterprises involved in agriculture, public works or the production of chemicals. In addition, watering machines can perform various functions, which is an undoubted advantage for the company that purchased this vehicle.

Proper and regular watering of all garden crops on the site is the key to their good growth and fruiting. Water is vital for plants; without it they will simply wither and die. But if you don’t always have the opportunity to come to your dacha and water your plants on time, then an automatic watering system will help you out. It can be purchased at the store, and is also quite easy to make yourself. And you will no longer have to ask neighbors and acquaintances living nearby for help in timely watering - and without them, your plants will receive enough moisture.

An automatic watering system is a special technical complex that is independently capable of providing uniform and regular watering of a certain area. The system belongs to the category of so-called landscape irrigation, which consists of special sprinklers, various valves, taps, hoses, a pump and the main control center - a small controller that determines the need for watering and acts according to the program embedded in it. The automatic watering system operates according to a specific schedule, which is entered into the control program.

Note! The automatic watering system is also known as “smart rain”. That's what the summer residents called her. The main advantage of this design is the ability to control it.

Such irrigation systems have long become common in large industrial greenhouses, winter gardens and greenhouses, parks. Now they are becoming more and more popular in ordinary garden plots, small ones, and flower beds.

The reason is simple - the undeniable advantages of these structures:

  • ease of operation;
  • opportunity to leave garden plot without watering with personal participation - the system will cope with this task itself;
  • the ability to set the required frequency and intensity of watering;
  • the ability to set work at certain hours and in a certain area of ​​the garden plot;
  • the system “understands” that it is starting to rain and automatically turns off, thereby saving water and not pouring it in vain; the device reacts sharply to humidity levels;
  • durability (you only need to worry about the system during earthworks, the rest of the time it serves properly for many years).

Automatic watering systems can be:

  • sprinklers;
  • combined.

Sprinkler systems are in greatest demand because their operation is very similar to natural rain, which plants love so much. This system will allow you to do away with heavy buckets and hoses - they will be replaced by small, improvised water fountains. And its source, by the way, will be completely invisible among the plants, provided it is installed correctly - this means that the beauty of flower beds and lawns will not be spoiled by the irrigation system. Watering itself will be carried out evenly throughout the irrigated area.

Prices for drip irrigation systems

drip irrigation system

Design and planning

Before you decide to purchase or build an automatic watering system, try to learn as much as possible about it. This is necessary to understand not only the main advantages, but also how to install it and how to work with it. What is an automatic irrigation system from a technical point of view and what does it consist of?

Table. Elements of an automatic watering system.


This is perhaps one of the main parts of an automatic watering system. The controller can be called a mini-computer or even the brain of the entire device. It is thanks to him that the entire irrigation system will work. The controller will control the devices, regulate the number of waterings in accordance with the specified program, and at this time it will also have a humidity sensor that is sensitive to rain and, if necessary, will turn off the system. The mini-computer can be installed both at home and outdoors.

A device that is responsible for the proper supply of water to pipes and sprinklers.

They are necessary for the system to serve for many years without breakdowns. The fact is that an open reservoir or well can be used as a source of water, which means that the liquid may contain all kinds of debris, which, if it gets into the pipes, can easily destroy the entire system. And the filters will protect it from debris getting inside.

Necessary if the water does not come from a water supply system. The station will create the necessary pressure in the pipes, which will operate sprinklers and nozzles.

It is through them that water moves from the reservoir or water supply to the site. The pipes are connected to valves, reservoir and sprinklers. The dimensions and cross-section will depend on the location area. It is best to purchase pipes made from low-density polyethylene.

Roughly speaking, this is a special device for watering, a sprinkler or watering head. This part of the irrigation system is installed underground and at the moment when pressure is applied to it, it extends a nozzle through which water enters the area, scattering over a certain area in a cascade of small splashes.

An automatic watering system works like this: the controller controls the solenoid valves, opening or closing them. These, in turn, are connected to pipes through which water will be supplied to the site. Through pipes it reaches the watering heads and irrigates a certain area.

For small areas, fan sprinklers are better suited and will do an excellent job of watering flower beds and lawns. The approximate radius of their operation is about 5 m. There are also devices that supply water only in one direction. Typically used for roadside lawns.

There are also rotary sprinklers that rotate dynamically and easily cope with watering large areas. Bubblers are designed to equip a system for root watering of plants.

Note! Rotary and fan heads are usually not installed in the same zone, since they have different irrigation intensities.

Now you know a simplified diagram of how an automatic watering system works. But before you begin installing an irrigation system, you still have a lot of things to do.

The fact is that installing a sprinkler device involves 4 stages:

  • design;
  • cost calculation;
  • installation;
  • launch.

And the design and installation point requires special attention. What does the design stage include? It is important to take into account a large number of nuances here. This is why gardeners often hire specialists rather than start developing the entire plan themselves.

To plan the system yourself, you must clearly understand which parts of your site need automatic watering. This will be done by accurately drawing up a plan of the area where the water source is marked, and a so-called dendroplan, on which all the plants are marked.

How to draw up a site plan and dendroplan?

Step 1. Use a tape measure to measure your garden area. Mark all buildings garden paths, fencing on a piece of paper.

Step 2. Transfer your sketches onto graph paper at a scale of 1:100. Everything should be accurate here.

Step 3. Divide the area on graph paper into zones and mark the places where sprinklers should appear. Carefully consider whether splashes of water will reach the house, road and other elements.

Step 4. Draw all the elements of the irrigation system on the diagram.

Step 5. Carefully draw and study the approximate radii of irrigation. In accordance with these data, you will choose watering heads. And remember - in the area where the sprinkler itself is located during watering, the least amount of water will fall, most of it will spill far from it. Therefore, when calculating the number of sprinklers, take this point into account.

As you can see, the critical point for each sprinkler is the area in close proximity to it

Using the same principle, draw up a rough dendroplan of the site, which will include the location of all plants, including bushes and trees.

Note! Remember that you must mark on the plan the source of water and electricity, plumbing, drainage system and other elements. This will help you better navigate and correctly install the controller and tank if necessary.

Also, ideally, not only the location of sprinklers, plants, buildings should be taken into account, but also the composition of the soil, the presence of heights or differences in the area, and much more. One of the main parameters is the hydraulic load.

If there is an old tree on the site with a trunk diameter of more than 30 cm, but it cannot be cut down because there are other structures or plants nearby. The only way out in such a situation is.

Hydraulic calculation

A hydraulic calculation is necessary in order to determine the required diameter of the pipes on the site, as well as the number of solenoid valves and the working water pressure that the sprinkler nozzles can lift from the ground. It was found experimentally that optimal diameter the central pipe in the system on an area up to 1 hectare is 40 mm. Such a pipe has a relatively low cost; inexpensive inch valves are suitable for it. Approximately 50 liters of water per minute easily flows through such a pipe. Based on this, we can conclude that the productivity of the automatic irrigation system should be exactly 50 l/min.

By combining the sprinklers with radius, irrigation sector, and flow rate marked in the diagram into groups of 50 l/min, you can determine required quantity valves Look: if a flow of 50 l/min enters the first valve, located in the middle of the irrigation line, and is then divided into 2 by 25, then it is advisable to further connect pipes of a smaller diameter. The pressure required and recommended by the sprinkler manufacturer must be brought to the device itself.

Installation of an automatic watering system

After you have calculated the required quantity of each element of the automatic irrigation system and purchased everything you need, you can begin installing the system itself. Please note: you will have to dig up the area - the pipes are laid underground, so there is a lot of work to be done.

Assembly diagram of the Kapel SKO

Let's consider installing the system automatic irrigation using the example of equipment from Hunter.

Step 1. Mark the site and indicate the exact layout of the irrigation system. You can mark the places where the sprinklers will be with pegs.

Step 2. Decide where the pumping station will be located (if it is supposed to be present in the system).

Step 3. Where the main pipes will be laid, dig a flat trench 30-40 cm deep, provided that you will not be digging or plowing here in the future. Otherwise, the pipes will have to be laid to a depth of at least 50 cm.

Step 4. Also make trenches for the pipes that supply water to the sprinklers themselves.

Step 5. Begin laying the main main pipe into the trenches.

Step 6. Cut the main main pipe according to the diagram.

Step 7 Connect both parts of the pipe using a tee splitter. This way you will get a tap to the center line. Attach the pipe that will carry water to the sprinkler.

Step 8 Using a smaller elbow, attach a special articulated elbow to the end of the newly connected pipe, which will allow you to adjust the height of the sprinkler. Work through all water supply lines in the same way.

Step 9 Install nozzles in rotary sprinklers. To do this, unscrew the “glass” with the mechanism, remove the inner part, slightly compress the spring on the sprinkler and insert the nozzle into a special hole. Lightly press it and it will easily go into the sprinkler itself.

Note! To check whether the nozzle is seated correctly, release the spring - if it (the nozzle) rises to the very top, it means it is installed correctly.

Step 10 Using a special wrench, tighten the injector screw clockwise.

Step 11 Attach the sprinklers to the articulated arms.

For the convenience of connecting irrigation sprinklers to the pipeline, Hunter produces special tubes of various lengths, at the ends of which corners with external threads are fixed, rotating in different directions

Step 12 Fill all trenches. Leave areas directly next to sprinklers uncovered.

Step 13 Level the sprinklers with the ground by operating the articulated arm. Do this using a level. Please note that the top of the sprinkler should be slightly below the bottom line of the level lying on the ground. If necessary, the soil underneath can be slightly dug up.

Step 14 Bury the sprinkler. It is important to compact the soil around it very carefully. Compacting should be done after every 2-3 shovels of soil.

The purpose of irrigation is to uniformly distribute the layer of rain over the entire area of ​​the irrigated area without the formation of puddles and runoff.

Watering requirements

The requirements are conditionally divided into agrobiological, agro-soil, reclamation, and organizational.

Agrobiological requirements provide for an optimal supply of water to plants. To do this, irrigation equipment must ensure the supply of water in the required quantity, the required quality and at the required time in accordance with the biological phases of plant development, the uniform distribution of water on the field and along the soil horizons in accordance with the location of the plant root system, the positive impact of irrigation on the plant environment and the creation of the required air, thermal and nutritional regimes in the soil and microclimate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of plant development, the elimination of mechanical damage to plants (breakage of stems, etc.) and the negative impact of water flow or raindrops on them (lodging, inhibition of seedlings, disruption of flowering and pollination ).

Agro-soil and reclamation requirements come down to the preservation and improvement of microrelief, structure, mechanical condition of the soil and reclamation condition of the lands. To achieve this, irrigation equipment and irrigation technology should not allow water erosion of the soil, destruction of the structure and compaction of the soil; water losses due to deep filtration and discharges, secondary salinization and swamping of irrigated lands.

Organizational and economic requirements boil down to rational organization of the territory, highly efficient use of irrigation equipment, water and labor in the irrigation area. Irrigation is carried out at the most favorable agrotechnical time without deteriorating the operating conditions of other agricultural machines with rational organization of the territory, the use of irrigation equipment with the required level of reliability, a high level of labor productivity during irrigation, as well as a progressive change in the nature and working conditions compared to previously used equipment.

Zonal features of irrigation

In some areas of the country, the use of agricultural land without irrigation is impossible due to lack of moisture. Five zones of natural moisture are accepted, which are characterized by the following indicators.

The zone is dry, located in the Aral-Caspian basin and Transcaucasia. This is a zone of continuous irrigation, the amount of precipitation is 100-300 mm per year, so farming is possible only with constant artificial irrigation. Main crops irrigated agriculture in these areas are cotton, rice, vegetables, grain crops and vineyards.

The acutely arid zone includes the driest regions of the Volga region, the North Caucasus, and the foothills of Eastern Transcaucasia. The climate of the zone is characterized by instability and lack of adequate moisture. Average annual precipitation is 200-500 mm. The main crops of irrigated agriculture are industrial (sugar beets, tobacco, etc.), grains, vegetables, horticultural crops

The arid zone occupies a strip running from the western border to the Ob River. It is located north of the acutely arid zone and includes the western part of the North Caucasus, the Central Black Earth regions (Kursk, Voronezh and Tambov), and the Southern Urals. There are separate arid areas in Eastern Siberia and Yakutia.

The aridity of this zone is determined by both the lack of precipitation (350-450 mm) and its unfavorable time distribution. Precipitation falls mainly in the summer months and in the form of showers. Main crops: grain, sugar beets, horticultural crops, vineyards, fodder crops. The use of agrotechnical methods of dry farming and moistening work (snow retention, etc.) gives a great effect in this zone. However, to obtain sustainable high yields of a number of crops, irrigation is necessary.

The zone of unstable moisture is located in a strip from the western border of Russia to the Kuznetsk basin. It includes the Penza, Chelyabinsk, Omsk regions, as well as Eastern Siberia and Yakutia. In this zone, in some years there is either an excess or a lack of moisture for the cultivation of basic agricultural crops, so irrigation provides a significant increase in yields. The main crops of irrigated agriculture: vegetables, potatoes, grains, fodder crops.

The rest of Russia is a zone of sufficient and excessive moisture. This zone is characterized by a large distribution of wetlands and waterlogged lands. In certain periods, vegetables and some industrial crops here experience a lack of moisture.

More than 60% of agricultural land, 58% of arable land, 93% of pastures and 46% of hayfields are concentrated in areas in need of irrigation.

Irrigated areas are used mainly for industrial crops (cotton, beets, tobacco, etc.), alfalfa, vegetable crops, vineyards, rice and corn.

Field layout

Irrigated fields after harvesting have various types unevenness: remains of temporary sprinklers and outlet furrows, turning strips, holes and potholes, individual mounds. After plowing the field, fall ridges up to 17-20 cm high and collapse furrows 20-30 cm deep, large clods and blocks of earth appear on it. All these irregularities are subject to planning and leveling.

Field leveling is carried out in the dry season - in the summer, in the autumn after plowing the field for plowing or in the spring before sowing once and

2-3 years. Leveling is preceded by clearing the areas of herbaceous vegetation and loosening the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm. Leveling should not be carried out on very wet soil, as in this case the top layer of soil becomes very compacted, which leads to a decrease in yield. Clay soils stick to the blade and are not leveled, and the tractor is overloaded and slips. It is not recommended to carry out leveling on very dry soil, since in this case the soil is very sprayed. It is best to plan heavy and medium-textured soils at a moisture content of 70-75% of the minimum moisture capacity (LC), and light soils - at 60-65% of the LC.

Clearing areas of grassy vegetation is carried out with mowers, loosening the soil with plows or a cultivator-ripper.

The field is plowed to a depth of 15-30 cm using a driven method using plows with skimmers. To reduce the number of split furrows and felling ridges, it is recommended to make the paddocks large, and plowing in adjacent paddocks is carried out either in a waddling manner (from the edges of the paddock), or in a heaping mode (from the middle of the paddock).

It is more advisable to carry out plowing using the shuttle method with reversible plows. These plows are designed for smooth (without split furrows and dumping ridges) plowing of soil to a depth of up to 25 cm. A tractor with a plow, moving in a shuttle manner, performs plowing with laying the layer in one direction.

Work on the continuous leveling of the field is preceded by preparatory work, consisting of leveling the fall ridges and break-up furrows, local irregularities at the edges and corners of the field. Schedulers are used for this purpose. Leveling of dump ridges and camber furrows is carried out in two passes - back and forth. When leveling, the grader blade of the leveler is installed with the smallest angle to the direction of movement so that its middle coincides with the line of the furrow or ridge. The sides of the blade are removed.

When planning the edges and corners of irrigation areas, the grader-planner blade is equipped with sidewalls and installed at an angle of 90° to the direction of movement. It is also advisable to use a grader-planner to plan small fields.

The magnitude of deviations should not exceed 5 cm on slope-free fields (for example, rice paddies), 5-8 cm on slopes of 0.001-0.005 and 8-10 cm on slopes of 0.005-0.01.

The center line of the unplanned field is drawn as close as possible to the existing marks of the unplanned profile of the site. The planning ability of a planner is determined by its design and base length, and also depends on the length of the irregularities.

In one pass, the long-base planer cuts off irregularities up to 5-8 cm high with a length not exceeding two base lengths (22-30 m). With a greater extent of unevenness, the efficiency of planning work decreases sharply. Irregularities up to 30 cm high are eliminated with three or five passes of the planer. The average height of irregularities is measured from the average plane after one pass of the planer.

During the first passes, the leveler bucket is set 3-4 cm above the zero line (the line connecting the lower points of the wheels), with each subsequent pass the bucket is lowered by 2-3 cm, and on the last one it is installed at the zero line or 12 cm higher. During the first pass, the largest volume of soil is moved - up to 60-70 m 3 /ha; subsequent passes - the volumes decrease. In most cases, the number of scheduler passes is 3-4.

Depending on the complexity of the microrelief and the configuration of the fields, the following methods of leveling with long-base soil levelers are used.

The single-track driven method is used on fields of any configuration with slight unevenness. With this method, the planner passes are carried out in the direction of irrigation.

The diagonal single-track method, in combination with the driven method, is used on fields with complicated microrelief, when two passes of the leveler are required to level the field. The first passes are made along the diagonal of the field, and the second in the direction of irrigation using a paddock method.

The diagonal-cross method in combination with the driven method is used on fields with complex microrelief, when three or more passes of the leveler are required to level the field. The first two passes are made along the diagonal of the field in mutually intersecting directions, and the last one is certainly in the direction of irrigation using the pen method.

The diagonal-cross method can be used both on fields of a square shape or close to it, and on fields of an elongated (elongated) shape. This method requires advanced training of the driver.

After selecting the planning method, stakes are installed on the field in the direction of the first pass of the planner. Each subsequent pass of the leveler should overlap the previous one by 0.5 m in order to level out the small rollers that form on the side of the bucket. After finishing the planning using any of the methods, make the last pass with the planner along the perimeter of the field. The leveling of the terrain improves with increasing length of the planer base. However, this also increases the turning radius of the planners, which complicates their work, especially in small irrigation areas. Existing trailed long-frame gliders have a turning radius of 25-30 m.

Considering that the requirements for the quality of the planned relief when irrigating along furrows and strips depend on the slope of the field, it is advisable to use levelers with a shorter base on areas with large slopes.

Pre-sowing leveling of irrigated fields is carried out annually during the pre-sowing preparation process. At the same time, turning lanes and other inconvenient places in the irrigation area are leveled using leveling graders. Cultivation and harrowing of the soil is carried out using a KPS-4 cultivator.

In cotton-growing areas, leveling is usually combined with planning, that is, compacting the top layer of soil and crushing soil blocks after chiseling the field. This agrotechnical technique accelerates the emergence of cotton and other crops.

When leveling the soil simultaneously with cultivation and harrowing, as a result of loosening the soil, moisture loss due to evaporation is reduced; the number of vehicle passes is reduced; Labor productivity increases, operating costs are reduced by 40%, and metal consumption by 18-19%. With the shuttle single-track method, the leveler rotates 180° at the end of the headland with the working parts switched off.

The center line of the profile is drawn as close as possible to the existing profile, taking into account permissible changes in slopes along the length and width of the irrigated area. The permissible value of deviations is established by agrotechnical requirements.

The final assessment of the quality of leveling work is established when irrigation is carried out over the planned surface.

Laying out rice fields by water has a number of advantages: simplicity of technology, independence from weather conditions, low energy costs, high quality of planning, reducing the cost of weed control, combining operations and reducing their number to prepare the field for sowing, saving irrigation water due to the reduction soil water permeability, increasing rice yields, simplifying control over the quality of work, since the water level is an ideal horizontal surface. Soil permeability decreases as a result of compaction.

The technology for leveling rice fields by water includes preparing checks for flooding, flooding checks and the actual leveling.

Preparation of checks for flooding includes loosening the soil with a chisel cultivator to a depth of 15-20 cm with the simultaneous application of fertilizers, cleaning the irrigation system of weeds, and checking the serviceability of water outlet structures.

Flooding of checks is carried out with the maximum flow rate of the sprinkler with water supplied to one or two checks, starting from the canal side. Water should cover everything with a thin layer, including the highest points of the field. To do this, first create a layer of water at least 15-20 cm thick. Before starting planning, the water layer is reduced to 10-15, and during planning - to 5-10 cm. With such a layer, the water surface allows you to control the quality of planning with a high degree of accuracy .

Leveling should be carried out 2-3 days after the check is flooded, since 40-50 hours after the start of flooding, the hardness of the soil in the 15-20 cm layer increases and, as a result, the maneuverability of the tractor improves. First, a selective leveling is carried out using a grader knife, in which the tractor driver, guided by the water surface, pulls the mounds into the nearest depressions.

After completing the selective planning, a continuous planning is carried out by the planner. A diagonal one- and two-track planning method is recommended. With this method, the best leveling of the surface of the check is achieved.

On fields heavily clogged with reeds, it is recommended to pre-treat them with disc harrows in two directions or with a special roller.

Irrigation methods and watering techniques, preparing machines for watering

Irrigation of agricultural crops can be surface, sprinkling and subsurface.

Surface irrigation, depending on the nature of soil moisture and the conditions of mechanization, is carried out by flooding along strips, platforms or checks with flooding of the entire surface of the site (grasses, grains) or with water supply through furrows (row crops).

Sprinkling with moistening of the soil surface is carried out by sprinkler units (apparatuses, wings with nozzles or trains) with water spraying in motion or positionally, with water supplied through pipes or with its intake from open sprinklers.

With subsoil irrigation, the root layer is moistened (mainly due to the capillary rise of the water) from underground pipes with holes, porous pipes or molehills, as well as by adjusting the standing level groundwater. Subsoil irrigation can also be used with double regulation of the water regime (irrigation and drainage).

Irrigation technology should ensure maximum crop yield. In this case, plants must use moisture and nutrients from the entire thickness of the root layer. None of the watering methods is universal.

When choosing an irrigation technique, the required pressures should be taken into account. For sprinkling they are the largest (about 2-10 MPa); significantly less pressure is required for subsurface irrigation (up to 1 m) and insignificant< 0,5-0,6 м - при самотечном.

Irrigation in furrows allows in the best possible way moisten the soil to the entire depth of development of the root system of the main crops cultivated under irrigation in the arid zone. Its economic indicators depend on the type of irrigation network, the presence of structures, the length of the irrigation furrow, the equipment used, as well as the topography. The right choice irrigation technology allows, in optimal natural conditions, to achieve high labor productivity, low cost and good quality glaze.

Sprinkling of agricultural crops makes it possible to more accurately regulate the moisture content of the top layer of soil at low irrigation rates. The degree of soil moisture during sprinkling depends largely on the type of machines or installations used and the sprinklers used.

The most productive self-propelled machines are characterized by high rain intensity, which contributes to fairly rapid surface water runoff and causes crust formation, especially on gray soils. High rain intensity limits the depth of soil moisture to 30-40 cm and, accordingly, reduces the irrigation rate. The cost of sprinkling irrigation is significantly higher than furrow irrigation.

Sprinkler irrigation is promising primarily in areas of insufficient moisture for irrigating agricultural crops with low watering and irrigation standards, as well as in areas with pronounced insufficient water supply. In the cotton zone, on systems with normal water supply, sprinkling can be developed where furrow irrigation is associated with excessive water losses or soil erosion.

Sprinkler irrigation has the following advantages over surface irrigation: it allows you to irrigate land with increased water permeability, as well as in foothill areas that are inaccessible to other irrigation methods and where natural water pressure can be used; requires less cost for preparing and leveling the surface; does not cause soil erosion and salinization; provides water savings compared to surface irrigation, as well as savings in labor costs; Pesticides can be sprayed along with water to combat pests and plant diseases; can be used to protect plants from frost.

Sprinkling has a beneficial physiological effect on plants and ensures earlier ripening with less irrigation water consumption. Sprinkling is easily subject to automatic regulation and remote control.

The use of sprinkling primarily depends on the correct relationship between the irrigation rate, rain intensity and duration of irrigation.

The intensity of rain, as the main factor in normal field moisture, must correspond to the water permeability of the soil, the slope of the irrigated area and the crop’s water needs.

The disadvantages of sprinkling include the high cost of equipment, high specific metal consumption (100-300 kg/ha) and significant energy costs for water supply to create high pressures. The wind disrupts the uniformity of watering. The effectiveness of watering in windy and hot weather is reduced.

There are stationary, semi-stationary and mobile sprinkler systems.

Advantages of subsoil irrigation: the required moisture content of the root layer is continuously maintained, while a crust does not form and the soil structure is preserved; the absence of an irrigation network on the field creates conditions for the work of the care, processing and harvesting mechanism; are being created best conditions for water, air, temperature and nutrient conditions of the soil; significant savings in irrigation water and increased productivity are achieved while reducing labor costs; the volume of planning work is reduced.

The DDA-100MA double-cantilever sprinkler unit is a self-propelled short-jet sprinkler that waters while moving. It is recommended to use on large areas (more than 50 hectares) with mineral soils, with a calm terrain and the absence of various obstacles (transmission lines, buildings). Cannot be used on thick peat bogs, sands and soils with low water permeability.

The Volzhanka sprinkler is a self-propelled medium-jet machine with positional action. Each time the machine moves from position to position, its wheels damage up to 1.5% of the plants, and therefore it is more advisable to use the Volzhanka in areas with a small number of irrigations.

The Fregat sprinkler is an automated, self-propelled, multi-support, medium-jet circular sprinkler. Provides uniform watering (irrigation coefficient 0.74-0.85). In combination with long-range sprinklers of the DD-30 type, located in the area not covered by the Fregat (in the corners), these machines can be used for irrigation, especially in the south and southeast.

Long-range sprinklers DDN-70 and DDN-100 are self-propelled long-range positional sprinklers. Watering is done in a circle or in a sector (in case of wind). The quality of rain and the uniformity of irrigation are poor and are strongly influenced by wind.

It is advisable to use these machines only where the use of other machines is difficult on rough terrain, in the presence of obstacles, in inconvenient areas adjacent to tracts watered by wide-cut machines.

Irrigation kits KI-50 "Rainbow" are medium-flow portable sprinkler systems, which consist of mobile pumping stations, main and distribution pipelines and four sprinkler wings made of thin-walled aluminum collapsible pipes, medium-flow sprinklers, connecting fittings and a hydraulic feeder for irrigation with fertilizing with soluble mineral fertilizers . With the help of these kits, you can irrigate small areas (up to 50 hectares) of vegetables on the lands adjacent to the water source.

To transport water from mobile pumping stations to the irrigation network to sprinklers, the industry produces collapsible pipelines of various diameters. Thus, for transporting and supplying water to the Volzhanka machine, an aluminum quick-dismounting pipeline RTYA-220 is produced. The length of one pipe is 9 m, diameter 220 mm, wall thickness 2.5 mm, operating pressure up to 98-588 kPa. The length of the kit is up to 1000 m. The pipeline is equipped with a pass-through pipe, a pipe with a hydrant, a transition and a plug. To complete quick-dismountable pipelines running from pumping stations to the irrigation network, to sprinklers and installations, water distribution fittings are produced, consisting of hydrant valves, plugs, columns and connecting devices.

To complete sprinkler machines and installations, short-jet deflector nozzles are produced (for DDA-100MA); medium-jet (for Volzhanka, DF-120, DMU, ​​KI-50), long-range sprinklers for operation from hydrants of stationary and collapsible pressure pipelines.

Sprinklers in combination with collapsible pipelines and mobile pumping stations are used similarly to the KI-50 for organizing irrigation in areas ranging from 25 to 100-150 hectares, located near a river, canal or storage facility.

Preparing DDN-70 for work. Check the completeness and serviceability of the machine as a whole and additional equipment and tools. Then install the tractor hitch according to the three-point scheme and attach the sprinkler.

Preparing the DT-75M tractor hitch for working with DDN type sprinklers. Remove the clamp and disconnect the chain from the left longitudinal rod. Then take out the locking bolt, unscrew and knock out the pin, and disconnect the left longitudinal link from the central hinge. Aligning the trailing rod fork with the left hinge shackle, install and secure the bolt and pin. After this, by rotating the adjusting couplings, the length of the braces is increased to the limit and they are set to free movement, for which the pin is removed from the hole in the brace and secured in the lugs with a pin.

The limiting chains are secured to the shackle of the left and right hinges with the finger of vertical braces, and to the longitudinal rods - with clamps. Place the central link along the axis of symmetry, for which you release the bolts of the locking rings, move the left locking ring one hole to the left and secure it with a bolt, moving the hinge of the central link to the left all the way with the left locking ring, and the right locking ring all the way with the hinge and secure it bolt.

Attach the brace earrings to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor. The conversion is completed by checking the operation of the hydraulic lift.

Preparing the T-4 tractor hitch for working with the DDN-100 sprinkler.

Install the right and left lower links on the right and left side heads, respectively. Then they increase and regulate the length of the guy wires, lengthening their chains through the use of additional links, which, with a two-point mounting scheme, hang freely on the stepladder.

After this, the braces of the lower (left side) rear heads of the lifting arms are installed and secured. Then the braces are installed for free movement, for which the pin is removed from the hole in the brace and secured in the lugs with a pin. Place the central link along the axis of symmetry, for which the bolts of the locking rings are released, the left locking ring is moved one hole to the left and secured with a bolt, moving the hinge of the central link to the left all the way with the left locking ring, and the right locking ring all the way with the hinge, and secure his bolt. After this, the brace earrings are attached to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor. Check the correct operation of the hydraulic lift.

Preparing the T-150K tractor hitch for working with the DDN-100 sprinkler.

If a towbar is installed on the tractor, it is removed. The lower links are installed in the extreme position on the axis and secured with stops. I place the upper (central) rod! along the axis of the tractor, and the braces are on the left side relative to the lifting arms. Then they set the braces to free movement, for which they remove the pin from the hole in the brace and secure it in the lugs with a pin. After this, the central rod is positioned along the axis of symmetry, for which the bolts of the locking rings are released, the left locking ring is moved one hole to the left and secured! its bolt, moving the central link hinge to the left all the way with the left lock ring, and the right lock ring all the way with the hinge. Secure it with the right bolt. After this, attach the brace earrings to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor and check the operation of the hydraulic lift.

Attachment of a mounted sprinkler type DDN. First, install the protective visors of the cardan transmission casing: one on the tractor (to the DT-75M using a flange), the second on the cover of the gear pump. Then the barrel is manually directed forward (towards the gear pump), the suction pipeline is lowered to the ground and directed to the left along the tractor. A propeller shaft joint is installed on the gear pump shaft and the fork is secured with a bolt and a castle nut. For a correctly installed propeller shaft, the internal forks of the hinges should be in the same plane.

The lower links of the hitch mechanism are lowered, and the tractor is moved in reverse to the sprinkler so that the distance between the hinges of the lower links and the connecting pins of the sprinkler is no more than 60 mm. By changing the length of the mechanism, the height of the hinges of the lower links and the connecting fingers of the sprinkler frame coincide in height. Place the rods on the connecting pins of the frame and secure them with a pin.

The tractor is moved back until the distance of movement of both lower links is completely “selected” and the sprinkler is raised, the pins of these linkages are installed in the holes. Place the universal joint on the tractor PTO, secure it with a bolt and a castle nut and secure it with a cotter pin.

Using the main cylinder, braces and an adjustable upper link of the hitch mechanism, the tractor power take-off shaft and the gear pump shaft are placed in the same plane. The misalignment should not exceed 35 mm. The lower plane of the sprinkler frame is set in a horizontal position and fixed with unloading chains, the tension of which is adjusted with a special nut.

Attach the middle part of the cardan transmission protective casing. The vacuum device is mounted on the exhaust pipe of the tractor and connected to the fitting of the sprinkler pump with a special vacuum wire.

On the DDN-100 machine, high-pressure hoses connect the hydraulic cylinder of the suction line lifting mechanism to the tractor hydraulic distributor. Check the operation of the pumping equipment by turning on the water pump several short times, no more than 1-2 minutes.

Preparing DDA-100A for work. Network preparation. The road for the movement of the unit during irrigation should run parallel to the sprinkler on the left side (downstream) of it. The routes of temporary irrigation systems and adjacent roads must be leveled, planned and rolled before cutting canals at the beginning of each irrigation season. The width of the planning strip is 5 m. The depth of the channel in relation to the road must be at least 0.5 m.

The water level in the channel in the area where the valve of the suction system of the unit is located must be at least 40 cm. The level is maintained by temporary jumpers that divide the channel into separate sections equal to the length of the run.

Preparing the unit for watering. First, check the completeness of the sprinkler machine. Before starting the unit, the tractor is filled with fuel, oil and water, and the hydraulic system oil tank is filled with diesel oil.

After the engine has warmed up and the correct operating mode has been determined from the instrument readings, the sides of the hood are closed and the unit is brought to the starting position for starting work at the temporary sprinkler. Using the hydraulic system lever, the suction float valve is lowered into the temporary sprinkler, the gas-jet ejector installed on the exhaust pipe of the tractor engine is turned on, and the suction line and the working cavity of the centrifugal pump are filled with water. The duration of air suction should be no more than 3 minutes.

After filling the suction line and pump with water, which can be determined by the emission of water dust from the ejector, turn off the ejector and turn on the clutch to transmit rotation to the pump shaft. If filling the pump lasts more than 3 minutes, check the tightness of the suction line connections. To do this, observe the filled suction system and the idle pump for 5-10 minutes. The appearance of water leaks indicates a lack of tightness. When the pump is running, the tightness is controlled by vacuum (vacuum gauge readings 200-300 mm).

To impart buoyancy to the suction valve float and prevent air from being sucked in through the safety net, the counterweight on the suction line is filled with water.

Before the first watering, test the unit with water and wash the central rotary ring and the pipes of the lower belt with the end devices removed. After 2-3 minutes of washing, stop the devices and check the correct placement of the nozzles along the length of the water-carrying pipes-consoles: the diameter of the nozzles of the nozzles should increase from the middle of the farm to its ends. When the unit is running, monitor the distribution of water through the nozzles. Violations can be detected by carefully observing the operation of the unit;) from a distance of several meters.

To check the operation of the hydraulic system, raise and lower the salt pit and the suction line, first without water, then with water during positional irrigation. They do this carefully and briefly, monitoring the position of the consoles; all operations of raising and lowering the truss consoles must proceed smoothly, without jamming.

Preparing for operation of KI-50. Installation pumping station. Choose a horizontal site on the bank of a river, pond or canal. Three movable supports are lowered to the ground and secured to partially unload the wheels and prevent a possible rollover. To do this, by rotating the adjusting screw of the front support, set the frame of the pumping station to a horizontal position and the rear adjustable supports to the working position. The support shoes are brought into contact with the ground. The adjusting screws of all three supports are turned an additional three to four turns. The station is located perpendicular to the shore or canal at a distance of no closer than 1.5 m.

The intake of the suction pipeline is lowered into the water to a depth of 0.5 m. Using the lifting mechanism, the intake is held at the required depth.

When installing the suction pipeline, pay attention to the tightness of the flange connections. There should be no air leakage, as this leads to disruption of the jet and stopping the pump. The height of the pump above the water level should not exceed 3.5 m.

In case of a heavily clogged reservoir, barrier barriers are installed to protect the intake according to local conditions. After connecting the suction and pressure pipelines, the pump and motor are prepared for start-up.

Preparing the pump for start-up. Check the alignment of the motor and pump shafts, which may have been disturbed during transportation of the station. The displacement of the shaft axes is allowed 0.3 mm, the difference in the end clearances between the motor and pump coupling halves, measured at diametrically opposite points, should not exceed 1 mm, the distance between the coupling halves should be within 2-6 mm. The alignment of the shafts is checked at the pumping station installed in the working position. The amount of displacement of the axes of the motor and pump shafts is determined as follows: an indicator is rigidly attached to one of the coupling halves, the measuring tip of which must touch the surface of the other coupling half. By turning the coupling half with an indicator, the amount of displacement of the shaft axes is determined. The size of the end gaps is determined with a feeler gauge.

Check the lubrication in the bearings and the articulated coupling of the suction pipeline. Lubricate if necessary. Check the packing of the oil seals. Close the valve on the pressure pipeline. Set the spool to the required pump operating mode.

Disable automatic protection. Set the required operating mode of the pump - serial or parallel. The engine is prepared for start-up in accordance with its operating instructions.

Start of the pumping station. Engage the engine clutch by moving the clutch mechanism lever all the way towards you. Start and warm up the engine in accordance with its operating instructions. The operating time of the engine with the clutch disengaged should not exceed 10 minutes.

The gas-jet vacuum device is turned on by pulling the ejector rod “towards you” until it stops. Open the plug valve on the pump filling line. Gradually increase the engine speed to the nominal speed using the control lever. Once the suction pipe and pump are filled with water, mist and water will appear above the diffuser.

Close the filling system tap, reduce the engine speed to a minimum, engage the clutch and turn off the ejector by pressing the rod “towards yourself”. Using the control lever, the engine speed is increased to the nominal speed and the flywheel is used to gradually open the valve on the pressure line of the pumping station. If the pump does not supply water, open the plug on the second stage of the pump, release air from the pump until a stream of water appears and quickly close it. The operation is repeated until the pump begins to supply water.

After establishing the required mode, the readings of the station’s instrumentation are checked and automatic protection is turned on. The oscillation of the vacuum gauge needle is caused by air leaks into the suction pipe or by clogging of the intake mesh. The oscillation of the pressure gauge needle indicates the accumulation of air in it. To avoid heating the water in the pump, operate with the valve closed for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Observe the pump stuffing box. Water should continuously seep through it in rare drops (approximately 30-50 drops per minute). If there is no leak, unscrew the axle box nuts until water seeps out at the required speed.

Preparing for operation the Volzhanka wheeled sprinkler. Site preparation. The bending of the machine being moved will be minimal if its wings are located strictly perpendicular to the line of the water supply pipeline with hydrants. First, along the edges of the field along the pipeline with hydrants, permanent poles are placed at the designated positions, then 3-5 temporary poles are placed along the same line with them, perpendicular to the line of the water supply pipeline, along the length of the position.

One of the poles must be in the line of passage of the leading trolley. Benchmarks at intermediate positions allow you to correctly orient the machine during pipeline alignment. The height of the poles is 75-85 cm, top part they are painted in bright color. Depending on the crops being watered, permanent stakes along the hydrant line are installed at 10 (row-crop) or 30 (perennial grass) positions.

After connecting the sprinkler wing to the hydrant, it is washed and the end pipe is closed with a plug.

At the beginning of the irrigation season, during a test run of the machines, the operation of all mechanisms and their adjustment are checked. The operator sets the brakes to the transport position. After removing the casing, starts and warms up the engine. Checks the complete drainage of water from the pipeline, rolls the wing of the machine to the next position. Stops the engine and closes it with a metal casing. Sets the brakes to the working position. Next he moves on to the hydrant.

When preparing the machine for irrigation, check the extension of the telescopic connection from the pipeline, connection to the hydrant and installation of a support under the telescopic pipe.

Gradually opening the hydrant valves, regulate the water pressure at the entrance to the pipeline to 0.4 MPa. After the irrigation norm is issued, the hydrant valves are gradually closed. Disconnect the machine from the hydrant column and move the column to the next position and install it on the hydrant. When moving the machine, remove the telescopic pipe support, push in the telescopic connection and pipeline.

When moving the sprinkler, the operator monitors the curvature and lateral movement of the pipeline; if necessary, corrects the direction of movement, aligns the pipeline. The largest lateral movement that can be eliminated using a telescopic connection to a hydrant is 3 m. Rotation of the wheels on the pipeline can be detected by the appearance of light scratches on the pipe, which can be seen in the gap between the two wheel half-hubs.

Pipeline alignment operations are the most labor-intensive. Due to the loss of time for leveling, irrigation productivity is reduced by 10-12%, and the physical load on watering workers increases. The irrigation pipeline is bent under any agricultural conditions. As the soil of the irrigated area compacts, the curvature decreases.

If there is a large curvature, the pipeline is straightened in several passes. The wheels are rearranged manually or with a special lever, starting from the wheel closest to the drive trolley. During the first pass, a significant part of the internal stresses of the irrigation pipeline is removed. After the first trim, they return to the drive trolley and repeat the cycle. With another alignment option, if in one step it is impossible to move the wheel to the distance required to obtain straightness of the pipeline, after adjusting two or three sections, they return to the wheel and continue alignment. The pipeline is leveled through five to six positions, spending 35-40 minutes on this operation.

To partially change the direction of movement, two or three support wheels located on both sides of the drive trolley are manually moved forward and backward in the desired direction.

When watering, sprinklers should rotate evenly in a vertical position with a frequency of 1 revolution per 2-3 minutes, the drain valves should be closed. The operator should periodically check the water pressure in the pipeline.

If the wind speed is more than 5 m/s, additional brakes are used for the trolley and pipeline.

After watering, the hydrant is smoothly closed, the wing is disconnected from it and all the water is drained from the pipeline through the valves. After this, the sprinkler wing is rolled using a drive trolley to the next position, trimmed if necessary, attached to the hydrant and gradually opened.

Preparing for the work of the "Frigate". With proper preparation for work, the Fregat machine produces a given irrigation rate with an even distribution of the sediment layer over the irrigated area along the entire pipeline. To operate the machine effectively, it is necessary to use it in several positions depending on the zonal maximum irrigation rate, water it at night, and also reduce the duration of downtime for technical and organizational reasons.

Setting up sprinklers. At the beginning of each irrigation season, it is necessary to correctly position the sprinklers along the length of the pipeline and adjust them. If the machine is watering unevenly, then at least one of these conditions is likely not met. So, with a fully open tap in front of each device, the amount of water poured in the first third of the radius of the irrigated circle, counting from the fixed support, turns out to be 20-25% higher, and in the last third - the same amount lower than the specified irrigation norm. This means that up to 65% of the area is not watered in the required manner. In such cases, actual irrigation rates vary from cart to cart. As a result, yields are reduced both from abundant watering and from underwatering. Excess moisture causes waterlogging, salinization and soil erosion, and in areas with salt licks - slipping of the wheels of support carts. In addition, the uneven distribution of rain by Fregat machines does not allow determining the best timing of irrigation or the required irrigation rate, which leads to unsystematic irrigation.

When checking the correct placement of sprinklers and their settings, follow the factory instructions. Serial number The device is considered starting from the fixed support. After installation, it is important to check the compliance of the device type, nozzle diameter and operating pressure with the installation location. The device type and nozzle diameter are indicated on the parts. The working pressure is regulated by a coupling valve on the riser in front of the sprinkler and checked with a PPD device. The working pressure of the end apparatus is not regulated.

The devices are adjusted on a stationary machine. To do this, completely close the speed sensor valve, placing the handle in the “Closed” position, raise the wheel pushers, open the valves in front of all medium-jet devices and set the operating water pressure according to the machine’s pressure gauge, taking into account its modification.

The recommended sequence of control adjustment is from the fixed support to the console part. When checking, close the tap in front of the device, install and secure the clamp with the pitot tube of the device on a nozzle of a larger diameter, and then smoothly open the tap until the required pressure is established according to the device’s pressure gauge.

When adjusting subsequent (along the pipeline length) devices, the pressure in the stream of previous devices may change. Therefore, it is necessary to re-adjust all sprinklers.

After adjusting the medium jet devices, check the position of the switching clamps on the end sprinkler device to create an irrigation sector; the angle between them should be approximately 200° and distributed equally relative to the axis of the pipeline.

After checking the settings of the sprinklers, divider screws are inserted into the stream so as not to disturb the compactness of the stream and the rotation pattern of the device. The flight range after this should decrease by no more than 0.6 m.

To reduce the time spent on subsequent hydraulic adjustment of the devices, after completing the adjustment, it is necessary to make notches on each valve that fix the position of the coupling valve rod when it is optimally opened. During the irrigation period, the adjustments of the devices are not violated.

Selection of sprinkler nozzles

A nozzle is a device for producing artificial rain that does not have parts that move relative to each other.

A sprinkler is a device for producing artificial rain and distributing it over an irrigation area, including moving elements.

Sprinklers are divided into short-stream (radius of action 10 m), medium-stream (up to 35 m) and long-stream (over 35 m).

To create artificial rain, deflector (reflective) and jet nozzles are used. In deflector nozzles, a compact stream of water, flowing out of the hole at a certain speed, hitting the deflector or flowing around it, forms a thin film of water, which breaks up into individual droplets in the air. In jet nozzles, water from the nozzle opening, flowing at high speed into the atmosphere, encounters air resistance and gradually breaks up into droplets. The higher the speed of the jet, the better it is crushed into small drops.

The water consumption of nozzles and devices depends on the area of ​​the outlet of the nozzle, the water pressure, the shape of the hole and the method of supplying water to the nozzle or nozzle.

For deflector nozzles, the flow coefficient is 0.8-0.94; for slot devices - 0.68-0.75, and for jet devices - 0.94-0.99.

Deflector nozzles are installed on double-cantilever sprinkler machines of the DDA-YuOM, DCA-100MA types, on sprinkler systems when watering flower beds, lawns and plants located in greenhouses.

The best deflector is a cone at an angle of 120°, with its apex facing the center of the outlet.

The distance from the top of the cone to the plane of the hole is taken equal to the diameter, and the base of the cone is equal to two diameters of the outlet hole of the nozzle. The nozzles can be equipped with a movable cone-shaped deflector, which allows you to change the area of ​​the outlet and sector action with a spoon-shaped or flat deflector. The angle of inclination of the deflector plane and the horizontal plane is 30-38°. The radius of the circle irrigated by the nozzle depends on the diameter of the passage opening of the nozzle and the pressure in front of the nozzle hole.

The ratio of pressure H to diameter d must be within 200

Crevice nozzles are not widely used in practice. Their distribution of rain over the capture area is much worse than that of deflector nozzles. The slot cut is positioned at an angle of 30° to the horizontal plane. The angle of the slot in relation to the diameter of the pipe is made 60-120°, and the width of the slot is h = 37 mm.

The radius of the irrigated sector depends on the pressure H and the slot height h. The ratio must be within 2000

Centrifugal nozzles find practical application on sprinkler machines and installations for watering selection plots, public gardens, flower beds, etc. The body of the nozzle is shaped like a flat snail-shaped box, which in plan is similar to an Archimedean spiral.

The pipe is round, at the end it has a thread for attaching the nozzle to the riser, through which water is eccentrically supplied; a vortex movement occurs in the spiral housing. Through the hole in the upper part of the body, an annular flow is formed with an unfilled cylindrical space in the center; when released into the atmosphere, the flow forms a conical film of water, which, as it moves away from the nozzle hole, breaks up into droplets. Centrifugal nozzles do not have a deflector and are more reliable in operation. Their disadvantage is that precipitation is distributed not in a circle, but in an ellipse.

The water flow through the nozzle depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the nozzle, the coefficient, the design characteristics of the nozzle, the radius of action of the outflowing jet of the nozzle, the radius of the inlet pipe of the nozzle, the distance from the axis of the supply pipeline to the center of the nozzle of the nozzle.

The flight range of the jet depends on the ratio of the pressure in front of the nozzle H to the diameter of the jet at exit from the nozzle d. If there are elements in the barrel of the apparatus that disturb the flow, then the range of the jet is reduced.

When watering, sprinklers rotate around a vertical axis. At a rotation speed of 0.11 min -1, the flight range of the jet decreases by 5-15%, respectively.

The range of the jet and the shape of the irrigation area are affected by the wind. In calm weather, the shape of the irrigated area is a circle with radius R, and in windy weather it takes the shape of an ellipse, whose major axis a coincides with the wind direction and is equal to approximately 2R, the minor axis b decreases as the wind speed increases.

Intensive narrowing of the ellipse occurs at wind speeds of up to 33.5 m/s; a further increase in wind speed has little effect.

Determination of norms and timing of watering

Irrigation rate is the amount of water supplied per irrigation per hectare. The irrigation rate is set taking into account the capabilities and operating parameters of irrigation equipment. The lowest moisture capacity of the soil varies from 4 to 12% of the mass for sands and sandy loams, from 12 to 13% for light and medium-light loams, from 18 to 25% for medium loamy soils and from 25 to 30% of the mass for heavy loamy soils.

The irrigation regime for agricultural crops represents a set of watering and irrigation norms, the number and timing of watering. According to its purpose, the irrigation regime can be moisturizing and moisturizing-flushing.

The irrigation regime is developed for specific climatic, water management, soil-reclamation and organizational and technical conditions, taking into account the irrigation methods and irrigation techniques adopted in the project.

The operational regime of irrigation is drawn up for the planning and implementation of seasonal and operational (for one or two decades) water use plans, taking into account soil-reclamation, irrigation-technical and other changes that occurred during the operation of the irrigation system, as well as taking into account the weather expected in a given year conditions.

The basis for calculating irrigation regime indicators is the water balance equation. Balance calculations consist of comparing the amount of water required by agricultural plants for their normal growth and development with the natural water supply of irrigated areas (atmospheric precipitation and groundwater).

Recently, the bioclimatic method has become widely used to determine the total water requirements of agricultural crops. This method is based on the commonality between total water consumption and evaporation. The intraseasonal discrepancy between evaporation and total water consumption is corrected by biological coefficients.

Irrigation rate for the growing season is the amount of water supplied per hectare of irrigated area during the entire growing season. It is equal to the difference between the total water consumption of the crop and the natural moisture supply.

With heavy rainfall during the non-growing season, the active reserve of moisture in the soil by the beginning of the growing season can be 30-40% of the lowest moisture capacity for heavy and medium-sized soils and 40-50% for light-textured soils.

The capillary use of fresh groundwater when it is close to each other is determined from experimental data. Atmospheric precipitation of the growing season is taken into account completely; only those precipitations that, in the form of surface or deep runoff, go beyond the zone of active moisture exchange are excluded from the calculation.

The coefficient of use of vegetation precipitation varies from 0.5 to 1 in different natural zones. The irrigation norm can also be determined by summing up monthly or ten-day water consumption deficits.

When carrying out water management calculations, one should also take into account water losses directly on the field during irrigation, since in unfavorable conditions these losses can reach 30-35%.

The irrigation norm is the sum of irrigation norms that replenish the moisture deficit of the irrigated crop during the growing season, and in some cases, moisture-recharging irrigation may also be included. In the practice of irrigation reclamation, a distinction is made between design and operational irrigation regimes. The latter, in turn, is divided into the irrigation regime of the water use plan and the operational regime.

For most field crops (perennial grasses, cereal grains, corn, industrial crops), the depth of the zone of active moisture exchange by the end of the growing season reaches 0.9-1.1 m, while for pasture grass mixtures it is 0.5-0.6 m. and for vegetable plants - 0.3-0.5 m. At high groundwater levels and on thin soils, the tabulated irrigation rates are adjusted.

When irrigating by sprinkling, the irrigation rate is determined depending on the intensity of rain, the technological scheme of the machine (apparatus), the absorption capacity of the soil and the slope of the surface being irrigated. In contrast to surface irrigation, with high rain intensity and large slopes, the irrigation rate may be less on heavy soils and more on light-textured soils.

With mechanized irrigation, irrigation schedules are drawn up taking into account the technical and operational parameters of sprinkler and watering machines and installations. The seasonal load on one machine or installation is determined for the critical period of water consumption. Short-, medium- and long-range sprinklers of various designs are used to irrigate agricultural crops.

Irrigation quality indicators

The irrigation process performed by sprinklers, regardless of their design, includes operations for collecting water from a source, transporting it, crushing it into droplets and distributing it in the form of rain over the irrigated area.

The quantity and quality of sprinkling irrigation are determined by the characteristics of the rain generated by the machine, their compliance with agrotechnical requirements: rain intensity, droplet size, uniform distribution of rain over the irrigated field.

The intensity of rain is average and acceptable. Average intensity is the ratio of the average layer of precipitation that fell over a certain area during simultaneous irrigation to the time of its precipitation.

This parameter does not depend on the speed of the machine or the rotation of the device. It is determined by calculation or experiment. The average intensity is taken into account when selecting sprinkler equipment in accordance with the absorption capacity of the soil of the irrigated area and the permissible rain intensity.

The limit for the duration of sprinkling is considered to be the moment before the start of puddle formation or water runoff from the field surface. Almost up to this point, the rate of water absorption (permeability) into the soil is greater than or equal to the intensity of rain.

Water permeability is the ability of soil to absorb a certain amount of water per unit time. It is expressed in millimeters per 1 minute, per 1 hour, per 1 day.

During each irrigation and each irrigation season, the soil's absorption capacity continually decreases.

The permissible rain intensity is the intensity at which the given irrigation rate is supplied without the formation of puddles and water runoff. Its values ​​for heavy soils are 0.1-0.2 mm/min, medium soils are 0.2-0.3 and light soils are 0.5-0.6 mm/min.

Droplet size. This indicator of artificial rain affects the permissible intensity, water loss due to evaporation, power consumption, soil compaction, permissible irrigation rate before the onset of runoff, etc. So, with a droplet diameter of 1.0-1.5 mm and an intensity of 0.5 mm/min, the permissible irrigation rate is 130-700 m 3 /ha, and with a droplet diameter of more than 2.0 mm - only 50-190 m 3 /ha. Increasing the intensity to 1.0 mm/min reduces the permissible irrigation rate to 30-120 m 3 /ha (droplet diameter more than 2.0 mm).

With the free disintegration of the sprinkler jet, droplets of different sizes are formed. The higher the speed of the jet, the better it is crushed into small drops. As the diameter of the nozzle outlet increases, the average droplet diameter increases.

When the jet is forced to break up, droplets are formed that are significantly smaller in size than during free breakup.

According to agrotechnical requirements, the average diameter of raindrops should not exceed 1.5 mm. With such sprinkling, plants are not damaged, excess power is not wasted on spraying water, and water losses due to evaporation are reduced.

Uniformity of watering. The uniformity of precipitation distribution over an area is assessed using graphs of the distribution of the true precipitation layer for irrigation at a certain rain intensity. This indicator is characterized by the coefficients of effective and insufficient irrigation.

The effective irrigation coefficient shows what part of the area is watered with an intensity within the acceptable deviation limits of agricultural technology, i.e. ±25% of the average sprinkling intensity

The coefficient of insufficient watering shows what part of the irrigated area is moistened at a rate less than the lower permissible limit.

According to agrotechnical requirements, the coefficient of effective irrigation of the area, taking into account the overlap, should not be lower than 0.7, and the coefficient of insufficient watering should not exceed 0.15.

Lecture outline

1. Watering methods

2. Types of watering installations

  1. Watering methods

Based on the nature of water supply to plants in the irrigated area, two methods of irrigation are distinguished: surface and subsoil. Surface irrigation, in turn, is divided into: gravity, sprinkling, aerosol, drip.

Gravity irrigation used in gardens and parks with relatively flat terrain and is carried out by supplying water to the plants through special furrows, strips, channels, etc. At landscaping sites, gravity irrigation is used and water is supplied to tree trunk holes. The amount of water required to maintain optimal humidity per 1 m 2 hole area is called watering norm(Table 8.10). The irrigation rate is calculated using the following formula:


Where A- irrigation water norm per 1 m2 area, m3;

B - maximum field moisture capacity in % of soil volume, %;

IN- optimal soil moisture for plants in % of the maximum field moisture capacity, %;

G- soil moisture from the maximum field moisture capacity,%;

D - depth of the wetted layer, m.

Depth and area of ​​soil moisture depending on location

Tree planting

Sprinkling - a technique that allows you to easily regulate the rate and depth of soil wetting and supply water frequently and in small quantities. Water intake for sprinkling can be done from open or closed canals, reservoirs, city water supply systems, followed by spraying with sprinkler machines and installations.

Aerosol (fine) watering - a technique used mainly when growing planting material in ornamental nurseries under film in greenhouses. It is based on covering plants with fog, when drops of water, deposited on the leaves of plants, do not roll off, but remain on them until they are completely absorbed by plant tissues.

Drip irrigation- a technique that consists of supplying water to the root system of plants in small doses through special pinholes using special automatic installations. The advantage is, first of all, significant savings in water consumption supplied to the root system of the tree, maintaining the soil moist. Row plantings on streets and highways make it easier to care for the plantings. However, such irrigation places increased demands on water purification.

Root watering consists of supplying water directly to the root system of the tree. This method is carried out using hydraulic drills, injectors and individual care systems for plantings located in difficult environmental conditions. Such devices provide strictly dosed irrigation rates, virtually eliminating the formation of crust on the soil surface, prevent the formation of uncomfortable zones on pedestrian roadways during irrigation, and can be used for applying liquid mineral fertilizers and aeration.

According to the method of supplying water to the irrigation area, irrigation can be: manual, mechanized, automated.

Manual watering of plantings is carried out from hoses directed from watering machines over the surface of planting areas of trees and shrubs. Can only be used in cramped conditions. The use of watering and washing machines is rational in areas that do not have irrigation networks.

  1. Types of watering installations

Mechanized irrigation in gardens, parks, squares and boulevards requires the installation of a technical water supply system, the laying of special routes and the installation of pumping structures. For watering small areas of lawns, it is recommended to use short-stream sprinklers with nozzles and a spray radius of 3...5 m.

To irrigate lawns, flower beds and plantings located directly along the banks, reservoirs, especially on slopes and dams, it is advisable to use long-range sprinkler systems DDN-45, DDN-50, DDN-70, etc., located on floating craft (boats, pontoons and etc.) In this case, there is no need to lay a technical water pipeline along the coast. For watering areas in the shape of a circle or oval, cantilever watering carousels are recommended, which can be installed at large traffic intersections, large flower beds in gardens and parks.

According to the method of movement, sprinkler systems are divided into: stationary, semi-stationary And mobile.

Stationary installations allow, as a rule, to fully automate the irrigation process, since sprinklers are installed for the entire irrigation season. Such installations are usually powered by a single device (a pump that takes water from a nearby reservoir, a water main, etc.). The disadvantage of stationary installations is their low utilization rate over time. The number of installations depends on their productivity, the distance of the water jet, and the size of the irrigated area.

Mobile units more maneuverable, but require specially assigned personnel to service them.

Semi-permanent installations usually carried out in the form of mobile semi-automatic units for hose irrigation.

Based on the type of sprinklers (nozzles), sprinkler systems are divided into fan And jet.

Fan nozzles form a stream of water in the form of a thin film that breaks down into fine droplets. The nozzles have a short range of action (up to 10m), which is important in small areas. At the irrigated site, the nozzles are installed motionless. Fan nozzles include slot nozzles (Fig. 8.48, A), deflector (Fig. 8.48, b), centrifugal (Fig. 8.48, V).

Rice. 8.48. Types of sprinkler heads: a- slotted; b- deflector; V- centrifugal: 1- slot cutout, 2- deflector plate

Jet nozzles create a directed flow of liquid in the form of an asymmetric jet. At the moment of watering, the nozzles rotate around a vertical axis, irrigating the entire area adjacent to the installation, depending on the corresponding spray radius. Nozzles are divided into short jet with a radius of action up to 20 m, medium jet with a radius of up to 30 m and long jet with a radius of more than 40 m.

The water supply system to sprinkler machines and installations includes the following elements: water sources, a pumping station, pipelines or supply channels and an irrigation network in the treated area.

There are open, closed and combined water supply systems.

IN open system Water enters the site through main, distribution and local canals. With surface irrigation, water flows into irrigation furrows, strips or checks by gravity.

Closed system formed by a network of permanent or temporary pipelines laid from the pumping station to the site, as well as on the site itself. When installing stationary irrigation networks, pipes are laid: on special racks at a height of 20 to 70 cm; directly on the soil surface, below possible digging of the soil - at a depth of 20...35 cm; below the ground freezing level. Temporary pipelines (for one watering season) are placed on the soil surface.

Combined system includes both open channels and a network of pipelines.

The main elements of a sprinkler installation are: pump, pipeline network, sprinkler nozzles, supporting structures, engine. Sprinkler nozzles are designed to produce artificial rain and are made in the form of special elements (wings, fire nozzles, etc.). The rotation of the nozzles is carried out under the influence of a water jet. For this purpose, mechanical turning systems (“rainbow”, “rosa”, etc.) or deflectors (sk-16) can also be used.

The sk-16 sprinkler system (Fig. 8.49) is designed for work on urban lawns; radius of action is 10 m. The jet nozzle, fixedly mounted on a tripod, rotates under the action of the reactive force that occurs when part of the jet ejected from the nozzle hits the deflector plate. Depending on the installation angle of the nozzle deflector, it can rotate up to 60 revolutions per minute around its axis. The distribution of water over the surface is determined by two positions: watering is carried out by one or several installations simultaneously. In the first case, it is desirable to have a sprinkler that would allow uniform irrigation of the entire operational area of ​​the installation. In the second case, a uniform distribution of precipitation is undesirable, since waterlogging of the soil will be observed in the overlap zone of two adjacent installations. Therefore, in this area it is beneficial to reduce the intensity of water supply. The design of the SK-16 sprinkler system allows you to change the intensity of moisture in the irrigation zone.

8.49. Sprinkler installation sk-p1 - supply hose; 2-tripod

Tripod; 3 - deflector plate; 4- jet of water; 5 - jet nozzle

At landscaping sites, sprinkler nozzles with a deflector rigidly fixed relative to the stream are used. Special irrigation machines are used to water lawns, trees, shrubs, and flower crops in parks, squares, boulevards and city streets. Such machines can also be used to clean asphalt paths and areas from dust and dirt. The most widespread are watering trailers for tractors and special vehicles on automobile chassis.

The usb-25pm watering trailer (Fig. 8.50) is included in the set of replaceable working units of the usb-25 universal machine for maintaining squares and boulevards. It is intended for watering green spaces, washing and watering road surfaces, as well as feeding the root systems of trees and shrubs. In the latter case, special solutions are used. The modernized T-25a tractor is used as the base machine. The tractor is equipped with a number of additional components and mechanisms. The watering trailer is a tank with a capacity of 2000 liters, mounted on a single-axle chassis. The chassis is equipped with a braking system. To suck in water when filling the tank with water from reservoirs, as well as to pump liquid into the pipeline system during working operations, a gearbox with a pump is mounted on the trailer.

Rice. 8.50. Watering trailer usb-25pm: 1 - tractor; 2 - tank; 3 - nozzles (nozzle)

The gearbox is driven by a cardan shaft from the power take-off shaft of the tractor. The water system pipeline is equipped with taps and connecting pipes. Nozzles are installed for washing and watering. You can also water with a pressure hose connected to one of the nozzles; the same nozzle is connected to a distributor of hydraulic drills, which are necessary when feeding plants with a special solution. The nozzles through which the water spills are located behind the driver - on the trailer. You can regulate the water flow from the nozzle during watering and washing using replaceable gaskets that change the size of the nozzle slot. To water green areas, you can turn on both the front and rear nozzles, and watering is done from the left and right sides of the trailer.

The Ko-705pm single-nozzle trailer with watering equipment mounted on a special chassis and connected to a T-40a tractor works similarly.

Of the watering machines installed on a car chassis, the most widely used are the p m -130 on the chassis of the ZIL -130 car and the AKPM-3 and KPM-64 machines on the same chassis. The use of a hydraulic drill system allows three operations to be carried out simultaneously - irrigation, fertilizing and aeration. In this case, water, aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants are evenly distributed at a given depth directly in the zone where the bulk of the roots occur.

For irrigation, you can use the Krona-130 and Krona-1r machines.

Machine "krona-130" for intrasoil nutrition, irrigation and aeration of tree plantations, it is made on the basis of a commercially produced industrial watering machine PM-130b (Fig. 8.51). A load-bearing beam is installed on the side members, on which a hydraulic manipulator is mounted, similar to the boom of a small excavator. An injection manifold equipped with four injectors is installed on the manipulator. The manipulator is controlled from the driver's cabin. Moving along the roadway, the car stops at a tree at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the tree trunk area, covered with standard gratings. The driver, using a manipulator, installs the injection manifold on the near-barrel platform, while all injectors must be located at specified points on the platform. A special feature of the machine is the ability to carry out work without removing the tree trunk protective grilles. When they hit their ribs, the injectors, thanks to automatic devices, slide off them and continue moving down until they come into contact with the soil. After installing the injectors, the centrifugal vortex pump is turned on, and the liquid from the injectors under a pressure of 20-10 5 pa creates channels 50 cm deep in the soil within a few microseconds.

Rice. 8.51. Injection machines:

A - “krona-130”: 1- spars, 2 - supporting beam, 3- hydraulic manipulator4- injection manifold, 5 - injectors; 6- “crown-ip”

After this, the pressure automatically decreases to 3-10 s pa and a smooth injection of liquid (water or nutrient solution) occurs through the canal into the root zone. The process lasts for 30 s, after which the injectors are installed in

Initial position and the machine moves to the next tree. The machine's productivity when working on streets and avenues is 250...300 trees per shift. The composition of nutrient solutions, injection depth and dose are determined depending on the type and age of trees, as well as taking into account data from agrotechnical soil analyses.

The Krona-1r root plant feeder works similarly to the Krona-130 machine, but is mounted on T-25, T-40, MTZ-82 tractors. This makes it possible to provide care for trees located both along roadways and in the internal spaces of landscaping objects. The machine has a tank with a capacity of 1,200 liters. Injection depth is up to 50 cm, injection dose is up to 100 liters per tree, productivity is up to 140 trees per shift. The Krona-ip machine can be used for washing tree crowns, foliar feeding, and to combat pests and plant diseases.


1.1. These instructions are intended for tractor drivers, drivers of sprinkler machines and pumping stations, as well as workers performing manual watering of agricultural crops.

1.2.-1 5. Turn on pp. 1.2.-1.5. instructions No. 300.

1.6. Tractor drivers engaged in all types of mechanized work during irrigation, in addition to the requirements of this instruction, must comply with the requirements of instruction No. 300.

1.7. Persons who have reached 18 years of age and have a certificate for the right to service a sprinkler machine, pumping station and a certificate of testing knowledge of the rules for operating consumer electrical installations (5th edition) and safety rules for operating consumer electrical installations are allowed to work on sprinkler machines and pumping stations.

1.8. Persons over 18 years of age who have mastered the techniques of safe work performance are allowed to water by hand

1.9. Newly hired graduates of vocational schools and vocational schools, as well as persons who have had a break in work in this profession for more than one year, must undergo an internship in servicing sprinkler machines and pumping stations - at least 5 shifts; when watering manually - 2 shifts.

1.10 -1.20. Turn on p.p. 1.6-1.16. instructions No. 300.

1.21 Dangerous conditions:

Insulation failure;

Lack of grounding (grounding) of the housings of electrified machines and equipment;

Structures (containers) operating under pressure.

1.22. Dangerous actions:

Working at height without a safety belt;

working in wells without PPE.

1.23. Drivers of electrified sprinkler machines and pumping stations in cotton suits with water-repellent impregnation (men - GOST 12 4.109, women - GOST 12.4.108), rubber gloves (TU 38-106243), safety glasses (GOST 12.4. 013), dielectric rubber gloves (TU 38-106359), dielectric galoshes (GOST 13385); workers engaged in manual watering, wearing rubber boots (GOST 5375), combined mittens (GOST 12.4.010); in water, use a life belt (TU 17 RSFSR 16-4662).

hose gas mask PSh-1 (TU 6-16-2053) or PSh-2 (TU 6-16-2054), safety rope (GOST 1868), tested to break with a force of at least 225 kgf, length 3 m greater than the depth of the container with nodes located one from another at a distance of 0.5 m; When performing repair and maintenance work at height, use safety belts (TU 36-2103)

1.24. Refuel the engines of pumping stations mechanically, mainly during daylight hours, with the engine turned off.

11.25. Fuel and lubricants are stored in specially designated places, in closed containers, on which there must be inscriptions indicating the materials and their purpose.

Do not store fuels and lubricants in the immediate vicinity of the pumping station.

Store cleaning materials in special metal containers with lids.

Do not allow fuel to leak in tanks, fuel lines and their connections.

Do not transport or move the pumping station with the engine running.

Do not work in protective clothing soaked in fuel or lubricants.

1.30.-1.35. Turn on p.p. 1.17 -1.22. instructions No. 300.


2.1.- 2.3. Turn on p.p. 2.1.-2.3. instructions No. 300.

2.4.Check the availability, serviceability and completeness of tools and accessories on sprinkler machines and stations; fire extinguishing equipment, chemical foam or air foam extinguisher, for electrified vehicles - carbon dioxide, shovels, a box of sand, a first aid kit.

Inspect the sprinkler, make sure it is in full working order, the pipeline connections are tight at operating water pressure, the presence, serviceability and reliability of fastening of fences and protective covers. Check the operation of the sprinklers and the operation of the drain valves on the water supply belt

On electrified sprinklers, check the mounting of the gearmotors and wheel drives on the carts.

2 7. Check the protection of electric motors and generators of electrified sprinklers from direct moisture, and make sure that all electrical equipment is working properly.

2.8. Check the synchronism of starting and stopping electric motors, the operation of the alarm system, and the operation of protective shutdown devices.

2.9 Inspect the pressure gauge, voltmeter and ammeter. Make sure they are in good working order. The devices must have a seal or stamp with the date of inspection (at least once a year), the glass must be intact. The pressure gauge scale should have a red line or a red metal plate soldered to the body, indicating the permitted pressure. The pressure gauge needle should return to the zero position when the internal cavity of the device communicates with the atmosphere.

2.10. Test the operation of the manual winch of the mechanism for raising and lowering the suction device. Make sure the winch brake is working properly.

Check and adjust the cables on the sprinkler after wearing a protective helmet and a safety belt. Climb the sprinkler farm using a portable ladder. Start work after attaching the belt to the machine truss.

Before disconnecting hydraulic lines or hoses, lower the machine truss to the ground. Do not tighten the fastenings of the hydraulic systems of trusses that are in working position. Do not walk on the truss rods or stand under the truss when it is raised into working position.

When working with sprinklers and units mounted on a tractor, check the tightness of the tractor cabin and the operation of all control and measuring instruments

Check the presence of a casing on the cardan drive, the clear operation of the winch pawls, the correct position of their relative to the ratchet, the operability of the winch, and the operation of the switching devices.

2.15. Before starting to operate mobile pumping stations, check that the pumping station is installed correctly and adjust the horizontal position of the pumping station frame using the adjusting screws of the fixed supports.

2 16. Install the pumping station at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the water source.

2 17. To prevent the station from tipping over or spontaneously moving, install the suction pipe on a support, and put stops under the wheels of the skids.

2.18-2.50. Include section 2 of instruction no. 300.

2.51. At mobile pumping stations, check the operation of the stop device by turning on the "Voltage" toggle switch; when the engine of the pumping stations is running, the stop device should be activated when the 1cm water temperature at the engine outlet rises above 95 ± 3 C, when the oil pressure in the engine lubrication system drops below 0, 2 ± 0.025 mPa, with a drop in water pressure in the pump discharge pipe of 0.04 ± 0.025 mPa.

When carrying out maintenance and troubleshooting, place a prohibitory sign on the control panel: “Do not turn on - people are working!”

Monitor the absence of voltage at the terminals and live parts while wearing personal protective equipment using basic insulating protective equipment: dielectric gloves, tools with insulated handles, stamped with the test date.

When sprinklers operate around the clock, change shifts during daylight hours.

2.55 When handing over a shift, warn the shift worker about any malfunctions noticed in the operation of the machines.

2.56. Before transporting machines to the watering site, inspect the route and make sure it is safe.

Inspect the area to be watered. Before moving double-cantilever and long-range sprinklers, plan the road along the sprinkler and place milestones in especially dangerous places

Check the effectiveness of the light alarm signaling the straightness of the sprinkler machines, and ensure that the water intake and pumping station are well illuminated.

2.59.Obtain a hand tool and make sure it is in good working order. The shovel or hoe must be firmly seated on the handle and secured against slipping. The surface of the handle must be smooth without burrs or cracks. The blade of the tool must be sharpened and sheathed.

2 60-2 62. Turn on p.p. 2.4.-2.6 instructions No. 300.