Individual English lessons. Individual English lessons English classes for beginners

Learning has become a truly exciting process for me.

It seems to me that the main thing I received during one course of study here was motivation to learn the language. Before studying at this center, I thought it was difficult and boring.

Gayane showed me that phrasal verbs and idioms are not a punishment and complication of an already complex foreign language, but what makes the English language alive and interesting.

Thanks to Gayana, her help, her individual approach to each of us, the fact that she took into account our difficulties and offered different solutions and ways out of them, I began to understand spoken English and stopped being afraid to speak myself.

From a person who speaks absolutely no English, in 4 months I became someone who can carry on a conversation. And learning the language has become a part of my life.


Everything is fine! the absence of Russian in classes is cool. didn't expect

The balance of humor and work in lessons is at an optimal level - classes are both interesting and productive.


I am very pleased with our teacher and recommend her to everyone.

Denis is a very qualified teacher. Always friendly, punctual, attentive to every student in our group.

The classes are interesting and informative. My goal was to remember forgotten knowledge and gain new ones. We are gradually moving towards the goal together with Denis.


My teacher is Cliff and I am very glad that I got into his group!

The fear of live communication has passed, in the group we often communicate on different topics and at the same time expand our vocabulary. The teacher also spends time on grammar; it is not boring and is supported by a huge number of examples.

If something is not clear, I always get a detailed answer to my question. Clif is a very sympathetic person with positive energy, so in the group we have a very warm relationship with each other.

After work, I go to English with great pleasure, because I always get a new portion of words, knowledge and good mood :) Thank you very much!


Clif is a man who inspires.

I remember how worried I was when I first joined the new group. But they rightly say that a good teacher is, first of all, a good psychologist who feels your fears and opens you up, motivates you to work on yourself!

After a hard day at work, English becomes an outlet. In addition to the fact that Clif is a very versatile and interesting person (with whom you can talk about millions of topics), he approaches the work process very responsibly: we have time to take grammar, new words and talk (which is very important for overcoming the language barrier).

Our lessons have a very sincere atmosphere in which you are not afraid to speak in front of the public, to speak (even with mistakes), and it is very important for him that absolutely everyone understands the new topic.

As he says, the most rewarding thing about his job is seeing people grow before his eyes!

p.s. Our Clif group is a group of friends who watch films in English and discuss them, it’s a thousand stories from life, billions of jokes, going to movies in English, and finally, it’s a group with coconut candies during breaks. I just love these guys so much)


I’ve been learning the language from Emily for ten months now.

Each new lesson with Emily is different from the previous one. It is clear that Emily carefully prepares and approaches each lesson creatively.

Emily conducts some classes in the form of a conversation club, others in the form of an educational game or quiz, others in the form of video listening followed by discussion, in others the focus may be on studying grammar, etc.

Emily tries to organize lessons so that learning English is fun, exciting, intriguing, but not boring. Emily's classes are held in a positive manner; the students in our group do not get tired, but, on the contrary, receive a boost of energy. We come to courses tired after work, we leave really intense classes as if we had rest =)

Emily is certainly talented as a teacher. During class, she pays attention to each student. You can’t just “sit back” - Emily involves everyone in the work, whether you want it or not, you have to work.

We regularly write essays on various topics to supplement homework. At the next lesson we listen to and discuss our essays. I can trace my progress in English, among other things, from these essays: how simple they were at the beginning of my studies and how comprehensive they became in less than a year of study.

Business partners began to notice my progress in both spoken and written English. Which is good news =)

Thanks Emily!


Ace is convenient in terms of time, a high level of training, and an opportunity to communicate with native speakers.

I began to understand spoken language better. My knowledge of grammar has been streamlined. The most difficult topic is “Indirect Speech”. The teacher’s explanations and my own studies helped me.

Most useful:

  1. Writing thematic essays.
  2. Discussion of various topics during classes.
  3. Listen to various fragments on topics.

The teacher is active, knowledgeable, emotional. Classes are held in an active, rich format


Knows his subject impeccably, organizes lessons rationally depending on the level of development and interests of students

A teacher is a calling. Teachers are not born, they are made. And this can fully be attributed to Stanislav. He knows his subject impeccably and rationally builds lessons depending on the level of development and interests of the students.

Uses various teaching methods, visual aids, game forms, draws parallels with music/musicians. He is kind to students, but at the same time demanding. His ability to choose an approach to each person is worthy of praise. He knows how to convey the value of the English language to the student, “ignite” each student, involve him in learning the language headlong, and lead him.

And, of course, motivate and “charge” for results. Has an unconventional approach to presenting information. He often dilutes the lessons and constantly gives information in a different way (diversified), which helps you to love the language even more. Stanislav is a creative person, so in his lessons he strives to develop the creative abilities of his students. A responsible teacher who is very dedicated to his work.


Design engineer

Learning goes far beyond the classroom and continues through communication at the various events that fill every week.

I chose from seven different schools, attended an interview and a trial lesson in each. I chose ACE because... I liked the well-designed format + convenient location. Training takes place in a friendly environment. Every person in the group is interesting to talk to and you are likely to learn something new.


Presentation of material at a high level. the main emphasis was on conversation. for each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English

I came to school with a Beginner level, but I started studying very quickly and easily.

For each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English, which later helped a lot in real life when traveling, watching movies, translating songs, etc. , since it is a “living” language.

The school has a wonderful atmosphere. I always came to class with joy and, in addition to excellent knowledge, received a charge of good mood. The school team is professionals. They will always help if you have questions. I highly recommend this school!!!

English tutor.

Education: ZBTHS High School, Illinois, USA (1995-1996)
Bashkir State University, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology, Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, qualification – philologist, specialty – philology, teacher (2005).
CELTA Communication Teaching, Cambridge University (2016).
Training in the methodology and specifics of individual lessons Teaching 1-2-1, International House (2016).
Advanced training course “Formation of approaches to teaching English”, University of Oregon (2015).
Methodological courses from the compilers of exams in preparation for the Unified State Exam, FCE (2015), IELTS (2015, 2016), CAE, TOEFL (2016).
Independent diagnostics in the Unified State Examination format in English (written and oral parts), result – 100 points, expert level, Moscow Center for Education, Moscow Department of Education (2018).
Teaching methods: TKT Modules 1-3, KAL, CLIL (highest score, 2016); TESOL, Arizona State University (2017);
IELTS 8.5 (2015);
CAE Grade A (2017).
Training for expert teachers on preparation for IELTS, with Lindsay Warwick, Norwich Institute of Language Education (Moscow, 2019).
Member of the Cambridge English Teacher Association.
Proficiency in English at the native level (Proficiency, C2).
An officially registered tutor is an individual entrepreneur.
Tutoring experience - since 2001.
Winner of special professional awards and participant in webinars of the “Your Tutor” company.
Education documents.

Classes from September 2019.
Help with school curriculum, learning or remembering a language for travel.
Comprehensive preparation for exams IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, PET, CAE, OGE, Unified State Exam (all levels - from beginner to advanced)
Removing the language barrier: “I understand everything, I can’t say it,” as well as “remember what we went through at school” and “I can speak it, but I want it without mistakes.”
Preparation for certain aspects of exams (Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading).

Certification in English passed.

District: Novokosino. Departure: Center, South-East, South-West, South, North-West, West, North, East, MCC: East, North-East.

Plus: distance learning; English for graduate students; professional consultations for aspiring teachers on communicative methods, preparation for international and school exams, consultation on the preparation of curricula and on the organization of the educational process during individual training; preparation for entrance exams to master's programs and for passing the candidate minimum.

English language: 3000-3333 rub. / h

Unified State Exam in English: 3000-3333 rubles. / h

Unified State Exam: 3000-3333 rub. / h

Lesson duration: 90 min.

Individual lessons are the most convenient and effective format for learning English. An English course with a tutor is suitable for those who have limited time and cannot study English in groups.

Individual English classes in Moscow

The new generation English language center “English World” offers you to study English individually at the best prices in Moscow !

If you have never studied a language before, we suggest you familiarize yourself with it.

Benefits of individual training:

    • Flexible class schedule (morning, afternoon or evening)
    • Individual approach and personal curriculum
    • Constant progress monitoring
    • Tutor visiting your home or office
    • Wide range of study programs: , , , preparation for international exams, special courses
    • Opportunity for ultra-intensive training

Sign up for individual English language training in Moscow Novoslobodskaya metro station

Determine your level of English proficiency on our website ()! After the online testing, call us at the center so that we can set up a meeting with your academic advisor. We will help you create a detailed training plan, focusing on your goals and objectives. By studying individually with a teacher, you can minimize the time it takes to learn English and achieve all the desired results!

We offer individual English lessons both in our office (or at a selected site) and at your home (with an on-site teacher).

We teach English to adults and children. It is very important for us that you are as motivated and motivated as possible, since learning any foreign language requires attention, perseverance and patience.

Individual English language training is provided in all programs of the English World center: (business English), English for children, preparation for the State Examination/Unified State Examination, preparation for the Cambridge exams, as well as special courses. We will select a training program that is right for you after we determine your level and know your goals and objectives.

Cost of individual English language training

We offer you to study English individually at the lowest price in Moscow - only ! A flexible system of discounts will help you save: the larger your initial one-time payment, the less you pay for each lesson. You can view current promotions and offers.

On the territory of the centerDeparture to your home or office

1 ac. hour= RUB 1,050; 16 ak. hours= 16 800 RUB 15,960- price from discount!

1 ac. hour= RUB 1,350;16 ak. hours= 21 600 RUB 20,520- price from discount!

If you want to study English together with a friend or in a married couple, then we offer you additional discount for individual training!

  • First of all, you need to remember that teaching a foreign language should always be presented in an easy and interesting way. Language is a constantly changing, living and mobile structure, and without a certain freedom and emancipation a person will never speak another language. Your task in teaching with children is to lay a solid and correct foundation for the child, so that in the future he will want to study the language further, as an adult. To do this, you yourself need to have a creative approach to your business and pass on your interest to your child.
  • To make lessons interesting and productive, you need to present any topic, even the most difficult one, in a playful and visual form. To do this, you can use all sorts of ways: training videos, presentations, games. You can take ready-made ones or come up with your own. The most convenient way to learn vocabulary is to use flashcards. You can also buy them ready-made in a bookstore or on the Internet, print them on a color or black-and-white printer, or draw them yourself. Only, if you print cards on a black and white printer, be sure to color them, so the effect of learning words will be much greater.
  • It is also important to remember that any material after explanation needs to be consolidated and practiced. If you give your child a new rule, be sure to provide examples of how it can be used in real life. To do this, you can use small listening exercises, dialogues, and short simple videos. It all depends on the student’s level of knowledge. With preschoolers and schoolchildren, I advise taking short videos, like Super Simple songs, through which the child will be able to remember simple words and phrases. For older children, you can take educational series, for example, the Headway video series. They come along with textbooks, where assignments are given for each lesson. Tutorials and videos are divided into levels. The Beginner level is suitable for children; in the future you can try other, more complex levels.
  • In order not to discourage your child from learning a language, never threaten him that you will complain to his parents if he has not completed some task or performed it poorly. Better try to understand why the child failed to complete the task you gave him. Analyze the topic again, ask the child to give examples himself so that you can see that he understands the material. If you realize that the child was simply lazy and therefore did not complete the task, be more cunning, give him some creative task in class, where he could show his imagination and at the same time repeat the rule, so that he sees that learning can be interesting, and does not consist only of boring grammar exercises. Motivate your child - tell him what opportunities he will have if he learns English: he will be able to travel around the world, find an interesting good job, etc. He himself must have a desire to learn the language, then everything will work out.
  • Of course, learning cannot consist only of games and videos. You have to do exercises, read texts, and make translations. But, if you see that the child is already tired, switch his attention a little, give him a task of a different plan, for example, after a grammar exercise, let him do a listening exercise. Or promise him that if he does a good job today, you will show him a short, interesting video at the end of class. Don't forget to praise him, but not in advance, but when he really deserves it.

Friends! I wrote these English lessons for those who want to learn to speak English. This is a kind of online tutorial for beginners. With its help, you will learn how to put words into sentences and learn about 500 common words and expressions.


Who is this textbook for?

Firstly, for beginners, but not for absolutely zero level. You are expected to:

  • know ;
  • you can use words like: go, stop, car, name.

Don't worry about unfamiliar words - in the lessons the words are given with translation.

Secondly, for those who speak English at an intermediate level, but are still struggling when it comes to putting words together into a sentence. You know the words, tenses, etc., but sentence patterns are chaotically piled up in your head? Take this course to get your conversational grammar arsenal in order.

Textbook objectives

The main purpose of the textbook is to help you learn put words into sentences. I myself had the same problem: I knew the words, but I couldn’t put them into a sentence. And it is impossible to communicate without this, because we speak not in words, but in sentences.

Each lesson (with rare exceptions) is a speech pattern plus its variations. There are not many basic “blueprints” of sentences; I chose those that you absolutely must master to communicate in English. In other words, this is a textbook conversational grammar– that part of the grammar that is needed in everyday speech, plus a minimum of vocabulary.

After completing all the lessons, completing all the exercises and assignments, you will learn to construct sentences using the patterns necessary for oral communication.

What will you NOT learn with this tutorial?

1. The textbook is not a tool for preparing for the Unified State Exam or any other exam. Words and colloquial expressions are given in the textbook in a small volume. They are discussed in more detail on this website in the section.

2. It is important to understand that neither this nor any other textbook can replace real people. Theory is important, but without practice you will only have knowledge(I I know, how to tell how I'm doing), but it won't skills(I Can tell me how I'm doing).

How do these lessons differ from the Grammar section?

Section is directory on various topics. For example, if you want to remember/learn something about Present Simple time, you open a directory article. The textbook is well, where the material is given sequentially, from simple to complex, lesson by lesson.

How is the textbook structured?

I proceed from the fact that all sentences can be divided into four large groups - they correspond to the four parts of the textbook.

Part 1. Sentences with the verb to be (to be, to be) at the base, for example:

My cat is kind. – My cat is kind ( is kind).

Part 2. Sentences based on a verb expressing an action or state:

My cat bites.– My cat bites.

Part 3. Sentences based on two verbs that form a single semantic whole:

My cat can sneak. – My cat knows how to sneak.

Part 4. Complex sentences consisting of two simple ones:

(1) My cat can sneak, (2) but mice feel it. “My cat can sneak, but mice can sense her.”

How to use this tutorial?

Part 1. Sentence with the most necessary word in English

Chapter 1. Sentences with the verb to be and an adjective

Chapter 2. Sentences with the verb to be and a noun