Territorial network organization. Territorial network organization Activities of the network organization

Territorial network organization is a commercial structure that provides electricity transmission services together with the use of equipment and devices belonging to the electrical grid. Criteria for territorial network organizations assume that they can only include those networks that do not belong to the all-Russian national ones.

List of territorial network organizations should not contain objects that are under government control. Thus, the creation of the concept itself TSO involves commercial use of networks.

Criteria for classification as territorial network organizations

There are several main points that distinguish the characteristics of an enterprise so that it can be identified as a network organization. The total power of the network plays a role, since this includes only those companies whose total power of power transformers installed at subordinate facilities must be above 10 MVA. But there is an exception here. If we are talking about isolated systems, then this criterion is not taken into account.

Power transformers must be owned by a legal entity (other legal grounds of ownership are also taken into account). The supply of electrical energy from these transformers should only go to facilities located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Signs of a territorial network organization They also include the criterion of owning power lines, which provide current at several voltage levels. This applies to both overhead power lines and standard cable lines. The only exceptions are isolated systems, as in the above case.

At the same time, a number of requirements are put forward for power lines:

* high voltage must be maintained from 110 kV or more;

* low network voltage should not exceed 1 kV;

* used only for facilities whose activities are located within the administrative borders of our country;

* the lines must be owned by a legal entity that meets the criteria.

When it comes to rentals, the tenure period should always be no less than the estimated regulation period. Otherwise, the company will not be able to provide services.

The next criterion is the absence of three recorded cases of application of reducing tariffs to regulate the company’s work over the last three terms. Territorial network organizations may not receive such status if they benefit from reduced tariffs for three consecutive regulatory periods. There should be no special conditions for adjusting prices for services provided for a long-term period. In other words, feed-in tariffs should not constantly support the organization's activities.

It is necessary to exclude the presence of unreliable data in reports on the organization’s work. All information that relates to the calculation of actual values ​​for the quality of services provided, network parameters and other things must be accurate. If an organization does not provide all the data, then it also cannot enter register of territorial network organizations.

The criterion for starting official activities is the presence of a dedicated telephone line so that subscribers can contact about the provision of services. It is also necessary to have an official website with the information necessary for clients. For example, territorial organization of FKP Scientific Research Center of RKP meets all necessary requirements.

If a company does not meet the above set of criteria, then it may leave list of territorial network organizations.

Additional reasons for exclusion

Economic disputes often arise to exclude a company from the register. Using real examples, you can see the following types of proceedings:

* disputes regarding the fulfillment of obligations under concluded agreements with the company;

* consumers with the company providing the service (this especially applies to the amount of tariffs, which may change over time or do not comply with legal norms);

* in connection with applications of the organization itself to regulatory authorities regarding accession according to an individual project, submitted even before the company was transferred to another status;

* if the regulatory body refuses to revise service tariffs for the company for a further period (especially if they do not comply with government standards).

Association "Non-profit partnership of territorial network organizations" includes a list of companies that meet the required criteria. But if difficulties arise during work and anyone loses his status due to disputes or other reasons, then he will be expelled from the association.

Another method of reducing electricity costs for consumers of legal entities who have power lines or transformer substations on their balance sheet is to obtain a tariff for the transmission of electricity through their electrical networks. Mostly such facilities are owned by industrial consumers. Thus, after receiving a tariff for electricity transmission, the cost of electricity for legal entities will decrease. How to calculate the tariff for electricity transmission and what electric energy transmission services are in general will be discussed in this article.

Why might this be relevant to consumers?

Because many large consumers who have electric grid facilities on their balance sheet (power lines, transformer substations) from which not only the consumer himself is powered, but also facilities of other owners (so-called sub-subscribers). It turns out that electricity transmission services are provided by the owner; moreover, he is obliged to maintain these power grid facilities in proper condition, and they will be used not only by the specified owner, but also by the subsubscribers connected to them. Thus, electricity for enterprises that have power lines on their balance sheet will be more expensive than electricity for enterprises that do not have a power grid. At the same time, in accordance with clause 5 of the “Rules of non-discriminatory access to electricity transmission services”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861, the owner of electric grid facilities does not have the right to impede the flow of electricity through its networks and demand payment for this. Also, the owner of power lines and transformer substation must pay for electricity losses that occur in network elements.

A reasonable question arises: who will compensate the specified owner for the costs of maintaining these objects.

The answer is contained in clause 6 of the “Rules for non-discriminatory access to transmission services”, which states that “the specified owners and other legal owners of electric grid facilities through which the consumer’s power receiving device is indirectly connected to the electric networks of the grid organization have the right to provide services for the transmission of electrical energy using the power grid facilities they own after establishing a tariff for them for services for the transmission of electrical energy.” Those. the owner of such facilities can calculate the tariff for the transmission of electricity through their networks (calculate the NVV - the required gross revenue from the provision of services for the transmission of electricity), collect a certain list of documents and apply for the establishment of a tariff for the transmission of electricity to the local executive authority in the field of state regulation tariffs (REC or tariff committee). In turn, the REC evaluates and calculates the value of the network organization’s NGR and makes a decision on establishing a tariff for the transmission of electrical energy in relation to the company. Those. the enterprise receives the status of a network organization.

What does this mean in practice? The owner of electric grid facilities enters into an agreement for the provision of electricity transmission services with a higher-level network organization (or with a guaranteeing supplier - with whom to enter into a service agreement depends on the “boiler from above or below” settlement scheme adopted in the region), he also enters into a purchase and sale agreement for electricity in order to compensate for losses in its electric grid facilities with a supplier of last resort and applies to the local executive authority in the field of state regulation of tariffs with an application to establish for it a tariff for services for the transmission of electricity through its electric networks. It is worth noting that the tariff can be set starting from any month (for example, from June 15, and not from January 1 of the next year, as the local executive body in the field of state regulation of tariffs often insists on this). Thus, the owner must take a number of actions in order to have a tariff set for the transmission of electricity through his electrical networks.

After completing all the activities (calculating the tariff for electricity transmission, calculating the NGR, preparing documents for obtaining the status of a network organization, etc.), the specified owner is set an individual tariff for the transmission of electricity for mutual settlements with a higher-level network organization or another recipient of payment for the transmission of electricity (so called "boiler holder"). After this, the specified owner is given the status of a network organization and has the right to receive payment for the electricity transmission services provided by him at the established tariff for each kWh. electricity transmitted through their networks.
Thus, by obtaining a tariff for the transmission of electricity through their networks, the consumer can reduce the final electricity tariff for enterprises, thereby reducing electricity costs (the cost of electricity for companies).

Important!!! If the consumer has electric grid facilities on his balance sheet, but subsubscribers are not connected to his networks (electric grid facilities are used only for “personal” purposes), then in this case the specified owner has the right to carry out the above measures, receive a tariff for electricity transmission and demand payment for electricity transmission services provided to oneself. However, on March 7, 2014, Resolution No. 179 of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed, according to which such electric grid companies (providing electricity transmission services “to themselves”) are classified as single-grid companies if they meet any of two criteria:

1. The maximum power of the “main consumer” is more than 80% of the total maximum power of all consumers connected to the electrical networks of this network organization.

2. The annual volume of electricity supply to the “main consumer” is more than 80% of the total electricity supply to such a network company over the past year.

If one of these two criteria is met, then payment for the services provided for the transmission of electricity to such a network company must be made directly by the “main consumer” at the electricity transmission tariff approved for the network organization.

Those. The burden of maintaining electrical networks is simply shifted to the main consumer.

In addition, since 2015, for network companies, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2015, the criteria for classifying an organization as a network company have been approved. These are the criteria. If an organization does not meet the specified criteria, then it does not have the right to receive an individual tariff for the transmission of electrical energy.

If these owners do not have the desire or ability to carry out these activities, then they can enter into a lease agreement and lease out the owned power grid facilities to specialized organizations for which the provision of transmission services is the main activity. The amount of rent is determined individually and depends in this case on many factors: the degree of wear and tear of objects, the amount of electricity flow through power grid facilities, and many others. other.


Government resolution

Russian Federation

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the application of the provisions of antimonopoly legislation in relation to owners of electric power facilities, including those who do not meet the criteria for classifying owners of electric grid facilities as territorial grid organizations, see Explanation Presidium of the FAS Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 12.




1. Ownership and (or) on another legal basis for a period of at least a long-term regulation period of transformer and other substations with installed power transformers (autotransformers), located and used to carry out regulated activities within the administrative boundaries of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the sum of rated capacities which is at least 10 MVA.

2. Ownership and (or) on another legal basis for a period of at least a long-term regulation period of power transmission lines (overhead and (or) cable), located and used for carrying out regulated activities within the administrative boundaries of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, directly connected to transformer lines and other substations specified in paragraph 1 of these criteria, the sum of the lengths along the route is at least 15 km, at least 2 of the following design nominal voltage classes:

110 kV and above;

35 kV;

1 - 20 kV;

below 1 kV - three-phase sections of power lines.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. Absence for the 3 previous settlement periods of regulation of 3 facts of application by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs of reducing coefficients, allowing to ensure compliance of the level of tariffs established for the owner of electric grid facilities with the level of reliability and quality of goods supplied and services provided, and also adjustments to prices (tariffs) established for a long-term period of regulation, in the event that the owner of the electric grid facilities for which such prices (tariffs) are established presents unreliable reporting data used in calculating the actual values ​​of indicators of reliability and quality of goods supplied and services provided, or failure to provide such data.

4. Availability of a dedicated subscriber number for requests from consumers of services for the transmission of electrical energy and (or) technological connection.

5. Availability of an official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.