Compatibility of Rat and Monkey: marriage relationships. Compatibility of rats and monkeys in relationships

It is difficult to judge the compatibility of these two signs in the East. It can be both positive and negative. Everything will depend on the desire of the partners to stay close to each other, their patience and mutual understanding.

From the outside it is difficult to say that these two can have anything in common; their life values ​​and aspirations are too different. However, together they form a rather energetic tandem; things will go especially favorably for this couple in the field of business and career.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rat man

The representative of this sign is distinguished by spontaneous behavior. He is absolutely impractical, he makes all decisions on the fly, focusing on circumstances. He trusts his own intuition and is very emotional when communicating with others. In love he is romantic and careless about money.

Rat woman

For the opposite sex, they have an inexplicable attractiveness. They conquer men more with their manners and behavior than with their appearance. They are decisive and prefer to lead an active lifestyle. Close to loved ones, they may show anxiety and tension hidden in the depths of their souls.

Monkey man

For those around them, such men always remain a mystery. They have a fairly strong character, are sociable and good-natured., but they don’t let anyone get close to them, even in their personal lives. They always marry for love, but they do not burden themselves with fidelity; they often look for entertainment on the side.

Monkey woman

Very narcissistic. The Monkey woman is always confident that she is right, does not accept criticism and extremely rarely listens to other people’s opinions. Subject to rapid mood swings, is a good manipulator. In any situation, he tries to gain his own benefit, and can be cruel in relationships with loved ones.

Compatibility in love

A man in such a union will become a protector for his beloved, next to him she will feel completely safe. He will surround the Monkey with care and attention, take on all financial worries, leaving her to take care of the house and family.

The main disadvantage will be his impatience and habit of insisting on his own. This is precisely what may turn out to be a stumbling block between lovers, since the Monkey woman is also not used to giving in to anyone.

The Monkey woman can often show intemperance and capriciousness. She needs to be constantly reminded of her responsibilities as a homemaker, since her own interests will always come first. The Rat man will be a successful match for her. Next to him she will become calmer and more disciplined. Partners will complement and balance each other in everything.

The relationship in this couple will not be easy. The Monkey man is a very active and purposeful person by nature, has a lively mind and a positive outlook on life. Often his relationship with the Rat woman at first does not represent anything serious. They are more like a light flirtation between two old acquaintances.

But the inaccessibility and pride of the Rat ultimately completely change his outlook on life. For him, this woman will always remain mysterious and unpredictable, and this is exactly what he was looking for in representatives of the opposite sex.

The Rat woman will be interested in being with her partner. She is impressed by his inability to sit still. They will make grandiose plans for the future together, but if the Monkey is somewhat infantile in such matters, then the Rat will always insist on bringing what he wants to the end.

The most important thing that a woman in this union should remember is that the Monkey should be constantly praised. They simply cannot live without seeing admiration in the eyes of their significant other.

Rat and Monkey married

Rat Man and Monkey Woman

The leading position in the family will be occupied by the Monkey woman, and the Rat will most likely remain in a supporting role. Fortunately, both partners will happily accept this state of affairs. It is worth noting that in such a union, most of the household chores will eventually fall on the shoulders of the spouse, since the Monkey will grab onto everything at once, which can result in real chaos in the house.

The salvation for the Rat man in such a couple will be the birth. This is where your beloved will have absolutely nowhere to go; by the way, she will happily devote herself to her family, moderating her personal ambitions for some time.

The relationship between partners will resemble a zebra: the white stripe in life together will be replaced by a black one and vice versa. Spouses should learn to approach any problems and conflicts with humor, especially for men.

Female Rat and Male Monkey

The monkey will surround his wife with love and attention. He will try to take over all her time and space, to which the Rat can react quite aggressively. For such a woman it is very important to feel free to some extent, to maintain personal interests and her own opinion.

Conflicts may arise due to jealousy of partners, since both will try to surround themselves with an aura of mystery in front of each other, so as not to lose the interest of their other half.

In a marriage with a Rat woman, the Monkey will have to learn to share his feelings and experiences with her. At first he will be reluctant to do this, but in the end he will gain confidence in his beloved, devoting her to his thoughts and plans. Their relationship can be compared to a good business partnership that has excellent prospects for the future.

He and she in bed

Rat Man and Monkey Woman

In their intimate life, the Monkey may lack passion and bright emotions. For a Rat man, physical intimacy is far from the most important indicator of a stable and strong relationship. He rather perceives it as a need to relieve accumulated stress and does not show much imagination in this matter. The Monkey's sexual energy will fascinate him, but he has no idea what to do with it.

Despite this, partners will feel each other’s mood well, which will allow them to maintain a certain harmony. Talkative and active, she will teach her beloved man to trust his instincts more, and the Rat will turn out to be a quite capable student.

Female Rat and Male Monkey

A wonderful tandem. Both partners have a fairly lively imagination, which allows them to diversify and always enjoy intimacy with each other. The Monkey man is a passionate lover, sometimes even excessively. The Rat will undoubtedly be impressed by his attitude and perseverance.

However, a woman in such a union will sooner or later want romance and tenderness, which is completely alien to the Monkey in intimate life. This can completely change the relationship between partners. At such a moment, it is very important to correctly explain your desires to each other in order to maintain not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy.

In friendship and business

Rat Man and Monkey Woman

In a sense, the Rat and the Monkey in this friendly union will be united by a love of external gloss and a beautiful life. Both strive to make the most of their own capabilities in order to increase their social status or get a promotion at work. They are not afraid to use less than honest methods, and they rarely take into account the interests of others if they sense impending profit.

In business, this will be a rather profitable partnership, since both know how big money is made. By joining forces, the Rat man and the Monkey woman are able to move mountains. Their competition with each other can have devastating consequences. In this case, they both can lose their heads, often get personal, and in the end they are left with nothing.

Female Rat and Male Monkey

Too cunning to trust each other. They are accustomed to relying only on their own strength in life. will consider the Monkey too pompous and narcissistic, which is why he will form an erroneous opinion about her intellectual abilities, considering them not too outstanding. However, all this is just an appearance to mislead the opponent. And for the Monkey man, absolutely everyone seems like a competitor.

Only common interests can unite this couple. In work, this could be a project that they have to work on together. However, even in this case, everyone will remain on their own mind. They will hide their own goals and plans until the last moment. They will try to make the result more profitable for themselves than for their partner.

They are very different, at first glance you wouldn’t guess that a Rat and Monkey couple can have good compatibility. These two, in fact, are drowning in love for each other, and everyday difficulties turn into nothing if their loved one is nearby. Such love is valued in the world, and astrologers advise them to continue in the same spirit. The Monkey woman is not the easiest partner in marriage, because her frivolity can destroy even a very successful union. But the practicality of the Rat comes to the rescue. If the couple is a Monkey, then everything is much easier. He has his own clear idea of ​​when to have fun and when to take household chores seriously. A good couple will be married for many years, and their children will listen with delight about their parents' first date.

Horoscope 12 cycles

The eastern horoscope is much more complex than the classic one. It does not contain zodiac signs, which change every 30-31 days, but special symbols of the year. Every year the world's ruling symbol changes. Every year is new, it brings prosperity to the world, protects those who firmly believe in the cyclical nature of the world. In the East, people prepare for the New Year differently than in Europe. The main thing is to collect as many symbols of the coming year in the house as possible, to prepare everything so that he likes it. Then love, happiness, and luck in money come to the house.

You too can celebrate the New Year in Eastern style. Who knows, perhaps harmony and prosperity will also come to your home. The patron of the year endows people with his own character traits, and the month of their birth determines how strong his manifestations are.

Of course, there is no point in looking for a partner only using information from the horoscope. It serves to help lovers maintain happiness and build a strong family in marriage. If you are just looking for a person with maximum compatibility, then such searches can drag on for many years.

Sometimes, according to the horoscope, happiness does not shine for people. This is easy to change. Your love, understanding, hope for the best work wonders. Don't stop - the eastern horoscope gives you a lot of opportunities to become happy.

Rat man, Monkey woman

The Rat man has real courage. He had to demonstrate it more than once. This person is not so smart as he is strong-willed and brave. He will rush into battle against a dangerous opponent without a second thought, especially if the well-being of his family or best friend is at stake. Loves money, but does not make it the main priority in life. He knows how to achieve his goals, but his goals are not always very complex and lofty.

In love, the Rat man does not look for easy ways either. He loves women, they have attracted his attention since his youth. If he likes someone very much, he will move towards his goal. One drawback is that the Rat man is not very patient. If a woman is not ready to surrender to the mercy of the winner immediately, then he, again, rushes into battle without looking back. He may pursue his beloved, throw flowers at her, and won’t let her pass.

Compatibility with other signs is better, the weaker the female symbol. He is lucky with such partners; they succumb to beautiful words and assertive character. A difficult period awaits him in his marriage, because he will want to do everything his own way, and not every woman is ready for this.

The Monkey woman is not as simple as it seems. He looks like a frivolous, lively person who loves attention, bright holidays, and parties. In fact, the Monkey woman has thought through her line of behavior well, knows how to make useful contacts and impress everyone without exception.

In love, she does not know how to be restrained, especially if this is a real feeling. The Monkey periodically feigns love for his own purposes, but once he falls in love, he cannot be stopped. She is a good wife, housewife and mother. She loves children very much, is ready to spend a lot of time with them, and children love her for her unpredictability and willingness to participate in games.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Monkey and Rat couple is successful, because they know how to balance each other. It is very important. With other signs the Monkey can be unrestrained and flighty, but with the Rat she is disciplined. This also has a beneficial effect on the Rat, who receives nonverbal rebuff from the Monkey.

Love and relationships in couples

The Monkey woman will readily accept a marriage proposal. She is very open and impulsive, so for the next few months you will be accepting congratulations in advance. Well? If all this pre-wedding fuss gives your partner so much pleasure, then you should take a very active part in it.

The Rat man in marriage is a very thorough, reliable person. He will do the cleaning himself because he has his own ideas about how to do it correctly. If the Monkey decides to intervene, then they will need some time left for negotiations. Dividing household responsibilities can be more difficult than it seems, because no one wants to give in. The monkey loves his home very much and brings all the best to it.

When a couple decides to have a child, it is a great joy. The woman was really looking forward to such a proposal from her husband, because in children she sees the special happiness of family life. Their compatibility increases after this, because the common goal is now healthy and happy children. They will be treated kindly by everyone, and their mother will not let anyone offend them.

Family life goes through a zebra crossing of good and bad moments. Some features of the characters of this couple can spoil the idyll at one moment. It is best to approach the problem with humor. The Rat here must learn this from the Monkey. They are lucky in their marriage, because together they can overcome difficulties that would be fatal for other signs.

The compatibility of partners gives them strength for life, struggle, and pleasure.

Even the best couples go through difficult times. Do not be afraid of difficulties, especially if they occur through the fault of one of the partners. Most often, the Monkey can be intolerant in marriage. She is used to receiving everyone's attention, achieving any desired goals in an honest or not entirely honest way. If the Rat does not understand that this method is in its nature, they will have problems.

Accept your spouse for who she is. Less jealousy. Your compatibility in marriage is great, but if the Rat begins to be uncontrollably jealous of his partner, then she will be disappointed once and for all. She does not need other men, but only their admiration, attention, worship. The husband can shower her with compliments and gifts as often as he likes, but this will not be enough.

It so happens that the Monkey woman is an attention addict. Just leave everything as it is, because she will not violate the sacred commandments of your marriage with her desire to show off.

Monkey man, Rat woman

The pairing is difficult, but quite possible. The Monkey man is an active, positive and very sociable person. He is not stupid, he knows how to build the right relationship with any symbol, but his compatibility in love is not so great. Few people are ready to make a couple with him, and even fewer think about marriage. The problem may be his communication skills. He knows how to have affairs with several young ladies at once, and if they reveal his secret, the Monkey man is not very upset.

He is a good worker where you need to be creative. Boring calculations and balance sheets are not for him. Modern companies, smart gadgets, beautiful business cards. The Monkey man can present all this in the best possible way.

He hardly planned anything serious with the Rat woman, but her fighting spirit, proud gait and active life position changed his view.

It is not as simple as it might seem. The Rat woman hardly has any outstanding external characteristics, but she is a very pleasant conversationalist, a good listener, and a kind adviser.

“A Monkey man can behave in such a way that a Rat woman will do whatever he wants, and she will consider it her desire. But sometimes misunderstandings arise between partners living together, and accordingly conflicts arise again.”

It’s not very clear who lured whom into the web of love. Very often, for practical reasons, the Monkey does this. In love, he knows how to give, although he loves to receive expensive gifts. It is very important that his partner appreciates him, and the Rat will appreciate the Monkey for everything good. This is a successful union, because their compatibility is great. Live many happy years in marriage? Easily! Although, the Monkey periodically glances to the left.


Love and relationships in couples

They are planning a wedding together and it promises to be phenomenal. This is where both of their imaginations come into play, so expect surprises from the newlyweds. The main thing for them is that everything goes better than others. The wise Snake here can give in to his desire for superiority, so that everything will go bright and brilliant.

After the wedding, the Stars advise you to travel for at least a month. Both need to take a break from the pre-wedding bustle and devote this time to their love. The Monkey is incredibly happy about the opportunity to escape to the other side of the world with his wife, because no one knows him there yet, which means he can have great fun and make new friends.

When the couple is ready, it is worth talking about children. There may be 2 or 3 of them, both are ready to take on such responsibility. The monkey will become a very good father who always has time to walk, play, and have fun with his children. The snake will take care of their upbringing and training. Thus, by dividing responsibilities, they will become even more united, and the compatibility of partners reaches its peak when all attention and care are directed to the children.

Your home should have enough personal space for everyone. The Monkey man loves to be in company, but sometimes he needs privacy. It's okay, he thinks about his life, plans something, comes up with something. Don't bother him. He will only thank you and appreciate it if you give him a few hours alone with you. His compatibility with his partner is only possible if both can be frank in marriage.

Talk about your feelings, talk about what worries or confuses you. Monkey and Rat are understanding people. They can accept each other without fear or reproach. To do this, you don’t need to be silent, silently experience your problems. The Rat does not like loneliness just like the Monkey, but she does not want to sit alone for hours. So, give her inspiration for creativity, shopping, walks with friends. This way, everyone is busy with their own business, and your marriage prospers.

At first glance at this couple, it is difficult to determine what kind of relationship they have. It seems that they live in complete harmony and are carried away by external life. Internally, partners can quickly become disappointed in each other. This is facilitated by different characters and the inherent insight of both. It is their developed intuition that does not allow them to live in a world of illusions, seeing all their partner’s shortcomings without embellishment. But this does not lead to separation in many cases.

Rat man and Monkey woman compatibility = 86.5%!

In love = 90%: A dynamic, bright and interesting Monkey woman cannot help but attract a Rat man. She is very cunning, so she will be able to take complete control of him, making this control invisible. As a result, the relationship can be full of fire, but until she gets tired of playing the chosen role. If this happens, the relationship could be over. The Rat man can try to keep her with material goods.

Married = 90%: The Rat man in a family with the Monkey woman always ends up on the sidelines. She is completely involved in resolving issues, not always correctly, she runs the household, and he can only obey. At the same time, she is ready to make a special plan so that he achieves good career plans. If the Rat man can accept this position and tries to fulfill all the plans of his wife, the marriage may be successful.

In bed = 80%: The Monkey woman will miss the dynamics, enthusiasm and fire in intimacy with the Rat man. She wants romance, tenderness and passion, and the Rat man is too complex for that. It is important for him to get pleasure in an unusual way. He fantasizes, but she just wants to get pleasure without delay. As a result, intimacy between them can resemble a struggle between two principles - sophistication and simplicity.

Monkey man and Rat woman compatibility = 86.5%!

In love = 80%: The first stage of a love relationship will be full of fire, which will be supported by the Monkey man. But when the relationship becomes more serious, disagreements may arise between them. The Monkey man is full of energy, which he does not always direct in the right direction. At the same time, he will always fight for his independence, and the Rat woman will bring him back to earth. This can't help but anger both partners.

Married = 90%: Determining their compatibility for family relationships is quite difficult. On the one hand, they will live in the style of an ideal family, but this is only done for those around them. On the other hand, internal contradictions can lead to complete misunderstanding. Therefore, if we consider their relationship through the eyes of an outsider, then we can say that they were created for each other. Everyone is proud of the chosen one, children and the situation in general.

In bed = 90%: The Rat woman is endowed with a great imagination, and the Monkey man is ready to use her imagination to obtain pleasure. Everything seems to be ideal, but in some cases the delicate Rat woman does not like the man’s assertiveness. She wants more romance and tenderness, but the Monkey man cannot give this. As a result, their closeness may be unpleasant for her, but changes in his behavior depend on it.

Relationship forecast!

The Rat and the Monkey are very similar: they love gloss and external beauty. They get along well, but as long as their interests do not intersect. As soon as they begin to live together and perform some duties, it becomes difficult for them: disagreements, difficulties, quarrels and bewilderments arise. However, if both are aimed at creating an ideal family, then they will be quite successful, and in the eyes of others they will always look like an exemplary family.

The compatibility of the Rat man and the Monkey woman is quite successful and promising. Partners have every chance to create a happy family. They have similar hobbies and goals. This is precisely the key to their mutual attraction. A man born in the year of the Rat extols his chosen one, appreciates her attractiveness, grace, ingenuity and dexterity. She, in turn, notes strategic thinking in her lover. In addition, a woman born in the year of the Monkey likes her partner’s plans and priorities.

When lovers create a couple, they devote their time and energy to helping the personal and professional growth of their other half. They have a similar mindset. They sincerely rejoice at each other's successes. Often, a joint business or common goals improves the compatibility of a Rat man and a Monkey woman. Together, the spouses are ready to develop plans, constantly improve them and implement them in the best possible way. In this union, the woman is responsible for generating ideas, while the man perfectly embodies them. Everyone treats their partner’s weaknesses calmly and with understanding. Both have a great sense of humor, which allows them to easily cope with any troubles.

Rat Man and Monkey Woman: General Compatibility

The Monkey woman loves to be the center of attention

The partners suit each other very well. Their interests, outlook on life and priorities have much in common. Lovers always have fun in the company of their other half. However, the presence of common views on life does not exclude many disagreements that arise between partners every now and then.

Each of them prefers not to discuss family problems with outsiders. Outwardly, they give the impression of a happy and harmonious couple, which is sometimes not true. It seems to others that everything is perfect with the spouses. They choose an active lifestyle and travel a lot. But they may experience great disappointment in the spiritual world of their chosen one. The problem is that the characters of both are too different. And the insight inherent in both men and women does not allow them to be deceived by each other. Intuition opens their eyes. And they by no means arrive in the world of illusions. All the negative qualities of the second half are well known to them.

Life together is full of both pleasant and unhappy events. But their tandem still fills both with strength for life and brings pleasure. Together, partners can cope with any difficulties that await them, something that other couples could not boast of.

Already during the first meeting, a man and a woman are irresistibly drawn to each other. An active, eccentric and attractive woman born in the year of the Monkey immediately attracts the attention of the Rat man. She is distinguished by cunning, agility and charm. She easily charms men and becomes the leader in relationships, and her companion does not even have time to notice such changes. However, the relationship will be dynamic and intense exactly until the moment the woman gets tired of her role.

The Rat man does not choose the simple option. From a young age he has been interested in the fair sex. If he begins to feel sympathy, he will pursue his beloved with all his might and means. His weakness is excessive haste. He simply cannot endure and wait. If the object of his affection does not give in to courtship right away, then he will choose someone more suitable. The Rat man can become obsessive, harassing his chosen one with stalking, gifts and attentions. He is capable of loving deeply, but his chosen one must respond with equally powerful impulses. In addition, he certainly wants to be the head in the relationship.

The Rat man blindly believes that the woman plays a secondary role in the union. She must sacrifice her freedom for the sake of family values. With such a man it is not easy for those individuals who are strong and self-sufficient women. But it is not difficult for a woman born in the year of the Monkey to pretend to be a fragile and defenseless person. For this reason, partners can create a happy tandem. But on the condition that the woman agrees to such a role.

The man is distinguished by courage and bravery. He can often demonstrate these qualities. He is not an intellectual, but he has a strong will. And one can only envy his courage. He will not back down from difficulties when it comes to the well-being of his family.

Rat Man and Monkey Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Monkey woman has a very good sense of humor

In some cases, relationships make partners happy, in others - vice versa. Lovers understand their other half very well, since they have the same rhythm of life and similar thinking. They are smart, active and love novelty. Both love crowded parties, travel, vivid emotions and impressions.

To achieve a complete and harmonious relationship, the Monkey woman should not focus close attention on the mystery of her chosen one. He needs personal space. The wife must certainly give him some freedom. This is the only way the Rat man will feel comfortable and confident. He is secretive, but in reality he has no secrets. He is a wonderful father, a reliable and gentle husband.

The Rat man should not pay attention to jokes from his beloved. A passion for ridicule and practical jokes is in her blood. She can't fight it. And in no case does she pursue the goal of offending her lover. A man should come to terms with this peculiarity of his partner. The main thing is that the spouse does not begin to manipulate her chosen one. If he understands this, then quarrels will not be long in coming, and this will certainly harm the compatibility of the Rat and the Monkey in love and marriage.

Another reason for conflict can be the jealousy of a spouse. If his jealousy gets out of control, then his lover will be very disappointed in him. The Rat man must accept his partner with all her shortcomings. He needs to understand that she needs the attention of other men. She likes to be admired. But this does not mean at all that she is planning treason and betrayal. The husband can endlessly surprise her and say pleasant words, but this is not enough for the Monkey woman. She gets a boost of energy, as well as inspiration, from the attention of other people. This is its peculiarity. And you need to come to terms with this. Moreover, a woman takes care of her family and will not risk it.

Relationships never completely absorb a man born in the year of the Rat. He always has his own hobbies, ideas and plans. He will decide to break up if he does not find practical meaning in the relationship. His beloved is also distinguished by self-sufficiency and love of freedom. Feelings for her are a kind of game. If she gets bored, she quits such a game.

It is not easy to be married to a woman born in the year of the Monkey. Often the frivolity characteristic of her can destroy a strong family. But the practicality of the Rat man will help the relationship. Partners support each other well and are a kind of complement to their other half in all areas of life: in business, in family life and in friendships.

The compatibility of the Rat and the Monkey in marriage and love is favorably affected by the appearance of children. The Monkey Woman dreams of becoming a mother. A child is a great happiness for her. With the birth of children, spouses' priorities change. Parents will give all their attention to the kids. Both will make every effort for the well-being of the family.

Rat man and Monkey woman: compatibility in love

Not everything is stable in the intimate life of partners. Their intimacy is vibrant and exciting, but a woman born in the year of the Monkey is still missing something. She doesn’t have enough admiration and passion around her husband. She needs romance, affection and ardor. But the seriousness characteristic of the Rat man does not allow him to be the one his beloved wants to see next to him. In addition, he wants to experiment, but his partner does not support his fantasies. The sex life of spouses is like a confrontation between exclusivity and simplicity.

For a happy family life, the Rat and the Monkey need to learn to respect each other’s opinions

The success of the relationship is entirely in the hands of the partners. They should learn to come to a compromise, participate in the life of their other half, respect and love each other. For both, it is of great importance what impression their couple makes on others. They love luxury and comfort. They certainly give their children the best education so that they can once again be proud of their achievements. But spouses should not forget about spiritual kinship. After all, material well-being is not everything.

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In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Monkey

These are very active people who easily get out of any situation. This property is especially characteristic of the Taurus sign, which is able to stand firmly on the ground. The Monkey is extremely fickle; it changes its views depending on the situation. This is how Cancer often acts; its internal inconsistency entails a lot of unexpected actions.

The horoscope notes that the Monkey is envious and is irritated by the successes of others. The exception is Pisces, whose compassionate soul does not allow one to rejoice at the failures of others. Many properties of people of this sign make the compatibility of the Rat and the Monkey problematic.

Main qualities:

  • sociability;
  • activity;
  • envy.

Character of those born in the Year of the Rat

These people are outwardly friendly, but in reality they are nervous and often aggressive. After all, losing self-control costs nothing for them. Most of them are choleric. The Rat knows what it needs and knows how to do everything to achieve its goals. She is sociable, has many acquaintances, and loves to shine in the world.

This is especially true for the signs Leo and Virgo. She has few real friends. She does not expect anything good from those around her and is constantly in a wary state.

Main qualities:

  • nervousness;
  • thrifty;
  • activity.

Compatibility of Rat woman and Monkey man

In order for the Rat and the Monkey in such a couple to be able to create a family, the man needs not to waste his energy on all sides, but always put the house first. As a last resort, he should devote his energy to work and useful hobbies. Then the woman will not be irritated and conflict. His desire to seek entertainment on the side can put the compatibility in love between the Monkey and the Rat at risk.

Spouses must work on themselves and slowly build strong relationships. A wife should not put pressure on her husband, force him to waste time on household chores. The husband needs to try to earn more to meet the needs of the family. In this case, the lady will calm down, compatibility and harmony in such a couple will become ideal.

Compatibility between Rat man and Monkey woman

The partner in such an alliance will be constantly tormented by the thought that his woman, just like him, is prone to secrets and secrecy. But he is unable to understand the extent of her cunning, so he will be completely in her hands. The horoscope indicates that only a vector marriage is possible between a Rat man and his Monkey wife.

Compatibility in the marriage of a Rat and a Monkey is not bad, but such a marriage is usually considered a vector one. Despite the fact that the vector of power is directed towards the Monkey, the other half is often happy with their position and does not suffer from this at all, adoring their partner.

Good compatibility between the Rat and the Monkey according to the horoscope is possible when the latter is forgiven all extravagance.

Prospects for the development of relations

The union of the Rat and the Monkey belongs to the category of the most unpredictable. Anything can happen here: complete happiness and absolute collapse. Outwardly, these people are similar in their views, behavior, and emotions. The problem is that it is difficult for them to immerse themselves in the relationship and live with their partner’s problems. Everyone prefers to live with their own problems.