Feeding begonias for abundant flowering. Care and conditions for growing home begonias Mineral nutrition for home begonias

− is a herbaceous, shrub or subshrub plant of the Begoniaceae family. The root is tuberous or a creeping thickened tuberous rhizome. The leaves are asymmetrical, oblong, often green-red in color. The flowers of the plant are irregular, unisexual and monoecious. The tepals are unequal and brightly colored. The fruit is a capsule. Propagated by seeds, leaves, cuttings. The areas of origin of begonia are Mexico, Asia, India, Africa and South America.

Fertilizing is the application of phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil of the plant.

  1. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers used once every two weeks, starting from the moment of flowering.

    Such intervention will increase the flowering period and the number of buds, and the plant will look healthier.

  2. Nitrogen fertilizers applicable only to deciduous varieties of begonia, since they can inhibit the development of buds, but improve the growth of leaves. When using such fertilizing, there is an active growth of green mass, but the plant may not bloom. You will learn about what to do if begonia does not bloom in.

Watering rules

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, you need to follow simple watering rules:

  • Do not use hard water from the tap, but first you need to let it sit for 24 hours and then boil or filter it. You can also use garden peat to soften water - 1 kilogram per 10 liters of water.
  • At moderate air temperatures, watering should be uniform and preferably at the same time, preferably in the morning.
  • In summer, watering should be plentiful, but every other day, so as not to flood the plant.
  • IN winter period The time to water the plant is as the soil dries out; usually watering once a week is enough. In cold weather, it is worth watering with warm water.
  • After watering, when the soil dries out slightly, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil to a depth of 1 centimeter. This simple maneuver will help retain soil moisture inside the pot longer.
  • To water begonias, you can use the method of immersing the pot. For this you need soft water pour into a container in which you can place the pot. Place the pot with the plant in water and wait until the soil absorbs water through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. After 20-30 minutes, remove the pot from the water and place it on a tray.

How to fertilize at home?

You can feed begonia with a ready-made product purchased at a specialized store, or you can apply folk remedy homemade.

At home, you can prepare the following fertilizers for begonias:


To prepare the solution you need:

You can water begonia with this solution 5 times a year.

Reference. Yeast contains the hormones cytokinins and auxins, which promote active growth and full development of begonia. They accelerate the mineralization of organic substances and produce phosphorus and nitrogen. This feeding is equivalent to the use of expensive mineral fertilizers.


Sweet solution is used as a direct source of glucose. In order to fertilize a plant, just dilute 1 tablespoon of sugar in 1 liter of water and pour the solution over the plant.

It should be remembered that this dose of glucose is not recommended more than once every 30 days.

Tea brewing

Citrus peel

Water the plant with citrus water no more than once every 30 days. If watering is more frequent, the acidic environment can destroy root system.


To prepare the irrigation solution, you need:

You can water the plant with this solution no more than once every 30 days.

Banana peel

Banana peel needs to be dried and ground into powder.. Sprinkle this powder onto the soil in the pot with begonia and water it generously. Carry out this procedure once a month.

The best result will be if banana powder is mixed with the soil before planting the plant in it.

Wood ash

Begonia should be watered once every 14 days.. This product works well as a fertilizer. In this case, it should simply be mixed with the soil before planting the plant.

There are factory products that are intended for feeding house plants:

Kemira Lux

It's floral fertilizer is applied to the soil and covered with soil to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. The top needs to be watered generously.

The package indicates a dosage of 60 grams per square meter. 2 treatments per year are enough. You can water the plant with a solution in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of product per 10 liters of water. This watering can be repeated up to 2 times a month.

The average price is 70 rubles.

Good power

For root feeding, you need to dilute 1 cap of the product per 10 liters of water.

During the period of active growth, water the plant once a week., during the cold period, water once a month.

The average price in Russia is 300 rubles.

Bona forte

The product is suitable for root feeding. 10 milliliters of the drug are diluted in 1.5 liters of water.

In spring, it is worth watering begonia with a solution once a week, and in winter once a month.

The price in Russia is 180-200 rubles.

Fertika Lux

To feed the plant, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water. Can apply the solution every watering in summer and every third watering in winter.

The average price is 70 rubles.

Mister Color

For root feeding, dilute half a cap of the product in 1 liter of water.

Water the plant with a solution during the period of active growth, but not more than once a week.

The average price is 50-75 rubles.

What is needed for abundant flowering?

Phosphorus promotes the formation of flower buds and abundant and long-lasting flowering. It is after a period of active growth, during the period of bud formation, that it is necessary to carry out potassium-phosphorus fertilizing in a complex. At this time, the dose of potassium salts should not exceed 1.5 grams per 1 liter of water.

Note! Phosphate rock is an ideal way to replenish phosphorus needs; it should be added to the soil of begonias at the rate of 70 grams per 1 square meter of soil.

Errors and their consequences

If, when feeding plants, you do not adhere to the specified standards for certain products, then such Negligence can lead to a number of consequences:

  • If the plant is overfed, it may die.
  • Oversaturation of the plant with organic or mineral fertilizers can lead to death, you should definitely alternate fertilizers.
  • If the plant has just been planted or transplanted, it cannot be fed for a month; an immature seedling can slow down the development of the root system.
  • If a plant is sick, its feeding should be done carefully and start with small doses, since when the plant is sick, the roots of the plant are weakened and it can perceive nutrients as a destructive component.
  • Feeding during flowering or dormancy can destroy the plant.


In order for begonia to grow and develop, bloom profusely and reproduce, it requires increased attention. The main thing is to timely water and feed the plant. A review of the most popular home and store-bought fertilizers will help even novice gardeners keep their beautiful begonias healthy. perfect condition.

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Photo of begonia in a pot

Begonia everblooming (Begonia semperflorens)- Beautiful flowering plant from the family Begoniaceae. In the wild, it is found in the highlands and humid tropics of Africa, America, and Asia. The birthplace of evergreen begonia is Brazil. Here, on the ocean coasts and in forests, the flower develops intensively throughout the year. In countries with temperate climates, the plant is grown indoors.

The plant is a perennial plant that requires periodic rejuvenation. The bushes quickly grow up to 50 cm and manage to bloom in the year of planting. True to its name, the plant blooms all year round, forming simple or double flowers, the delicate petals of which amaze the imagination with a variety of colors.

It grows very quickly. It can double in size in a year.
Blooms in summer, spring and autumn. Blooms already in the first year after planting
Easy to grow. There are some minor difficulties
Needs rejuvenation as it grows.

Ever-flowering begonia is a plant that is not only beautiful, but also useful. Flower cells secrete phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms in the airspace. Volatile compounds completely neutralize staphylococcus, and reduce the overall concentration of harmful bacteria by almost 80%. Thanks to these properties, the flower increases performance and strengthens the immune system.

Basic rules of care. Briefly

Favorable circumstances for ever-flowering begonia at home are:

TemperatureIn winter – no less than + 16° C, in summer – from + 23 – 25° C.
Air humidityIncreased; cannot be sprayed; placed on a tray with moistened pebbles.
LightingDiffused bright; Place on windows facing southwest and southeast.
WateringIn summer - once a week; in winter - once every 10 days; do not allow water to stagnate.
PrimingA special substrate for begonias or a soil mixture of peat, perlite, leaf soil (2: 1: 2).
Feeding and fertilizer2 times every 30 days concentrated universal fertilizer for indoor flowers, diluted 2 times.
TransferYoung bushes - annually, in early spring; mature - when the roots completely engulf the earthen ball.
ReproductionBy dividing rhizomes, cuttings, seeds.
Features of cultivationIn summer, it is recommended to place the flower in a shady place in the garden.

The peculiarities of growing evergreen begonia should be taken into account. The plant loves fresh air, the room needs to be ventilated more often (but the flower should be protected from drafts). To ensure that the bushes do not stretch out and look compact and fluffy, begonias are pruned. The top is shortened for the first time when the ever-flowering begonia reaches 8 cm. When the side branches grow, they also need to be cut off.

Caring for Begonia evergreen at home

Begonia everblooming flower at home adapted perfectly. Caring for it is simple, although some properties of the plant need to be paid special attention.

The plant blooms in early May and blooms until November frosts.
The flowering of Begonia evergreen is a very attractive phenomenon. Against the background of glossy green leaves covered with a light fluff, double and simple flowers stand out as bright spots.

Their color is varied, represented by all shades of white, yellow, red and their combinations. The duration and splendor of flowering are due to good lighting, high humidity and warmth.

To prolong flowering, faded leaves and inflorescences must be removed immediately.


In order for the ever-flowering begonia to bloom beautifully and be healthy, care at home requires following temperature regime. This is especially important in winter, when laying flower buds. The thermometer in winter should not fall below + 16° C. In summer begonia everblooming develops well at temperatures from + 23 - 25° C. With a sharp change in temperature, the flower will drop its buds.


Begonia everblooming prefers high humidity. But the plant cannot be sprayed: drops of water leave unsightly stains on the leaves. Only the air space around the flower is sprayed. Begonia is placed on a tray with moistened pebbles, and air humidifiers are used.


Begonia everblooming prefers diffused bright lighting. It is an indispensable guarantee of lush flowering and a beautiful exterior of the plant. It is preferable to place the flower on a window facing the southwest or southeast side. On the south side, shading is necessary on hot sunny days: aggressive sun can cause leaf burn.

Begonia evergreen needs good lighting up to 15 hours a day. In winter and autumn it is necessary to turn on the backlight.


Watering plays an important role in plant care. Domestic ever-blooming Begonia likes the soil to be moderately moist, and not too dry or flooded. Water the plant along the edge of the pot, avoiding the leaves and flowers. In summer, water once every 7 days. In winter - once every 10 days.

Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore they provide good drainage. Use lukewarm, settled water. Watering cold water or excess moisture lead to root rot.

Ever-flowering begonia has a poorly developed root system. Its roots are located superficially. Therefore the pot is for begonias you need wide, but not deep. This is especially true for small, recently rooted bushes.. They are first planted in small pots, the diameter of which is no more than 6 cm. In a container with a larger diameter, the root system may rot, and the begonia will not bloom. To prevent stagnation of moisture, there should be several drainage holes at the bottom.

Soil for Begonia everblooming

The substrate for the plant is required to be loose, water- and breathable. Its important characteristics are fertility, low acidity and lightness. The soil for Evergreen Begonia can be prepared yourself from two parts of leaf soil and peat and part of perlite. Stores sell soil mixture for begonias. The composition of the mixture can be improved with vermiculite, crushed moss and humus.

Feeding and fertilizer

To maintain beautiful flowering and strengthen the vitality of the plant, fertilizing and fertilizing are important. At a time that does not coincide with the dormant period, ever-flowering begonia at home should receive concentrated fertilizer for flowering plants, diluted by half, twice every 30 days.

It is necessary to ensure that the nitrogen content in the fertilizer does not exceed the content of potassium and phosphorus, otherwise this will have a bad effect on flowering.


The flower is replanted in early spring. Transplantation is carried out when the roots cover the entire earthen ball. Young bushes are replanted more often than mature ones. For adults, the top layer of soil is refreshed. The flower is transferred from the old container and the roots are examined.

Rotten roots are shortened, the remaining ones are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After this, the roots are dried and the plant is replanted. After transplantation, the ever-flowering begonia should be kept in a shaded place for several days. After a week they begin to water it, and after 3 weeks they begin to feed it.

Dormant period of Begonia everblooming

When conditions in the environment differ from those that are optimal for the plant, the dormant period of Begonia everblooming begins. In winter, this time coincides with shorter daylight hours and lower temperatures. In summer, the flower stops developing when the thermometer rises above + 27° C.

Ever-flowering begonia stops growing and blooming and directs all its energy to moving nutrients from the leaves and stem to the roots. Therefore, pruning of green and elastic shoots is not carried out.


Begonia evergreen can be propagated in different ways:

  1. Cuttings. In spring and summer, stem cuttings 10 cm long and having 3 pairs of leaves are cut. They are planted in the ground, deepening to the first bud. Cover with film and root at + 25° C, regularly ventilating and watering. After a month, the plants are transplanted into small pots.
  2. Leaf plate: the leaf is planted in moist soil and placed in a film with lower heating. The seedling is watered and ventilated. After rooting, they are planted in small containers.
  3. Seeds. At the end of winter, small begonia seeds are laid out on the ground, sprayed and covered with film, removing it to ventilate and water. After 14 days, sprouts will appear. After the formation of 3 leaves, the seedlings dive.

When propagating begonias with double flowers, only vegetative propagation is used.

Pruning begonias for the winter

Diseases and pests

When the rules of care are violated, diseases appear and pests attack the weakened plant. Most often, begonia problems manifest themselves as follows:

Begonia everblooming can be affected by thrips, scale insects and whiteflies. Insects are treated with insecticides.

Popular varieties of evergreen begonia

Begonia everblooming is one of the favorite plants of breeders. Many varieties adapted to temperate climate conditions have been developed; they are cultivated in home plantings. Several varieties are the most popular.

Begonia "Lotto" is a tall, compact bush. The leaves are velvety, bright emerald. Large flowers can be painted in different colors.

Begonia "Senator" is a medium-sized bush with bronze leaves. Medium-sized flowers can have different colors.

Begonia "Ambassador" is a compact, medium-sized bush. Green leaves with bright red edges. The flowers are monochrome (white, red or pink) or bicolor.

Begonia "Queen" - low-growing bushes with bright green leaves and double flowers of carmine, pink or snow-white color.

Begonia "Cocktail" is a low-growing, lush-flowering bush. Leaves are brownish-red. The flowers are painted in scarlet, white, pink tones.

Reading time: min. 4k views. Published 01/18/2016

Reminder for plant care

Then when the begonia outgrew the pot In summer 20-15, in winter - at least 15 When the top layer of soil dries out, in winter - even less often In extreme heat, only for smooth-leaved species Lighted window sills, but not in the sun Should not be moved from place to place


This plant loves bright light, but at the same time does not tolerate direct rays of the sun. Therefore, choosing a place for begonia is difficult. It is best to keep it on the most illuminated windowsill, but not in the sun.

In summer, begonia should be shaded or placed at a short distance from the window..

Flowering specimens require more light, and decorative deciduous species can be kept in diffused light in light partial shade.


Begonia is very picky about room temperature. It does not tolerate extreme heat well.

The temperature range that is comfortable for her is from 20 to 24°C. In winter, this heat-loving plant needs to maintain a temperature of at least 15°C.

An increase in air temperature to 30°C and above leads to a severe slowdown in growth and lack of flowering. A decrease in temperature below 15°C also affects begonia. Temperatures below 5°C lead to damage to the plant leaves and their death.

Tuberous begonia species require cold wintering. Their tubers are dug up and stored in a dark room at a temperature of 5-7°C. After the end of the dormant period in the spring, they are germinated. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 18°C.

In summer, begonias are grown outdoors. With the onset of warm weather, they are taken out into the open air during the day and taken into the room at night. They are finally taken out to the loggia when the night temperature is no lower than 15°C.


When caring for begonia, you need to ensure that the soil in which it grows never dries out. But you cannot fill it, since stagnation of water very quickly causes rotting and death of the plant. Before watering the begonia, the top layer of soil must dry out.

Water should not get on leaves and shoots

In winter, watering is reduced slightly. When watering, water should not get on the leaves and shoots of the plant. Tuberous species need to create a dormant period in winter. At this time, their tubers are placed in a peat mixture and not watered.

If the soil in the pot is completely dry, the plant can still be saved. But in this case it is necessary to water it immediately. When the earth clod dries out, begonia is watered by dipping the pot 2/3 in water. After 0.5 hours, it is removed and the water is drained.

Do not water the flower with cold water. In the summer heat, water for irrigation should be at ambient temperature. In winter, it is advisable to water the plant with warm water. Its temperature should be 2-3°C higher than the air temperature in the room. Water for irrigation must be left to stand for 2-3 days.

The soil

For active growth of begonia, a fertile and at the same time light earthen mixture is required. It must allow moisture to pass through well so that the water does not stagnate.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture is: 2 parts of leaf soil, peat, humus and very coarse river sand - 1 part each.

Baking powder can be used instead of sand: vermiculite or perlite. These additives prevent soil caking.

You can also buy suitable soil for begonias at a flower shop. You need to take a universal soil mixture with the addition of peat.


Begonias are fed, depending on the type, with liquid complex fertilizers for flowering or deciduous plants. They begin feeding during the period of active growth at the end of April.

Fertilizers are diluted with water and applied to moist soil 2 times a month.. With the beginning of autumn, fertilizing is gradually reduced and completed by mid-October.

Ever-flowering and tuberous species at the beginning of active growth in the spring are fed once nitrogen fertilizers. This is done so that the plants quickly increase their leaf mass. To do this, use ammonium nitrate or liquid fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. Next, fertilize only with fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Types of begonias with decorative leaves are always fed only liquid fertilizers for deciduous plants. You can also use specialized fertilizers for these species.


Tropical begonias in their homeland grow in high humidity, so they need to create similar conditions in the apartment.

Regular watering and spraying of begonias will help maintain the required air humidity..

Often a pot of begonia is placed in a wide tray with expanded clay or coarse sand, which should always be slightly damp, but not wet. This helps humidify the air around the plant.

In hot weather, begonia needs to be sprayed, but this must be done very carefully. Only plants with smooth leaves can tolerate water getting on the leaves; species with pubescent leaf blades cannot be sprayed, but only spray water near the plant to humidify the air.


Do not move begonia from place to place

In order for this demanding plant to bloom and grow well, you need to know some features of caring for it.

Begonia loves stable conditions and does not tolerate changes. Even moving it to another room is not recommended to avoid illness or even death.

Drafts can be detrimental to begonias. Therefore, the pot with this flower should be placed where air movement is minimal, and the plant should be covered when ventilating the room.

Decorative deciduous species can grow throughout the year, but flowering varieties require a dormant period. At this time, watering is reduced, and tuberous varieties don't water at all.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Behind appearance Begonias need to be cared for by cutting off fading old leaves.

Before pruning your begonia, you need to carefully examine the plant for disease and pest damage.

A With the onset of autumn, tuberous begonias need to remove new buds so that the plant can form tubers and prepare for the dormant period.

A garter is necessary only for tall varieties so that their shoots do not break under their own weight. To do this, install supports and tie the plant to them.

To form a decorative begonia bush, it must be pruned. This is done in the spring before intensive plant growth begins.

Only certain types of begonia are pruned. Decorative deciduous species are usually not pruned at all, since they have very short and thick shoots. Tuberous varieties also do not need pruning. Begonia Elatior is lightly pruned, removing only the tops of its powerful and fairly short shoots. Only ever-flowering begonia is subjected to significant pruning.

Ever-blooming begonia has fairly long and thin shoots. It is pruned to stimulate branching and form a lush bush. At the same time, all elongated and weak shoots are removed. Powerful and fairly long branches are shortened by half.

When pruning, use only a sharp garden knife.. Scissors should not be used, as they severely damage the shoots, which then quickly rot. All sections are treated with crushed activated carbon.


The most common diseases of begonias are gray rot and powdery mildew. The cause of their occurrence is excessive soil moisture and high humidity. These fungi are visible on the leaves as gray and white plaque. To combat them, you need to remove the affected areas.

Gray rot is destroyed by treatment with a fungicide. To combat powdery mildew, use a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, which is sprayed on the plant.

Let's look at begonia diseases and their treatment.

Begonia is affected by red spider mite and aphids, which settle on the underside of its leaves.

After 2 weeks, the treatment is repeated to completely destroy harmful insects.


Sometimes, due to improper care, a plant loses its decorative appearance, which signals the beginning of problems. In this case, errors must be eliminated as soon as possible, because begonia is very capricious and often dies even with the slightest errors in care.

If brown spots have formed on the leaves of the plant and the flowers have darkened, this indicates water ingress. It is necessary to reduce the humidity in the room, and in the future more carefully water and spray the plant.

Lack of moisture causes leaves and buds to fall off. And if the leaves curl and dry out, this is a sign of a pest attack.

When a plant is exposed to sunlight, burns in the form of light, dry spots are inevitable. With a lack of lighting, the color of the leaves turns pale and the plant does not bloom.


Plants can be propagated by cuttings; both leaf and apical cuttings take root well.

Cuttings are cut in May or early June. Their length should not be less than 7-8 cm. They are rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground.

When planting in the ground, it is better to cover the cuttings glass jar , and keep the soil underneath moderately moist. Reproduction is possible by dividing the bush when replanting the plant.

Tuberous varieties are propagated by seeds. They are sown in winter in the soil for begonias. The seeds of these plants are small, so they should not be sprinkled with soil. Water the soil with a spray bottle. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. As they grow, they are picked several times and then planted in separate pots.


Capricious begonia does not tolerate transplantation well, so this is done only when it has outgrown the old pot.

If the roots rot, the begonia should be replanted immediately., clearing the root system of old soil and removing all rotten parts.

Healthy plants, in order not to injure the root system, are replanted by transshipment in April or early May.

The pot is larger than the previous one by 1-1.5 cm in diameter. You should not take tall ones, because they make it difficult natural ventilation soil.

The drainage layer must be made at least 3 cm thick from broken brick or expanded clay. The plant is very carefully removed from the old pot, placed in a new one, and fresh soil is poured around the edges.

Transplanting begonias at home after purchase

After purchase, the begonia must be transplanted from the transport pot to a permanent one. Also, replanting is carried out because the soil in which the plant is planted is very different from the soil that will later be used for replanting it. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plant in a new soil mixture as soon as possible for adaptation.

It is not recommended to replant the plant immediately after purchase. You need to wait 1-2 weeks for it to get used to the conditions of the apartment a little. If you purchased a flowering begonia, you must wait until the end of flowering.

It is recommended to replant with partial soil replacement. The plant is removed from the pot and the roots are lightly shaken off. You cannot wash the root system from the old soil or try to shake it all off. This can damage the roots of the begonia, which will quickly begin to rot after transplantation. Part of the old earthen clod should remain on the roots.

Description of the species and varieties

All types of begonias that are grown indoors are divided into decorative flowering and decorative deciduous. The decorative flowering varieties include the following:

  • Begonia everblooming;
  • Begonia tuberous;
  • Begonia Elatior.

There are the following decorative foliage species:

  • Begonia royal;
  • Begonia Bauer;
  • Begonia Mason.

Begonia everblooming- decorative shrub. In nature it reaches a height of 0.5 m; in an apartment it is usually even smaller. It has a thick branched stem and smooth leaves of a simple shape. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences on long peduncles. Its flowers have different shades: white, pink, salmon and red.

There are many varieties of ever-blooming begonias with semi-double and double flowers.

Begonia tuberous- a flowering species that forms an underground tuber. Its leaves have an asymmetrical shape, its stems are low and fleshy. It has amazingly beautiful and long-lasting flowering. Here are some popular varieties of tuberous begonia:

  • "Arlecin"
  • "Marmorata"
  • "Skarlet"

Begonia Elatior- a perennial compact plant characterized by lush flowering. Forms flowers in winter. Several varieties of this species:

  • "Schwabenland"
  • "Annebell"
  • "Piccora"

Begonia royal has a short, fleshy and highly branched stem. Large and velvety leaves are attached to it on long petioles. Many varieties of royal begonia have been developed with patterned leaves of various shades:

  • "Snail" has curled leaves of a bizarre shape;
  • “Cleopatra” is distinguished by its carved black velvet leaves;
  • “Griffin” is a variety with carved variegated leaf blades.

Begonia Bauer or tiger- a small herbaceous species. It has short and branched stems. The leaf blades are round, asymmetrical, with a serrated edge. The leaf length is no more than 7 cm. The bush looks very lush and decorative.

Begonia Mason– compact herbaceous plant with an amazingly beautiful pattern on the leaves. The bush reaches 20 cm in height. It blooms with inconspicuous small flowers of a greenish tint.

Photos of begonias in the process of care at home and in the garden:

Begonia is the most common decorative foliage and flowering plant. The flower grows well both indoors and in open ground. It can be used in the interior of living rooms and landscape design for garden landscaping. When growing begonias, it is important to understand what fertilizers and in what quantities should be used in care; this will help achieve good growth and lush flowering.

Required Items

The active growth period of begonia is the beginning of March to the end of October. It is at this time that the plant needs increased nutrition. The first feeding should be done when spring comes and the growing season begins. It is better to use ammonium nitrate or urea as a fertilizer.

Tuberous red begonia in a pot

For your information! In the period from April to October, it is better not to use nitrogen substances for flowering varieties, since instead of flowers the plant will produce a lot of lush leaves.

Flowering varieties require balanced mineral complexes directly for beautifully flowering indoor plants. Fertilizers must contain:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

For deciduous varieties, in order to increase the green mass, it is better to apply both nitrogen and mineral supplements one by one.

Note! Nutrient deficiency can be easily recognized by the external condition of the begonia.

Yellowing of the edges of the leaves and dying flowers indicate that the plant needs potassium. If the flower grows very slowly and almost imperceptibly, then it is necessary to increase the dose of phosphorus. Low resistance to various diseases indicates a lack of calcium. The cause of leaf blanching is low iron content in the soil.

To achieve flowering, you need to feed

General rules for applying fertilizers

Begonia should be fed following certain rules.

  • The frequency of fertilization is once every 1.5-2 weeks.
  • It is better to apply fertilizer in the evening.
  • 2-3 hours before fertilizing, you need to moisten the soil well with settled or filtered water.
  • Perform only root feeding, being careful not to get it on the leaves and flowers. Otherwise they will turn yellow and dry out.
  • It is important to remember the measure. An excess of any fertilizer can cause toxicosis and death of the plant.

Important! For good absorption of nutrients, the pot with tuberous begonia should be placed in a well-lit room and kept at a temperature from 13 ° C to 23 ° C.

Watering the flower can be done with diluted fertilizer

Fertilizers and nutrition for growth

How to fertilize begonia for good growth and development? The flower can be fed with concentrated organic-mineral fertilizer Bona Forte. It's not difficult to use. For 1.5 liters of water you will need 10 ml of solution. You can also use fertilizers for begonias such as “Good Power”, Biopon, Fertika Lux and “Mr. Color”. All these complexes contain a perfectly balanced composition of nutritional components, which will ensure active growth and development of the plant.

How to feed deciduous begonia? It is better to use nitrogen fertilizers such as “Bona Forte for violets and begonias” and azovit. By feeding begonia with such fertilizers, you can achieve active growth of greenery.

What and how often to feed for flowering

Feeding begonias for abundant flowering involves the use of complexes containing large amounts of potassium and phosphorus. Phosphorus will help form the correct formation of flower buds and ensure lush and long-lasting flowering. Potassium is responsible for active growth and good development plants. The frequency of fertilizing is once every two weeks.

Important! During the flowering period, you should take no more than 1 g potash fertilizer for 1 liter of water.

What is the best way to feed begonia for abundant flowering? The flower can also be treated with a solution of boric acid. This product should be used before the first buds appear and throughout flowering. The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks. Thanks to this, the begonia will form many more buds, they will be very bright, and the duration of flowering will increase.

To prepare the solution, take 10 g of boric acid, dilute it in a bucket of water and water the plant.

For abundant flowering, you can use boric acid

Errors during fertilization and their consequences

When feeding begonias, you should pay close attention to this so as not to make annoying mistakes.

  • When feeding begonia, it is important not to overdo it, as it will react poorly to excess fertilizer. It is better to add less than more, otherwise the plant will get sick and die.
  • Begonia should not be forced to bloom again. When the flowering period ends, it is necessary to stop fertilizing and allow the plant to prepare for the dormant period.
  • If the flower has just been planted or transplanted, you cannot fertilize it for a month, since the development of the root system may slow down in a seedling that has not yet had time to grow stronger.
  • Begonia affected by the disease is fed carefully, starting with not very large doses. During the period of fighting the disease, the roots, stem and leaves of the plant are too weak, and it can perceive nutrients as a destructive component.
  • When applying fertilizers, it is important to ensure that they do not get on the leaves and flowers, as this can cause them to burn.

Traditional methods of fertilization

Fertilizers for begonias prepared at home are considered no less effective than industrial mineral complexes or organics.

How to feed begonia using such products? The following products are most often used to prepare fertilizers at home.


Take 1 g of dry yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar, dilute in 1 liter warm water. The mixture is left to infuse for about 3 hours. Next, the required amount of solution is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:5. Use for watering no more than once every two months.


To prepare a sweet solution, add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. spoon of sugar, stir well and water the flower no more than once a month.

Sugar can be applied as fertilizer no more than once a month.

Tea brewing

The dried tea leaves are dried, combined with the ground in a ratio of 1:3 and used when planting begonias.

Orange, tangerine or lemon peel

IN liter jar(3/4) pour dry peels, pour boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Next, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and used to feed the plant. The frequency of application is 1 time per month.

Chicken egg shell

The eggshells are ground into powder and filled with water (40 °C). The components are taken in a ratio of 1:5. Allow the mixture to brew for 1.5-2 weeks, and it is important to shake it once every three days. Watering begonias is carried out no more than once a month.

Banana skin

Banana peels need to be dried and crushed. Add the resulting powder to the flower pot, then water the soil generously. The frequency of this procedure is once every 30 days.

Banana peel fertilizer should be added to the soil once a month.

Wood ash

Take 1 liter of warm water, add 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash, stir well and leave for 7-8 days. After the solution has infused, it is used to water the begonia twice a month.

For good growth, proper development and abundant flowering, the plant needs to be given special attention. In order for the beautiful begonia to be in perfect condition and decorate the house, it needs to be provided with timely watering and proper feeding.

How often do we come across this fact: we bought it ourselves or gave it to us as a gift, it stood for some time in bloom, pleased the eye, and then it begins to wither, stops blooming, the flowers dry out and become smaller. I would really like to have this beauty at home, but it just doesn’t work out. I would like to understand what is the reason? And there are many of them.

There are many types of begonias. Among begonias there are both decorative deciduous and decorative flowering species. Begonias are not only houseplants, they grow successfully outdoors in the summer. Most people stay in the house all summer, but when proper care, they can bloom in autumn and winter. Tuberous begonias are rightfully considered the most beautiful.

So what is proper care? What do these beautiful flowers need to grow and bloom well?

Begonias like moderate light, but not direct sunlight. Pots are often placed on north and northeast windows. The soils are only light. They should not dry out, but if overwatered they can rot. Begonias love high humidity, but they cannot be sprayed, because when water gets on the leaves they turn yellow and attract pests. You can place saucers of water next to the pots.

A very important condition for growing begonias is feeding. Tuberous begonia loves proper feeding.

- the key to lush flowering. Excessive application of fertilizers can also lead to changes in the composition of the soil, a decrease in immunity, they are more susceptible to diseases and pests, which leads to the death of the plant.

With proper care, tuberous begonias bloom from May to December, then the plant loses its leaves, dries out, is cut off and left to rest. The tubers are stored in pots with sand, and sometimes watered, preventing them from drying out completely. In March we transplant them into pots and shoots begin to grow. And immediately we do the first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate). This is done to stimulate growth and increase green mass. Further feeding with nitrogen fertilizers is not necessary, because the plant can “get fat” and bloom poorly. What fertilizers should fertilize begonia

further? All summer, that is, the most active flowering period, begonia is fed with complex fertilizers intended specifically for indoor flowers, containing potassium salts. Potassium deficiency manifests itself in yellowing of leaf edges and dying flowers. Lack of phosphorus - slow growth, calcium - susceptibility to diseases, magnesium and iron to maintain the required level of chlorophyll in the leaves, etc. Currently, many types of fertilizers for indoor flowers are produced. How to choose the right fertilizer for begonia? It is necessary to take into account its need for mineral salts and trace elements. This is traditional fertilizer for tuberous begonias