KTD methodological development on the topic. Examples of collective creative activities Work program of KTD in elementary school

One of effective means The development of the children's team at school is collective creative activity. The most detailed methodology for its organization was developed by I.P. Ivanov and his followers, who put forward the idea of ​​“Pedagogy of general care.” It is based on the following principles: socially useful orientation of the activities of children and their mentors, cooperation between children and adults, multi-role nature and romanticism of forms of activity, creativity.
Each collective creative activity (CTA) is a manifestation of the practical concern of students and educators about improving the environment and their own lives. Therefore, this is a vital, socially necessary matter.
It is collective because it is planned, prepared, carried out and discussed jointly by pupils and educators - both junior and senior.
It is creative because it is planned, prepared, carried out and discussed each time in a new version, as a result of the search the best ways, means of solving certain vital problems.
Through collective creative activity, the development of collectivist foundations of life, independence, initiative of children, self-government, active civil attitude towards other people and the world occurs.
CTD is a way of organizing a bright life, filled with work and play, joint creativity and personal joy.
Types of KTD:
Artistic and aesthetic;
Sports and recreation;
KTD structure
Stage 1 - preliminary work of the team (the teacher or educator determines the specific educational tasks of the CTD, outlines the initial guiding actions, captivates schoolchildren with the joyful prospect of an interesting and useful activity, and a creative search for solutions to several important tasks - questions.
Stage 2 – collective planning (gathering-start, work in microgroups on planning KTD).
Stage 3 – collective preparation of CTD.
Stage 4 – carrying out CTD.
Stage 5 – collective summing up of the results of the KTD (what was good? What didn’t work? Why? How to make it better?)
Stage 6 – the stage of the immediate after-effect of the KTD (implementation of conclusions and proposals when carrying out the results of the work done; often the start of a new KTD)
Each selected CTD will be successful if the following conditions are met:
1. All-round development of creative partnership relations between teachers and students.
2. All-round development of creative community relations between students of older and younger generations.
3. All-round development of creative community relations between the students themselves.

KTD technology.
The abbreviation KTD (collective creative work) is familiar to almost everyone teaching staff. Typically, this phenomenon of collective creative work is considered in the context of the pedagogy of common care (communal pedagogy). There, in the pedagogy of general care, CTD is a rigid organizational form tied to a specific focus of activity - benefit, joy to people. Yes, in practice, quite often this focus of CTD disappears and is replaced by other aspirations: communication, cognitive activity. This is usually interpreted as a deformation, distortion, reduction of communard pedagogy.
What is a reliable result of the implementation of collective creative endeavors, regardless of their orientation?
This is a positive activity of schoolchildren, and not spectatorial, but active, accompanied to one degree or another by a sense of collective authorship (not “they did it for us, they arranged it for us,” but “we did it for us, we decided, we did it”).

The technology of “classical” QTD has been described many times. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a brief reminder of what a structural diagram of a CTD is.
In its expanded form, collective creative work (according to I.P. Ivanov) includes six stages:
joint decision to conduct the case;
collective planning;
collective training;
conducting the case;
collective analysis;
decision about the consequence.
In real teaching practice, the first “joint decision” is rare. The matter is more often given from the outside (assignment to the class, squad) or “togetherness” comes down to the reaction of the children to the teacher’s proposal. The last stage - “deciding on the consequence” - is clearly not necessary because it is not independent stage, but part of the conversation, discussion based on the results of the case. Secondly, the result of a successful CTD may be a decision not to continue the ideas of the case.
So, the minimum CTD technology is a description of the chain, collective planning, preparation, implementation, collective analysis. Its essence is as follows: after making a decision to carry out a collective case, the primary team is divided into groups (teams, units, brigades). The groups develop proposals for organizing the cause and nominate their representatives to a temporary group of organizers (“cause council”). The Action Council develops a draft CTD based on the groups’ proposals, assigns tasks to the preparation groups, assists the groups and coordinates their efforts. Carrying out a collective creative activity, again, to one degree or another, relies on the activity (performances, actions) of groups, involving the competitiveness of schoolchildren, play and improvisation to activate it. After the end of the case, a joint analysis of the cases is carried out, organized so that all participants in the case can express their attitude, opinion, and feelings about the past event.
The well-known diagram of the structure of the QTD is as follows:
information about the Board of Directors
deniya analysis

The technological effectiveness of CTD is explained by the “tuning” of the chain of collective creative work on powerful psychological mechanisms already mentioned in show technology: competition, two-dimensionality of play, improvisation. But other mechanisms also work in CTD, and above all, the inclusion of schoolchildren in the full structure of activity (from decision to analysis), generating a sense of collective and individual authorship that is extremely significant for a teenager. Let us especially pay attention to collective analysis, which is, to one degree or another, a reflexive act (“attitude, comprehension of what has already happened to me”).
Reflection, as is known, enhances the feeling of involvement in the subject of reflection.
It is necessary to distinguish two types of CTD, which create as a result two types of activity among schoolchildren: classical CTD and personality-oriented CTD. The activity of schoolchildren in classical CTD is perceived by schoolchildren and teachers as “ours”, common.
In personality-oriented CTD, the result is still the same - positive activity, but the emphasis is different - “my activity”, “my contribution”, “the matter for me”.
What are the technological differences between the two types of collective creative activities?
In collective goal-setting (decision to carry out a task) - in traditional CTD there are social criteria for choosing a task (benefits, joy for people, unity of one’s team, etc.), in the personally oriented one there is another layer - the choice of tasks that are significant for the personal development of everyone. For example, in the form of a discussion of the question: will this matter help each of us understand something about ourselves, change, develop, improve ourselves?
And for such a turn in goal setting to take place, it is necessary to show some means of interest in mutual recognition of goals, values, interests (preliminary questionnaire, game techniques at the very starting general meeting, the same “live questionnaire”, etc.). The technique of capturing the idea of ​​development in a graphic image is also good, personal growth as a guide for the team.
In collective planning with the personal orientation of the CTD, along with preserving the general idea “from everyone’s proposals to the general plan of the business,” new accents are added: emphasized authorship of ideas, proposals, planning by the council of the matter based not only on microgroup projects, but also individual projects(and, therefore, at the planning stage it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to choose whether they work in a group or individually), emphasized recognition of the value of both accepted and not accepted ideas for implementation (for example, in the form of creating a “bank of author’s spare ideas”), recognition of the contribution to collective planning not only of the authors of ideas, but also of guys who performed other roles: critics, organizers of group work, technical workers; the possibility of developing (and perhaps launching in parallel) alternative projects that work towards a common idea adopted at the goal-setting stage.
In the collective preparation of personality-oriented CTD, the same accents as in planning, plus an emphasis on the voluntariness of taking on assignments for preparation, up to the possible exclusion of any fragment of the case, or the teacher taking it upon himself in the absence of “volunteers” (this is not excludes collective understanding of this situation during a joint analysis of a past case); assignments are not only group, but also emphatically individual (but on behalf of the team, through the council); maximum variety and individualization of assignments, up to the introduction of special (seemingly not obligatory for the case) roles for specific schoolchildren.

The children's team plays an important role in raising a child. The student’s self-esteem and position in life largely depend on how relationships develop in the classroom. It’s good if the guys are friends with each other, if their leisure time is filled with games, competitions, socially useful work, if everyone has the opportunity for self-realization. In effective ways development of schoolchildren are various creative activities (CTAs).


This term originated in the 60s of the last century. The creator of the methodology is considered to be Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences I.P. Ivanov. He was a follower of A. S. Makarenko, scrupulously studied his legacy and concluded that it is the “pedagogy of cooperation” that helps to avoid such distortions in education as excessive guardianship, authoritarianism of the teacher, or, conversely, permissiveness.

CTD technologies are widely used in primary school, among teenagers and young adults. The title itself contains the explanation:

  • Case - i.e. an active activity designed to improve the life of the class or people around it.
  • Collective, because the whole class is involved in it. Children and adults together come up with, plan, prepare and carry out the event.
  • Creative, because schoolchildren do not act according to a template, but independently look for ways to solve a problem, make “discoveries”, and generate ideas.


It is assumed that children themselves choose the types of cultural activities that interest them, come up with the course of the event, distribute roles, and deal with the design and organization. At the same time, there is something for each child. Some generate ideas, others distribute tasks, and others carry them out. The teacher becomes an equal partner for schoolchildren, helps them realize their plans, but does not put pressure on them with their authority.

During this activity:

  • children learn to interact with each other, work for a common result;
  • their need for communication is satisfied;
  • there is an opportunity for creative self-realization, both individual and collective;
  • The personality of each child develops, new talents and abilities are revealed.

Types of KTD

I. P. Ivanov proposed the following classification:

  1. Cognitive activities that develop an inquisitive mind, awakening interest in solving secrets and riddles. This includes expert tournaments, quizzes, evenings of entertaining tasks, game trips, and defense of independently developed projects.
  2. Labor matters. They encourage schoolchildren to care about other people and improve the reality around them. Labor landings, surprises, workshops, etc. are widely used.
  3. Artistic affairs. They develop aesthetic taste and allow children to become familiar with art. At the same time, schoolchildren participate in art competitions, stage puppet shows, and prepare for concerts.
  4. Sports activities develop the physical qualities of children, as well as perseverance and discipline. This includes sports competitions, “Health Days”, and tournaments.
  5. Public affairs usually coincide with holidays ( New Year, May 9, February 23, etc.). They expand children's understanding of the history and culture of their country.
  6. Ecological activities foster love for native nature and the desire to take care of it. Schoolchildren go on expeditions around the region, clean up trash in parks, save streams, study birds and plants, and organize an exhibition of forest products.
  7. Leisure activities make the life of the team bright and joyful. This includes balls, discos, all kinds of games, carnivals, competitions, holidays, birthday days and tea parties.

Preparation stages

Participation in CTD makes schoolchildren independent. Events are prepared jointly, taking into account children's interests, which significantly increases motivation. The following stages of organizing a CTD can be distinguished:

  1. Preliminary work. To begin with, you need an idea. Children share their ideas, defend them, carry out " brainstorm". The teacher can give examples of KTD from his own practice, but you should not impose them. Children must understand why or for whom the event is being held, what will change in the world or the class after it is held. The teacher sets pedagogical goals and determines ways to implement them.
  2. Collective planning. At this stage, the form and content of the common cause are determined, responsibilities are distributed, and specific deadlines are set. Children exchange their opinions in small groups, then bring them up for general discussion. As a result, the final decision is made on how best to organize everything. An initiative group is selected, which is responsible for developing the scenario and delegating responsibilities.
  3. Collective training. The initiative group distributes instructions to other schoolchildren. Each child or microgroup is responsible for their own episode. Costumes and props are prepared, music is selected, and rehearsals are organized. Often at this stage, some participants give up when faced with difficulties, some do not want to take part in the common cause, and the organizers fail to cope with their responsibilities. The teacher should act as an older, experienced comrade who helps to avoid conflicts. It is necessary to provide schoolchildren with support, but not dictate their terms.

Carrying out technical technical work

The class is looking forward to this event with joy and excitement. It is important that everyone understands their contribution. Of course, errors may occur during the event. Children do not have the same organizational experience that an adult has. Try to get them to learn from mistakes and draw conclusions. It is equally important to notice successes, even the smallest ones, and rejoice at them.

There are many types of KTD, and after each one the results are summed up at a general meeting. It is necessary to teach schoolchildren to analyze their experience and draw conclusions from it. Sometimes an anonymous survey is carried out, which allows the opinion of each child to be taken into account. When organizing the next collective project, be sure to take into account all the mistakes made.

KTD in primary school

In their work, teachers take into account the age characteristics of students. Thus, younger schoolchildren are not yet able to organize an event on their own. The teacher takes on the role of leader or coordinator, giving children more and more independence over time. It is important to take their opinions into account and encourage initiative. Sometimes it can be helpful to hand over the leadership role to parents or older students.

After developing the scenario, the class is divided into microgroups, each given a task. It is important that children learn to do their part of the work independently, with minimal help from adults. When holding sports and art competitions, provide a large number of nominations so as not to offend anyone.

KTD in middle and high schools

The older children are, the more independent they become. If we are talking about teenagers, then the teacher can safely take on the role of observer. In this case you should:

  • Intervene immediately in case of conflict.
  • Each time, re-form microgroups for the event so that children enter into new types of relationships.
  • Provide a change of activity for each pupil, carry out different types KTD.
  • Involve inactive schoolchildren, trying to find something they like.

There are many successful examples of QTD; they are described by I. P. Ivanov and his followers. The main thing is not to act according to a template, so that the joint business becomes improvisation, a flight of soul and imagination.

September. So, my 1st grade... Getting acquainted. Everyone is different, but so far I see some. After a few days I begin to “cover” the entire class. First conclusions: the children are terribly unfriendly, they fight endlessly, there is no discipline in the class. Therefore, my first goal is to make them friends, and for this purpose, to unite them into stars at will, let them be stars consisting only of boys or only of girls.

Fifth grade counselors arrive. Together we tell you who the Octobrists are, what the asterisk means, and why Lenin is depicted on it. Then the counselors taught the children the rules of October.

All this period (before the reception in October) I looked closely at the children, observed who was friends with whom, who lived next to whom, so that later there would be no surprises for me in the star-studded community.

We often went into the forest, and the guys, interrupting each other, told me about home, about moms, about dads, about various incidents from their lives. I wanted to look at everyone and understand. September pleased us with good weather. Yellow birch trees against the background of a dark green pine forest looked tender and touching. She drew the children’s attention to everything: to an anthill destroyed by someone, to birch trees, to the singing of birds.

October. We began to form groups of Octobrists at will. The guys were terribly happy, they walked around hugging each other, whispering to each other, and even went home together.

Finally, the long-awaited day has come - November 4: my kids will become Octobrists. The October reception took place in the school hall. In the hall near the walls are rows of pioneers - all in white shirts and red ties. Solemn faces. The Octobers enter the hall. The sounds of a bugle and drum are heard. The kids are stunned and confused - they don’t know where to go. I lead them to the stage. Then all the first classes are lined up in a quadrangle. The solemn voice of the counselor is heard. The banner is brought in. The guys freeze. Their eyes sparkle.

Pioneers perform. Each October child is pinned on his chest with a star and given a gift - a book.

My October kids sing together “Oktyabrenka”, which they themselves renamed “Song about a Happy Man”, then “We are cheerful guys”, etc. At the end of the holiday there are games and dances, singing of favorite songs. Then, happy, everyone goes home.

My proposal is to come up with a name for each star and choose a commander.

Everyone is actively (by stars) proposing and discussing names. Sasha D. sits and grins. Sasha is a very difficult boy. He cannot sit quietly, never makes eye contact, and does everything out of spite. But one day I caught his loving glance cast at Igor Aleksandrovich, who was entering the class, and who was always making something in class or in his drawing room. Since then, I often instruct him to plug in a plug (you need to climb onto the table), hold and hand a hammer and nails, hang a picture... He does all this with great pleasure. But now at the training camp Sasha is not interested in anything. He laughs at his star's boys and suggests names that cause bad laughter.

Finally, the 1st star announces its name - “Sputnik”; then the 2nd - “Cosmonauts”. Passing the 3rd star, I turn to the 5th, in which Sasha D.: “And you guys should have it too beautiful name? Which one?”

The laughter stopped. The guys began to suggest names. Suddenly Sasha said: “Let’s call it “Solnyshki.” I happily praised: “Great name. Well done!". Sasha lowered his head.

Then other stars announced their names: 3rd - “Eaglets”, 4th - “Star”, 6th - “Flags”.

We have chosen star commanders, and together we are thinking about what kind of badge to make for the commander.

"Eaglets." There is a red flag on the sleeve.

"Suns." On the sleeve there are designs - an eaglet, a flag, a star (after the name of the star).

"Flags". There is an asterisk on the sleeve.

The remaining stars immediately agree with all the proposals, but do not offer anything themselves. We accept the "Eaglets" offer. So, the commander of each star has a red flag on his left sleeve.

We are discussing how to celebrate the celebration of farewell to Primer. I say that I have material for the holiday. It needs to be divided by stars. We divide it like this: the 1st and 2nd stars - a collective recitation, the 3rd and 4th - the fairy tale “Letter I”, the 5th - the sketch “ABC”, the 6th - poetry. We will sing songs together. Also, the 1st star is looking for riddles about the book; 2nd - chooses baby books to read; 3rd - verses from the Primer suitable for the holiday; 4th - decorates the class; 5th and 6th - prepare colorful invitations to parents for the holiday.

We decide that the anthem of our October group will be a song about a happy person - “Oktyabrenok”.

20 November. Rehearsal. After lessons, the 1st star remains. We discuss which riddles are suitable for the holiday, and which are not suitable. Everyone got 2 riddles. We practice diction and expressiveness.

December 11th. Celebration of farewell to the Primer. The kids are dressed up and festive. By 12 o'clock the parents gather. Lyuba and Nadya meet them at the school door and escort them to class. The holiday begins. The participants of the recitation enter in formation. Everyone sings the “Song of Bulgarian Schoolchildren.” Then a fairy tale, a dramatization.

Sasha D. - Primer. He pronounces his words angrily, without looking at anyone - I feel that this is simply from an excess of attention directed at him. Sasha's mother smiles affectionately.

After the holiday, several children remain. Igor Aleksandrovich teaches them how to photograph. Vitya G., red with embarrassment, takes pictures of me with the girls. Then we read books - gifts from the bosses. Everyone goes home, holding books under their arms.

12 December. The Council of Commanders announces a star competition for Best offer about the ritual of changing commanders.

1. Discussion of the holiday of farewell to the Primer. Stars' opinions:

Okay, fun.

Sasha spoke expressionlessly...

Vitya didn’t come, he let the guys down...

Mom liked it...

They gave me good books.

I generalize:

The main thing is that everyone worked together, and now I’m happy that everything worked out.

2. Proposals for changing commanders:

"Satellite". The asterisk stands at attention, the commander is given a step forward, and he is given a flag.

"Cosmonauts". The old commander passes the flag to the new one.

"Eaglets." The counselor hands the flag to the new commander.

"Star". The whole class is at attention. The commanders come forward and are given stars and flags.

"Suns" and "Flags". They play a march. The commanders approach the counselor, who hands over the flags.

General conclusion-decision: after the reports of the old commanders, the stars confer and choose new ones. Then - a parade of commanders. The stars are lining up. The commanders come forward to the counselor.

Counselor: Stars, stand still! Pin flags to new commanders!

The star leaders pin flags on the new commanders. Each commander returns to his star to applause.

3. Distribution of traditional cases between stars:

"Sputnik" - orderlies;

"Cosmonauts" - librarians;

“Eaglets” publish an oral magazine or newspaper with their own name (“journalists”);

“Star” - attendants, teaching assistants (“class owners”);

“Suns” ensure order during recess, organize games (“players”);

“Flags” - give a concert (“artists”).

Suggestion: each star prepares a number for the concert. Perspective: preparation for the New Year.

December 15. Gathering a council of commanders: how to conduct a competition game dedicated to the culture of behavior.

December 18. Collection-game: cultural skills and habits. The scene “In the store” was invented by the asterisk “Sputnik”, the asterisk “Cosmonauts” - the scene “On the bus”. Competition game "Magic Word". The winners of the game are “Flags”, “Eaglets”.

1. Commanders' reports. Election of new commanders. Discussion of tasks completed in the last six months.

2. Collective planning for the next, third quarter.

Star suggestions:

"Eaglets." An evening of fairy tales and riddles, games on the slide.

"Satellite". Skiing, skiing in the forest.

"Cosmonauts". Reading fairy tales and books, concerts for Soviet Army Day, surprise for mothers.

"Flags". Make toys from natural materials and give them to kindergarten kids.

"Star". Slide games; help the pioneers collect paper.

"Suns." Outdoor games; skiing trip.

After discussing the proposals, we select the following cases:

1) gathering and traveling to the world of animals and birds;

2) games on the street - a fun winter sports competition.

3) PSM - a holiday surprise for mothers;

4) participation in the pioneer operation “Paper”.

We create business councils (optional, with a representative from each star) that will organize the planned activities.

3. Alternation of traditional tasks. Discussion with the whole class about the work of stars. The star "Solnyshki" - "masters of the class" - was recognized as the best. The orderlies work poorly, so many guys “walk around covered in ink.”

4. Concert - from each star by number. I really liked the ditties performed by Deeva and Goland.

5. Assignment: think about how we will conduct the gathering-trip.

January 21. Gathering of the case council with counselors. We listen to the stars’ suggestions: come up with fairy tales about animals; draw different animals, birds; read books about animals; talk as if you were a participant in the events; show drawings and tell who is drawn, where they live, what they eat; watch films about animals.

Counselors offer to read books about animals at star gatherings. We decided that each star would choose several animals or birds and tell where they live, what they eat, what they look like, draw them and show the pictures to the children. You can come up with your own fairy tale or poem about animals. Each star will ask 2 questions to the whole class (riddles are possible).

January 29. Collection-journey into the world of animals and birds. “Eaglets” and “Solnyshki” performed interestingly at the training camp. They composed fairy tales, stories about animals, came up with questions and riddles.

January 30. General gathering-“light” - discussion of the gathering-travel. All the kids admitted that they didn’t prepare enough. They criticized themselves and their commanders.

The gathering was not entirely successful, but we learn from mistakes...

Program of collective creative activities for grades 1-4

Currently, in socio-pedagogical theory and practice, much attention is paid to the use of active forms of training and education, since these forms contribute to the formation of an active life position and the education of a creative type of personality. Interest in this problem is also explained by the fact that in our difficult time of crises and changes, a person needs to learn to be prepared for any difficulties, be able to overcome them, and also be able to make decisions and take actions, that is, to show leadership qualities. This is especially true for younger students. Modern children of primary school age are able to show initiative, activity, creativity, however, real practice suggests that in elementary school, in the vast majority of cases, students passively carry out the instructions of the teacher, while the child is able to actively participate in public life and make independent decisions in various situations . Primary education lays the foundation for all further learning and personal development. The peculiarity of education and training at this level is that they are carried out, as a rule, by one teacher. The social success of children in future, educational, personal, and professional activities depends on skillful leadership and the combination of various forms of work aimed at developing leadership qualities in younger schoolchildren. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the implementation of these approaches should be carried out during joint activities by all members of the team, and therefore the development of leadership qualities of junior schoolchildren should take place in collective activities.

Collective creative education is a special way of organizing the life of children and adults, which involves joint activities aimed at improving life together. Collective creative work (CTC) is the most important structural component methods of collective creative education. This technique assumes the broad participation of everyone in the selection, development, conduct and analysis of collective cases. Everyone is given the opportunity to determine for themselves their share, the nature of their participation and responsibility. KTD make it possible to create a wide creative playing field at school, which consists in the fact that each participant in the matter is in a situation of inventing, composing, imagining, that is, creating something new. In the process of CTD, children acquire communication skills, learn to work, share success and responsibility with others, and learn a lot of new things about each other. So there go two important process at the same time - the formation and unity of the class team, and the formation of the student’s personality, the development of certain personality qualities. In progress general work people interact different ages. During the planning and organization of KTD, adults and children gain extensive organizational experience; everyone can submit an idea, suggest new way action, take on the implementation of a certain stage of collective creative work. CTDs become a powerful force that attracts children to school and provide extensive extracurricular employment for children. CTD, according to T.A. Stefanovskaya, enriching the team and the individual with socially valuable experience, allows everyone to demonstrate and improve the best human inclinations and abilities, needs and relationships, to grow morally and spiritually. The strength of each CTD is that it requires a general search, gives it impetus and opens up wide scope for it. Therefore, in our opinion, in each of these cases, a flexible form and rich, varied content, and non-standard options are important.


give the opportunity

student to teacher

    Realize and develop your abilities;

    Expand your knowledge about the world around you;

    Acquire design skills;

    Demonstrate organizational skills;

    Strengthen communication skills;

    To develop abilities for reflection (analysis)

    Develop creativity;

    Improve organizational skills;

    Study the cool team;

    Unite students, teachers, parents;

    Manage the process of development of the student’s personality;

    Develop reflective abilities

    Formation of a team of like-minded people;

    Development of cultural space;

    Personality formation.

Types of KTD:

Socio-political (S-P)

Labor (T)

Cognitive (P)

Environmental (E)

Sports (C)

Artistic and aesthetic (H-E)

Leisure (D)

Planning for the 2014-2015 academic year



Type of KTD


"Autumn Colors"




Village plants

Logic riddles


P, D

Presentation “Attractions of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug”


P, E

Sights of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

"Gift for Mom"




Christmas mood

(decoration of offices, school corridor)



New Year cards



Ornament of the peoples of the North

“If you are kind...”


Figures made of snow " Winter fun»



Lotto "Painting"



Artists of the NAO

Gift for dad



Game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"


P, D

“Complete the drawing to...”



Sports game “A healthy body, a healthy mind”


Athletes of our village

Game "Tick-tock-boom"



Game "13 notes"


Drawing on the asphalt




As you know, there are no ready-made recipes for education. Every teacher strives to come up with and implement something of his own.

In our “Kronstadt” squad, the method of collective creative work is widespread, which appeared with us thanks to Andrei Nitkin.

The materials presented in this publication are the work experience of the leaders of the 5th consolidated detachment of Lieutenant General S.L. Markov: shin.1 A. Nitkin, rts2 S. Prokofieva, dbr. N. Balitskaya.

Of course, it is impossible to repeat someone’s original KTD idea one to one, but “grabbing” this idea, feeling it and developing it together with the children in an updated version is already creativity.

Collective creative work

What is KTD?

The QTD technique was developed by I.P. Ivanov. Communard detachments worked using this method, and from there the KTD came to us.

KTD can be labor, sports, cognitive, organizational, or simply developing the abilities of children.

I.P. Ivanov distinguishes 4 stages of KTD:

I. Depending on the needs of the detachment, KTD is developed in groups (for us these can be units). A competition is held between primary teams for the best projects.

II. At the general meeting, one option is selected or a consolidated project is created; a council of affairs is elected from representatives of each primary collective.

III. The “Council of Action” develops the chosen option in detail and distributes instructions among the primary teams. Manages the conduct of the case.

IV. The completed case is discussed at a general meeting (successes, shortcomings, suggestions for the future).

It is quite difficult to complete all the steps, so we moved away a little from classical scheme KTD, and usually it is reserved only for managers. But in principle, this scheme fits well with the link system and you can gradually introduce things prepared by children. The first stage can be performed by the units, the second by the entire detachment, and the third by the leaders.

Of course, this does not mean that all the work was “dumped” on the children. The manager gets the most difficult thing - organization. We know from experience that it is quite difficult to motivate children - they are used to receiving ready-made tasks and tasks. To help compile the KTD, we have come up with a “cheat sheet”, it is given below.

Why do we need KTD?

Firstly, they help education. This requires some effort on the part of managers. Children are different and the leader should try to notice what the child lacks. Most children are embarrassed by their creativity, this can manifest itself in different ways: some refuse to participate (I don’t want to, I can’t), others, on the contrary, make faces and hide behind ostentatious swagger. Therefore, in KTD there is a rule: do not ridicule, do not even say “they say, you won’t succeed,” but you need to point out mistakes (before the performance) and help correct them. “Ignore” embarrassment.

Another rule for a leader is to “see” and remember invisible children. It is known that there are bright personalities and they will be remembered more than once after the case, but there are those who are always forgotten. The leader should specifically observe such children and after the case, when everyone shares their impressions, mention the “lost” and say what they liked about his work.

Since the work is carried out in a team, the guys learn to take into account the opinions of others. At the beginning of the formation of a detachment, the leader or senior intelligence officers should help the others find compromises. If CTD is carried out at all four stages, then the participants develop such an important quality as responsibility for a common cause. The team also means caring for each other. Of course, the personal example of the leader is important, but you also need to teach the children themselves to be attentive: sometimes it is enough to suggest that someone needs help, you can confidentially turn to the child and ask, as it were, for help from you (for example, you need to explain something to a newcomer, but You have absolutely no time), or you can persuade a group of children to prepare a surprise for others, etc. The main thing is that the tone of your request is not edifying.

Secondly, CTD develops children's abilities and teaches them to respect the creativity of others. CTD can be both cognitive (there is no development without new knowledge) and aimed only at self-realization.

It is important that learning is not a boring lecture, but a game, a competition, when you do not need to learn the lesson by heart. New information acts indirectly in the case: let’s say “if we need to prepare a performance (literary, theatrical, as a team in a quiz, as a tour guide) we can use this literature,” that is, knowledge is not a goal, but a means of achieving it. Self-realization gives you the opportunity to try yourself in different roles. Everyone turns out to be a master at something, and this will help someone find themselves. It is better if all children's work is documented and stored (this is necessary for the children themselves). Otherwise, it will turn out that no one needs their work.

How to perform CTD?

It’s good if the KTD starts with a splash screen.

“Screensaver” is about creating the necessary mood. The screensaver can be a small scene, a specially decorated room, music, etc. The screensaver helps you move from one task to another. The task can be formulated in the splash screen itself or after it, but the main thing is that it sounds clearly (you can write it down on cards and distribute it to groups). Next comes division into groups, if necessary. It is necessary to ensure that the groups are approximately equal in strength and that their composition changes with each case.

Completing the task:

If the case is individual, you need to ensure that each participant has necessary materials. You can immediately warn children that it is not necessary to demonstrate the results of their creativity, but it is impossible not to do so. If the matter is collective, the senior in the group (leader or senior intelligence officer) plays an important role. Each group member needs to be occupied (sometimes it is necessary to distribute various tasks) with what he can do. Let everyone express their opinion; if someone is silent - “falls out of business” - ask his opinion. In entertainment, cast younger children in the main roles, those who play worse (for some cases there may be exceptions), and more experienced actors in episodic roles. The main roles are more imaginative and emotional, so it is easier for children to understand and portray them. Seniors can also make a secondary role stand out (seniors, but not newcomers).

After viewing/listening to the results of creativity, it would be good to summarize the matter. How to do this is worth thinking seriously about.

Now about the cases presented next. You will see many similar KTDs - this is not accidental. Ideally, most CTD is performed only once; the next time it is performed, it will be externally changed. For example, “Burnt Films” and “Evening of Genres” are frivolous productions. Even such changed cases are best carried out after about six months. Small tasks that take 15-30 minutes can be combined into a station game. Serious performances, plastic arts, ballet, are best performed by candlelight, if the plot does not require bright light. In any case, do not accept hack work (when it is obvious). For example, in the “Auction” case, do not accept a picture like “dot, dot, comma” as a drawing.

How to come up with KTD?

We offer the following “cheat sheet”. Using it, you will definitely create a KTD of “medium brightness,” and if you add creativity, you may end up with a work of art. It’s more interesting if you combine several types of KTD in one. All bright things are teams.

Drawing up KTD

Select KTD type:

1. Runner

2. Staging

3. Drawing

4. Musical girl

5. Writer

6. Handicraft

1. Runner (2 hours)

Select the type: “war”, by station, hunting.

a) “War”

What is the goal of the players?

*take the enemy flag;

*kill everyone;

*reach the designated area with the whole group.

How to kill an enemy?

*pluck the virus;

*grab a certain number of people, etc.

Is it possible to take prisoners and how?

Under what conditions are the dead revived?

*transition to another team;

*penalty points awarded.

Do you have your own territory or is it shared?

How are signals given for the start and end of the game?

How are the results summed up?

b) By station

What is the goal of the game?

*give or test knowledge of history, Orthodoxy, intelligence practice, and so on;

*for dexterity;

*for ingenuity;

*just entertaining.

Come up with tasks for each station.

How many managers are involved?

*not all stations may have managers;

*some require several managers.

How do groups move?

*by arrows;

*according to notes;

*according to the map.

Command output:

*simultaneously from different points

*from one point at the same or different times.


A group of children catches the leader.

Are they hunting one or more animals, birds, fish?

Which ones exactly?

What is the purpose of the hunt?

*collect a secret message;

*gather ingredients for medicine;

*competitions between hunters.

What are the rules for catching an animal?

·Select what you need:

*the beast leaves a mark;

*runs away in plain sight;

*They are looking for him.

Rules for capturing the beast:

*easy to find;

*grab a certain number of people;

*attach something to the animal, etc.

How do hunters run?

*random group;

*a certain number of people;

*hunters have limited movements.

Come up with an ending and summary:

*production of medicine;



2. Staging (2 - 6 hours)

Do you come up with a script yourself or take a ready-made one?

Additional terms:

*name given;

*voice given;

*phrases are given that should be included in the production.

If the statement is without words, then:

*is it accompanied by accompaniment (music, noise)?

*is there a plot?

Come up with a header and a case form:

*"Film Festival";

*“Forgotten Fairy Tale”;

*“Evening of genres”.

Summarizing. The final.

3. Drawing games (30 minutes - 1.5 hours)

Purpose of the case:

*learning to draw;

*self-expression in color;

*creating a general drawing.

Is the drawing used a form or an abstract drawing?

Do they draw one at a time or in a group?

Formulate the task:

*drawing to music, story, etc.

*free color painting;

*image of someone or something.

Is this the last stage or is there a continuation?

Option for continuation tasks

*draw to...

*assemble into a general composition;

*drawing is the beginning of another thing.

Think about the ending.

4. Musical songs (1 - 2 hours)

Serious or entertaining?

Cognitive or not?

Activities of participants:

*listening and discussion;

*writing a review or story to music;


*composing your own songs.

Come up with a business form:

*festival of musical groups;


*evening of songs;

*stories about music;

Come up with an ending.

5. Writing (1.5 - 3 hours)

Serious or entertaining?

One at a time or in groups?

What is written?



Additional terms:

*writing to music;

*mandatory inclusion of any phrases;

*writing something after a series of tasks (workshop);

*publishing a magazine;

*a hodgepodge of word games.

What is the case form?

6. Handicraft (1 - 2 hours)

What do we create from?

*from threads;

*natural materials.

What are we doing?




Formulate the task:

*depict a team/person;

*image on a free theme;

*image of a specific figure;

*A limited number of objects can be depicted.

Purpose of the case:




Come up with an ending.

7. Thoughts (1 - 2 hours)

Select type:

a) recognition (“Travel”);

b) reasoning (TRIZ, Academies, Evening of solved and unsolved mysteries);

c) question-and-answer questions (Intellectual hockey).

a) Recognition

1. Choose a topic.

2. When will they learn something new?

*first the group prepares its part, then presents it to others.

3. In what form?

b) Reasoning

1. Choose a topic for discussion. Formulate questions or stories that will explain.

2.In groups or individually? If in groups, are they permanent or not?

3. Does each group have the same question or different ones?

4. How is each question and case summed up?

c) Questions and answers

1. Select a topic:

*common for everyone;

*each team has its own.

2. Questions are prepared:



*both one and the other.

3. What is the order of answering the questions:

*who guessed it faster;

*according to system:


¨snake/attack in random order;

¨ like a fan.

*the whole team thinks simultaneously or in stages (see “Intellectual Hockey”).

A collection of collective creative endeavors

1. Knowledge Auction

Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour.

1. Several interesting little things are covered with a scarf.

2. Children ask questions about this thing (so that the answers are “yes”, “no”).

3. Guess the thing. Then it comes out from under the scarf.

4. Try to name as many features of the object as possible.

5. The one who names the most features receives the item as a gift.

Materials: items for “sale”, scarf or bag.

2. Color painting

Time: 30 minutes for drawing, 30 minutes - 1 hour for guessing (depending on the number of participants).

1. Assignment: depict the n-number of people using color without using shape (trees, sun, person, etc.).

2. The presenter collects the works, and everyone guesses who is depicted where. It is better if everyone who proposed his own option tries to justify why he decided so.

3. Drawings are given to those who are depicted in them; the author can sign them.

Materials: paper, paints, brushes, toothbrushes, water glass.

3. Plasticine painting

Time: 15 minutes for work, 2-6 minutes for explanations for each group.

The task is the same as for color painting, but you need to depict a group. The authors (several people) depict themselves.

Materials: cardboard (one sheet per group) for the base, plasticine.

4. Plastic surgery

Time: 1 hour – preparation, 30 minutes – viewing.

1. Listen to music*, a 3-4 minute fragment for each group.

2. Assignment: teams receive the names of their compositions and must prepare a plastic performance (pantomime)*.

3. General viewing.

Materials: tape recorder, cassettes, candles, props for production: scarves, shawls, identical items of clothing, etc.


* - music should be without words

* - composition most often without an obvious plot, abstract.

5. Burnt films

Time: 1.5 – 2 hours.

Screensaver: The director comes out with film films. Viewing soon. A witch arrives and burns the films. All that remains are the movie titles.

1. Task: Teams are given movie titles. We need to come up with a movie.

2. General viewing.

Materials: witch costume (mop, skirt, old scarf), matches, paper (“films” that will burn), iron utensils (“cassette player” - “films” will be burned in it), movie titles on scorched scraps of paper.

6. Storyteller

Time: 1.5 – 2 hours.

Screensaver: A forgetful grandmother complains that she has forgotten all the fairy tales and has nothing to tell her grandchildren. Remembers only fragments.

1. Assignment: Teams are given excerpts from fairy tales. You need to come up with a fairy tale using the received passages without changes.

2. General viewing.

Materials: grandmother's costume, cards with sentences from fairy tales.

7. Mysterious sounds

Time: 1.5 – 2 hours.

Screensaver: Robbers stole the film, only the voiceover remains.

1. Task: Teams listen to the tape (5-10 minutes). We need to come up with a movie.

2. General viewing.

Materials: tape recorder, cassette recording various sounds: a door creaking, something falling into the water, a bag rustling, screams, etc. The entry must be the same for all teams.

8.-1. Evening of genres

Time: 1.5 – 2 hours.

From three bags the groups take out: from the first - the name of the fairy tale, from the second and third - genres (or already combined genres, then there will be two bags).

1. Assignment: Stage a fairy tale in the appropriate genre.

2. General viewing.

Materials: cards with names of fairy tales and genres, bags.

8.-2. VeTV (Evening of creativity)

Staging serious performances.

Materials: each team must be given a short story; the story should be emotional: a few thoughts and descriptions (it is better not to take stories about animals, as it is very difficult to play).

9. Rebusyatnik

Time: 1 hour.

The leader talks about the rules for composing puzzles and how to solve them.

1. Teams solve speed puzzles.

2. Each team makes up a rebus. For example: in a proverb, 2-3 spaces of 3-6 letters are made, and an ellipsis is placed instead.

3. Exchange of puzzles. The solution.

Materials: cards with puzzles, album sheets, felt-tip pens.

10. Letters to yourself

Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour.

1. You need to imagine yourself as two people.

2. Write yourself a letter (maybe with a reply).

3. Final part: reading letters (at the request of the participants).

Materials: notebook sheets, pens.

11. SHIP-SHIP (Jokes and parodies

– Pranks and pranks) or OPEN DOOR DAY IN A MADNESS HOUSE

Round 1: Distribution of patients into wards.

Doctors: Historian, Head. for catching Glitches, Severe case, Mild seizure department, Chief livestock breeder.

Chief livestock breeder

You are dolphins.

a) - Perform several dives. So good. - And now higher and deeper.

b) - Walk on your tail through the waves, turn over on your back and fins, fins... Good!

c) – Talk, and now jump through the ring. You can swallow a couple of fish...

You are a boa constrictor.

d) Choke someone.

e) The hunter is chasing you - run away.

f) Change the skin.

You are chickens.

a) Hatch from the egg.

b) Run after the worm, now from the cat. Try flying.

c) Now get into the frying pan...

Head for catching glitches

1. Catch the glitch, take him to the police, explaining that they are really waiting for him there.

2. a) You are sitting, suddenly you see Baltons flying, you pretend that you don’t notice them.

b) Balton sat on your nose.

c) You run after the baltons, dodging especially large ones.

3. You are surrounded by sneakers! What to do?

Try each one on carefully.

Two sneakers grab onto your feet and won’t let go.

The sneakers are defeated and dumped in the trash can.

Hard case

1. You are carrying 216 kg 340 g on your back. Uncomfortable. Place it in your left pocket. Inconvenient. Place it in your right pocket. Inconvenient. Throw away this crap.

2. You stand and don’t touch anyone. Suddenly they start throwing bricks at you. They shoot at the left leg. They shoot at the right leg. Both legs.

3. They try to hit you on the head with a wall. You try to dodge. The wall tries to dodge. You both dodge. From each other.

Mild seizure department

1. You are a fog.

Ñ ​​You are condensing.

Ñ ​​It drags you away

Ñ ​​You were collected and squeezed out

2. You are a breeze

Ñ ​​The rock stands there and doesn’t bother anyone. Well, how can you not get involved in it?

Ñ ​​You are blowing over the sea, and it’s dripping on you.

Ñ ​​You disperse the clouds.

3. You are a mosquito - light and fluffy.

Ñ ​​You fly and squeak, against the wind.

Ñ ​​It dripped onto your right wing. It dripped onto your left wing. The fly sat on the right wing, and its friend on the left. And a sparrow flew past the cash register.

Ñ ​​You are caught in a web. You resist, you try to fly away. A spider is approaching you. You resist more and more. Useless.

1. You are Alexander Nevsky.

Say your famous phrase: “Whoever has the sword...” And swing the sword.

Drown the crusaders on Lake Peipsi.

You are speaking at the Novgorod Assembly. Bark at the people to get inspired.

2. You are Peter I.

You are in your nightgown, screaming from the Streltsy riot.

Come on, you've come to the swamp. We got tired and sat down on a tree stump. Tell the people that a city will be founded here. And build yourself the house of Peter I.

You are walking along the Nevskaya prospect. There's a man to meet you. Bang hits your feet and bows. You picked him up, kissed him and said: “Why, slave, are you bowing to me, I’m a slave like you.” And he hit him on the forehead with the staff. Move on. The second dunce. And this one doesn’t bow down. You hugged him, kissed him and smacked his forehead, “Why, slave, don’t you bow to me. Am I a king or not? And he went crazy.

3. You are V.I. Lenin.

Fire Aurora and sell it with Dzerzhinsky.

Get on the armored car and make a fiery speech to the proletariat.

You and Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky are chasing hares in the Gulf of Finland on Aurora.

Doctors distribute patients to wards.

Round 2: Each ward prepares a performance under the watchful supervision of the doctor in charge of that ward.

Final part: general review.

Materials: white coats.

12. Auction

Time: 3 – 3.5 hours.

1. Time to prepare work (1.5 – 2 hours).

The guys prepare works: haiku, poems, drawing, color painting, plasticine works. Work can be combined (drawing and plasticine).

2. An auction is held. The monetary unit is 1 haiku. Works can be put up for sale and used as money. The manager collects all the works put up for sale and conducts the auction. Other people's works cannot be put up for auction. The buyer pays the author of the work.

Starting prices: haiku – 1 haiku

poems – 3 haiku

color painting – 2 haiku

drawing – 3 haiku

story* – 6 haiku

plasticine – 5 haiku – complex modeling work

* The story should be about some insignificant thing, for example, about parquet cells, a chamomile petal, a hoof, etc.

Materials: writing paper, pens, drawing paper, paints, brushes, plasticine.

13. Pebble writing

Time: 1.5 hours.

It takes place outside.

1. Collect 100 stones.

2. Lay out a drawing from them. In this case, the stones can be stacked on top of each other, creating volume. Other natural materials can also be used for work.

3. Upon completion of the work, an exhibition is organized. The authors present their works.

14. Bureaucrat Day

Time: 2 hours.

Task: collect certificates from all bureaucrats.

Bureaucrats are leaders and are responsible for very important things. For example, bureaus for smiles, spotted ground squirrels, UFO detection, etc.

Each bureaucrat comes up with rules (some actions) that, when completed, the child will receive a certificate. The requirements are simple, but they are not communicated to children. A general list of actions is posted somewhere. Each bureaucrat's actions change every 15 minutes. Bureaucrats refer each other. The winner is the one who collects the most certificates or all the signatures for one certificate.

Materials: list of actions, signs with bureau names.

(Love these songs)

The case takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour. They talk about famous bards or other composers and singers. Listen to songs performed by the author (tape recorder). They learn songs and sing themselves.

16. Game by stations

Children are divided into groups (according to the number of stations). The first group goes to the first station, the second to the second, etc. After time has passed, the groups change. This case combines several cases. (Assignment for one of the stations: a story about something very memorable or about one of the people present in the camp).

17. “Hug me birch!”

Time: 2 hours.

For children 1-6 grades.

It takes place outside. The route is pre-laid (arrows along the paths). At stations, managers check the completion of tasks. Children are released one at a time.

1. Station “Capture of the Fortress”

Balloons hang on the trees. The task is to hit them with a small ball. When all the “warriors” are beaten (balls), you can continue on your way.

2. “Treasure Search”

Without leaving the spot, find the flags hidden by the leaders.

3. Hit 5 balls while standing on the goal.

7. Draw a non-existent animal.

8. Hug the birch tree and smile at it as widely as possible. Wish her good morning (afternoon, evening).

18. Parties

Time: 1 hour to prepare speeches.

1. The guys are divided into groups. Each party comes up with its own names (“Left”, “Mad Cucumbers”, “Full Moon”, etc.)

Each party must come up with its own emblem, slogan, anthem, laws.

2. Campaigning is carried out in the party. Everything written is read out.

If a follower of another party finds an object, a coup occurs and the dominant party changes. (Other cases may be carried out in parallel).

TV almanac

Time: 1 - 1.5 hours.

Assignment: The TV almanac is dedicated to any one topic*. Participants are divided into groups. Each group receives 1-2 rubrics.

Examples of headings of a squad TV almanac: “The amazing is nearby” (about an interesting natural phenomenon from personal observations using pictures, “photographs”, “herbarium”), “Fears of our squad”, “Our hands are not for boredom” - an interview with the leader.

Teams prepare their section (small skits). About 40 minutes to prepare.

The final part: watching a TV almanac hosted by a TV presenter. * -The TV almanac can be both humorous and serious.

Materials: “TV”, pencil, paper, pens.


Held in large camps for a minimum of 3 days to 7 days. Everyone is blindfolded for the duration of the kinesthetic test.

One hour is given to explore the space. Further, during kinesthetics, other things are carried out that do not require vision.

Mind hockey

Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour for preparation, one hour for each round.

Two teams play. Each team is seated in three rows.

1st row - attack (midfield)

2nd row - protection

3rd row - goalkeeper (one person).

The attack is given 5 minutes to answer questions, the defense 3 minutes, the goalkeeper 1 minute (or: attack - 3 minutes, defense - 1 minute, goalkeeper answers immediately.

Teams also need time to come up with questions for the other team on a given topic.

I round

The presenter asks questions - “washers”. The question is asked to the first team. The midfield thinks and if it gives the correct answer, then the next question is asked to the second team. If the midfield cannot respond, then the puck goes to the defenders. If they answered, then the question is asked again to the midfielders of the same team. If the answer to the question is not found within the allotted time, and even the goalkeeper could not help in any way, then the question goes to the other team, and the team that missed the “puck” is awarded a goal.

2nd round

Teams ask questions to each other.

Materials: questions on the chosen topic.

Knight Tournament

Time: 2 – 3 hours.

Each knight chooses a lady for himself. Points are given in each round.

1. Knights serenade the ladies in gibberish, from 1 to 10 points.

2. Look into each other’s eyes for one minute without laughing or blinking. Points are given. Who came out first - 1, second - 2, etc.

3. Knights turn away from their ladies. They must describe her as fully as possible (hair color, eye color, clothing, etc.). For each correct definition, the knight receives a point.

4. The ladies write 5 words in turn on the knights’ faces with a wet brush. Knights must guess the words. There are 3 attempts per word. The one who guesses correctly on the first attempt gets 3 points, on the second - 2, on the third - 1 point.

5. The knights take paints and brushes and begin to make beauties out of the ladies. (They draw on their faces).

6. Whoever holds the girl in his arms longer, points are given in the same way as point 2.

7. Knights are presented with various difficult situations.

8. Knights guess the ladies by their hands (by touch with their eyes closed).

Materials: paints, brushes, mirror, candle.

Deer hunting

Time: 1.5 hours

Depending on the number of children and leaders, the number of deer (leaders) and groups of hunters is determined. Each group of hunters must have one curator and one deer. The game is played outdoors in a large area, preferably in the forest.

1. The deer are given rags of different types, cut into strips. bright colors- these are their traces. When a deer runs away, it leaves traces so that one cloth can be seen from another.

2. Hunters leave 30 minutes after the deer leaves. Having left the last trace, the deer hides somewhere nearby. Hunters must find the deer within a certain time (40-60 minutes) and collect all traces, otherwise the deer is not considered caught.

Materials: colored rags (colors according to the number of deer).

Blind Deer

Time: unlimited

The game is played both outdoors and indoors.

The leader - the “blind deer” - sits in the center of the circle, blindfolded. The rest stand in a circle - “wolves”. The person conducting the game stands next to the deer. He claps his hands (start of the game) and points his hand at one of the participants. He begins to sneak up on the deer, his task is to touch the deer with his hand. The deer's task is to guess from which direction the wolf is approaching him and point his hand in that direction. As soon as he guessed right, the presenter claps his hands and the unlucky wolf goes back to his place. The deer must fight off 5-7 wolves, then they are considered victorious. If the wolf touches the deer, they switch places.

Time: 2.5 - 3 hours

The defendant is chosen - this can only be a phenomenon (season, songs, etc.). You cannot judge a specific person.

Depending on the number of children and their desire to participate, everything is divided into defense, prosecution, jury trial, and examination.

1. The prosecutor presents a list of charges.

2. Time is given to prepare evidence and witnesses: videotapes (i.e. mini-productions). Witnesses - children portray various people (scientists with reports, certificates, passers-by, personally participating, etc.). The examination may be provided with various certificates about the mental state or position in the law of a judge, lawyer, or prosecutor. Experts may consider them valid or not. The information provided by scientists is considered correct, no matter what nonsense they say, as long as it sounds convincing and believable.

Evening of Legends

Everyone divides into groups and goes their separate ways. different rooms. 1 hour is allotted for preparation. During this time, legends are invented. At the candle all the legends are read out. Before the task, leaders put a legend.

Reproduction of the painting

Time: 30 minutes.


A nightmare, thieves, disasters, bandits all around. Horror!!!

My museum! My pictures! Are you an artist? And don’t deny it, I know better. So that's it. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. You have 30 seconds to view this work of art. The rest of you, turn away and don't peek. Thank you. Girl, girl, we had one artist here, but we already fired him, now you... Well, you painted. Okay, now we can open the museum, the collection is complete.

Task: each participant looks at the drawing of the previous author (the first participant looks at the original) for 30 seconds, then draws from memory what he saw and gives a name (1-2 minutes are allotted for this)*.

Materials: reproduction, paper, felt-tip pens.

* - It is necessary to think over the task for those who do not draw; it can be carried out in parallel with another task.

Psychological training

1. There are two terrorists on the plane, each of them has a bomb. They are negotiating with the pilot. Their task is to decide where they are flying in 1 minute. At the same time, everyone is trying to convince them to fly in their own direction. If they fail to reach an agreement in 1 minute, the plane crashes.

2. “Submarine”

The submarine is about to die. Only 3 people can escape. An order was received that the captain must return. The task is to decide in 2 minutes who will go with the captain.

3. “Desert Island”

A group of people ended up on a desert island. The task is to decide what to do.

Roles: leader, opponent of the leader, person who does not like everything that is offered, the rest can join anyone.

Leaders observe and analyze.

4. “Lecture”

Spectators sit in 3 rows. The lecturer is reading on stage.

1st: One person asks questions, the other just pays attention, the third writes down the lecture.

2nd: Discuss the lecture among themselves, express their opinions.

3rd: They do what they want.

After one minute, move one chair to the left. The lecturer sits down on the vacant chair. From the right chair of the last row, a person becomes a lecturer, and this is repeated according to the number of participants. The entire lecture is read.

5. “Trust in the team”

Everyone stands in a circle, close to each other. One stands in the center. Closes his eyes. Falls on people (legs in one place). If a person bends at the waist, it means he doesn’t trust.

6. “Trust the person”

One (the person being tested) stands with his back to the other at a distance of 1.5-2 m (depending on height). Falls backwards. The second one catches him near the floor.

7. “Feelings”

Everyone sits holding hands with their eyes closed. One conveys one of the sensations (heat, cold, fear, loud knocking)

8. “Sharing weaknesses”

Everyone sits in a circle. One person says to his neighbor on the right: “I want to give you my.....(flaw)....”. “Thank you, I’ll give you my shortcoming for it.”

9. “Turnip”

Characters: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Mole.

The grandfather and his family are trying to convince the turnip to crawl out of the ground, the Mole to stay in the garden. The turnip makes a decision in one direction. If you decide to get out, then you say who from your grandfather’s family convinced you best.


Time: 1 hour.

The squad draws a map of their (fictional) country. Draw a house for everyone. For some merits, allotments, lands, and home improvements are given (they are signed in detail together with the children).


Time: 1.5 hours.

Screensaver: A provincial arrived in Big city On one day. I bought tickets to the opera, but there was an emergency and the opera was postponed to the next day. The provincial dreamed of attending the opera all his life. He's heartbroken.

Assignment: Stage an opera (“The Naked King”, “Stirlitz”, etc.).


(Acting Lesson)

1. Training (flea, mouse, dog, tiger, elephant). You have to say “Up!”

2. Balloon flight.

Take the balloon in your hand, inflate it, and don’t forget to tie it. Grab the thread. The ball flies - you weigh on it. Hang on one hand, switch hands. Imagine what you are flying over. The wind turns you around.

3. Using your hands and arms, draw a bird to the music.

4. Sculpture

a) iron on hinges;

b) rubber;

c) rag;

The task is performed in pairs. One is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture.

The sculptor turns the sculpture as he wants, not forgetting his image as a creative person. The sculpture lends itself, but the movements must be consistent with the material.

5. “The mistress abandoned the bunny..” with different expressions.

6. “Like on a hill, on a hillock lived 33 Yegorkas: once - Yegorka...”

In one breath.

7. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass of the yard.

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood. There is firewood under the yard. There is firewood above the yard. Firewood along the yard. Firewood across the yard. The firewood needs to be taken out to the wood yard.


Time: 1 - 1.5 hours.

Just like color painting, but using colored paper. You can make relief, various fringes, etc.

Materials: colored paper, glue, cardboard or album sheets (base).

Literary deck

Time: 1.5 hours.

1. Sentences from 2-3 texts (one passage) are written on the cards. Each team takes a certain number of cards. Using them, they write their own story.

Materials: cards with sentences (2-3 texts are selected, about 5 sentences are written out of them in a row), paper, pens.



Time: 2 - 3 hours.

1. The text is read out.

2. The text is read five times, everyone writes down their associations.

3. Participants take turns reading the text, everyone writes down words from the text, distributing them into columns (at their own discretion).

4. Select the main word from each column.

5. Of all the main words, choose the most important one.

6. 17 associations are invented and written down for this word.

7. Of all the associations, the most important one is selected.

8. The name is invented from the two most important words.

9. Of the less important ones, the theme of the story.

10. Write a story using written words.

Materials: not a very long story, pens, notebook sheets.


Time: 1.5 - 2 hours.

1. Screensaver.

2. Groups draw the name of the topic. They are putting on a ballet.

Materials: cards with ballet names, music (according to the number of teams).

Arrow of Poets

Time: 2 hours.

2. Tasks: a) Write down lines from different poems. Combine them into one (inserting your own lines).

b) Rhymes are written out of poems. They write poems based on them.

c) Poems in a circle:

Each person is given a piece of paper. They write two lines, wrap one up and pass it to the neighbor on the right. He writes two lines, wraps them up so that there is only one left and passes them on, etc. The latter writes four lines - output. Unfold and read.

Materials: collection of poems, paper, pens.

Musical vinaigrette

Time: depending on the number of tasks.

1. Participants are divided into teams. Listen to the cassette (one minute at a time from different songs)

Task: a) Name as many melodies as possible. Each team writes down the melodies they recognize on their own piece of paper; for melodies that the other team did not recognize - 1 point.

c) Write words to the music (short song).

d) Performance (1-10 points, words, costumes, acting skills are evaluated).

Materials: cassette with corresponding recording, list of recorded melodies, paper, pens.


Time: 2 hours

Screensaver: A meeting opens representing different parties.

1. Presentation of the party (features of the musical direction, distinctive features).

2. Depict an ensemble, write a song of praise to your party.

Materials: cassettes with music of various styles, books about these musical styles.


Time: 2 hours.

1. The elder tells a story made up of riddles.

Task: decipher.

2. Show the riddle without words.

3. Riddle drawings.

The results are summed up for each task, then the overall result.

Materials: mystery story (from Russian folk tales), paper, felt-tip pens.

Color painting-II

Time: 1 - 1.5 hours.

1. Everyone draws someone present. Covers your drawing with another sheet of paper of shorter length so that the edges are visible.

3. They pass it around and quietly say who it is drawn, then draw it on a white sheet, continuing the drawing. They cover it again and pass it on, and so on again.

4. Guessing with gradual opening.

Materials: paper, paper clips, paints, brushes.

Plasticine phone

Time: 30 minutes.

The first person is shown or named an object. He sculpts it in volume. The second person watches for 30-60 seconds and sculpts what he understood on a plane. The third is volume, etc.

KTD for kids

Time: 1 hour.

1. The leader tells a fairy tale about the word VICTORY (A hedgehog, a bear, a hare, a stork, a ram come in turn and take away the letters).

The tale is accompanied either by a filmstrip or a skit.

2. Assignment: choose the same words from the suggested ones and come up with a fairy tale with them.

KTD for kids

Time: 2 hours.

1. A telegram arrived from a fairyland asking for help. They were attacked by the evil Brundulyak.

2. Children go to Brundulyak’s house according to the map. They perform feats along the way:

a) The letters have disappeared in the magic fairy-tale book, you need to write in and guess the fairy tale.

b) Answer the spider's questions.

c) Make Princess Nesmeyana laugh.

d) Unravel the proverbs.

e) Brundulyak (ball) is found dead. It is ceremoniously blown away.

Materials: telegram, map, magic book with a fairy tale whose letters have disappeared, “spider”, “web”, prepared questions, Nesmeyana’s costume, intricate proverbs, ball (aka Brundulyak).

(TRIZ - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

Time: 1 hour

1. Problems* of 3 levels of difficulty are distributed. They decide in groups how much they can do in the allotted time - 30 minutes.

2. Discussion of decisions by all groups.

* - Tasks - life problems from household to industrial ones.

Turtle hunting

Time: 2 - 3 hours.

Screensaver: Everyone ended up on Turtle Island. The evil wizard Chpok bewitched everyone: he blinded them in pairs. But his good half reports that they learn how to break the spell from the turtles' letters.

Assignment: Children tied by the feet in pairs must catch up with the turtles (each group has a turtle) and pick up the letter or part of it.

Having collected all the parts of the letter, they look for the treasure - these are scissors.

Materials: Chpok suit, ropes, letter parts, scissors.

Musical stool

Time: 1.5 hours

Screensaver: The entertainer comes out and announces the start of the youth group concert. The leaders come out and perform a musical number on improvised musical instruments.

Assignment: Divide into groups and organize a musical group. Come up with a name, image, rehearse and play your song to your own melody.

The entertainer is holding a concert.

Materials: musical instrument.


Time: 1.5 hours

1. Each participant has a route sheet:

1st column - stage number - in order from 1 to n, equal to the number of stages.

2nd column - table number - indicates which table the participant should sit at at this stage; when writing them, you need to make sure that the working groups change.

The 3rd column is the name of the participant who worked better.

Each table has its own question: the answers to the question are written down on a piece of paper also lying on this table. 15 minutes are given to discuss the issue; after the end of the stage, the participants are moved to another table, the number of which is indicated in the route sheet for each.

At the last stage, the group processes all thoughts and adds their own. Gives a short report.

Materials: problematic questions (such that the answer is unknown, but based on existing knowledge, children can answer), literature (if needed), watches, paper, pens, route cards

Visiting Euterpe

Time: 1 hour

Managers select music according to their mood. The music changes after a certain period of time. Everyone writes a story on a given topic by association with music. Stories are read.

Time: 1 hour

It may not be held on this day.

According to the stories, everyone draws at the same time on a large sheet of paper.

Materials: music recording, paper, pens, large sheet of paper, paints, brushes.

Three colors

Time: 1 hour

Assignment: Everyone chooses 3 paint colors and fills the entire sheet with them.

All works are collected for the exhibition. They look at each one in turn. Participants take turns saying what it looks like. The author listens to everyone and chooses the options he likes best.

They disassemble the work and complete the painting.

Materials: gouache (watercolor is not suitable, as the paint needs to dry quickly), brushes, paper.

51. Etymology

Time: 40 min. - 1 hour

Materials: cards with rare, unfamiliar words - approximately 200 pieces, cards with frequently used words - according to the number of participants or groups (one word per card), cards with sayings - phraseological units.

I round

All tours are conducted either individually or in groups

Each participant (group) draws 3 words.

Task: Explain each word for 3 dictionaries: children's Dictionary, adult, dictionary of a young athlete (the meaning of a word may be given differently for different dictionaries).

Take turns reading out the interpretations of their words.

2nd round

They receive a card with a familiar word.

Assignment: explain the origin of the word.

III round

Hand out cards with sayings. We need to decipher them

For example:

Easy to drop (Heavy to climb)

An even meter behind the chest (Oblique fathom in the shoulders)

The body is so tired (As much as you want)

Rolling out my pant leg (Rolling up my sleeves)

On 3 jumps (Two steps away)

The dog laughed (The cat cried)

So it became calm (As if blown away by the wind)

Throw over the nail (Cheat)

Nose to nose (In a personal meeting)

So the earth is on the eagle (Like water off a duck's back)

Drink incense sticks (Smoke incense)

To crumb after crumb (Fully)

52. “Water Truce”

Time: 2 hours.

Screensaver: In different corners of the stage, 2 actors are reading books. It’s better if the room is dark, and they are caught one by one by a beam of light. Hamlet cries over “Carlson”, Carlson is touched by “Hamlet”.

Hamlet: This is character. And willpower! “Calm, just calm.”

Carlson: “To be or not to be, Baby?”

Hamlet: How deep it is: “A matter of everyday life.”

Carlson: (chewing jam)“Poor Erik.” Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is how you should live!

Host: Not only Hamlet and Carlson decided this way. Absolutely all the fairy tales are mixed up. What came of it? We'll see.

1. You must come up with a twisting tale.

Options*: - The plots may simply be mixed up.

Maybe the characters will exchange texts.

Maybe someone will have a split personality.

The most interesting option is when the heroes of one fairy tale and in its own plot speak the words of the heroes of the second work.

* - It is better not to give children direct instructions in this regard

2. Showing fairy tales

Materials: Hamlet and Carlson costumes, flashlight, books.


Time: 2-3 hours

I round

Groups draw on topics (For example: “Zoology”, “Art”). Come up with questions on your topic within 20 minutes.

There is a quiz. They get “money” for questions and answers. The quiz takes between 30 and 50 minutes.

2nd round

Various heroes of fairy tales and cartoons are put up for auction.

Groups buy heroes using the proceeds of “money” (30-40 minutes).

III round

They come up with a fairy tale with the participation of all the purchased characters and stage it (30 minutes)

Showing fairy tales.

Materials: cards with topics.


Time: 30 minutes

Materials: Velvet paper, woolen threads.

Task: Post a drawing.

Variant of the game by station


Time: 3 - 4 hours

The game is played on the street, children run through the stations.