Climate weapons of the USA and Russia. Climate weapons - fiction or a real threat to life on earth? Climate weapons history

The increasing frequency of natural disasters and weather anomalies has given rise to rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these treacherous countries that cause weather anomalies in other regions. But is this really so? Pravda.Ru, together with experts, looked into this difficult and controversial issue.

Are climate weapons a myth?

It should be noted that this is not even a matter of climate weapons - for some reason, the majority of ordinary people are confident that in any country in the world there are two parallel sciences (and with them a corresponding set of technologies). One of them, the most advanced, is “military”, which is strictly classified. And the other is “peaceful”, she always lags behind her formidable “sister”, which is why all the achievements that we owe to her appear in everyday life later than their analogues in the military sphere.

Some, having become so convinced of this myth, even believe that “military” science has long discovered unknown laws of nature and created absolutely mind-blowing technologies of the future, but all this is carefully hidden from “ordinary people” - just in case.

In fact, such a notion is, of course, pure misconception. Let's look at history - there is not a single example where military technologies are much ahead of their peaceful "namesakes." In general, it would be more correct to say that for war and peace in general the same technologies are used, which emerged from the discovery of successive laws of nature. Moreover, peaceful use often goes hand in hand with military ones - just remember the atomic programs of all countries that have nuclear weapons, because in parallel with missiles and bombs, both nuclear power plants and radiation medicine appeared in them.

Of course, it also happens that technology developed for military purposes is first used for its intended purpose, and then becomes peaceful - for example, the Internet for a long time was a secret way of communication between military departments, and only a few years later it became the “World Wide Web”, enter which anyone with a computer and a modem could access. But there are other examples - for example, the laser was used for a long time exclusively for peaceful purposes, and it became a weapon much later. The same is with the installations that appeared two years ago that generate electromagnetic “pain rays” - they are no different from those in microwave ovens, which humanity has been using for decades.

Why am I talking about this - but to the fact that it is quite difficult to imagine a state that owns climate weapons, but does not use these technologies for peaceful purposes at all. Let's take the United States - imagine for a moment that they really have such weapons, and secret service employees can cause hurricanes, rains, frosts and droughts in other countries by simply pressing a button. Introduced? Fine! And now we urgently turn on the logic - why, in this case, cannot these same specialists prevent annual hurricanes, droughts, rains and everything else on the territory of the United States itself? After all, not only ordinary Americans, but also large corporations constantly suffer from these natural disasters - fires in California alone bring them billions in losses every year! And not only for them - eliminating the consequences also places a heavy burden on the state budget, which is already almost empty.

One can think differently - there has never been a case in history when the emergence of a new weapon was ahead of the scientific and technical base that existed at that time. For example, nuclear weapons appeared only when physicists finally figured out how the atom works. It is logical to assume that since climate weapons exist, it means that some (apparently that same “secret”) part of humanity knows almost everything about climate. But why, in this case, is the most accurate forecast everywhere still the one made the next day, while all longer-term forecasts can be trusted with great caution? After all, if we knew everything about climate, then we could easily predict the weather for a month or even a year with 100 percent accuracy (after all, nuclear scientists can predict the decay mechanism of any unstable atom with just such accuracy)!

So, as you can see, it seems that in the question of the reality of the existence of climate weapons, we should not be like Dr. Watson, to whom Sherlock Holmes rightly pointed out that he “first endows the criminal with a very rich imagination, and immediately denies him this property.” However, have there been any attempts to create technologies that can be used to specifically influence the climate? Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov, in a conversation with a correspondent of Pravda.Ru, said that there were such attempts - and some of these technologies were developed in the USSR.

“From my point of view, rumors about climate weapons are greatly exaggerated,” says Igor Nikolaevich. “True, in the 70s of the last century I had the opportunity to participate in one research project that could lead to the creation of one. We assumed that controlling the climate Earth is possible by influencing the magnetosphere of our planet. By the way, there were many such projects, but ours was the most effective - we were going to inject very powerful plasma flows into the magnetosphere. These flows would begin to collide with particles trapped in space in the Van Allen belts. they would, figuratively speaking, fall down due to a change in the direction of their velocity vector (from longitudinal to transverse).

According to our assumption, after the precipitation of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet, there should have been a strong impact on the local air masses, and this, in turn, would provoke climate changes. However, I can say with absolute certainty that this project remains only on paper - we have not even started the first stage of experiments. And, probably, it’s for the better. Therefore, now the only “climate weapon” is the exhaust from factories going directly into the atmosphere. That is, all the unwanted by-products of civilization. And I saw what it looks like when I flew to China, whose industry still runs mainly on coal - these are rows of tall chimneys spewing all sorts of nasty things into the sky. Other climate weapons in modern world fortunately does not exist."

So, as we see, everything is completely obvious - there are no climate weapons, other than the one mentioned by Igor Nikolaevich (and which cannot be considered a weapon in the literal sense of the word). However, I will not deny that people already have technologies for influencing the weather - just remember the technique of forced concentration of water vapor in clouds, popularly known as the “cloud acceleration” technology. And sometimes its use can accidentally create an effect similar to the use of climate weapons - although not purposeful, but accidental. Senior lecturer at the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, meteorologist Pavel Konstantinov, told a correspondent of Pravda.Ru about this episode:

“There was one case in the mid-90s of the last century - then our specialists entered into a contract with one of the countries in the Middle East and, as part of this contract, presented them with the technology of “decanting” rain. This is the same as the notorious “dispersal of clouds” - in In rain clouds, a substance is dispersed, the crystals of which serve as condensation nuclei for water vapor, that is, they cause rain exactly where it should fall.

And so this country began to successfully deposit precipitation over its territory, while its neighbors, whose harvests depended on the same air masses, no longer received a drop. As a result, they started having crop failures and all this resulted in a real international scandal with a bunch of lawsuits that were also brought against us. Since then, we have become more cautious in disseminating such technologies on the foreign market."

It can be assumed that there were quite a few cases similar to the one that Pavel Igorevich spoke about, but they do not speak of the use of some special climate weapon, but of the careless use of completely peaceful weather control technology. Perhaps it was these situations that gave rise to the myths that climate weapons exist. However, this is a difficult question - many people are interested in spreading rumors about such weapons. This is beneficial both to employees of meteorological departments and rescue services, who “missed” the next weather disaster, and to officials who did not have time to prepare for it and organize evacuation, and, finally, to the military - often myths about non-existent weapons are a good disguise for real secret developments in completely another sphere.

Climate weapons become the topic of quite a lot of conversation, and even gossip, from time to time. The thing is that no one knows anything about him for sure. The experts were divided into antagonistic groups. Some foam at the mouth to prove the existence of this terrible weapon, citing many examples. Others respond with a wry smile and shrug. Who is right? Let's figure it out.

Origins of an idea (or conversation)

Climate warfare is a complex topic. You and I will rely on the opinion of those experts who are confident in its existence. For example, Sergei Shatokhin, who has been involved all his life various types weapons, believes that the conversation should start with Nikola Tesla. In his multifaceted scientific research, he focused on the structure and properties of the atmosphere. Surely many people know that N. Tesla was not a supporter of “official” physics. His views and ideas were based on a slightly different platform. So, thinking about the atmosphere, he came to the conclusion that climate weapons are possible.

This scientist proceeded from the principles of the structure of the universe, which have not yet been recognized. His idea was that the impact on the ionosphere would create air currents. They can be made in any way, therefore, they can be used to influence the climate. As everyone knows, his ideas were shelved, but not destroyed. They say that in some secret laboratories they are being studied for the purpose of practical implementation. In general, there are so many legends and rumors about N. Tesla that it is difficult to understand them. However, experts attribute to him the idea of ​​man-made influence on the weather. Naturally, its development in our militarized world depends on climate weapons. Unfortunately, discoveries that escaped military laboratories do not exist in our world. Some people try to consider any idea from the point of view of creating a new means of destroying their own kind.

Experiments with the atmosphere

To understand why rumors about climate systems are so persistent, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with materials about the work of N. Tesla. He not only built theories. He had at his disposal many instruments, the effects of which on the atmosphere could be observed by those around him. By the way, there is a theory that the fall of the Tunguska meteorite - by-effect his failed experiment. Can you imagine the scale of the work? True, no one claims that climate weapons were used specifically against Russia in 1908. Everyone is sure that it was a mistake, a problem, an accident.

The scientist also had a kind of center near New York (Long Island). There he built a huge tower (fifty meters). On top of it, as they describe, a copper plate was installed. The scientist himself called this structure an antenna. With its help, he caused lightning and performed other “miracles.” He said that resonance can be caused in the atmosphere. And shortly before his death he promised to “light up the sky.” He also talked about the possibility of creating an impenetrable energy dome that could cover any territory. Then no enemy is afraid of her. Do you recognize? This is all described in many science fiction novels and shown in interesting films.

The scientist's archive was classified. He died in 1943. At that time it was believed that Tesla was born ahead of schedule, his ideas were so incredible. Nowadays the idea is put forward that his theories interfered with ordinary profit. He discovered the possibility of wireless energy transfer. Its implementation could (and even today such a threat exists) leave tycoons and oligarchs without bread and caviar. These are all theories. Only the participants in the events know what really happened. And they are either silent or have already died.

Resonance effect

N. Tesla's ideas could not die with him. In the United States, there were inquisitive minds ready to continue the scientist’s developments. Moreover, the military-industrial complex of this country (and other states), naturally, was interested in the practical implementation of the genius’s developments. According to some reports, a special program has been developed in the States. Bernard Eastlund, an American scientist, continued his research on the resonance effect. He even received a patent for one of his devices. They say that the HAARP system was created on its basis. Climate weapons, according to the press, have since become a reality.

Officially, by the way, no one recognizes this. And it is impossible to provide evidence of its use. Or rather, the press, naturally, is trying its best. Only the serious scientific community rejects gossip and rumors. And just in case, the HAARP system (climate weapons, according to journalists) is called “atmospheric phenomena research.” It turns out that all the work is being carried out under the public’s nose, and no one understands anything. Money is allocated, tests are carried out, and everything is covered up with good intentions to protect the atmosphere from “harmful activities” of man. By the way, the project has an official website where anyone can familiarize themselves with the materials. Some did just that.

HAARP - a climate weapon?

Those who firmly believe in this provide a lot of evidence. It is proposed to consider this, for example, that the development of the project is financed by the Pentagon. Why would they spend a lot of money on studying the northern lights (this is the official version)? The Military Department either does not answer questions about whether they are developing climate weapons (HARP) or sincerely swear their love for bright and peaceful science. Who will believe them? Americans, in any case, are not naive. There, publications about HAARP being a climate weapon are common. For example, they even wrote a book, the authors are Nicholas Begich (scientist) and Gene Manning (journalist). They carried out their investigation a long time ago, back in the last century. However, the information has not lost its relevance. Begich claimed that he simply compared Tesla's ideas with Eastlund's designs. For the scientist, their continuity became obvious. Eastlund worked specifically on climate weapons. Supporters of the idea obtain another indirect evidence from the UN archives. This organization adopted a resolution banning environmental weapons back in 1974. They just called it differently, but the essence is still the same. And since the question was considered at such high level, which means climate weapons are a reality.

What is HAARP?

In fact, although the object is secret, there is information about it. She is quite objective. This is a huge area. Thirteen hectares are occupied by microwave emitters created according to Eastlund's patent. Its location is also known - Alaska (near the town of Gakona). By the way, there really are northern lights there. The complex uses antennas called “Harp”. With their help, a directed beam of waves of gigantic power is created. This pleasure, by the way, is far from cheap. The installation consumes about a billion watts. It is said to concentrate radio waves, creating optical phenomena in the atmosphere, such as lenses or spectra. They reach sizes of tens of kilometers and can be located anywhere above the ground. That is, if this is true, then all countries of the world are in danger. It turns out that US climate weapons threaten the entire planet, not just its enemies. This, by the way, is discussed in the studies of some experts. They claim that during the terrible earthquake that shook Japan, the HAARP installation was working. Spectrograms obtained by Japanese scientists are provided as evidence. They are compared with data posted on the official HAARP website. These people claim that the earthquake that led to the Fukushima disaster was artificially induced.

Thus, the climate weapon (photo) passed the combat test. It should be noted that the data is neither confirmed nor refuted. The military left its conclusions to the public. This makes a certain sense, which we will discuss below.

Russia's climate weapons

Now let's talk about developments that began during the times of the USSR. Note that the data is also not entirely official. It is alleged that the Sura complex was created in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Russia's climate weapons begin with this. In any case, nothing is known about other developments, there are not even rumors. The same Sergei Shatokhin claims that today Russia’s climate weapon (“Sura”) is completely abandoned. The installation is deteriorating.

And its characteristics do not reach the power level of HAARP. In addition, it is reliably known (as far as possible in this case) that a more serious complex began to be built near Krasnoyarsk. But all this happened in sad times called perestroika. Therefore, the project was abandoned without being brought to its logical conclusion. It turns out that Russia has nothing to respond to American capabilities in this direction? Shatokhin claims exactly this. In addition, according to him, during Yeltsin’s time our materials “moved” to the States, thereby strengthening their own project. The scientist characterizes this as a real crime. Everything stated (except for the work on creating his own climate weapons) is his personal opinion. And the rest is likely a state secret. Russia's climate weapons, if they exist, are so deeply encrypted that nothing is said about them.

What they say in New York

Here we should make a small digression. The thing is that General Moroz last years unkind to overseas residents. The gentle spring sun is in no hurry to melt its snow. So, in March 2015 in New York there were such snowfalls that not only old-timers, even scientists cannot remember (find data in their dusty archives).

Here we should make a small digression. The thing is that General Moroz has been unkind to overseas residents in recent years. The gentle spring sun is in no hurry to melt its snow. So, in March 2015 in New York there were such snowfalls that not only old-timers, even scientists cannot remember (find data in their dusty archives). So, many New Yorkers firmly believe that this is all for a reason. Their logic is simple: Obama has entered the slippery slope of confrontation with Russian Federation, the result was not long in coming. The Russian leader showed America that he is no fool. You may be surprised, but many overseas citizens are confident in the power of our country just as ours are confident in the power of the United States. They keep saying that Russia used climate weapons to punish Obama.

Let's look from the other side

If climate weapons of Russia and the United States really exist, then why is there no official confirmation? And if one has not yet been created, why all these highly authoritative (and not so authoritative) reasoning? And indeed, why was the UN resolution adopted? More than forty years have passed since then, and the public has not received more or less reliable explanations. It seems that the topic of climate weapons is being used as an argument in a political dispute between the superpowers. After all, in 1974 (the time the resolution was adopted), the Cold War was in full swing. The topic was raised at the UN as a test for lice. The USA and the USSR demonstrate to each other all their power and intellectual strength. Nobody dared to admit that it was just a fake, as they say now, in case the opponent was not bluffing... The rest of the states kept mum altogether. They were still far from such a monster in the financial and technological sense. And nowadays no one is capable of such expenses. The resolution has been dealt with. It was just an excuse to “show off your muscles” and test out the enemy.

Why haven't the conversations died down?

Here we are moving onto the shaky ground of international politics. It is clear that no one can admit the lack of development. This will be tantamount to a loss of authority. It is necessary to keep the brand. Therefore, in the States, publications on this topic appear regularly. What about Russia? Since there is no information (other than the above), it may seem that we have given up. However, let's look at the actions of our country in recent years. The President is said to be pushing his line firmly on the international stage. From this, journalists conclude that he knows something. In addition, all sorts of assumptions are made. Some of them coincide in meaning with the gossip of New Yorkers. We will not analyze these conversations; no one knows anything for sure. But Russian politics shows a lot. Namely, that either climate weapons are an idea and dreams, or in this regard the powers have parity. Next, think for yourself. Remember the events related to the Ukrainian crisis, the Munich speech and much more that is in the public domain. The materials are there, they simply should be perceived not with emotions, but with the brain.

So what to do?

An eternal question that you want to get an answer to right away, without delay. International politics does not tolerate fuss. Especially in matters related to security. We all understand that there is only one planet. The use of climate weapons can disfigure it, or even completely destroy it. After all, we see the results of the rampant elements almost live. One careless decision or action - and we will be left without a common home. Therefore, it seems reasonable not to forget about the existence of this UN resolution. It will come in handy to continue work in this direction. The planet must be protected. People understand this during crises. Here we will not be separated by rulers, language or cultural barriers. There needs to be a big conversation between countries on the topic of climate weapons. The possibility of its use should be completely excluded from the life of mankind. It is advisable for politicians to negotiate, not military men. The latter have only one argument - strength. But humanity does not want to see her. Everyone should be aware of this!

It seems that climate weapons are currently a dream of scientists striving for unknown achievements, an argument for politicians, a horror for nations. More reliable information is strictly classified.

On December 22, Russia celebrates the Day of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It was on this day in 1915 that the decision was made to form the Main Military Meteorological Directorate (GVMU) headed by B.B. Golitsyn. Almost a hundred years later, the meteorological service is not just an indispensable tool in the service of the army, but one of the key areas that is actively developing.

On the front line

On December 28, 1899, in Tiflis, a young Georgian Joseph Dzhugashvili walked quickly along David the Builder Street. He was looking for house No. 150, which housed a geophysical observatory. It was impossible to be late. Dzhugashvili was going to get a job as a computer-observer. Joseph was hired.

Dzhugashvili was engaged in meteorological observations for exactly 98 days. His duties included hourly inspection of all instruments that measured air temperature, monitoring cloud cover, wind and air pressure. The computer-observer recorded all the results in notebooks specially designed for this purpose. Dzhugashvili preferred night shifts, which began in the evening, at half past eight, and lasted until eight in the morning.

The salary of the computer-observer Dzhugashvili was quite good money at that time - 20 rubles per month. But on March 21, 1901, Joseph resigned. A different fate awaited him. After 44 years, an ordinary meteorologist at the Tiflis Geophysical Observatory would become the Generalissimo of the Soviet Union. And in 1941, the first units of military meteorologists would appear in the USSR.

The Great Patriotic War required the inclusion of the USSR Hydrometeorological Service into the country's Armed Forces. The troops needed absolutely accurate weather forecasts to select the timing of military operations. And now on July 15, 1941, the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Red Army - GUGMS KA - was created.

From the first days of the war, the warring parties classified their broadcast weather reports. For this purpose, they used their own meteorological code. At the slightest suspicion that the numbers were being intercepted and decrypted by the enemy, the code was immediately changed. Meteorological data became a genuine military secret. The synoptic map became a kind of mirror, reflecting the situation on the front line.

Designers with the direct participation of employees of the Hydrometeorological Service in an incredibly short time created a compact weather station consisting of two small suitcases. The only automatic landing radio weather stations of their kind were delivered by air to the German rear and automatically went on the air four times a day, sending signals over a distance of several hundred kilometers and thereby providing reliable information about the weather on air routes.

The forecast about non-flyable weather for German aviation made it possible to unhindered the parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941. The use of knowledge of the permeability of snow cover for tanks during the defense of Moscow made it possible to determine the timing of the start of the counteroffensive in November-December 1941. The forecast for a sharp cold snap in November-December 1941 December 1941 gave rise to a successful counter-offensive by the troops of the Southern Front.

Implementation of ice breaking by artificial flood on the canal named after. Moscow, which turned it into a serious water barrier, made it possible to stop the German offensive north of Moscow. Hydrometeorological support played an important role in the creation and successful work the famous “Road of Life” on the ice of Lake Ladoga.

However, after the end of World War II, almost nothing was heard about military meteorologists until April 26, 1986.

Chernobyl cloud

The first attempts to change the weather were made in the middle of the last century. First, Soviet scientists learned to dispel fog in 15-20 minutes, then - to cope with dangerous hail clouds. After special treatment, a harmless downpour came from the cloud.

The breakthrough came in the mid-60s, when for the first time scientists were able to cause artificial precipitation. Normal looking clouds turned into rain. In the mid-80s, an industrial technology for actively influencing meteorological processes was developed.

In the language of military meteorologists, the active influence on the phase state of clouds with various substances is called the agronomic term “cloud seeding.” In essence, this process is somewhat similar to the agricultural one, only the traction unit is not a horse or a tractor, but an airplane.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the use of military aircraft in the fight against radioactive rain clouds on the approaches to Chernobyl consisted of spraying special anti-rain powder mixtures inside the clouds, or at a low altitude above them (50-100 meters).

One of the main substances used to destroy clouds was ordinary cement grade 600. Cement, which was sprayed from the open compartment of the AN-12BP “Cyclone” manually (with a shovel, or 30-kilogram packages were thrown away), was also used in a mixture with other reagents . Over the entire period of use of the AN-12BP “Cyclone”, about nine tons of cement were consumed.

After Chernobyl, the experience of dispersing rain clouds began to be actively used on Victory Day on May 9. Every year, to avoid rain during festive events, military meteorologists conduct special operations in the skies over Moscow and the Moscow region.

Holiday “without rain before our eyes”

The spraying technology itself is quite simple and does not require any special costs. Let's say, for a cloud 5 km long you need only 15 grams. reagent. Military meteorologists call the process of clearing clouds “seeding.” Dry ice is sprayed against the stratus forms of the lower cloud layer from a height of several thousand meters, and liquid nitrogen is sprayed against the nimbostratus clouds. The most powerful rain clouds are bombarded with silver iodide, which is filled with weather cartridges.

When particles of the reagent fall into them, they concentrate moisture around themselves, pulling it out of the clouds. As a result, heavy rain begins almost immediately over the area where dry ice or silver iodide is sprayed. On the way to Moscow, the clouds will have already used up all their “ammunition” and dissipated. The reagent exists in the atmosphere for less than a day. After entering the cloud, it is washed out of it along with precipitation.

Dispersal tactics are developed in the last days before the holidays. Early in the morning, aerial reconnaissance clarifies the situation, after which planes with reagents on board take off from one of the Moscow region (usually military) airfields.

The cost of such flights can reach several million rubles, depending on the flight time and expensive fuel consumption. According to rough estimates, one event to create good weather costs the city treasury a total of $2.5 million. The decision to use aviation is made each time by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Training of military meteorologists

Today, it must be admitted, there are few educational institutions left that train military specialists in the field of meteorology. One of the universities that has retained its hydrometeorological faculty is the Voronezh Aviation Engineering School (or Voronezh Aviation Engineering University).

In it you can receive officer's shoulder straps in the specialty "Meteorology". Moreover, this specialty extends not only to aviation, but also to other types and branches of the military. Military meteorology remains one of the key areas, which is also actively developing.

Climate weapons: “Object Sura” and American HAARP

Currently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has a division called the Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It provides all units of the Ministry of Defense with the necessary information about climatic conditions anywhere in the world.

Reports have repeatedly appeared in foreign media that the Hydrometeorological Service of the Russian Defense Ministry owns the Sura Object. Moreover, Russia has more than once been accused of using, in particular against the United States, so-called climate weapons. And all the hurricanes, typhoons and floods of recent years were allegedly provoked by the Sura station.

In 2005, American meteorologist Scott Stevens accused Russia of creating the devastating Hurricane Katrina. The disaster was allegedly triggered by a secret “weather” weapon based on the principle of an electromagnetic generator. According to Stevens, Russia has been developing secret installations since Soviet times that could have a detrimental effect on the weather anywhere on the planet.

This news was immediately spread by the American press. “It has been established that in the 60s and 70s, the former Soviet Union developed and was proud of weather modification technologies, which began to be used against the United States in 1976,” the meteorologist claimed. How far from the truth was he?

The weather modification technologies that Stevens spoke about actually took place and were created at the mysterious Sura base, in deep forests, 150 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. An old stone road, a former Siberian highway, leads to the training ground. It abuts a shabby brick gatehouse with a sign at the entrance: “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin passed here in 1833.” The poet then headed east to collect material about Pugachev’s uprising.

On an area of ​​9 hectares there are even rows of 20-meter antennas, covered with bushes below. In the center of the antenna field there is a huge horn-emitter the size of a village hut. With its help, acoustic processes in the atmosphere are studied. At the edge of the field there is a radio transmitter building and a transformer substation, and a little further away there are laboratory and utility buildings.

The base was built in the late 70s. and was put into operation in 1981. Only they were not engaged in the creation of “climate” weapons. This completely unique installation yielded extremely interesting results on the behavior of the ionosphere, including the discovery of the effect of generating low-frequency radiation when modulating ionospheric currents. Subsequently, they were named after the founder of the stand, the Getmantsev effect.

In the early 80s, when Sura was just beginning to be used, interesting anomalous phenomena were observed in the atmosphere above it: strange glows, burning red balls hanging motionless or flying at high speed in the sky. It turned out that these were luminescent glows of plasma formations. As scientists now admit, these experiments had a military purpose and were developed with the aim of disrupting the location and radio communications of a mock enemy. Those plasma formations that were created by installations in the ionosphere could “jam”, for example, American early warning systems for missile launches.

However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, such studies were no longer conducted. Currently, Sura operates only about 100 hours a year. In fact, the development of “weather weapons” is now actively underway in the United States. The most famous of these projects is the HAARP project.

In America, under the guise of the global missile defense project, carried out under the HAARP program for comprehensive research into radio frequency effects on the ionosphere, the development of plasma weapons began. In accordance with it, a powerful radar complex was built in Alaska, at the Gakona training ground - a huge antenna field with an area of ​​13 hectares. Antennas aimed at the zenith will make it possible to focus short-wave radiation pulses on individual sections of the ionosphere and heat them until a temperature plasma is formed. The power of its radiation is many times higher than that of the sun.

Essentially, HAARP is a colossal microwave oven whose radiation can be focused anywhere globe, thereby causing various natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, heat, etc.), as well as various man-made disasters (disrupt radio communications over large areas, degrade the accuracy of satellite navigation, “blind radars,” create accidents in power grids, gas and oil pipeline lines of entire regions, etc.), influence the consciousness and psyche of people.

Food for thought and grave concern

The global catastrophic events of the summer of 2010 once again intensified the discussion about the possibility of artificial human intervention in the natural environment and the use of climate as a mass destruction. Moreover, such accusations fall primarily on the United States. Let's try to understand this problem based on known open materials and the opinion of experts.


The Americans not only persistently developed ways to use climatic conditions for military purposes, but also actively applied these developments in practice. (I note, by the way, that all types of weapons that the Americans owned as a monopoly were immediately put to use during combat operations - be it nuclear weapons, napalm, defoliants, etc.) For example, they managed to cause heavy rainfall in the “trail” area Ho Chi Minh" in Vietnam. Large-scale spraying of defoliants over forests and agricultural lands in Indochina led to the destruction of traditional habitats and means of survival of the local population, and changed the natural habitat.

The United States uses the development of world scientific thought in the interests of its military programs. Programs for the creation and use of climatic, psychotronic and other types of weapons based on new physical principles were no exception.

Publications in the open foreign press clearly and clearly indicate: in recent years, the United States has not only been actively developing, but also testing so-called wave or geophysical weapons.

The Pentagon has a very interesting structure - Advanced Weapons Department B, which includes two departments: Department “C” (apparently from the English climate) and Department “P” (possibly from the English policy). The first, until recently, included a meteorological service, a special development group, a construction and installation team and a number of other units. In addition, the cruiser Virginia, equipped with a certain complex of secret equipment, was placed at the disposal of this department.

Department "C" is permanently stationed at a base in Bermuda. There is both direct and indirect evidence that unexpected catastrophic natural disasters such as the tsunami in Southeast Asia in December 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, which almost completely destroyed New Orleans, were the result of the use of (in particular by Department “C”) of new wave weapons.

The fact that Katrina struck one of the largest cities in the United States should not fool anyone. The percentage of African Americans among the residents of New Orleans is much higher than the national average, and it was the concentration of almost all known black organizations - from the Black Panthers and Farakhan to the New Africa. They not only actively defended the rights of the black population, constantly heating up the domestic political situation in the United States, but also came out with political programs that spoke of the separation of the southern states and the formation of an independent state. This could not be tolerated in Washington, so (please consider this as a version) they decided to strike at the internal enemy on American territory.

Based on the results of the tests, the US leadership recognized the effectiveness of wave climate weapons as very high. The Pentagon was recommended to continue improving it, and the US Navy to install it on several more warships.

At the same time, intensive studies of seismic stress zones were and are being carried out. In zones of tectonic faults in the earth's crust, force energy fields are formed, which, having reached a certain level of tension at the bifurcation point, “explode” with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. It seems that the Americans have found a way to influence the fields of tectonic tension, strengthening them artificially leading to the bifurcation point.

That is, we are talking about geophysical weapons.


The third direction of work of the Advanced Weapons Department B is the impact of wave processes on the human psyche and consciousness. This is done by the “R” department. By causing artificial magnetic storms and using scattered or targeted radiation of waves of various lengths and frequency ranges, it is possible to slow down and disrupt the functioning of the brain. The secret tasks of this department include the development of methods of influencing large masses of people at various distances in order to generate in them fear, apathy, depression or, conversely, excitability, aggression, and a state of passion. Simply put, to manage the behavior of the population of any country.

Russian scientists discovered that such experiments were being carried out by Americans in the Russian Federation in August 1999, when residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as the Krasnodar Territory, turned out to be “test subjects”. In 2000, the department received the newest cruiser Wisconsin, which was equipped with the appropriate equipment and sent specialists to service it. The operation of this equipment was recorded in 2003 during the operation against Iraq and in 2005 during the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine. The report on these tests emphasized their high efficiency.

There is information that now “Wisconsin” and other carriers of equipment similar to that of this cruiser are being used against Iran and Turkey with the aim of overthrowing regimes undesirable to the Americans, as well as Russia (North Caucasus). Wave impacts on the Russian population are being recorded - both from outside and from the territory of the Russian Federation itself.

It is impossible not to mention one more direction in the creation of geophysical weapons - the development of means of both suppressing enemy electronic systems and protecting one’s own equipment of a similar purpose from attempts to neutralize or disable it. We encounter the Americans fulfilling the first task during tests and planned launches of ballistic missiles in the North-West region of the Russian Federation, and also, possibly, in the civilian sphere (remember, for example, the recent blackout in St. Petersburg).

Plasmoid - plasma clot, limited configuration of magnetic fields and plasma

Nikola Tesla produced spherical plasmoids on a resonant transformer using high-voltage discharges.

The second problem is being solved during the deployment of the American missile defense system - it is assumed that on the beam of trajectories of Russian ballistic missiles, which can be launched towards the United States as a retaliatory strike, it will be possible to create a plasmoid cloud with a diameter of at least 100 km.


All of the above studies in the United States are conducted within the framework of the Indirect Action Strategy. Currently, efforts are focused on the problem of strengthening vortex gravitational fields. In other words, the United States has not only pulled away from all other countries in the world in the class of modern, highly effective conventional weapons, but is also getting its hands on new weapons of mass destruction with global impact. Nuclear weapons look very outdated compared to the systems described above, hence Washington’s “peace-loving” calls for general nuclear disarmament. It is important to make all competitors and rivals defenseless against American democracy.

But let's return to the impact on the weather on the planet. The formation of climate processes on it is based on the natural unity of the earth, near-earth and outer space, which are in a state of natural harmony. A disruption or change in this state, one or more natural elements, leads to the destruction of this harmonious system, as US scientists have learned.

Today, changes in the Earth's atmosphere are caused by natural natural-cosmic processes and are a consequence of the intensive development of industry, transport, mining... And the conscious, purposeful activity of forces dreaming of world domination, trying to turn the natural environment into a weapon of world domination.

However, if natural harmony is disrupted, there is a risk of an uncontrollable situation when the safety of the population of the United States itself and its allies is in question. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to control natural climatic processes, which required not only serious scientific and theoretical research, but also large-scale experimental work.

Alaska was chosen as the location for such experiments, where the experimental HAARP system appeared under the Active High-Frequency Northern Lights Research Program. (As if the Pentagon has nothing better to do than study the glow of the upper atmosphere at high latitudes.) This is one of the most secret US military facilities. The choice of Alaska for studying ways to influence the planet’s atmosphere is associated with the proximity of the Earth’s magnetic pole and, naturally, its distance from prying eyes.

But to develop climate (and psychotronic) weapons, an appropriate field base is needed. 180 antennas, each up to 25 meters high, and a total equipment area of ​​13 hectares were not enough. In order to develop the current system of research and combat use, powerful facilities were built in Greenland and Norway (in Tromso, near the Russian borders). A new antenna field will soon appear in the Anchorage area (450 km from HAARP). Equipment is being installed on warships and ground facilities in East Asia, and a group of space assets is being formed.

However, existing facilities make it possible to create highly concentrated plasma zones (secondary radiation lenses) with a radius of up to 100 km, capable of solving both the simplest problems (rains, showers, avalanches) and more complex ones (droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones, anticyclones).

A small digression from the topic of the article regarding fires in Russian open spaces. The United States is completing tests of laser weapons placed on board the Boeing 747, designed to destroy ballistic missiles in the active part of the trajectory. The essence of the system: a powerful laser pulse burns through the rocket body, destroying its electronics. Could this laser pulse set fire to forests, flying, for example, along the highway to Afghanistan? But this is just a posing question for Russian scientists and military personnel.

Thus, within the framework of the National Missile Defense (NMD) program, which is now very popular in America, it is planned to use a whole set of lasers installed on satellites and aircraft.

Back in September 1992, Boeing and Lockheed received contracts to technically determine the most suitable existing aircraft for the project Combat laser airborne (ABL - Airborne Laser). Both teams came to the same conclusion, recommending that the US Air Force use the proven Boeing 747 heavy aircraft as the platform for this system.

It is appropriate to ask: why does the United States condemn millions of people, entire nations, regions and countries to suffering and even death? Of course, we are not talking about ordinary American citizens, but about those who really govern America and shape its political strategy. This real ruling class understands that its power is directly related to the material well-being of the American and part of the European peoples, with the possibility of keeping them (through managed democracy) in a state of obedience.

At the same time, these rulers cannot help but see the pace of development and population growth in third world countries, which poses a threat to their eternal power. The US National Intelligence Council has repeatedly emphasized in its forecasts that already 2.5-3 billion people on the planet are becoming redundant: there are not enough natural resources. Therefore, reduce the number of inhabitants of the Earth, reduce the level of consumption and the pace economic development- the most important task of “supermans” to maintain their dominant position in the international community, to maintain the level of profit.

If you look at the geography of the summer climate disasters of 2010, we can conclude: it was mainly the economic and geopolitical (civilizational) competitors of the United States - Europe, China, India - that suffered. The Russian Federation and Pakistan stand apart on this list. Russia is an eternal potential enemy, and now a coveted resource object for US corporations. Pakistan is a populous state in the Islamic world, also an eternal rival of the United States, which also possesses nuclear weapons. All the “victims” are supporters of a multipolar world order.

How can one respond to the qualitatively new challenge of oligarchic America to the international community?

Here, it seems, a complex and somewhat asymmetrical response is needed. This includes a discussion of the problem in the UN Security Council and other international organizations, the inclusion of climate and psychotronic weapons in the category of means of mass destruction and the extension of relevant international norms and rules to them, the organization and support of a wide social movement against interference in natural processes and the establishment of international control over ongoing research in this area.

Another direction to counter the threat could be joint scientific research by scientists from interested countries on the problems of natural and artificial climate change on the planet. An important deterrent would be a clear signal to American and transnational dreamers of world domination that a unipolar world order is unacceptable and impossible.

The third possible direction is the development, through international efforts, of military-technical means of protection against new types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as retaliatory influence on the aggressor.

The Soviet Union, following the start of the implementation of American projects in the field of using atmospheric phenomena for military purposes, also began work in this direction and achieved some success. At the same time, military and scientific-technical intelligence structures were formed to monitor research in the United States. But in the 90s, our scientific developments were curtailed (the basic facility in Nizhny Novgorod region mothballed), and part of the results obtained was transferred to the overseas “partner” of the Russian Federation. Intelligence units that became active after the use of climate and psychotronic weapons against Russia were urgently disbanded, and employees were dismissed from service...

At the beginning
At the very end of 1988, namely on December 28, a young Tiflis resident Joseph Dzhugashvili walked through his hometown in search of a geophysical laboratory at 150 David the Builder Street. He was in a hurry, because he was going to get a job there as a computer-observer, i.e. I shouldn't have been late.

He was hired, but he stayed there for only about 3 months, methodically recording the readings of all instruments in special journals. He worked mainly at night for 20 rubles a month, which was decent at that time. But on March 21, 1901, he left there, because another path was destined for him.

Everyone knows what will happen to Dzhugashvili next, but not everyone knows that it was thanks to Stalin that the country’s Hydrometeorological Service was introduced into the USSR Armed Forces immediately after the start of the Second World War. Army units needed verified weather reports, and it was for this purpose that GUGMS KA was created on July 15, 1941 - the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Red Army.

At the same time, naturally, this service had its own special weather code so that the enemy could not use our data about the pagoda. The code was changed regularly, or at every sign that the Germans could decipher it. Weather forecasts were coded “absolutely secret” and were considered a state military secret.

To be always at the forefront, meteorologists and designers created a transportable weather station that took up only a couple of suitcases. Landing weather stations were also created, which were delivered by aircraft to the enemy’s rear, dropped deep behind the front lines, and then automatically transmitted weather reports on enemy air corridors. This made it possible to calmly hold a military parade in Moscow on November 7, 1941, since we knew that the weather was bad, and also to accurately determine the moment of the capital’s counter-offensive of tanks, which should have coincided with the time of the greatest snow cover in the region.

An accurate weather forecast for severe frosts in November-December 1941 determined the success of the counter-offensive of the forces of the Southern Front. And the deliberate explosion of ice on the canal named after. Moscow became the reason for the failure of the fascist attack north of the capital. The role of meteorological service personnel in ensuring uninterrupted transportation along the legendary “Road of Life” cannot be overestimated.

After the glorious victory in 1945, however, the weather service troops went into obscurity until the mid-1980s.
Chernobyl tragedy
Work on influencing weather conditions began a long time ago, back in the middle of the last century. Its first success can be considered the moment when our meteorologists managed to “force” dangerous thunderclouds to resolve into harmless rain after appropriate processing. And after 30 years, they were already able to do this on an industrial scale. This is called “cloud seeding” - changing their phase state using a variety of chemicals.

Why “sowing”, because it’s like when sowing, only it’s not a tractor that’s working, but an airplane. This was very useful to us during the disinfection of radioactive clouds on the approaches to Chernobyl after that terrible accident at the nuclear power plant. Moreover, special chemicals were not even needed here, but simple cement of grade 600 was used, 9 tons of which were scattered over the clouds during the entire period of combating the consequences of the accident. By the way, the same method is used to prevent rain during various holidays and events.

"Dry" celebrations
Nowadays, modern reagents are used to disperse rain clouds, of which very little is needed, about 15 grams. In some cases, liquid nitrogen is used, and in others, dry ice. In critical cases of processing powerful thunderclouds, silver iodide is used, which, when it gets inside the cloud, draws moisture out of it, which provokes immediate heavy rain, but in the place we need. Therefore, such clouds are already approaching large cities, significantly lighter or completely dispersed. The reagent itself evaporates from the atmosphere in less than 24 hours.
This procedure is quite costly and expensive, and it costs about 2.5 million dollars, and since it is carried out with the support of the military, the decision to carry it out is made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force.
Meteorology in modern warfare
It is clear that military meteorologists are currently helping not only to dispel clouds on holidays. Providing the Russian Armed Forces with accurate weather data anywhere in the world is one of several combat missions of the weather forces. Another important task is the development and use of the so-called “Sura Object”.

It is to the work of this facility that the US military attributes all of America’s climate woes, including the devastating Hurricane Katrina, of the last ten to twenty years. According to American meteorologist Scott Stevens, Russia has had climate weapons for a long time, and has successfully used them to harmfully influence the weather anywhere on Earth. Naturally, this unconfirmed opinion was picked up by all pro-Western media.

It is clear that these are all enemy speculations, but there is some truth in them, since the Sura laboratory actually exists not far from Nizhny Novgorod. The database was created in the 70s, and began working in the early 80s. But they were not engaged in the development of “climate weapons”, but were carrying out work on studying the ionosphere. There were also military experiments with radar. Developments were underway to jam radio signals from American early warning systems for missile launches. But this work stalled with the collapse of the USSR.

But our American colleagues, on the contrary, are actively working on this topic. Their most famous weather installation is called HAARP. According to this project, a huge field of antennas was created at the Gakona test site in Alaska over an area of ​​13 hectares. The radiation of this field is much higher than the radiation of the sun, and one can only guess how this may affect our nature and weather.
Basically, the HAARP system is a giant microwave whose radiation can be directed anywhere. And this is a terrible weapon that can cause any natural or man-made disaster: earthquakes or drought, jam all radio signals over vast territories, or cause breakdowns in the power grids of entire regions. People undoubtedly fall into the crosshairs of such weapons too.