What kind of heater for a garage. A gas heater is a cheap heating option for a garage. Advantages of using IR heaters

For experienced car enthusiasts, the question of whether or not to heat a garage is decided unambiguously. If there is such a possibility, then winter period be sure to heat. Saving on heating leads to only one thing - an increase in operating costs as a result of accelerated engine wear during cold starts and premature failure of individual parts and components of the car. In addition, a heated box makes it possible to equip in the garage both a year-round home workshop and a place to store things that for some reason are not in demand in the living space.

Gas heater for the garage.

Methods of heating garage spaces and the advantages of gas heaters

There are several options for heating garage boxes:

  • stationary centralized or autonomous heating;
  • electric convectors and;
  • liquid fuel heaters;
  • gas heating installations.

Each of these methods of heating garage spaces has its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, we will consider only gas heaters for garages for several reasons.

Firstly, a stationary heating option is not available to everyone and not always. Secondly, gas is a much cheaper fuel than electricity and much more convenient than liquid. Thirdly, if there is a gas junction next to the box, then after a little walking around the authorities you can organize heating not from liquefied gas cylinders, but using a centralized supply of blue fuel. Which is more convenient and even cheaper.

As for safety, modern gas heaters with open and closed combustion chambers are equipped with reliable automation that instantly shuts off the gas supply when combustion stops. Another argument is the relatively low price and quick payback of portable gas heating units.

Types of gas heaters

The principle of obtaining thermal energy for all gas installations is the same - burning natural or liquefied gas. In terms of power for heating small garages, devices from 1.5 to 10 kW are available on the market. When purchasing equipment, it should be taken into account that for each declared kilowatt of power, up to 100 ml of gas will be required for one hour of operation. The exact data is indicated in the heater's passport.

Gas garage heater UK-5. Propane-butane fuel. Thermal power 4.2 kW. Weight 3 kg. Manual ignition. Fuel consumption 0.3 kg/h.

In addition, with the active combustion of gas fuel in the atmosphere of the room, the concentration of oxygen decreases and the content of carbon dioxide increases, which dictates the need for constant ventilation of the room when operating a stationary or portable gas equipment.

The main difference between all gas heaters is the method of transferring the resulting heat (thermal energy) to the heated room. Based on this feature, a distinction is made between convection and infrared heaters.

Structurally, all gas heaters for garages can be divided into several types.

  1. Heat gun. Gas and combustion air are supplied to a closed or open combustion chamber, and a fan blows its walls. As a result, heated air quickly spreads throughout the garage. The advantage is the high speed of creating comfortable conditions in the garage. But speed is also a disadvantage: the walls, the car itself and other objects in the garage practically do not heat up, warm air quickly evaporates, and the raised dust remains in the air and settles on all surfaces.
  2. Convectors. The gas is supplied and burned into an isolated combustion chamber. Air for combustion and removal of combustion products is produced through lines led outside the garage. The air in the garage is heated by contact with the surface of the combustion chamber, which has a significant area. A vertical channel for air movement is formed by using a protective casing. Unlike heat guns, this type of room heating helps to heat the room more evenly. Not only the air has time to heat up, but also the walls in the garage, which then release heat into the room.
  3. Catalytic heaters. Heat is produced without the classical combustion process with an open flame. Thermal energy is released as a result of the use of catalytic materials during the oxidation of the gas-air mixture. Lattices, powders and granules containing platinum and other chemical elements of the same group with similar properties are used as catalysts. The process is technically organized in such a way that there are practically no combustion products.
  4. Ceramic heaters. Ceramic plates act as an element that directly heats the garage space. They are heated directly by the flame produced by burning gas.

Conventionally, all of the above heaters can be classified as convection heaters. Compared with electric convectors They are more expensive, but their operation, due to the cheapness of “blue fuel,” pays off the difference in price within one season.

UK-10 Neoclima in Leroy Merlin.

  1. Infrared heaters. The main advantage of operating a heater in the infrared range is that it is not the air that is heated, but the surfaces and all objects in the garage. The air is heated from the walls and heated equipment. This heat lasts longer and provides the most comfortable conditions for people and cars. A relative disadvantage of this type of device is the need the right choice power and proper installation of the heater. As a rule, such heaters are mounted on the ceiling and equipped with reflectors for optimal distribution of radiated heat.

In conclusion, once again about safety. The risk of fire, explosion or poisoning when operating gas garage heaters exists, but only if the installation rules are grossly violated. According to statistics, there are no more accidents and accidents at gas installations than at electrical or liquid ones. As for fire hazards, fires due to faulty electrical wiring are by far the most common.


A good garage is a warm garage. Even the most economical car enthusiasts agree with this statement. Times when winter time The four-wheeled “friend” was forced to endure severe frosts, which are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Car owners are convinced that the costs of even minimal heating in winter are not as high as repairing a car, which often freezes in winter. Many people are also attracted by the ability to start the car right away, rather than waiting for it to warm up. Solving the heating problem is not difficult, since stores offer a wide range of electric, gas, diesel, and infrared heaters for the garage. All that remains is to choose the appropriate model.

What should a garage heater be like?

A garage is a specific room. Usually it has a small area intended not only for storing the car, but also for its current repairs. As a rule, the owner of a garage has free access to electricity, but you rarely see a garage connected to a general gas supply system. Therefore, garage heaters should be:

  • compact so as not to interfere with vehicle repair and maintenance;
  • easy to operate, install and maintain;
  • safe for health;
  • autonomous, etc.

Manufacturers offer car owners a variety of heater models for temporary heating. They can run on electricity, diesel fuel, liquefied gas, etc. When figuring out which heater is best to use for a garage, you should take into account the size of the room, how well it is ventilated, acceptable air temperature and other factors. Some motorists note that during work they feel quite comfortable even in not very high temperature air, but this may not be enough to spend time in a purely male company.

Review of industrial models of garage heaters

Option #1 - diesel fuel appliances

Diesel garage heaters have two main compartments: fuel tank and combustion chamber. Diesel fuel enters the chamber through a nozzle. The combustion process is ensured by a fan that blows air, so such a device will require a small amount of electricity to operate. The heated air enters the heat exchanger and is then distributed throughout the room. Combustion products are removed through.

Using a diesel heater, you can very quickly warm up even a room that lacks thermal insulation. These are compact devices that can be installed in any suitable location. It should be remembered that when operating diesel heaters, the oxygen contained in the room is consumed, so care must be taken to regularly ventilate the garage. Modern models are equipped with a block for remote control. Long-term use of such a device is considered completely safe.

Detailed information about the operation of diesel heaters is presented in the video:

In addition to the indirect heating models described above, direct heating heaters are available for sale. They do not provide for the removal of combustion products through the chimney, so it is not recommended to use them in small garage spaces.

Option #2 - use of liquefied gas

A convector gas heater is a combustion chamber connected to a liquefied gas cylinder. There is a coaxial air duct through which the air necessary for combustion is supplied, as well as a chimney for removing combustion products. Electricity is not required to operate such a device.

Since garages are usually not connected to a centralized gas supply system, relatively inexpensive and readily available liquefied gas in cylinders is used for heating.

A more modern version of the gas heater are ceramic models with a built-in combustion sensor. If the flame goes out for any reason, the fuel supply will be automatically stopped, which increases the safety level of the device. Thanks to the universal valve, the device can be easily connected to the gas network.

The device is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to vary the air heating temperature and save fuel. It should be remembered that the protective casing of such a device can heat up to 60 degrees. This reduces the chance of fire or burns, but you should still handle the gas heater with care.

Although the cost of units operating on liquefied gas is quite high, moderate fuel consumption allows you to recoup these costs within the first couple of months of operation. Gas heaters are considered best choice for a garage that is only heated periodically.

Option #3 - electric heating devices

The most common models of electric heaters for garages can be called and. The first are a combination of a heating coil and a fan, with the help of which a flow of warm air is distributed throughout the room. In the design of the latter, the role of coolant is played by oil, which can accumulate and gradually release heat.

Electric heaters are extremely easy to use; they need to be installed in a suitable location and then connected to the mains. The presence of a thermostat allows you to regulate the heating of the air in the garage. The only thing that threatens the owner of such a device is high electricity bills.

Electric heaters are the simplest and most affordable way organize heating in the garage. These are safe and convenient devices, but the cost of their operation can be quite high

Option #4 - infrared heat

Infrared heaters operate from an electrical network. The rays emanating from the deflector heat the surface at which they are directed. The heat from this surface then spreads throughout the room.

Infrared heaters are excellent for providing constant heat to keep the engine from freezing. To do this, the device should be placed directly above the hood of the car.

They are convenient because they can be placed on the ceiling, directing the radiation towards the floor. This way you can quickly and efficiently warm up the entire room. The use of devices of this type is quite safe and economically beneficial, since the energy consumption is much lower than when using traditional electric models.

To heat the air in the garage to 20 degrees, you will need a 100 W heater for each square meter. In order to keep the vehicle in working condition, a fifty-watt model placed above the hood of the car is sufficient.

Video “Multi-fuel stove for 1000 rubles”

For a garage, you need to have a clear idea for what purpose it will be used in this room. In some situations, we are talking about private property, visited from time to time, but not requiring constant heating. However, garages are often understood as industrial premises stations Maintenance, in which several people can work. In this case, high-quality heating with regular temperature measurements is required to create truly comfortable conditions.

The operation of the device will be quite long;

During its operation, there is no release of combustion products characteristic of gas devices.

An infrared heater can be installed directly above the car. In this case, before each start of the vehicle there is no need to warm up the engine. Such devices do not lead to air circulation, so they do not “burn” oxygen and do not lead to dust. If you decide to install infrared heaters in your garage, the reviews of which speak for themselves, this will be an excellent option for efficient heating, providing comfort and savings.

Installing a heating system in the garage is an urgent necessity. If we take into account the costs associated with servicing a car parked in an unheated box (purchase of antifreeze, rapid wear of the engine and chassis, increased fuel consumption required to warm up the interior and engine) - it becomes obvious that a one-time investment in creating a heating system will fully pay off . You can solve the heating issue by installing an infrared heater in the garage.

Is it possible to heat a garage with an IR heater?

Heating a garage with an infrared ceiling, wall or mobile heater is not only a practical, but also a cost-effective solution.

A special feature of the equipment is the use of IR rays for heating. As a result, it is not the air in the room that heats up, but the surface of objects located next to the installation. A person feels warm immediately after turning on the unit. With the help of IR emitters it is quite possible to heat both small and capacious boxes.

Infrared gas heater for constant heating of the garage is intended for premises used as automobile workshops. Productivity gas installation quite enough to create and maintain a comfortable temperature. If you install a programmable thermostat, you can automate the heating process as much as possible and reduce costs by approximately 40-50%.

Provided that there is no need to heat the garage itself, installations for spot, local heating with a power of approximately 1 kW are chosen.

Types of garage IR heaters

In the garage you can install IR heaters running on electricity and gas, industrial and domestic type, used as general or local heating.

Industrial IR emitters

The main purpose of the units is to heat rooms with ceiling heights from 3 to 8 m. They are optimally suited for heating garages, car service centers, car washes, tire service centers and private auto repair shops. They run on electricity, diesel fuel and gas.

There are several types of installations:

  • Light heaters- so called due to the fact that the bulb responsible for IR radiation becomes red-hot during the heating process. Gas combustion temperature is 800-1000°C.
  • Dark heaters– operate at a temperature of 350-400°C. They have a smaller radius of the dangerous heating zone, which is especially convenient when limited space garage. The minimum safe distance for the radiation source is 2.5-3 m.

In addition to these features, when choosing an industrial installation, you should pay attention to the radiation characteristics. For a garage, it is better to choose wall-mounted infrared heaters using long-wave radiation.

Household emitters

Heating a garage using a household-type infrared heater is especially popular. The installation is used for local heating. Often the emitter is installed directly above the hood of the car. Even with a strong drop in temperature, the engine will not freeze, so starting the car will be much easier.

You can use ceiling-mounted infrared heaters to heat a garage, as well as portable models on tripods, as a local or general heating system. Some modifications are specially manufactured in the form of ceiling panels built into the cladding.

Which brand of IR heater is best to put in the garage?

When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the heating equipment. High-quality emitters are produced by both European and domestic companies. Chinese manufacturers often offer budget, but not very reliable options.

Wall mount electric infrared garage heaters offer:

  1. Daewoo.
  2. PEONY.
  3. Mr. Hit.
  4. Infra.
It’s quite easy to warm up your garage in winter using heaters of these brands. Simple design allows you to do the installation yourself. The package includes brackets for mounting to the wall or ceiling of a room. Household devices have a small power of up to 2 kW.

The efficiency of an industrial IR heater is significantly higher. One installation is enough to warm up rooms from 80 to 100 m³. If necessary, several units are connected to a single network with one or more thermostats.

Systems automated heating produced by large manufacturers of climate control equipment:

  1. Heliosa.
  2. Hyundai.
  3. Zilon.
  4. Starprogetti.

There is no point in installing industrial installations in a small iron garage. To create a comfortable temperature, it will be enough to install two heaters with a power of 1 kW.

How to properly install infrared heating in a garage

First you need to determine for what purpose the emitters will be used.
  • For local heating– to create and maintain a temperature of + 5°C in a garage with an area of ​​20 m², it will be enough to install a radiator with a power of 1 kW. It would be optimal to place it directly above the hood of the car. Power calculation is performed using the formula 50 W = 1 m².
  • Main heating– in this case, calculations are performed using the formula 100 W = 1 m². An accurate calculation of the heating area is carried out in advance. Afterwards the required power of the installation is calculated. About 10% is added to the result obtained for possible heat loss. For a garage of 20 m², you will need to install one 2 kW emitter, or two 1 kW each.

The manufacturer of the emitters separately indicates the required distance from the radiation source to the heated objects. With this information, it will be easy to properly place heaters in your garage. Household appliances are installed at a distance of about 1.5-2 m from the car.

Pros and cons of IR garage heating

Garage IR heater design, specifications and operating features have certain advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages - connecting the device does not require large material costs. The basic package includes everything necessary for installation. The easiest way is to connect an electric emitter. To install gas equipment, you may need to obtain the necessary permit. Local heating of only part of the room is possible, and not the entire garage.
  • Disadvantages - mainly found in early models. Modern modifications are equipped with protection against surface overheating and fire if the device falls. Power household appliances significantly reduced to ensure comfortable heating conditions.
    The main existing disadvantage can be considered the high cost of the equipment, as well as a large number of Chinese counterfeits, which are saturated in the climate control equipment market.
IR garage heating systems have no analogues. Compared to traditional radiator heating, provide quick warming up even of an unheated building. High efficiency and almost complete absence of disadvantages explain the high popularity of infrared emitters.

Gas heaters for garage- a fairly cheap way to heat the air in the garage compared to electricity or diesel.

Despite the fact that in terms of cost they turn out to be more expensive electric ones, the money spent on them quickly pays off.

Gas heaters have following features:

  • Installation gas heating carried out only with the involvement of specialists. To do this, gas must be installed near the garage. You also first need to obtain permission to lay a gas pipeline into the garage, which is not available to everyone.
  • Organizing gas heating will require considerable financial investments, which only make sense if the garage area is large.
  • As an alternative to a gas pipeline, you can use heater models powered by gas cylinders. But they are not always cost-effective and require systematic testing.

Eat three types gas heaters that are recommended for use in the garage:

  • gas convector heater;
  • catalytic gas heater.

Gas Infrared Ceramic Heater for Garage

The operation of such devices is compared to the action solar radiation, in which there is no ultraviolet.

From a heated ceramic surface waves are coming out, which act not on the air, but on the surfaces located opposite.

They give secondary heat air and warm up the room. The principle is convenient if you need to heat a small area. The heater consists of:

  • reflector;
  • heating element;
  • gearbox;
  • auxiliary components;
  • reflective components.

Devices can also be divided into two groups - white and black heaters. The former also perform the function of lighting, the latter are used only for heating. In both cases, gas is supplied to the burner through a reducer.

Gas convector heater

Operating principle is the same for both electric and water or gas heaters operating on the convector principle. What's included in the device:

  • a heating element;
  • temperature sensor;
  • control.

Natural convection air masses ensures heating of the air in the garage. The convection heater is placed on the floor or on the wall at the lower level. Cold layers of air come into contact with the heating element and rise to the top, giving way to new cold layers.

Attention! Some models of gas convector heaters feature forced air convection created by a fan.

Catalytic gas heater

This type of heater contains the following elements:

  • heat exchangers;
  • low-power gas burner;
  • heating elements;
  • replaceable or refillable gas cylinder.

Catalytic heater works based on chemical reactions. The device contains a plate coated with a catalyst.

When the flame comes from the burner, even at low power it can create the temperature needed to start oxidation reactions catalyst with air.

Such reactions are exothermic. For this reason, the degree of heating of the room does not depend in any way on the amount and intensity of the gas supplied.

Safety precautions when working with gas heaters

So, what are the requirements for owners of gas heaters for security others and themselves:

  • The device must not be covered with material.
  • Do not remove the grille from the heater if it is on.
  • If the heater is powered by a cylinder, the latter should not be under direct influence of the heater.
  • The heater must not be placed near cars.
  • The device should only be used in the position specified in the product instructions.
  • Heat radiation should not be directed towards flammable objects.

Gas heaters have earned a large number of positive feedback from buyers. The latter appreciated the high quality of work and heating power. The percentage of complaints about problems for various models is insignificant.