How to refresh a room from an unpleasant smell. How to freshen the air in an apartment: the use of household and professional air fresheners, the use of air purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers. This problem can be solved in three simple steps

An unpleasant smell in an apartment can arise for various reasons - perhaps you have a burnt dish in a frying pan, you just painted the walls and the smell does not disappear, or there is always an unpleasant aroma in the refrigerator. In general, there are a dozen reasons. But how can you freshen the air in your apartment and get rid of the unpleasant smell? Especially if you need to do this literally a few minutes, for example, before guests arrive. Or eliminate once and for all the cause of the terrible aroma. Let's look at simple and, as they say, folk methods.

  • 1 We use citrus fruits
  • 2 We use herbs and spices - prepare an air freshener
  • 3 Essential oils - a universal freshener

We use citrus fruits

Perhaps it is worth saying that the first step is to eliminate the source of the odor. If the “trouble” comes from the trash can, we take it out, from the refrigerator, we sort through the supplies and find the source. This is all clear. But once the cause is eliminated, you can move on to saturating the room with light and pleasant aromas. And you probably have fruit on hand - lemon, orange or lime. So they will become the first assistants.

  • A lemon drop can quickly freshen the air in your bathroom. It is not necessary to use chemical aerosols every time. Take two or three lemon slices and place on a saucer. Place it in the bathroom. This method can also be used for the toilet.
  • A sponge soaked in lemon juice will do a great job of eliminating unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Place it on the bottom shelf and let the sponge sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • If a musty and rotten aroma comes from washing machine Lemon juice will also help. True, first you will have to turn on the machine for a short period of time and run it idle with water and citric acid. But after this procedure, wipe the drum and rubber bands with a slice of lemon or a sponge dipped in juice.
  • A slice of orange will help with the smell of burning or staleness in the kitchen. It is best to use crusts. Boil water along with the crusts and leave the pan open for 30-40 minutes.

You can use fruits to freshen the air in any room. Place a few lemon slices and orange peels on a saucer. You can also heat citrus fruits in water and bring the pan into the room for a short time.

We use herbs and spices - we prepare an air freshener

You can prepare a few “fresh bags” yourself that you will keep on hand for an emergency. Some spices and herbs are great for freshening the air.

  • Cloves and cinnamon will become a universal freshener that can be used in both the living room and the bathroom. Take 3-4 cinnamon sticks, a spoonful of cloves and boil for 30 minutes. Now you can walk through all the rooms with this saucepan and leave it in the kitchen - the smell will reach every corner. You can also mix cinnamon sticks with cloves and bake on parchment in the oven. Place the mixture in a bag and place it in the room.
  • Mix mint leaves, thyme and basil - this composition will freshen the air in a few minutes. If the mint is dried, grind it into small pieces before mixing it with other herbs.
  • Vanilla sticks will perfectly cope with the unpleasant smell from the microwave or refrigerator. Using a sponge soaked in vanilla infusion, wipe the walls of the refrigerator. Just put a glass of water and a vanilla stick in the microwave. By the way, vanilla will do a great job with the smell of paint.
  • Prepare a potpourri - a mixture made from a variety of dried herbs, fruits and flowers. You can buy a ready-made kit in the store, or you can make it yourself - dry your favorite ingredients, for example, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, rose petals and put them in one bag. When you need to refresh the smell in your apartment, simply take out the bag and place the mixture on a saucer.

Using the spices and herbs whose scent you like best, you can create your own aromatic composition. Remember that spices have a pronounced, but very “short-term” aroma if used in dry form.

Essential oils - a universal freshener

If you are a fan of aromatic oils and you have several bottles of ether, feel free to use it to create freshness in your apartment. Fruit oils – orange, grapefruit and pine scents – are considered universal. By the way, grapefruit is also the most persistent.

  • If your apartment has an air conditioner or ceiling fan, drop a little oil on a saucer and place it in places where there is maximum air circulation.
  • Add 5-7 drops of ether to a spray bottle with water and periodically spray the air. You can use both citrus and pine scents.
  • To freshen the air in your apartment before guests arrive, heat water in a glass bowl and add a few drops of oil. Place it on the windowsill - the aroma will last a long time.
  • Oils will also help get rid of the unpleasant odor in the trash can. Wash the bucket and let it dry completely. Soak a piece of cotton wool with grapefruit, tea tree or lavender oil and place it in the bottom of the bucket. The scents can be mixed, or you can use just one.
  • Use aroma stones and essential oils for the toilet. You will need to purchase such a stone and several bottles of oils. Place several of these stones in the toilet and drip oil on them. A coniferous, ylang-ylang or lavender scent is best. The scents can be changed weekly and the air will always remain fresh.

Essential oils are therefore considered universal fresheners because they are suitable for any room, and aromas can be selected based on your preferences. In addition, unlike conventional aerosols, they do not contain harmful substances, and the air remains fresh for several hours.

Simple ways to freshen the air in your apartment

Do your refrigerator and microwave have an unbearable odor? Has the smell of burnt food permeated every room of the house? Or maybe you can't stand the smell of fresh paint on the walls, or you just want to bring more freshness into your home?

your home during the hot season? Find out how to freshen the air in your apartment without much effort, from our article.

Natural products for fresh air in the apartment

It is noteworthy that just with the help of some natural ingredients that are easily found in every kitchen, you can refresh your home and make the atmosphere in it pleasant and comfortable. Coffee, lemons, oranges, spices and vanilla are essential air fresheners. We will use them to remove all unpleasant odors.

How to freshen the air in your apartment using ground coffee

To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, just grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

Ground coffee is also very effective at removing odor from your refrigerator. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee, and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For more strong aroma You can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

Cotton balls for a fresh smell in the house

Apply a few drops of your favorite perfume to a cotton ball and place it in a vacuum cleaner bag. When the vacuum cleaner is running, a gentle, pleasant smell will fill the room and refresh the air in the room where you vacuum.

Cotton balls, like coffee, can also be used to freshen the refrigerator. Often the refrigerator does not smell very pleasant. In such cases, place a cotton swab soaked in vanilla extract on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Use fresh citrus fruits to freshen the air in your apartment

It is the smell of citrus fruits that will do the best job of eliminating unnecessary unpleasant “odors” and you will no longer have to think about it. how to freshen the air in an apartment.


In order to neutralize bad smell, which comes from the cat's sand box or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon slices on a plate and leave on the problem area. In just a few hours the air will become fresh and fragrant.

To remove odors from the refrigerator, soak a sponge in lemon juice and leave in it for several hours.

To freshen the air throughout the house, office space or apartment, add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and apple peel to hot water. A pleasant smell will reach all rooms.


To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container uncovered for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be freshened immediately and very effectively.

How to refresh your apartment - spices and herbs

Skip the special room scents and make your own wonderful air fresheners. Boil cinnamon sticks and cloves in a saucepan for 30 minutes. You can also freshen the air by placing a few tablespoons of spices on a tray covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in the hot oven for 30 minutes. Leave the door ajar.

If you have dried mint, rub the leaves in your hands and place on a saucer. In addition, it would not hurt to grow such aromatic and fragrant herbs on the windowsill as mint, thyme, basil - they can grow on yours all year round, delighting with its freshness and aroma. Plus, you can use these greens for your cooking recipes.

How to freshen the air in the kitchen

Vanilla extract for freshness in the home

If you don't like the smell of freshly painted walls, add a teaspoon of vanilla after you open the paint box. The smell is intoxicating.

If your refrigerator smells bad, soak a sponge in vanilla extract and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Also, if your microwave smells bad, rinse it out and place a bowl of vanilla extract inside for a minute.

Freshen the air with aromatic oils

If fresh fruit, especially citrus fruits, you don’t always have on hand, get used to always having a couple of jars stored essential oils. Lemon, grapefruit and orange aromatic oils will do a great job of freshening the air in your apartment if you add a couple of drops of any of them to a bowl of slightly warmed water. Grapefruit oil is especially effective at freshening the air.

Time-tested folk ways to refresh an apartment

There are several other ways to freshen up your apartment and remove unpleasant odors, in particular those coming from the kitchen, tested by good housewives. This is vinegar and baking soda. You can simply open soda (several packs) and place it in the room that needs to be refreshed. Dilute vinegar with water (3:1) and spray it in the apartment using a spray bottle.

Ventilate and freshen the air in your home more often to prevent odors from being absorbed into curtains, upholstered furniture, decorative items and even walls. And don’t forget about indoor flowers, which not only refresh, but also cleanse the air of bacteria and other impurities.

And remember that first of all you need to find the source of the unpleasant odor in the apartment and try to get rid of it. Must be done general cleaning, especially in kitchen cabinets and other food storage areas, completely defrost, wash and ventilate the refrigerator. Only after this, use all the listed methods to freshen the air in your apartment, and your home will always be filled with pleasant aromas.

From January to February, most homes smell of pine needles and tangerines. But these are only two months of the year, and what tests is the sense of smell exposed to in the remaining ten?

The mustiness of the basement, the aromas of the garbage chute and sewer, the neighbors smoking in the entrance - the stench tries to penetrate into the apartment every time it is opened. front door. And if internal problems are added to external problems, such as clogged pipes and non-functional ventilation, then all is lost.

And okay in warm time- you can open the window and leave your favorite home to ventilate for an indefinite period. What to do in winter?


1. Chinese way

If it’s cold outside, then the “draft” option should be reduced in time as much as possible. But how can you maintain the effect of long-term ventilation?

Residents of the Middle Kingdom invented a simple method: canvas bags of tea, hung in doorways during “air procedures”, they will quickly absorb unpleasant odors and refresh the atmosphere - just 15-20 minutes is enough.

2. Grandmother's way

Our parents didn't have it in their arsenal modern methods combating unpleasant odors. They enjoyed folk remedies And. And in first place - wet towels!

The more suitable places you can find to hang them, the less unwanted odors will remain in the room. And then all that remains is to open the windows for a short time to reduce the humidity.


3. Vinegar method

This product also belongs to the list of tricks of experienced housewives. With it you can go into fire, into water, and into copper pipes.

Heating water and vinegar on the stove will eliminate kitchen odors: burnt food, overly aromatic dishes, or a mixture of both. A similar solution, but with the addition of a couple of drops of aromatic oil - bergamot or lavender, can be used to clean the bathroom. This procedure will help get rid of persistent toilet odors.

Well, if the sources of the “fragrance” are pipes, then the following composition will help solve the problem: 1 part coarse salt, 1 part soda and 2 parts vinegar. Pour it all into the drain hole and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with hot water.

4. Method of acupressure

Well, which of us, for example, does not stock up? Potatoes, carrots, onions... all of this actively releases odors. Off to the settlements! Organize a storage area outside the apartment, use vestibules, loggias, and utility rooms.

Well, if the situation is hopeless and the vegetable “ghetto” can only be placed inside the house, then take care of containers with lids and odor-absorbing devices.

Speaking of the latter, do you know how to reduce the concentration of unpleasant odors in the trash can?

There are two ways: the first is to place a special carbon filter, neutralizing odors, second and more economical - use toilet strips for purposes other than their intended purpose! If you put a freshener at the bottom of the bucket, under a garbage bag, the plastic will absorb its aroma and kill the aroma of the waste.


5. Massive attack

Everything is great, but what to do if emergency measures are needed, and the area of ​​impact should be maximum? How to quickly refresh the atmosphere if, for example, there are unexpected guests on the doorstep, but outside the window there is no frost and no ventilation?

A frying pan and coffee beans will save you! Roast the beans over high heat and their aroma will displace any unpleasant odors. Tested by more than one generation of housewives!

6. simple trick

This “air freshener” is easy to make yourself. And you only need a few things - glass jar from under the candle, baking soda and essential oil.

The first option is to pour baking soda into a jar, add a few drops of essential oil, mix well and place a burning candle tablet on top. There is no need to close the jar.

In the second case, you can do without a candle! This is where the lid of the jar comes in handy. You need to make holes in it (for example, using a screwdriver and a hammer, as in the video). A pleasant aroma in your home is guaranteed!

7. Beautiful way

For those who want to add a little chic to their surroundings, we recommend using... pomanders!

This mysterious word not only sounds beautiful, but is also an effective and inexpensive remedy, specially invented for our article and the topic of the column.


Making pomanders is simple: you just need some oranges and a lot of cloves (seasoning). The second ones are stuck in a spiral into the first ones, and the resulting structures are hung around the apartment. These natural air fresheners will last a couple of weeks, and after that they can be replaced with new ones. The usefulness of pomanders is not limited to the function of aromatization, they also have a psychological effect: they relieve stress and improve mood.

The smell in the house is the calling card of the owners. Everyone can make it unforgettable. The only question is whether they will be good memories or terrible ones. The choice is yours!

Pleasant smells can effectively improve your mood. They can calm and relieve fatigue or stimulate action. Unfortunately, most air fresheners available in stores contain many harmful substances. Popular scented candles are also not very good for indoor air quality.

But that doesn't mean you have to choose between smelling great and being healthy. We have a very simple recipe for an eco air freshener.

You only need a few cheap and easily available products to create your own air freshener. Now your home will always have a wonderful smell, without spending more than a few rubles and get an eco-friendly air freshener.

How to make a homemade air freshener?

Prepare a spray bottle. No problem, you can buy it online. However, in the spirit of eco-however, we strongly recommend looking in your stash. Maybe you already have a spray bottle from some cosmetic product. It makes no sense to buy a new one if you can use the one you already have.

You will also need to prepare your favorite essential oil, baking soda and plain water. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a spray bottle and pour warm water. Mix thoroughly and add 5-10 drops of essential oil. Shake gently. And that's all. You can experiment with the amount of oil depending on how intense the flavor you want. Nothing stands in the way of mixing several oils and creating your own, unique composition.

Air freshener is best stored in a dark and cool place. Use whenever you want. Spray several times in the room and enjoy the wonderful aroma.

The effect of essential oils on mood

Don't know which oil to choose? See how different smells affect your well-being.

Citric acid - stimulates, revitalizes and adds energy. Relieves fears.

Grapefruit - improves mood, has an antidepressant effect, relieves stress and tension, and reduces appetite.

Basil - relieves physical fatigue and improves mental health, improves concentration.

Orange - calms, works as an antidepressant, relieves stress and improves mood.

Lavender - calms, relieves fears and headaches.

Rosemary - stimulates, improves memory and concentration, relieves headaches.

Pink - useful for anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Mint - calms, improves physical and psychological well-being, relieves headaches.

Verbena - improves mood, adds energy.

May 16, 2019 Sergey

We, residents of Tomsk, as a rule, wait for a normal summer for almost 10 months a year. And then we languish from the heat, dreaming of how we can freshen the air in the apartment, at least with folk remedies.

Of course, air conditioning is an interesting and effective thing. But not every Tomsk resident is ready to spend so much to use the item 20-40 days a year. Usually we don’t have more hot days (it’s now the end of June, and there hasn’t been a trace of heat yet).

However, last year my family faced this problem. But the fact is that we live in a reinforced concrete panel house, which heats up terribly even at 30. It becomes simply impossible to breathe, and opening the windows only worsens the situation. So we became interested in how others solved the problem and began experimenting ourselves.

How to freshen the air in an apartment in the heat?

So, the task: to humidify and cool the air, and also, possibly, get rid of extraneous odors. After all, a trash can, a musty carpet or, God forbid, a faulty refrigerator smell especially disgusting when it’s hot.

An additional difficulty is created by a smoking neighbor. Tobacco smoke sometimes enters our rooms, either through ventilation or through a window.

But first of all, you need to save yourself from “frying” - it can be dangerous to health, especially if it concerns children. What ways does the experience of others offer us?

  1. Close windows - both from the entry of hot air and from sunlight;
  2. Pay more attention to your own hygiene;
  3. Reduce indoor air temperature;
  4. Humidify and move air.

Yes, these are just improvised means, because you don’t need to purchase anything to sell them. In most cases, all the necessary components are available at home. And their use does not require any excessive effort.

We freshen the air with improvised means

Windows and hygiene

How hard it must be for the “dirty ones” in hot weather – you’re itching, sweating, nervous! But no one forbids us, at a minimum, to rinse ourselves in a cold shower. Firstly, body temperature noticeably decreases, and secondly, the skin is moisturized and the pores open.

For those who save water: two or three minutes won’t do much. In summer, you can afford to take a refreshing shower at least 10 times a day. A damp towel draped over your shoulders will prolong the effect of the shower for another half hour.

Windows are generally a problem, especially now that there is plastic everywhere. Of course, at night they are open wide open if mosquito nets are installed or at least gauze is stretched. But during the day it only intensifies negative impact hot weather. What can you do with windows?

  • Open the windows, creating a draft;
  • Close the glass from the sun's rays;
  • Moisten the curtains.

If everything is more or less clear with windows and curtains, then how to cover the windows? For some reason, many people recommend using foil. Well, firstly, it is not always available at home, and secondly, fixing it can cause difficulties. In fact, there is only one way - this is adhesive tape. Just so you don’t have to later, using a solvent, to clean the frames or glass from glue.

About the same difficulty applies to mirror tint film. However, its use makes sense if the sun interferes with life throughout the year.

When you don’t have foil or don’t want to bother with it, attach a white sheet to the curtains as a second layer. Regular clothespins will help you with this.

Moving, humidifying and cooling

To effectively move air masses, use a regular fan. It’s even better to turn on several fans; fortunately, they don’t consume a lot of electricity. However, a fair question arises: “what is the use of moving hot air?” The answer is simple - freeze two or three plastic bottles with water and place in front of a fan.

I usually put them in the freezer overnight, and in the morning I take them out and change them to others. This way we always have bottled ice at home. Can you refresh your apartment with ice? open form– in saucepans, plates or on a platter. Then it will work even more efficiently, but it will also melt much faster.

An unexpected and extremely interesting way of cooling is freezing a sheet. I put it in a bag and put it in the freezer. After 30-40 minutes, you get an excellent “cooler” that works for the same half an hour. What to do if your refrigerator suddenly breaks down or it can’t cope with the heat? All that remains is to moisten, because the water, evaporating, will significantly reduce the ambient temperature.

Do wet cleaning! All this dust adds negative feelings, be sure to get rid of it.

I already said about the shower and a towel on my shoulders, but I forgot to mention how to wet the curtains. It's simple - a regular spray will help. By the way, they would also like to “moisturize.” And you can wet the same sheet or baby diapers right under the stream cold water. This will cool the air in the apartment and... Stretch two or three ropes on the heating risers and hang wet “rags” on them or on the backs of chairs.

Let's summarize the convenient and simple means at hand:

  • Fan;
  • Indoor and outdoor ice;
  • Frozen sheets;
  • Wet sheets, towels, diapers;
  • Sprayer for flowers.

The spray is a convenient thing that will help solve another serious problem - removing unpleasant odors.

Getting rid of odors

Fast and effective way get rid of the smell of smoke, burnt porridge or trash can – vinegar. Add two tablespoons of vinegar, for example apple cider vinegar, to a glass of water and pour the mixture into a spray. When you spray corners, sinks, buckets and just furniture, the nasty stench will disappear in a matter of minutes.

But how can you freshen the air without using chemicals? The most convenient way is sachet. This is a bag made of loose fabric. Fill it with whatever you have in your kitchen or flower pots:

  • Mint, basil, eucalyptus;
  • Cloves and cinnamon;
  • Citrus fruit zest;
  • Coffee – ground or roasted beans;
  • Just baking soda or salt.

Soak a cotton ball in vanilla, place it in the dust collector of your vacuum cleaner, and tidy up. You will be surprised how quickly the aroma of vanilla spreads throughout the apartment. Good way scent the air - light scented candles or sticks. But, firstly, they are not always available, and, secondly, I wouldn’t really want to set something on fire when it’s already hot.

And, of course, the most correct approach to removing odors is tidying up. This universal method fast, simple, effective and, importantly, practically free.

Do you have any ways to freshen the air in your apartment? Share them in the comments!