DIY air conditioner dehumidifier. We make a dehumidifier with our own hands: adsorption, household. Read more about the operating principle of the dehumidifier

Violation of the microclimate in a residential building is very often associated with an increase in humidity levels. Dampness causes the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the apartment, which leads to deterioration in the health of residents, as well as damage to their property and interior. How can you dry the air in your apartment yourself and prevent the risk of over-humidification in the future? You just need to find out the reason for moisture getting into your home, understand the methods of dealing with dampness and the types of equipment and substances used to get rid of excess humidity, and apply all this in practice.

Causes of dampness

Excessive humidity in a living space may appear from time to time or be a constant concern, but in any case it has its own reasons and they must be clarified in order to be eliminated in a timely manner. The appearance of mold and musty smell, and, as a result, disease respiratory tract, expensive repairs, the purchase of new furniture, can become a serious punishment for carelessness in relation to sources of dampness in an apartment or house.

The main causes of excess humidity:

  • insufficient ventilation or its absence in the room (especially in the kitchen and bathroom)
  • groundwater that lies high or rises in the spring (relevant for private houses)
  • poor condition of water taps and sewer pipes
  • drying washed clothes in living rooms
  • a large number of house plants or arranging a greenhouse in an apartment
  • the presence of an open water tank (large fountain or aquarium)
  • swimming pool or sauna in the house (basement, ground floor or lower floor)
  • poor thermal insulation of walls
  • insufficient heating of the apartment (low temperatures cause condensation)

The moisture level is measured using a hygrometer. Knowing the humidity standards for a living space (45-60%), you can even before signs of excess moisture and its negative consequences apply preventive measures.

Methods for drying a room

Simple methods on how to dry the air in an apartment or private house yourself, without the use of special knowledge, skills, professional equipment and technically complex work:

  1. Ventilation- if there are in the house plastic windows, the finishing is made from non-breathable materials, but entrance doors are well sealed, then ventilation of the room, especially in winter, will ensure the effective functioning of natural ventilation. Fogging windows are the first sign of the need for ventilation.
  2. Cleaning ventilation ducts— weak draft is a sign of contamination of the ventilation ducts. Ventilation is installed in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, where the maximum amount of moisture accumulates, which, with weak exhaust, spreads throughout all rooms.
  3. Installation of fans– dehumidification of the air in a living room can be done by increasing natural ventilation by installing fans of a certain power. Stable air circulation will not allow moisture to dissipate throughout the apartment, pulling it out.
  4. Kitchen hoods– the device itself was created to remove vapors and odors from the room where food is prepared, thereby preventing the steam from condensing out.
  5. Oil heater– unlike other heating devices, it does not burn oxygen and copes well with excess moisture in the room (especially if it has a built-in fan).
  6. Household air conditioner— the operating principle of this device allows, by providing constant air circulation and maintaining the desired temperature, to take moisture from the air and remove it in the form of condensate outside the living space.

With all the desire and use of certain methods to dehumidify the air in the room, it may turn out that more effective measures eliminating dampness. In this case, specially designed devices - air dehumidifiers - will help dry the air in the apartment.

Types of dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are climate systems used in constantly over-humidified rooms to absorb water from the air. Available in three types:

  • household (removal of up to 30 liters of water per day)
  • semi-industrial (up to 300 liters of water per day)
  • industrial (more than 300 liters of water per day).

It is clear that industry uses bulky, powerful devices, and for residential premises More compact devices are suitable.

Household dehumidifiers come in two types:

Home dehumidifiers have Various types devices:

  1. Evaporative dryers (compressor)— the flow of moist air in such a dehumidifier hits the evaporator, where the moisture condenses and flows into the tank. The air itself, having gotten rid of excess water, flows back into the room. The productivity of such a device is ten liters of water per day. Disadvantage: bulky size and waste of energy.
  2. Adsorption dryers— air drying occurs due to a moisture-absorbing substance – adsorbent. This type of dehumidifier is used in small spaces, does not require energy and is safe. As the adsorbent becomes damp, the adsorbent needs to be replaced.
  3. Rotary adsorption– in this type of dehumidifier, the adsorbent is located in a rotating rotor and the air loses moisture more efficiently than in a simple adsorption dehumidifier, being drawn through such a mechanism. The unit makes less noise than an evaporative unit, but is still noisy.
  4. Dryers using Peltier technology– they have a special semiconductor element (Peltier element), which is cooled using electrical energy. Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to an evaporative device.

If there is a need for a dehumidifier, then before purchasing it, you need to calculate the correspondence between the power of the unit and the volume of the living space to be dried.

How to make a dehumidifier with your own hands

A self-made dehumidifier will effectively help solve problems with excess humidity in the apartment.

Option 1 (simple)

  • Take several empty 0.5 liter containers (glass or plastic jars)
  • Fill them halfway with salt
  • Place jars in damp areas of rooms
  • As the salt becomes damp, replace it with dry salt.

Option 2 (more difficult)
Necessary materials:

  1. two plastic containers with lids (volume two liters),
  2. fan (computer),
  3. cat litter (silica gel),
  4. scissors,
  5. bandage,
  6. insulating tape,
  7. awl,
  8. wire with a block for powering the fan.

Installation steps:

  • Cut the first container in half. In the lower part, on the sides of the bottle, we make holes with a heated awl.
  • Remove the lid from the top of the container and wrap the neck with a bandage in several layers.
  • Pour 250 grams of silica gel into the lower part.
  • Upper part lower it into the bottom, with the neck with the bandage towards the silica gel.
  • The bottom of the second container must be cut off so that it is convenient to install a fan in it. The fan should draw air into the bottle through the neck and blow it out.
  • Place the second container on top of the first and insulate the entire structure. Lead the wire from the fan into the neck of the second container.
  • The homemade dehumidifier is ready.

The fan in the dehumidifier draws humid air from the room and forces it through the desiccant, releasing dry air through the holes below. The device turns out to be low noise, and the wet adsorbent can be dried and reused.

When using any type of room dehumidification, one should not forget about the dangers of too dry air. Do not forget to monitor the hygrometer readings to maintain optimal humidity in your living space.

High humidity provokes the development of mold and many pathogens. In general, dampness can ruin the entire apartment. People are trying to beat the dampness different ways. Some people often ventilate the room, some install expensive ventilation, but few people use household moisture absorbers. And in vain! About it effective adaptation, and we’ll talk about how to build a dehumidifier with your own hands.

What types of factory-made moisture absorbers are there?

Existing dehumidifiers for the home are fundamentally divided into two types. The first type requires electricity, these are devices like industrial products. The second type is less effective, or rather, with lower productivity. But for ordinary rooms, up to 20 sq.m., they are more than enough.

There are two types of dehumidifiers

Electrical absorbers are condensing.

They work the same way as household refrigerators, that is, they have an evaporator, called a cold heat exchanger, a compressor (pump), and a heater, which in refrigerators is located on the back wall. Water flows from the evaporator into some container. That is, the process of moisture condensation occurs there, exactly the same as on windows, which constantly sweat in a damp room. The water collected in the pan, as in air conditioners, flows into the sewer or is thrown into the street. The dried air passed through the evaporator is supplied by a fan to the hot heat exchanger, where it is again heated to room temperature. The dried and heated air is supplied back into the room.

Using an electric absorber you can completely dry the air in the room

Thus, a household dehumidifier eliminates dampness to such an extent that the air in the room can be completely dried out. But this cannot be allowed, so factory devices always install an air humidity controller at the outlet. When it drops to the minimum normal value, the dehumidifier automatically turns off.

They are ideal for apartments and do not require electricity; moisture is removed from the air mass passively. Inside this device there is a special moisture-absorbing tablet that intensively absorbs moisture from the air and holds it securely. This tablet seems to suck dampness out of the air. A brine solution is formed, which flows into a small tray; it must be emptied periodically. The process is much slower than in the previous type of device, but there is no energy consumption, and the air will never dry out. Salt tablets are very economical; 1 piece is enough to dehumidify the air in a 20-meter room for two to three months. That is, such a household moisture absorber needs to be recharged once every 2-3 months.

Absorbent desiccants are ideal for apartment use

If you are planning to buy an electric household dehumidifier air, then keep in mind that they differ from industrial ones primarily in lower productivity. The household appliance is not designed to pump more than 25 liters per day.

But many are interested in whether it is possible and how to make an air dehumidifier with my own hands? It turns out it's not difficult at all! Based on the fundamental difference household appliances, you can build a dehumidifier for your apartment with your own hands of both types.

Homemade condenser dehumidifier

To make your own condenser-type moisture absorber, you will need an unnecessary refrigerator or freezer. Air needs to be directed into it, which will be dried in it, that is, a fan will need to be installed in the freezer door, and an outlet hole for the air will need to be cut out. To prevent the exhaust air from being too cold, you need to install a fan heater at the exit from the freezer, that is, from the evaporator. This whole structure will not look very aesthetically pleasing, and it will absorb no less electricity than a refrigerator.

Condenser dryers, including homemade ones, operate on elementary physical laws. When water vapor hits a cold object where the temperature reaches or falls below the dew point, the water turns from a vapor state into a liquid state, that is, it condenses, and flows down under the influence of gravity.

A condenser dehumidifier is quite easy to make yourself.

If you decide to use only one freezer for your homemade dehumidifier, then you will need to make a more or less decent box for it. For the side walls, bottom and top, white plastic is quite suitable; the door and back wall are best replaced with plexiglass, through which you can see how the device works. At the bottom of the box you will need to adapt a hole for a hose through which water will flow from the refrigeration chamber into some container. The box is assembled and secured with simple self-tapping screws.

All joints, especially around the drain hole, must be carefully sealed with sealant. One more nuance. To prevent the dehumidifier from overcooling the room, it is better to direct the escaping stream of air to the heating radiator. Practical experience in using such homemade structures showed that they work no worse than purchased products.

If it is important for you to save energy, then it is better to build a passive absorption type dehumidifier with your own hands. Yes, to work, you will need to buy silica gel, this is the most important component of the device. Silica gel sells for a ridiculous price of $1 per kilogram. To refill one dehumidifier you will need about 200 grams. It is advisable to organize a directed air flow onto the silica gel.

Plastic bottles are great for these purposes. You will need 2 of them, and they must be the same. From these bottles you will need to build a perforated container in which the silica gel will be located. Air must be supplied through the bottle using a small fan, the role of which can be played by a computer cooler. How is this all done?

The principle of operation of a homemade adsorption dehumidifier

The plastic bottle needs to be cut in half, then make many holes in the lower part, near the bottom, using a hot awl. Dried air will come out through these holes, so they should not interfere with its free circulation, that is, they need to be made large enough. The neck needs to be covered with a bandage and secured with an elastic band; this part will serve as a container for silica gel. The upper part, filled with silica gel, is inserted into the lower part with the neck down.

Next, the resulting structure needs to be covered with part 2 of the bottle. To do this, you need to cut it at a height of 10 centimeters from the bottom. Then the bottom needs to be cut so that this hole is large enough for the fan, slightly smaller in diameter. The hole can be cut either with a hot knife or using a drill. Then, using a glue gun, you need to glue the fan to the resulting workpiece so that it blows air into the structure. Now you can place the lid with the fan glued on the workpiece with silica gel. To seal, it is better to secure all seams in the structure with tape. That's all!

The device is ready, the fan will blow raw air through the silica gel. There, the desiccant will remove excess moisture, and under pressure, through the holes at the bottom of the container, the dried air will come out. The advantages of an absorption dryer are its simplicity and efficiency, and it works quietly. It can be beautifully decorated, or you can simply place it somewhere in a secluded place. After it has completely swollen, silica gel can be dried in the oven if you keep it there for 2-3 hours at minimum temperature. Thus, silica gel can be used repeatedly. This small homemade appliance in the bathroom is very convenient.

The most primitive self-made moisture absorber is simply silica gel poured into a deep plate. The plate can be placed in any inconspicuous place. Monitor the air humidity in your home, adjust it and be healthy!

A bunch of modern apartments face the problem of excessive humidity, especially if this humidity remains indoors for a long time. Damage caused by dampness is difficult to eliminate, so it is best to try to prevent the problem. A household dehumidifier, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself, is perfect for this. Do not underestimate the harm that high humidity can cause, because we are talking not only about the aesthetic appeal of the room, but also about the health of its inhabitants.


What is this desiccant, and “what is it eaten with”? Essentially, this is specialized climate control equipment designed to maintain an optimal level of humidity in a room. For houses or apartments with insufficient or no air conditioning, a household dehumidifier is a must. This indispensable device will help condense moisture, thereby preventing it from settling on walls and other surfaces, which causes mold to form. If you bought the device in a store, all you have to do is check the volume of liquid in its tank, set the desired level of humidity in the room and turn on the device. This type of dehumidifier for an apartment most often has a built-in timer that automatically turns off the device after a specified time.

Do you need a dehumidifier?

Not every house or apartment needs devices of this type. The level of moisture can vary directly depending on the quality of the pipes and the current time of year. In order to determine whether there is excess moisture in the room and whether there is any need to purchase a dehumidifier for the home, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • A pungent musty smell indicates a water leak that does not dry up on its own.
  • Mold is one of the first and most obvious indicators of excess humidity in a room.
  • Condensation (i.e. droplets on glass and other surfaces) indicates that it would be a good idea to buy a dehumidifier for your apartment. Once the cause has been eliminated, this particular device will help reduce the effects of condensation and also prevent the formation of mold that is harmful to health.

Types of dehumidifiers

Equipment varies depending on the physical principles on which it operates. Today there are four types of household dehumidifiers:

  • adsorption (works thanks to the adsorbent contained inside the device);
  • evaporative (directs moist air onto a special cold surface, as a result of which it condenses and flows into a specialized compartment);
  • based on Peltier (based on the cooling effect of semiconductor structures, as a result of the passage of electric current through them);
  • rotary adsorbent (considered an improved class; its operating principle is a combination of the previous two).

Principle of operation

A condensation dehumidifier operates on the principle of condensation of water vapor contained in the air. Thanks to the interaction of the refrigeration circuit with the condenser and a special evaporator, the dehumidifier works. Reviews confirm that this method is the most effective, especially from an economic point of view. Simply put, due to a special motor, moist air enters the device, which is then cooled in the evaporator using refrigerant. The dried air subsequently passes through a hot condenser and is then re-entered into the room. Such a device has a number of advantages: it is mobile, works autonomously, and has a compact size. There are many different models in stores today, but it is also possible to make a dehumidifier yourself. There are several ways to make a dehumidifier yourself. We will talk about some of them below.

Refrigerator dehumidifier

What do we usually do with an old refrigerator that still works, but looks like it belongs to the last century? Most often, such specimens are sent, at best, to the country house, and at worst, to the garage or landfill. However, an old working freezer may well be useful in the household, for example, to make a dehumidifier with your own hands. Of course, you will also need other materials, including: a piece of organic glass matching the dimensions of the camera, several self-tapping screws, special silicone glue (sealant), two fans, a rubber tube hollow inside, an electric heater.

First, remove the freezer door; we won’t need it. Next, attach one of the fans to the bottom of the plexiglass so that it blows into the refrigerator compartment. To do this, you need to make a hole of the required diameter in the glass and securely fasten the fan using self-tapping screws. All holes and joints must be treated with sealant. The next step required to create a DIY dehumidifier is to attach a second fan to the top of the plexiglass. This device is designed to exhaust hot, dry air back into the apartment.

Next, you need to install a rubber tube, its task is to remove condensed moisture from the dehumidifier. To install the tube, a small hole is made in the lower part of the device, where the hose is inserted. The hole must be treated with glue. The free end of the tube is discharged into some vessel, where the condensate will drain. Finally, you need to attach a plexiglass with a fan in place of the old freezer door - and your DIY dehumidifier is made.

Do it yourself

There is a simpler and less expensive way. It is suitable for those whose budget is very limited and the air humidity in the house is not too low. To create a simple desiccant, you will need a large tin can, some coal and a sharp knife. Carefully make at least 10 holes with a knife in the lid of the jar, pour coal inside your jar and close it with the prepared lid. Place your homemade dehumidifier in an area with the highest concentration of humidity. Remember that the charcoal in the can will need to be changed at least once a month.

People says

People have different opinions about dehumidifiers. Some people prefer store-bought devices, explaining this not only by the functionality and reliability of the device, but also by the guarantee for the repair of air dryers. Others, on the contrary, insist that there is absolutely no need to spend money on buying a well-known brand of dehumidifier if you can build one yourself. Of course, professionally manufactured devices are much more effective than home-made ones, but for those apartments where the humidity level does not exceed the norm too much, the latter are perfect, and there is no need for any extra costs.

And finally, I would like to present to your attention a few general recommendations, which will be useful to every owner:

  1. 50-60% is the normal level of room humidity.
  2. Windows must be closed while the dehumidifier is operating.
  3. The noise level should not exceed 46 dB.
  4. Some models are equipped with a power saving mode.

Any climate control equipment is quite an expensive item. Desiccant is no exception. For a family budget, spending several thousand or even tens of thousands of rubles can be a significant blow. The presence of this device in the apartment is an important condition for maintaining a favorable microclimate throughout the year.

An air dehumidifier is equipment necessary to maintain a favorable microclimate. You can make the device yourself

If you don’t have enough money to purchase equipment in a store, the way out of the situation is quite simple. You just need to know how to make a dehumidifier with your own hands.

Harm from high indoor humidity

It is known that the concentration of moisture in the air has a significant impact on human health. Excess moisture is harmful not only to people and pets, but also to buildings, furniture, equipment and other items.

What harm does excess moisture in a room cause in practice?

  • The appearance and spread of mold and mildew.
  • Decreased immunity, increased incidence of colds.
  • Deterioration of breathing, development of allergic processes.
  • More severe exposure to high temperatures in summer.
  • Destruction wooden furniture and leather goods.
  • Peeling of wallpaper from the walls (mold and mildew develop under it).
  • Damage to floor coverings.
  • Destruction finishing materials, plaster, drywall.
  • Breakdowns of household and computer equipment.

For mold and mildew to actively spread, a combination of two factors is needed: high humidity and high temperature. This microclimate is typical for many houses and apartments, and such conditions can be maintained all year round

. At this time, there is a lot of precipitation and there is a high probability of heating the room, through natural exposure to the sun or using heating devices.

Fungus and mold most often form on walls. Favorable conditions for their rapid spread are temperatures above 20 degrees and humidity around 80%. In such conditions, the formation of new foci of mold and the growth of old ones on the walls occurs rapidly. These processes are visible to the naked eye.

Design and principle of operation of a household desiccant

Today you can find a wide variety of models of household and industrial dehumidifiers on sale. They differ in functionality, degree of efficiency, reliability, durability and cost. There are portable and stationary dehumidifiers. Mobile devices

They are easy to use, as they can be quickly installed in the desired room without any problems. But stationary devices have higher performance. They are most often mounted on the wall.

  1. A typical desiccant consists of the following parts:
  2. Fan powered by an electric motor.
  3. A container for collecting condensate that accumulates and flows down the walls of the evaporator.
  4. Drainage tube for removing liquid from the device.
  5. Condenser (hot heat exchanger). Located at the “outlet” of air from the device. Raises the air temperature to the required levels so as not to “freeze” the room.
  6. Control panel that regulates the intensity and level of condensation, temperature regime escaping air.

The operating principle of dehumidifiers is based on the condensation of moisture from the air. The device works as follows:

  1. With the help of fans, air from the room enters the device.
  2. Air enters the evaporator. Due to a sharp temperature change, moisture condenses (transitions from gaseous to liquid state).
  3. Drops of the resulting liquid flow down the evaporator tubes into a special collection container. When a certain level is reached, water is removed from the dehumidifier using drainage pipes.
  4. The dried air passes through the radiator with high temperature and, before going into the room, it heats up to the desired temperature.
  5. The room is saturated with dry and warm air.

Homemade dehumidifier options

To make a dehumidifier for an apartment with your own hands, you need to understand the principles by which the device works. The workflow is ensured thanks to one of three principles:

  1. Heating is an increase in air temperature.
  2. Absorption is the physical process of concentration of dissolved water at the contact surface of two phases (gaseous and solid/liquid).
  3. Condensation is the process of transition of a substance from a gaseous to a liquid state.

To make a homemade dehumidifier, you need to create a system that can create one of the specified processes. It would seem that the easiest way to remove moisture from a room is simple heating. But elevated temperatures and dry air will create problems no less serious than high humidity. Therefore, it is worth considering options with condensation or absorption.

A homemade device can be effective, but you should carefully monitor that the moisture concentration in the air does not drop to critical levels.

If factory dehumidifiers have humidity control sensors, then when making the device yourself, you should take care to resolve this issue.

The best way out of the situation is to buy a hygrometer. This device, designed to measure the moisture level in a room, will allow you to reliably control the situation.

Making your own absorption dehumidifier

To make a simple device for removing moisture using absorption, you will need the following items:

To make an absorption desiccant you will need silica gel

  • Two plastic bottles, each with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  • Nail, knitting needle, awl or needle.
  • Lighter or matches.
  • Gloves.
  • Knife, scissors.
  • Absorbent substance. The best option– silica gel. These dried gel fractions perfectly absorb moisture. The advantage of silica gel is repeated use without loss of properties. After use, the substance is dried and ready for use again. For a bottle dehumidifier, about 250 grams of absorbent is enough.
  • Fan. A USB fan or cooler used in computer cooling systems is suitable. The fan can be powered by a USB drive or charger from mobile phone. There are options for arranging the working mechanism on a battery or batteries. It all depends on available materials, capabilities and skills.


  1. Holes are made in one of the bottles using a heated nail. You should be careful when heating the nail, to avoid accidental burns you should use fabric gloves.
  2. A bottle with holes is cut into two equal halves with a knife.
  3. The other half is placed in the bottom half of the bottle with holes so that the neck is pointing down. A cap with numerous holes must be screwed onto the neck. A heated awl or needle is suitable for this.
  4. The existing absorbent is poured into the upper half of the bottle.
  5. The bottom of the second bottle is cut off.
  6. A small fan is placed in the container, which will drive air towards the cut bottom. The fan is placed at a distance of 8-10 cm from the cut bottom. The cap is screwed off the neck to ensure air flow to the fan.
  7. The container with the fan is carefully placed on the bottle with the absorbent. The joint is carefully rewound with insulating tape to seal it.

The homemade dehumidifier is ready. A homemade bottle dehumidifier will allow you to remove moisture from the air quietly and efficiently.

Making a condenser dehumidifier from a refrigerator

This method is more complicated, but you can also easily find the necessary components for it. The basis of the design will be old refrigerator. It must be in working order.

What will you need?

The design of the condenser dryer is based on an old refrigerator.

  • Plexiglas sheets (thickness not less than 3 mm).
  • Fan. A power of about 100 W is sufficient.
  • Pressure plastic grille.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Cutter or hacksaw for metal.


  1. The doors are carefully removed from the freezer and refrigerator compartments of the refrigerator. Most models have the ability to remove the doors, so these steps will not be difficult.
  2. Plexiglas sheets are measured and cut according to the size of the doors.
  3. A hole is cut at a distance of 35 cm from the edges of the plexiglass plate. It will serve to install the fan. The dimensions of the hole must correspond to the dimensions of the pressure plastic grid.
  4. The fan and grille are installed. Self-tapping screws are used for fixation. The fan should be positioned in such a way that air is blown through the grille into the refrigerator.
  5. Holes are drilled in the upper part of the plexiglass. The total area of ​​the holes should be equal to the size occupied by the fan.
  6. Plexiglas is mounted in place of the doors. Silicone or electrical tape is used for sealing.

After completing the work, all that remains is to turn on the refrigerator and fan. The air will be drawn by the fan into the compartment with the operating compressor. Here the air is dried and discharged through holes in the plexiglass.

When properly installed, such a device can reduce indoor humidity by 10%.

In addition to dehumidification, such a refrigerator device works well to cool the air in the room.

Humidity of more than 70% has a beneficial effect on plants in a greenhouse, but has a detrimental effect on human health. High humidity in an apartment or house contributes to the appearance of mold and fungi, the development of microorganisms, and leads to diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, high performance affects performance and service life household appliances, condition of furniture and other interior items. You can reduce humidity levels and bring them to the standards of GOST 30494-96 using a functional device - an air dehumidifier.

Why is there high indoor humidity?

There are a huge number of reasons that lead to high humidity levels. The most common are:

  • incorrect organization ventilation system in the apartment, its contamination or complete absence;
  • lack of thermal insulation in the house or its installation does not meet construction requirements;
  • installation of sealed double-glazed windows, which leads to inadequate natural air exchange in the room;
  • improper organization of waterproofing in the house, especially for apartments on the ground floor;
  • performance repair work in the room;
  • installing an oversized bathtub or jacuzzi;
  • presence of a swimming pool in the house.

Mini dehumidifier for an apartment: features of the model range

Ballu BDH-25L

Processes 210 m3 of air in 24 hours of uninterrupted operation. It eliminates up to 25 liters of water, is equipped with a hydrostat, electronically controlled. With its help, you can reduce humidity levels to the required parameters in 2 hours. The device has automatic control and turns off when the tank is filled with liquid. Its main disadvantage is the small tank volume of 6.5 liters. At high humidity levels, it fills within 12 hours;


Able to adjust the intensity of drying the room to the humidity levels in it. It works autonomously. With constant operation, the device increases the temperature in the room by a couple of degrees, which is especially unacceptable in the summer. Its main disadvantage is noise;


It is distinguished by its compact size and aesthetic appearance. It is capable of eliminating no more than 10 liters of water in 24 hours, which allows it to be used in a room of up to 20 m2.

Important! When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the noise level of the device, which, in accordance with sanitary standards should not exceed 40 dB.

But it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive device in a store. You can make it yourself from scrap materials with very little effort.

Do-it-yourself air dehumidification: relevance of application

A DIY dehumidifier can be used:

  • in domestic premises, garage, basement;
  • in rooms where a large aquarium is installed;
  • in unheated attic spaces;
  • in the cellar, in the wine room;
  • in sports locker rooms, libraries;
  • in the greenhouse;
  • in an apartment or private house.

Do-it-yourself household dehumidifiers for apartments: types of devices

  • Refrigeration type, which by means of condensation of moisture leads to its removal from the air in a closed room.
  • Adsorption type, with which you can quickly remove excess moisture from the room. The principle of its operation is based on the interaction of a special moisture-absorbing substance and air in a closed space.
  • Membrane type, in which air passes through membranes.

Homemade adsorption dehumidifier for home

The adsorption dryer is the easiest to install. To successfully complete the task you must:

  • take 2 plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters;
  • using a hot thin metal knitting needle, make many small holes in the bottom of one bottle;
  • cut the bottle with the finished holes in half;
  • in the upper half, in the lid, also make small holes;
  • insert the second part into the first half of the bottle, neck down;
  • V finished design add 200 g of adsorbent;
  • cut off the bottom from the second bottle;
  • the second bottle is inserted into the first container with adsorbent;
  • the joint is fixed with tape or adhesive tape to ensure tightness.

Silica gel, which has high moisture absorption rates, is ideal as an adsorbent. In addition, it can always be dried in the oven, ensuring the material is reusable.

Important! To improve the functionality of the dehumidifier with plastic bottles install a computer fan at a distance of no more than 10 cm, which will supply moist air to the device.

How to make your own dehumidifier from an old refrigerator

A condensation type device is more complex, but still, if you try a little, you can make it yourself. To complete the task you must:

  • Remove the doors from the old refrigerator by unscrewing the hinges;
  • measure the doors and cut out the same element of their plexiglass with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • measure the diagonal of a household fan that will be used in a homemade device;
  • step back 40 cm from the bottom of the plexiglass and cut a hole corresponding to the diameter of the fan;
  • fix the fan in the hole using self-tapping screws so that it provides air supply to the inside of the refrigerator;
  • at the top of the plate, drill a hole for installing a hose for removing liquid;
  • the hose is fixed on the plate;
  • in place of the traditional door, an updated plexiglass element is installed and fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • all joints are treated with sealant to create a complete structure;
  • a container is installed to collect waste liquid.

Such a device will reduce indoor humidity levels by 10%.

Important! A condensation dehumidifier reduces not only the humidity in the room, but also the temperature by up to 5 degrees, which is an excellent option for use in the summer. To use a homemade condensation dehumidifier in cold weather, you should install the heater directly on the door or on the top of the device. The air flows from the fan and heater must intersect.

Important Notes

When organizing air dehumidification in a room, it is necessary to accurately determine the humidity indicators. After all, too dry air in a room is just as destructive. To measure the humidity in a room, a special device is used - a hygrometer. In the event that its indicators exceed 70%, dehumidification of the room is simply necessary. Indicators of 80% humidity are critical, as they serve as an ideal environment for the rapid development of fungi and mold. It is much easier to prevent their appearance than to fight them.

Homemade dehumidifier is not entirely aesthetic appearance. That is why many people use such devices to drain utility rooms. By installing the device, you can reduce the humidity to acceptable levels in a matter of hours.